Chapter 499 - I Don't Want to Die

Zhou Yan really didn’t know it, but he also felt that Wanru really cared about him very much. Even his grandfather said that his relationship with Wanru was much better than that with ordinary employees before.

Especially about what Wanru said to him last night at the wine party, after he went back, he thought about it again and again. He really didn’t remember what he was like before. Since Xia Yu was here, he might as well ask her.

Xia Yu told Zhou Yan how he knew Wanru and how she got there and worked in the clinic. She told Zhou Yan all that she knew.

Zhou Yan seemed to be absorbed in thought after hearing that. No wonder Wanru cared about him so much. It turned out that they had experienced so many things together.

After a while of chatting, when it was time to get off work, Xia Yu stood up and was about to leave. Zhou Yan also stood up. “Xia Yu, can you come and tell me about the past when you are free?”

“No problem. I am thinking about taking you to the sanatorium in a few days.” Xia Yu heard that Zhou Yan remembered a lot of things after seeing pictures of Ningjing, which meant that his memories about the things of Ningjing were particularly deep, so she planned to start with this.

“Why should we wait for a few days? Can’t we do it now?” Zhou Yan was eager to restore his memory right now, so he asked Xia Yu to accompany him to go there now.

“Because the weather today is different from that of that day.” Xia Yu thought that the same environment might help Zhou Yan recover better.

“Okay, then we just do it in a few days.” Zhou Yan no longer insisted and sent Xia Yu out.

Wanru was still waiting for Xia Yu outside. Seeing them come out together, she stood up. “Let’s go.”

“Zhou Yan, we are leaving.” Xia Yu waved her hand to Zhou Yan and then went out of the clinic with Wanru.

Seeing that Wanru didn’t talk all the time, Xia Yu knew that she was unhappy because of Zhou Yan’s affair, so she comforted her aside and said, “Zhou Yan has lost his memory now, so he doesn’t remember some things. Don’t blame him.”

“I don’t blame him. Maybe, I am too anxious.” Wanru, looking up at the pedestrians coming and going on the road, exhaled. But no matter how she adjusted herself, she still felt very stuffy in her heart.

“Wanru, give him some time, and he will be fine. You know what? He told me just now that he already remembered who Ningjing was. It means that he is recovering well.” Xia Yu told Wanru something about Zhou Yan.

“But he still loves Ningjing so much. He lost his memory and forgot everything, even including his grandpa, but he still remembers Ningjing.” Wanru uttered all these words unconsciously, and she blushed when she saw that Xia Yu was laughing at her and realized it.

“What does this matter? Even Grandpa Zhou thinks you two are a good match.” Xia Yu saw that she was bashful and laughed aside.

“Don’t kid me! I’m divorced, even with a child. He’s in such good conditions, and we are not right for each other.” Wanru kept waving her hand aside.

“But I think you match perfectly. And you know what? Grandpa Zhou admired you so much after he knew that you adopted Cheng Xi. He really wanted to let his grandson marry you, such a good girl, immediately.” She said, putting her arm around Wanru’s shoulder, “You can’t beat a retreat now. You also know he’s excellent. So, don’t let others take the opportunity to grab him away. Come on!”

“You are talking even more ridiculously. You should remember that I have a child now. How can ordinary people accept a woman like me? I don’t want to talk with you anymore.” Wanru blushed even more. That was right. She had a crush on Zhou Yan indeed. And she also felt Zhou Yan’s feelings for her.

But she had Cheng Xi beside her now. Although that kid was so little, he was really very sensitive. The child lost his parents at an early age, so Wanru didn’t want him to suffer a lot anymore.

Seeing through Wanru’s worry, Xia Yu went on to say, “That’s why I said that Zhou Yan was very suitable for you. You have adopted Cheng Xi for so long. Has he ever disliked Cheng Xi?”

He really had never disliked him. Wanru kept silent for a while, obviously pondering on her words.

Compared with Xia Yu and Wanru’s easy mood now, Zhou Jiamin was just like a frightened bird, who always felt during the day that someone was behind her and had nightmares almost every night, dreaming of Zeng Ziqiang standing in front of her gloomily. She felt that she was about to collapse. These days, she depended on drugs to remain calm almost every day.

“President Zhou, do you feel sick?” The eyes of Xiao Man who was her secretary fell on her face. She reached out and touched her forehead while speaking.

“I just had an auditory hallucination.”

Zhou Jiamin said painfully, feeling deeply helpless at this time. She took medicine every day and tried to relax as much as possible, but the auditory hallucination became more and more serious, not taking a turn for the better.

“Ah! So serious? Have you taken any medicine?” Xiao Man said anxiously, with her eyebrows wrinkled tightly.

“I have taken it just now.” As she was talking, there was another voice of scolding angrily in her ear, scolding her for being so cruel-hearted and ruthless. Suddenly, the cold voice that was far and near kept piercing into her ears, making her feel so painful.

Zhou Jiamin covered her ears and shouted as if she was going to freak out, “Stop speaking! Just stop!”

“President Zhou, calm down.” Xiao Man turned around and poured a glass of water for her, with her eyes turning red out of anxiety. “President Zhou, take one more pill if one didn’t work.”

Then she took out the medicine bottle from Zhou Jiamin’s bag while speaking. She poured out one pill and then put it in the palm of her hand. Looking at the white pill, Zhou Jiamin hesitated a little since the doctor had told her not to take more. But now her condition was getting worse and worse. Obviously, one pill did not work anymore.

