"Fuck off!" Ethan growled in a feral manner as the pain further fueled his anger.

"Ethan, don't touch me daughter!" Nancy held Nadia in her arms.

"Your daughter?" 'D-daughter!'

For a second, Ethan completely froze as his brain was unable to process the information it just acquired.

"She is your daughter?" Ethan laughed out, believing it to be a lie. "Nancy, are you saying that Nadia here, is your actual daughter?" asked Ethan—clearly in disbelief.

"Yes, Nadia is my daughter. I brought her in this world," said Nancy without a single quiver in her voice. Ethan was not the only one astounded by Nancy's big reveal. The one most shocked was none other than Nancy's best friend—Doris.

She felt like her whole world was spinning as nothing made sense to her. She was Nancy's closest friend, and yet she had no idea that

"Wow. Nancy, are you serious? Is she really your daughter? When did you give birth? Why did you keep it a secret from me?" Initially, she felt like a lightning bolt struck her with all of its might. But she quickly accustomed herself and showered Nancy with questions.

Nancy felt overwhelmed when she suddenly became the target of Doris' barrage of questions. Instead of answering, she just kept quiet, hoping that Doris would quickly tire herself out.

"Ah!" Nancy couldn't help but moan in pain as she suddenly felt someone's tight grip on her shoulder. Turning around, she came eye to eye with Ethan. He

ound, she got even angrier.

Therefore, her words were naturally unkind.

"Hey. Nancy. My son is already injured. Why are you still bothering him?

Moreover, it's entirely your fault, to begin with.

If not for you, then why else would my son go into that wilderness?"

"Grandma. Daddy was willing to help Mommy," said Bobby, as if correcting his Grandmother.

"You little boy.

It's all because of you, Nancy.

Ever since you came into our lives, Charles and Bobby no longer love me the same,"

said Angelina as she placed the thermos with a snort. "I'm sorry, Auntie,"

Nancy could only apologize. She knew that all of what Angelina said wasn't the truth.

However, she was indeed the reason why Charles got hurt. If not, Charles wouldn't be injured today.

It was the guilt that made her lose her confident and stubborn stance. She did owe him an apology, at least.

"Mom, can you stop talking?"

said Charles angrily, with a deep frown etched on his face.

"See. This is what I was talking about. Now even you hate me," complained Angelina without a pause.

"Mommy, did you find your baby?" asked Bobby softly.

This question worried his maturely immature brain the most. He was quite conflicted in his stance regarding the baby.

On the one hand, he hoped that Mommy could find her baby, but on the other hand, he was worried about a very important matter.

The matter in question being—What if he got jealous?