Chapter 103 Why Would He fall In Love With Nancy

"Don't worry, I can walk on my own," said Charles with a wicked smile.

To prove his point that he could walk by himself, he took a few steps forward.

He really could walk on his own. It was hardly noticeable that he had been hurt unless one would look at him carefully.

"Then why are you being so sentimental just now?" Nancy whined while complaining.

"Can I not pretend to be like a spoiled child in front of my woman? Would you like me to act like this in front of other women?" Having said that, Charles leaned towards her seductively and asked in a gentle voice, "Would it really not bother you if I do that?"

Nancy felt annoyed and said, "I won't be bothered at all. Of course you can do what you want."

With a knowing smile, Charles turned around to leave and walked towards the door. Upon reaching it, he said, "Woman, you are definitely a liar."

Nancy's face suddenly flushed red with embarrassment.

In the meeting where the bidding was held,

the CEOs from the leading companies of this city had arrived.

Up until now, Charles actually paid no attention to that land in the south of the city. His interest was only piqued this morning because of the call he received from Jay. He found out that Caspar and Fannie were very much interested in it because they planned

smiled complacently, already tasting victory in her mouth.

But just as the host was about to put the hammer down, Charles announced, "TS Group will make a bid of 4 billion. Anyone with a higher price?"

People sighed in surprise, but nobody answered.

"What? It's Charles again!" Fannie gritted her teeth in anger.

Caspar stopped bidding and had to give up. He felt frustrated.

He knew very well that no one could stop Charles from getting that piece of land if he wanted it. To continue with the bidding would be futile because he would not win against Charles.

Defeated, Caspar stood up and left.

Fannie followed behind him hurriedly.

"How can you be such a fool, Fannie? Now that Charles has set his eyes on targeting us, we will suffer a lot from now on!" Caspar screamed out of frustration while walking out of the door.

"But wasn't Charles involved in a relationship with Dorothy before? I even saw them together in the news headline. I really don't understand what's wrong with him!"

"There is just one simple explanation. Charles fell in love with Nancy. Don't you get it at all?" Caspar said each word fiercely.

"But why would Charles fall in love with Nancy?" Fannie asked stubbornly, still unwilling to believe that Charles could indeed fall in love with Nancy.