Without asking, Ruan Zeyan quickly waved to the servant, "send it to the young lady quickly."

Immediately, the man hugged his wife, "what did you say to Enron and let her eat obediently?"

"I promised her to see the boy in Longchuan." Ling Tianya said while watching TV.

Looking at his wife's appearance, Ruan Zeyan's face changed, "the dragon home has an ulterior intention. Long Zhen has long made the idea of Enron."

Ling Tianya knows what Ruan Zeyan is worried about. He is worried that all this is the conspiracy of the dragon family and his son. Longchuan is not sincere to Enron, but has another intention.

After a TV play was just finished, Ling Tianya looked back at her husband, "The reason why I am on your side and support you in Enron's confinement is not because she is in love, but because she secretly returns home regardless of danger. The little girl is too brave and should teach her some lessons. However, I think Enron has done nothing wrong with falling in love. She is an adult and has passed the legal age of marriage, As long as she wants, she can marry any man she loves. The reason why she can't decide her own marriage now is because she is your Ruan Zeyan's daughter. "

Ruan Zeyan's eyes grew darker, but he did not refute his wife's words. Because Ling Tianya's words are right.

Ling Tianya continued, "I've just talked to Enron. She didn't return home for Longchuan at first, but because of her worship for another boy. She returned home as a poor student, and you should find out. Therefore, I think Longchuan and even the dragon family don't know the real identity of Enron." Ling Tianya looked at Ruan Zeyan seriously, "In fact, you can think of all these things. You just don't want to face it. After all, the little lover who protected him from childhood suddenly has someone he likes. It's understandable that a father can't stand it. Therefore, should you thank my two dads and your two father-in-law? They didn't upset you at the beginning."

Ruan Zeyan, "..."

As he talked about it, it came to him.

Ling Tao didn't really upset him, but Cheng Chen did.

Thinking of these, Ruan Zeyan could no longer say anything.

Maybe it's really like what Ling Tianya said. The reason why he was so angry was that he could not face the fact that his beloved little daughter suddenly grew up and had a favorite person.

How did the little man who nestled in his arms and called his father grow up all at once?


On the bench outside Anxi gate, Longchuan sat there alone, his eyes full of thoughts and worries. Only after this day, he seemed to have experienced a century.

The inner suffering made him extremely painful. He had used all his forces and resources, but there was still no word from Ruan Enron.

Xiao Enron, where the hell are you?

The night before yesterday, right here, you said you would get married after graduation and never separate for a lifetime.

Longchuan's hand held the ring he bought in the morning. The huge diamond reflected the dazzling light under the illumination of the street lamp.

Lou Lan came slowly and quietly looked at Longchuan sitting there.

"You shouldn't be like this."

The girl's voice sounded, Longchuan looked up indifferently, glanced at Lou Lan, and ignored her.