Chapter 1059

Above the sea, various types of ships have put down their sails, and every ship is a busy scene.

There is no natural deep-water port on the edge of this coastline. The Persians have not built an artificial port. The warships carrying landing troops cannot get too close to the coastline. They stop about 200 meters outside the coast and put down their boats.

The current situation is that the ships carrying landing troops are closest to the coastline, and the gunships are waiting for orders.

When the expedition fleet arrived, it had been found on land.

When the small fishing village on the coast saw such a huge fleet coming from the sea, the villagers immediately fell into flight.

"They're moving." Huan Wen was able to use a telescope to see the situation on the land carefully: "the Persians are still very fast."

The expeditionary fleet has sent ships to observe this sea area before. It is clear that the Persians have temporarily transferred troops, and how long it took the Persians to build an observation post is under control.

The Cape is on the border of sassanne. The expedition fleet has made such a big noise in two satraps. How can it not attract attention?

Sasan had known about the expedition sent by the Han Empire for a long time, but he could not confirm where the expedition fleet of the Han Empire attacked.

On the premise of unconfirmed, it is impossible for Sassanian to set up all positions on his long coastline. They can only garrison heavy troops in important coastal cities, and garrison some vigilant troops in other less important places.

Lek is on the corner of the two satraps, and there is no big city within a hundred miles. Just because the fleet of the Han Empire landed on the opposite Cape, sassanne made an emergency mobilization. They dispatched necessary troops from nearby cities to garrison.

About two days ago, the first army was pulled from a city called mule. They did not choose to build a camp on the coast, but carefully chose to stay within 30 miles inland.

Sassanne attached great importance to the intelligence collection of the Han Empire and probably confirmed the farthest shelling distance of the gunships of the Han Empire. They knew that the maximum artillery range of the Han Empire gunships was 16 Han Li. Originally, they could set up the camp on the coastline of about 20 Han Li, but they pulled back 10 Han Li in order to set aside the necessary safety zone.

It is known that the expedition fleet of the Han Empire landed and invaded two satraps, Larry, the southern governor of Sasan When Harira was nervous, he made a new arrangement.

The surveillance of the expedition fleet of the Han Empire was Larry What Harira must pay attention to is that they can't observe the Han army too close, but it's not difficult to set up observation posts along their coastline.

Every observation post set up by the Persians had the ability of beacon fire and alarm. They found that when the fleet of the Han Empire opened to their own borders, the first to light wolf smoke and alarm was on the edge of two satraps, and then one observation post after another lit wolf smoke.

Seen from the sea, one column after another rises to the sky every 300 meters or so. The scene is quite spectacular.

The Persians found that the fleet of the Han Empire stopped at the sea outside Lek. They were very nervous and began to mobilize troops. If they could fully grasp the movements of the Persians, they would find that there were messenger soldiers galloping to various barracks within a hundred miles nearby. Then one after another Sassanian army began the fastest assembly and pulled out of the camp soon, March unanimously in the direction of luck.

"Come on! Come on! Come on!"

Liu Ming trampled on the board, and the urging voice of more than one officer sounded in his ears.

They set out from the Cape and arrived at a place called luck in less than half a day.

People who do not have telescopes to observe the land can only see some moving figures on the land from a distance. It seems that the number is not too large, and it is impossible to determine whether they are armed personnel.

The first group of Han soldiers had boarded the battle boats. They adjusted the formation of each battle boat on the periphery.

A picture soon appeared on the sea. A war boat followed one to form an elongated formation. They formed a large strip like a vortex in constant rowing.

Liu Ming is not the first to see such a picture. Every time he sees it, he will feel a deep shock.

How should the Navy invade a country from the sea and how should the landing troops land? In fact, the Han Empire did not have much experience before invading the Gupta empire.

In the process of invading the Gupta Empire, the confrontation at sea was not fierce, and the landing war was not very tragic. However, the navy of the Han Empire learned some useful experience and slowly planned out the code of conduct.

It seems that they are constantly following a circle of war boats. They use this action to form a formation while moving, and gradually face the coastline and become a charge formation.

The war drum was sounded. The first war boat charged to the land under the crew's oars, and then the whole war boat formed a triangular formation.

"All back to the cabin!" Xin Ling stood at the hatch and shouted, "it's our turn to land next!"

The warship under their feet did not lift its sails again. It was the sailors who rowed the oars, and the ship was moving towards the coastline.

The cabin was full of figures, and soldiers who were constantly checking themselves could be seen in the dim light.

After Liu Ming found his position, he also carried out the final inspection before the war, mainly checking the box containing gunpowder and bullets to see if the oil package wrapped outside is fixed. At the same time, he will repeatedly check whether the firearms are properly wrapped.

Now there is no plastic. Naturally, there is no plastic bag to wrap it. It can only be wrapped layer by layer with oil paper, but it is only to prevent it from being splashed by water. Once it is completely soaked in water, it will still be wet.

The first troops to land were cold weapon soldiers. At the front of the charge formation were very traditional knife and shield soldiers. When they leaned within about 100 meters of the coastline, there were bursts of artillery behind them.

Of course, it was the ship gun that fired. Instead of using the main gun, the auxiliary gun on the side of the ship was firing rhythmically.

The target of the shelling was about 200 Persian soldiers who prevented their own troops from landing. Looking at the largest number of archers in the arms, Persian archers were already shooting arrows at the battle boats of the Han army.

The first bullet exploded over the head of the Persian archer. I don't know how many shrapnel were shot out with the explosion. In an instant, it swept down a piece of Persian soldiers.

The coastline was soon shrouded in smoke, and it was impossible to judge how many Persian soldiers were still alive.

