Chapter 343 - Young Master Mo Came Over in Person

Chapter 343 Young Master Mo Came Over in Person

"So, why do you think he didn't want Zeng Family to participate in?" Zeng Quan looked at Xia Yu's eyes and asked.

Xia Yu said, "Your question really baffles me. I am not him, so how do I know?"

Zeng Quan touched his nose with his hand and said with a smile, "Maybe I should ask in this way. If you were him, would you want Zeng Family to participate in?"

"The problem is that I am not him. Zeng Quan, you and I both work in Shen Group. We all know about the company's system. So out of position, out of administration. Since most of the directors of the company have approved it, I guess that they must have a point. And we just have to do our own work. Do you think so?" After a series of questions, it seemed that he was interrogating her. Therefore, Xia Yu could not help frowning.

Perhaps Zeng Quan also found that his way of asking questions was somewhat wrong. He quickly explained, "Xia Yu, I am sorry. You probably can't accept my way of speaking, but I really don't mean anything. Before yesterday, I might have some misunderstanding about you and thought that you were so scheming. But what you did for the victims yesterday really touched me. I know that you are not with Young Master Yan for money and fame as they said. But I just feel that Young Master Yan did it with a touch of emotion. It is too impetuous and does no good to the company."

"Zeng Quan, your performance yesterday didn't look fake either. We are ordinary people, and we are not saints. We work for ideals to some extent, but more for survival and for the family. It's not easy for us to have such a good job now, so we just have to do the right thing and have a clear conscience. Do you think so?" This person was a bookworm, who was so stubborn. Arguing with him would be very hard. Xia Yu did not want to discuss this topic with him.

However, it seemed that Zeng Quan would not give up until she was persuaded. In the stalemate, a familiar voice came over. "Xia Yu, you worked hard yesterday."

"Young Master Mo, how did you come here?" Xia Yu looked back and saw Shen Mo walking towards them. She greeted him at once.

Zeng Quan just called him Young Master Mo and then walked toward the tent of Shen Group with his head lowered.

As soon as he entered, Section Chief Xu and Xiaoliu surrounded him. "You are very familiar with Xia Yu. It seems that you want to fawn on Young Master Yan. Young Master Yan is in his prime. You will have a promising future if you follow him."

"What are you talking about? If I were a social climber, I wouldn't be just a small staff member now after having worked in the company for three years." Zeng Quan said with anger. He picked up a bottle of water on the side and opened it to drink.

"Do you feel embarrassed to admit it? You followed Xia Yu yesterday so complaisantly." Xiaoliu was embarrassed to say anything about him on the side.

"She is a woman. Could I just watch her working on the side?" Zeng Quan was angry. He didn't like Shen Yan for many reasons, but Xia Yu was definitely a sincere person. As a colleague, why couldn't he help her?

What was more, this was also the work within his duty, wasn't it? How could Xiaoliu say that he followed her complaisantly?

"Well, Xiaoliu! Don't you know what kind of person Zeng Quan is? Don't talk about these useless things. Where is Xia Yu? Why didn't she come back with you?" Section Chief Xu interrupted their words at once. It was not appropriate for them to argue in such a teeming place.

"Xia Yu and Young Master Mo are talking outside." Zeng Quan answered truthfully.

Section Chief Xu glanced at Xiaoliu with a clear meaning that she was just outside, but you still talked so loudly. You would lose your job if she heard it.

Xiaoliu was not convinced but did not say anything anymore. He turned his body and sat down aside to watch his mobile phone.

Section Chief Xu did not care about him. He said to Zeng Quan, "You must be tired yesterday. Lie down and have a rest. We will handle the work here."

Section Chief Xu originally wanted Xia Yu and Zeng Quan to do the work after they came back as they enjoyed the work. She just catered to their pleasure. But she didn't expect Shen Mo to come over in person. In front of Young Master Mo, she had to perform well. So, she kept herself spirits up to work.

On the open space outside, Shen Mo talked with Xia Yu while walking. "This time the disaster in Liang County is too serious. You also know that my grandmother is always passionate about charity. If she weren't old like this, she would come over in person."

Shen Mo's words were not exaggerated as Old Madame really supported charity programs. Taking Yangyang's case for example, last time she did not have to go to the hospital in person to see Yangyang originally. But after listening to Xia Yu's introduction, she insisted on going there in person.

Shen Yan also said that Old Madame became what she was now after she lost her husband and son overnight. It was really hard for her, an old people to support such a big family all by herself.

Xia Yu was a little distracted when thinking of the Old Madame. Seeing Shen Mo looking at her, she smiled and said, "Many towns and villages in Liang County are in the mountains. The heavy rain these days have caused the landslide. Roads of many places have been destroyed. It's really hard."

They chatted about the disaster while walking, and soon they came to the tent of their company. Section Chief Xu worked harder. Xia Yu saw her sweating heavily out of work alone, rushing to help her.

"Xia Yu, you just come back. Just sit down and take a break. Xiaoliu and I will handle the things here. Xiaoliu, move the box of water to me. Hurry up. I'm waiting." Section Chief Xu called Xiaoliu on the side as she saw that he was senseless.

