Chapter 1069

After two days of exposure, the soil on the ground has recovered its hardness, but it will not become muddy when trampled a little. Repeated trampling will still become soft.

One horse's hoof after another trampled down heavily. When the horse's hoof stepped up, it turned over a piece of mud, and a horse's hoof pit mark of about five or six centimeters was left on the ground.

Habibra looked back and forth at the two Han light cavalry on the left and right wings. They were far away. Then there was a piece of smoke and dust on the cavalry galloping. In fact, he didn't really see how many people there were and what kind of equipment they were.

The Sassanian army met the Han Army face to face without knowing it. Fortunately, the terrain on this side was flat. The two sides saw each other far away. If they were in a place with complex terrain, they should see each other and fight the next moment.

"Let the cavalry out!" Habibila was not so sure whether the Han army was equipped with firearms, and had little confidence in organizing positive defense: "the troops on the back line had better be pulled back!"

No matter how he said it, habibila was a high-level official and had never seen the scene of firearm power with his own eyes, but he could know from some channels how to face the Han army with firearms.

In short, when fighting with the gun troops of the Han Army, we must not put down a dense formation, or we will send heads to the artillery of the Han army.

Then again, once the charge is launched, don't hesitate. Be sure to rush up as fast as possible and mix with the Han soldiers.

The current Sassanian army is not in an offensive position. Because of the mixed formation of infantry and cavalry, they found that the Han army was all cavalry. According to the tradition, they chose to stop to rectify and arrange the necessary defense front formation.

The range occupied by about 50000 step rides is not small, and the occupied space is increasing after being placed.

This area is absolutely flat terrain. There is no slope, no dense vegetation, and even a few trees. At a glance, it is a gray yellow surface.

About 6000 Sassanian cavalry attacked under the command of habibura. Shortly after they left the array, they were divided into two columns, one with about 4000 cavalry and the other with about 2000 cavalry, respectively facing the Han cavalry from the left and right wings.

On the battlefield, drums and bugles have been ringing for a long time.

The main war instrumental music of the Persians is a trombone horn, which sounds like the low cry of an elephant. They have used this instrument for more than a thousand years, and their opponents have always been unaccustomed to this war horn. The evaluation given by the Romans is soft.

Now, the Han army is listening to the trombone horn on the other side of the Sassanian army. The evaluation that countless people have in mind is "decadent sound".

Sassanne doesn't just have a war instrument. They actually have war drums. It's a flat drum. It sounds crisp when it's beating. It's strong without war instruments.

Each country will have its own war musical instruments. Taking the Han Army as an example, it uses horns and war drums, which will sound strong.

What the Han people know is that the Roman war musical instrument is mainly a bronze trumpet. The sound wave will not be too long. It is probably a "dudududududui" rhythm.

The Yu Lin army did not carry war drums, but a trumpeter carried a horn shaped horn.

The war musical instruments of the Han Army, when carrying war drums, will be sounded continuously after the war, and the horn will be sounded only when conveying military orders.

Now on the battlefield, the sounds of war instruments are all from the Persians, which makes the officers of the Han Army wonder what the Persians should be like when they constantly use war instruments to make noise and wait for military orders to be conveyed by war instruments.

On the battlefield, the sound of drums and trombones continued, the trampling of horses' hoofs continued, and Sassanian infantry began to shout constantly.

"What are they shouting?" Li Jun asked the Persian translator: "how do you listen to the syllables so fixed?"

The interpreter listened and replied, "it's the sound of killing and the names of some gods."

"There should be no language other than Chinese in this world!" Li Jun showed a disdainful expression: "it sounds so strange!"

What translation can do is to nod in agreement.

One of the Han cavalry attacking from the left and right wings is about to come into contact with the two thousand Sassanian cavalry.

Another Han cavalry on the right wing, they are making a big detour, taking the 4000 or so Sassanian cavalry around in circles.

The cavalry of the Han army gathered up the long line in the movement and gradually became three cavalry teams. Each cavalry team was accompanied by two cavalry, followed by paoze knights who drove side by side.

Looking down from a high altitude, you can see that the cavalry of the Han Army has elongated three long lines. The lines are not absolutely straight. On the contrary, they are distorted like snakes and will constantly change shape under the leadership of the knights in front.

Explained by the war formation of Zhuxia, the three cavalry teams of the Han army were all arranging the long snake array. This cavalry formation is not used for charging. It is mainly to pull the enemy's formation and attack with long-range weapons after entering range.

Every Knight of the Han army will keep a safe distance of more than three meters from paoze, making the formation look elongated again.

The light cavalry of the Han army were mainly equipped with a spear, a sword with curved range, a crossbow and a bow. Because it's a light cavalry, the war horse doesn't have any defensive armor. In fact, it wears a light cavalry style leather armor.

The so-called cavalry style armor is a type of skirt armor. The length of skirt armor covers the thighs.

Leather Armor basically has no great effect on defending melee weapons, and the defense against long-range possession of metal arrowheads is not high. Unless it is the arrow with bone or stone arrowheads, it is actually to prevent scratches, and it is a kind of psychological comfort.


Soldiers of different languages and different camps drink at almost the same time.

The cavalry of the Han Army did not use crossbow. Knights who entered the shooting range were fired with bows and arrows.

On the other side of the Sassanian army, professional archers use a large bow, while ordinary cavalry use an angle bow.

The bows used by the Han Army and Persian archers look very similar in appearance. The length of the bow body is longer than that of the ordinary bow, and the arrow shaft used is also slightly longer.

The sound of bowstring is not obvious in the thundering sound of horse's hooves. The launched arrows fly in mid air. When they fall, only a few of them hit the Knights and horses. Once a person is shot, most of the arrows penetrate through, and the horses will fall to the ground.

