Nancy said in a panic, "Someone overdosed Mr. Landon's medicine. We have to get down there right now."

Charles was shocked when he heard it. He hurried to take her to the hospital.

"What happened?"

When she saw Landon's pale face, she panicked.

"It seems that he had taken too much medicine!" Sarah said with a sad face.

"Erin!" Nancy yelled.

"Dr. Nancy, I only administered him with a single dose of medicine that I had prepared. I don't know who overdosed him with an additional dose." Erin was struggling for words. She was so worried that she was about to cry.

"Give him some water," Nancy ordered.

"Right away." Then, Jay went to fetch some water for his grandpa.

"This is a medical accident. We must find out how this happened. Check the surveillance footage," Charles ordered his people to get the surveillance video.

"Is that Jessie Wang?" guessed Charles.

Nancy shook her head, "No, that's impossible. Jessie might be narrow-minded, but she wouldn't use such an extreme method. It's totally against medical ethics and not in line with the moral quality of a doctor!"

"Then who coul


One morning, when she was still sleeping, a noise in the yard suddenly woke her up.

"Jay, I'm here..." There was a voice of a strange woman with arrogance.

"Who is it?" murmured Doris as she rubbed her bleary eyes.

Doris got up and walked slowly to the window with her crutch.

A girl with yellow hair was walking in the yard, dragging a suitcase. Her nose was too high and her chin was too pointed. The whole person looked a little sharp.

After taking a shower, Jay was rubbing his hair with a towel in pure white pajamas. When he heard a woman's voice, he frowned unhappily. He knew that Winnie Wang would definitely come to find him as soon as she came back.

He threw away the towel impatiently and went downstairs leisurely.

The morning light in summer was a bit dazzling. He squinted and stood on the marble steps of the villa. "Winnie, you haven't graduated yet. Why did you come back now?"

As soon as Winnie Wang saw him, she threw her suitcase away, opened her arms and trotted over. She pouted and said, "Of course I came back because I miss you. You must be missing me too, right?"