However, even if there are Persian soldiers alive, they probably don't have the mind to stop the shoal landing of the Han army. Should they turn around and run away?

Only two gunships carried out secondary artillery shelling, and they stopped 70 meters after the landing troops approached the beach.

The bottom of the first war boat touched the shoal. The Han soldiers bumped with the war boat. After stabilizing their body, they jumped to both sides and landed on the beach that could wet their legs.

A large group of Han soldiers rushed to the beach. When they got on the beach, the smoke had not completely dispersed. The five people formed a charging formation and pushed forward slowly.

On the beach after the shelling, the wounded Persian soldiers were howling and groaning. The Persian soldiers who were not dead and injured were frightened. Some Persian soldiers who remained more or less rational ran inland, while others ran around.

Wang Ji was in the smoke. In his ears, in addition to the slapping sound of the waves, he was howling miserably and yelling in horror. There were four other paoze around him. They formed a semicircle formation and slowly pushed inland.

A vague but fast running figure appeared in Wang Ji's vision. He could still hear the running figure howling like a beast.

The sound of a shield hitting the human body, and then the sound of a blade entering the flesh, brought a rapid stuffy cry and the sound of people's throat before death.

Wang Ji trampled on the corpse of the enemy killed by paoze without any psychological burden. After walking five steps forward, he could be regarded as out of the smoke area. Looking forward, he could see some Persian soldiers running away and arrows shot in this direction. Occasionally, running Persian soldiers were hit by arrows and fell to the ground.

Lek is naturally the name of the local people. The Han people have no new name for this place.

There is no great difference in the environment between Lek and the two satraps. A large area is earthy red, and there is no shade.

The first batch of 800 Han soldiers landed successfully. They were divided into two teams. One team formed a semi-circular alert state on the beach, and the other team continued to move inland.

Huan Wen, who was on the flagship, didn't feel much about the successful landing of the troops. If he didn't land successfully, he would attract his attention.

"Those enemy troops should have gathered at the nearby outpost just now?" Huan Wen is still observing the surroundings. Because the terrain is flat and there is no jungle, the telescope can observe the end of the horizon: "there are a lot of enemy troops around. It seems that they have long estimated our landing?"

Yuan Qiao is writing and drawing on a map. Isn't Lek the place to look at the map?

"The landing here is just a feint, mainly to attract them to concentrate their troops in this direction." Yuan Qiao pulled a straight line on the map with a charcoal pen. The arrow stopped at a coastal city called milpur in Persia: "are you sure you want to leave your highness Ming here?"

"What's the problem?" Huan Wen wore a faint smile on his face: "Sasan will soon find that the real target of our attack is milbur. They will not fight to attack the troops on Lek's side. If there is an accident, his highness Ming, it is only related to luck. Moreover, the fleet is not all pulled out. They can't stand it and can withdraw to the sea."

Yuan Qiao just said it. Since Huan Wen didn't even cover up and did not dislike Liu Ming, he wouldn't have superfluous suggestions.

In fact, Yuan Qiao could understand why Huan Wen made it so obvious to avoid suspicion. The Han Empire restored classical enfeoffment. They were not ministers without any private armed except ministers or monarchs.

The royal children will be granted a king. The king granted by the Han Empire will still be a king with real power outside the mainland. As ministers, they are unwilling to speculate too much about why the emperor did this, but they have to think about how the next generation of emperor will look at themselves if the powerful princes involved too much.

The second batch of landing troops included Liu Ming. They landed very easily and left the beach under the order of the Shangguan.

"Only our team?" Liu Ming observed that nearly 2000 soldiers landed, but there was only one group of firearm soldiers: "the fleet has no sign of sending troops to the land. Can't we be the only ones left here?"

Xin Ling happened to hear Liu Ming asking his own soldiers a question and said in a muffled voice, "obviously, we are a decoy force. No more troops will land."

"..." Liu Ming first had a dull expression, then nodded: "that is, he needs to resist the Persian attack until the main force completes his task."

When the Han Army had landed, the soldiers outside cleared the Persians in the area, the scouts were scattered, and the remaining soldiers were looking for something to use and began to build a defense line.

There will still be landing troops behind, but just send necessary materials to the land, and people will not stay.

Above the sea, the gunboat began its own action again.

This time, all gunships fired on land, targeting groups of Persian troops within range.

The farther away, the lower the hit rate of the gunboat, especially the hit rate of the large caliber main gun. However, as long as it hits, it can definitely wipe out a large number of Persian soldiers.

When the Persian army was severely hit, they fell into a state of ignorance in an instant. It would be better if they were all infantry. The army with animal power would run and trample wildly in the face of livestock.

The landing troops watched the scene. The Persian army approaching in the distance was still a little fierce, especially the cavalry approached very fast, but it became a piece of loose sand in the shelling and fled to the coming way at a faster speed.

"Not only in the army war..." Xin Ling raised her head very proudly: "no matter what kind of battlefield you face, you are invincible!"

It should be said that with enough bronze guns of various calibres and enough gunpowder and bullets, the Han army will be invincible no matter what battlefield it is on.

The truth is, if you fight with the Han Army, unless you have the mentality of treating yourself as a dead man, are not afraid of the coverage of artillery fire in the long-range charge, dare to face dense bullets at close range, and rush to the distance where you can fight hand to hand with the Han Army, otherwise the battle is usually over before the beginning.

"Leave two gunships." Seeing the Persian army that had just appeared and retreated, Huan Wen sneered, restrained his contempt, and said in a solemn voice, "the rest set sail again!"

Yuan Qiao felt speechless. He finally knew that Huan Wen at least dared not let Liu Ming have an accident.