This Han cavalry is a long snake formation. While shooting at each other, the overall formation not only bends greatly, but also "breaks" and is divided into more long formation parts.

The Sassanian cavalry who fought against the Han Army unconsciously followed the Han cavalry in movement and divided their troops.

Both sides keep shooting at each other in the movement, and knights fall from the horse with arrows all the time, or the horse gets out of control with arrows.

The cavalry of the Han Army had long been in formation, waiting for the Sassanian cavalry to "hit" by themselves. They were also shooting arrows, but more cavalry of the Han Army shot arrows at the same time.

In this way, every time a knight falls on one side of the Han Army, at least three Knights will fall on the other side of Sasan. The formation waiting for both sides is torn and broken in the sports battle. In two days, there are at least 1900 cavalry of the Han Army, but less than 1700 cavalry of Sasan.

After the two cavalry units that are officially engaged in battle no longer have any formation with each other, the development of the war has gradually become a competition between teams or a fight between single cavalry.

After the change of the fighting situation, the equipment advantages of the Han cavalry were maximized. For example, during the recovery period, it didn't take much effort to pick up the crossbow and aim at shooting. If it didn't hit, it would shoot again until the enemy fell off his horse.

The cavalry of the Han Army has a six meter long spear. The sashan cavalry is mostly short weapons such as machetes. The cavalry talks about being inch long and inch strong. Under the hedge, the machetes of the sashan cavalry are a few meters away from the Han cavalry, but they are pierced by the spear of the Han cavalry.

At the beginning, the number of cavalry in the two groups was about 2000. They entered the fighting state and evolved into a small team scuffle. The time was only about the past five minutes.

As the chief General of the army, Li Jun just pays attention to the troops entering the fighting state in front, and more attention will be paid to the overall mobilization.

"As expected, the Han people are more powerful than using firearms." Habibara paid more attention to the fighting after the war: "we can destroy a Han army only if we lose about three soldiers!"

Persians still have a deep understanding of the strength of the Han people. They really don't regard the Han people as vegetable chicken. On the contrary, they pay more attention and fear than the Romans.

In the back, the firearms of the Han people were too eye-catching, which led to the fear of the Persians. In a way, it ignored the strength of the Han Army in addition to the powerful firearms.

"Your Excellency the governor!" Sha Zhan is a Persian general. He always pays attention to the headquarters of the Han Army: "they move!"

Habibra turned his eyes and saw that the headquarters of the Han army was approaching his side at a slow speed.

"For the time being, this Han Army has not been found carrying firearms." Sha Zhan was quite excited about the discovery: "if they don't have firearms, should we be bolder?"

Not counting the previous war in which the Persians and many allies entered the territory of hunit, they were actually the first Sassanian army to fight with the Han Army in their own territory.

As the first batch of Sassanian army commanders to fight with the Han Army, habibura's psychological pressure was beyond imagination. It is precisely because the pressure is too great that he tends to be conservative when making choices. He has to divide his troops to attack the kingdom of jidoro, and leading the army is a strategic consideration.

Just a moment ago, habibra also wanted to withdraw a cavalry from his array to save his own cavalry who seemed destined to lose. Before making a choice, the headquarters of the Han army was pressed in.

When the Han Army Headquarters pressed in, the Han Army cavalry on the right wing, which had been in a cruising state, had become a formation of front arrow array and launched a charge against the 4000 or so Sassanian cavalry in front.

Li Jun will let the headquarters move forward. He is his own cavalry supporting the left and right wings. One of them is to ensure the victory of the left wing, and the other is to give more psychological pressure to the enemy's master general.

The victory or defeat of the contest between the army and the army mainly depends on the commander's grasp of the battlefield. Usually, it is to dispatch and give more chances for the friendly forces that have entered the state of war to achieve results.

Generally speaking, the most basic quality of a general is to avoid the disadvantage of a certain part and ensure the expansion of advantageous local achievements.

What Li Jun is doing is to ensure the expansion of local advantages and make the next choice according to the state of the enemy.

"Cavalry..." habibara bit his teeth and shouted: "all the cavalry leave the array, don't think more, and rush directly to the enemy you can see!"

Habibura was reminded by Sha Zhan that he was awakened. They were ten times more than the Han army. Being too cautious was not only undermining the morale of their own soldiers, but also giving the enemy the opportunity to destroy them one by one.

Li Jun, who was personally leading his headquarters forward, heard the rhythm of the enemy's battle drum and horn change. Then he looked at the enemy's cavalry, and the infantry forming the front were moving towards him. He scolded and ordered: "order the left and right wings to leave the battlefield and the headquarters to turn north!"

The last thing Li Jun wanted to see was the situation. What he wanted was that the enemy was afraid enough of his own side, and only sent an appropriate number of troops to fight each time. If the enemy launched a whole army attack regardless, they were covered with iron and could hit a few nails, so they had to choose to distance themselves.

"Ha ha ha!" Habibila pointed to the retreating Han Army and laughed: "the Han people would be afraid!"

The withdrawal of the Han Army caused the cheers of Sam Shan to cheer. It seemed that the Han people were not unable to defeat. The small heart finally did not need to jump so fast, and the hands and feet did not need to tremble again. It was time for courage to come back again.

"Don't evacuate too fast!" Li Jun heard the warm cheers of the Persians and responded with a sneer: "let them chase!"

The Han army was all cavalry, but the Sassanian army was a mixture of walking and riding. Li Jun was very willing to see the Persians pursue happily.

Li Jun was depressed that the enemy was calm enough. If the enemy really maintained the formation, the Han Army, which was full of cavalry, would not be foolishly attacked.

Now, Sasan's army moved by itself. It was in pursuit and separated by step. The army was more and more scattered