Dorothy was about to explode in rage, realizing that she had never been insulted like this in her entire life.

"You bitch! Just wait and see, Doris! I may not be able to do something to Nancy now that Charles is protecting her, but're no one! I won't let you off the hook!"

"Humph! I don't need anyone to watch my back. I'm not scared of you." Doris rolled up her sleeves as she spoke. Then, boasting an arrogant smug, she continued, "You wanna fight? Come on! Bring it on!"

"You, humph!" Dorothy belted those words as she stamped her foot and walked away with the almost unconscious Charles.

Meanwhile, Doris just merely watched Dorothy's sullen back as the latter disappeared. And when the former finally entered the room, her sight was graced with Jay passed out on the sofa.

'Just how much did they drink?' she thought, looking at the bottles.

"Hey, Jay, wake up, wake up..." Doris called, slightly nudging his arm.

"Huh?! What are you doing?" Jay mumbled, but his eyes remained shut.

Fortunately, Doris was quite a big woman who had a sturdy build. If it was Nancy, she would not be able to support Jay at all.

"You jerk! What do you think I will do to you? Of course, I'm gonna take you home!" she cursed, trying to lift him up. Placing his arm on her shoulder while she supported his torso, Doris slowly guided him out of the bar.

Although she wanted to take him ho

her remaining courage, she kicked one of those men hard in his balls, catching him off guard.

"Take off the bitch's clothes now!" he cried out while grabbing his organ.

"Okay. This one's feisty, but she is beautiful. Come on, girl!"

The men started tearing her clothes apart. Enraged, she snatched the cup on the table and smashed it against one man's head.

"Oh, mother! Beat this bitch to death!"

the man spluttered while blood started to flow out of his head.

"Help! Help!" Doris shouted helplessly as she struggled to break free from them.

Meanwhile, Jay had just woken up, feeling so empty to open his eyes alone on the familiar bed.

But then, after seeing his washed clothes hanging dry, a warm sensation tingled inside him. He was certain that it was she who took care of him last night.

He was feeling elated until he caught sight of her note.

'This girl's bark is really worse than her bite,' he thought.

Even with a cold letter, Jay thought it would be heartless not to pay her back for all her efforts last night. So, after getting dressed, he immediately drove off to the hospital to take her out for lunch.

But as soon as he was about to step in her clinic, he was petrified to hear her call for help. And while the frightened voice penetrated his ears, a bad feeling rose in his heart.

Wasting no time, he picked up a chair and forcefully bang it to the door.