She bit her lip and then put the pill into her mouth, which was swallowed with some water.

“You will be fine soon after you take the pill.”

Xiao Man kept pacifying Zhou Jiamin, whose head began to be so drowsy that the figure in front of her became a little blurry, and the voice gradually drifted away.

Xiao Man quietly closed the door and went out, seeing that Zhou Jiamin had fallen asleep.

“Jiamin, do you miss me?” It was unknown how long had passed. With a familiar voice sounding in her ear, Zhou Jiamin opened her heavy eyelids to look at her side. Zeng Ziqiang’s face came to her eyes. Although it was a little blurry, she could not mistake that face.

Zhou Jiamin couldn’t tell whether it was a dream or a hallucination now. When seeing Zeng Ziqiang, she was already drowned in tears.

She did want to get rid of him and replace him before, but after she succeeded and took his seat, she realized that it was not so easy. She was on tenterhooks every day and worried that all these things would be exposed. At night, she was also haunted by nightmares.

She was worn out already and really didn’t want to see Zeng Ziqiang’s face anymore, but it just haunted her every day and was lingering all the time. She still said to him against her will, “Yes, I miss you.”

Zhou Jiamin said and choked with sobs. She stretched out her hand to touch his face. A cold chill from the palm of the hand spread throughout the body.

Zeng Ziqiang took her hand, and she had no idea where he wanted to take her. Her head was groggy, and the sound of water flowed into her ears.

“Be obedient and lie in.” Zeng Ziqiang said softly, pointing his finger at the bathtub filled with water.


“Because only in this way can you really be with me. Jiamin, if you love me, just lie in.”

She lay in the bathtub by some chance. A bright smile appeared on the face of Zeng Ziqiang beside her. “So obedient! You only need to do one last thing, and then we’ll be together forever.”

He squatted down in front of Zhou Jiamin and took her hands. Then she got a cold object in the palm. When Zhou Jiamin looked at her hand, her body suddenly shivered violently several times. It was a fruit knife with a cold light on the blade.

Zhou Jiamin threw the knife to the ground and looked at the man in front of her in shock. She shook her head desperately and said in a trembling voice, “No! No!”

“Jiamin, don’t you want to be with me? You said before that you liked me.”

Zeng Ziqiang’s face looked sad and disappointed, and his tone was full of resentment. Then he picked up the knife on the ground and put it in her palm again.

Zhou Jiamin clenched her fist tightly and did not loosen. She cried and said to him, “Ziqiang, don’t force me.”

Hearing that she didn’t want to do that, Zeng Ziqiang’s face changed, and it became hideous and distorted. The sharp and cold words spilled from his mouth. “Zhou Jiamin, you killed me. I was so rich before, and I should have enjoyed my wealthy life! But now, I can no longer enjoy the good life or realize my dream. You repeatedly said that you liked me and missed me, but why don’t you want to come down to be with me? You are just a hypocritical and timid liar.”

“I’m not… Sorry! Sorry…” In the end, Zhou Jiamin didn’t know what to say. She was confused, and she felt that she already had an emotional breakdown. Seeing the face of Zeng Ziqiang made her afraid.

“If you want my forgiveness, just pick up the knife. Jiamin, don’t be afraid. It won’t hurt, and soon we will be together forever and never part.”

Zeng Ziqiang vigorously opened Zhou Jiamin’s clenched fist. Zhou Jiamin’s body was limp. So, even if she exhausted all her strength, her fingers were still separated by him one after another. Then the knife was put back in her hand which was held tightly by Zeng Ziqiang’s fist.

“No, I don’t want to die. What about Mina if I am dead? I cannot leave her alone.” Zhou Jiamin begged him, crying. Now she didn’t even have the strength to resist. She could only touch Zeng Ziqiang with good words and persuade him to let her go.

She told herself that it was just a dream, and everything would be fine as she woke up.

She thought of something and suddenly wanted to bite her own tongue to wake herself up, while she suddenly felt a chill in her wrist at this time. Then the stabbing pain came to her. Zhou Jiamin was terrified and watched the red blood gushing out of her wrist constantly, which stained the water in the bathtub.

“All right! We will be together soon. Jiamin, don’t cry, and you should be happy.” Zeng Ziqiang said softly, looking at her bleeding wrist, with a cold and cruel smile on his lips.

She gradually lost her consciousness, feeling that her body was getting colder and colder. Just as she was about to sink into the endless darkness, she heard someone calling her with great anxiety.

Zhou Jiamin opened her heavy eyes, only to see vaguely Li Tianci’s expressionless face which looked so panic at this time.

Her bleeding wrist was tied with a towel, and her body was taken out of the bathtub. She fell into a strong and warm chest. At the last moment when she was about to pass out because of her excessive loss of blood, she said to Li Tianci, “You must… You must save me, and I can’t die.”

It was unknown how long had passed. Zhou Jiamin felt that someone was calling her, and she struggled to open her eyes, only to see nothing but the total whiteness in front of her.

“Jiamin, you finally woke up! That is great! Great!”

Zhou Jiamin turned her head and looked aside. She saw Li Tianci whose face looked pale and haggard, with bloodshot eyes and messy hair. The clothes on him seemed to have been left unwashed for a few days, the collar of which was full of wrinkles.