As Shen Mo came over, Xiaoliu didn't dare to loaf on the job anymore. He quickly went to move the water. But this young man was used to working in the office, and a box of water weighed dozens of kilograms. So, he couldn't move it at all.

Xiaoliu's face was red. He put forth all his strength and barely moved the box for two steps. But he staggered, as if there was a danger of falling down at any time.

Xia Yu saw that it was really hard for him, so she planned to help him. At this time, Shen Mo had already come to him. He clasped the packaging tape with his hand and raised it with one hand.

Xiaoliu blushed more seriously. He lowered his head and was afraid of facing people then. It was too shameful. They always said in the office that the young masters were all embroidered pillows, which were pleasant to the eye but of no use. But at this time, he found that he was actually the incapable one.

"Xiaoliu, you can go with me to move the instant noodles." Xia Yu thought that instant noodles were not so heavy. She could move it. So did Xiaoliu.

"Okay!" Xiaoliu followed Xia Yu to move instant noodles.

Zeng Quan sat and rested for a while. Seeing that Xia Yu was working, he was too embarrassed to sit still. He also came out to move the water with Shen Mo. Several people worked together. Soon the goods were neatly arranged.

They still ate instant noodles at noon. Zeng Quan was not picky, sitting on the side and tucking into the food with zest. However, Section Chief Xu was quite reluctant. She ate it all day yesterday. She felt nauseated to see it again.

However, Shen Mo ate with them together. Even if there were restaurants in the town, she did not dare to seek for personal privileges.

After all, Shen Mo's identity would not change. Although he came over to relieve the people in disaster and couldn't be so extravagant, it couldn't be called the special treatment to make a few hot dishes for him. After the staff of Liang County responsible for the disaster relief were arranged well, someone came to invite Shen Mo.

"Young Master Mo, you've worked hard. It's a humble place here, and I am really sorry." Seeing that Shen Mo was eating instant noodles, the staff was very embarrassed.

"You are so polite, Section Chief Yan. The disaster relief matters more. Just go to work. You don't need to serve me." Shen Mo said, "Compared with the victims, I am already lucky enough."

"Young Master Mo cares about the victims so much. I really admire you. In this case, I will not bother you then. Please call me if there is any trouble." Seeing that Shen Mo started to eat, the staff said a few words and walked away.

Since the engineers had repaired a part of the road in a hurry yesterday, some people in the disaster area could come over to receive the supplies. Today was much busier than yesterday.

Shen Mo supervised in person, so Section Chief Xu did not dare to be lazy at all. Before the sun went down, she was already fagged out. She slumped down in the chair on the side and couldn't get up then.

Xia Yu gave her a bottle of water to drink and let her rest in the chair. They would do the work of counting the rest goods and materials.

Xia Yu knew that Section Chief Xu was accustomed to being treated well, and Shen Mo was also a pampered man. He could bear this kind of food once or twice. But she was afraid that he couldn't stand it after a long time.

Xia Yu thought about it and said, "I saw that the employees of the nearby company brought the pots and pans. I'll borrow some from them to cook dishes later. What do you think of it?"

Cook dishes? Yourself? Section Chief Xu said in her heart. She could cook, but she was too lazy to move now. She had no strength to cook then.

There were two women here, and the other one was Xia Yu. Section Chief Xu didn't mean to beat her up. But considering her tender and delicate hands, she didn't look like someone who could cook well at all.

Section Chief Xu automatically ignored men. Shen Mo, a young master, who was used to being pampered, couldn't cook certainly. Would he cook himself? Impossible. Xiaoliu, a person who couldn't move a box of water certainly, was not able to do housework. As for Zeng Quan, he was willing to endure hardships and could do the tough work. But when it came to cooking, Section Chief Xu really didn't believe in him.

Analyzing the situation on the spot, she firmly decided to eat instant noodles. She opened her mouth and was just going to speak. Then Shen Mo said on the side, "Good idea. Xiaoliu, you just go to borrow a pot. Xia Yu, I am going to do the grocery shopping with you. I'll help you cook when we come back later."

Shen Mo had once eaten the dishes cooked by Xia Yu, and he really missed the taste. At noon, he had the thought to let Xia Yu cook. But he didn't say it as he saw that she was tired. While this time she offered it herself, he responded to her first naturally.

As Shen Mo said it, Xiaoliu didn't dare to neglect it. He rushed to borrow pots and pans.

Xia Yu originally wanted Zeng Quan to accompany her to do the grocery shopping. After all, it was a meal for five people. She had to buy both rice and food, so there must be many things. It could be very toilsome. But Shen Mo volunteered to go with her. It was not proper to refuse him.

Xia Yu stood up and said, "Well, let's go to do the grocery shopping now!"

Shen Mo followed Xia Yu, walking out of the resting tent together. Section Chief Xu looked at their backs, as if talking to herself or as if saying to Zeng Quan. "Things shouldn't be like this. It has spread across the company that Xia Yu hates Young Master Mo deeply as he has abandoned her cousin, and they are almost incompatible as water and fire. And she is always against Zeng Mina because she wants to avenge her cousin. But today she has tacit cooperation with Young Master Mo, and they don't seem to have a deep grudge."

"Don't you understand this? They came out to work. How is it possible for them to bring personal emotions here? You should know that there are many reporters here." Zeng Quan said.