Charles was a cold man, but he had his own principles and limits. Not like Derrick, who never held himself to any limits when it came to doing things.

"But I hope that Mommy will take care of Daddy," Bobby said in his tiny voice. He then lightly bit his thumb after he spoke.

Nancy coughed uncomfortably at Bobby's words. "Ok, Bobby. Your Daddy drank too much and needs to rest. Be a good boy, I will take you to the canteen for dinner, okay?"

"I will go with you," Charles said. Charles' gloominess quickly faded away when he saw them together.

He decided to let it pass. If Nancy was not comfortable to tell him, he wouldn't ask her again in the future.

"So, you're coming with us? There are a lot of people in the canteen. Is it okay for you to be seen there?" Nancy felt worried that people might gossip about them when they saw Charles at the canteen.

"Why do you think that I am not suitable to be seen there? Bring me a razor and some clean clothes." Charles got up and checked how he looked in the mirror. He was not satisfied with how he looked at all.

"Daddy, you seem to be in a good mood whenever you see Mommy,

ewspapers only. Now, people stared at him like he was a kind of rare mythical beast, previously thought of as unreal. All the attention had made him feel uncomfortable and uneasy all over.

It was fortunate that he naturally looked arrogant and powerful, so, no one dared to approach him.

"Here you are!" Nancy said as she handed him the chicken plus rice.

Charles took the bowl from her without thanking her. He then lowered his head and began to eat slowly.

"Bobby, let's eat the noodles!" Nancy took a smaller bowl and filled it with noodles and wonton for Bobby. She then placed a small spoon in the bowl and handed the bowl to Bobby. "Be careful, Bobby. It's still hot. Don't get burned."

"Thank you, Mom..." Bobby stopped himself immediately before he could finish. He nervously covered his lips with his hand and turned to Nancy. "I'm sorry, Mommy. I forgot that there are many outsiders here."

"Mommy, I called you mommy again! But Mommy... ...if I don't call you Mommy..."

But Bobby was in such a hurry to explain that the wonton in his mouth got stuck in his throat. It wouldn't move and it made him gag and cough.