Chapter 95 Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

Dorothy was a close friend of Charles. Additionally, she and Joseph grew up together.

When they were still kids, Dorothy felt closer to Joseph.

As time went by, Joseph and Derrick took the Zhuang family off their business. Due to that incident, Dorothy's parents had pressured her to stop meeting with Joseph.

Since then, she grew even closer to Charles. As the two of them spent more time together, people considered them as a couple.

"Yes, Miss Dorothy. Zhuang don't carelessly believe the words of a mere child," Nancy echoed.

Charles simply gave her a cold glance. However, the faint smile in his eyes made her nervous.

With a cold sweat, Nancy felt a bad premonition in her gut.

During breakfast, both kids kept calling Nancy Mommy as if it was on purpose.

The two children had kept her quite busy. As she took one bottle to one child, she also fed water to the other.

"Well, the kids are already full. This one is for you. Please enjoy it."

As soon as the kids finished their meal, they ran off to wash their hands. Charles then put some delicious food in front of Nancy.

A warm smile accompanied his gentle voice.

However, Dorothy felt loneliness and ache deep in her heart.

"Charles, I really enjoy eating braise

ss Charles is not accustomed to me yet. As the saying goes, absence makes the heart grow fonder. I think I should go home for now. Charles, can you send me back?" asked Dorothy as she raised her eyebrows.

"If you're fine with my disability, I can accompany you home." Charles's tone was flat.

"Don't worry, Charles. I will never dislike you. You'll always have a place in my heart because we were childhood sweethearts." Then, she supported Charles as they walked towards the gates.

"Be careful, both of you. Charles's injury has not completely healed yet." A warm smile painted Angelina's face.

"Don't worry, Auntie. I'll take care of him," said Dorothy with a grin.

"Thank you! That's very reassuring."

Then, Dorothy and Charles drove towards the villa.

In the living room of the Zhuang family villa, Drew Zhuang was leisurely drinking tea.

On the other hand, Sherry Yang was pruning the branches of flowers.

"Dorothy has just stayed abroad for a few years. Nonetheless, Charles couldn't bare the loneliness and messed around with that Nancy. Do you know how many rumors are circulating about that guy? Why is he so calm? That bastard doesn't care about Dorothy's feelings!" complained Sherry Yang as her face grew red with anger.