Chapter 1038

A strong country naturally needs to have the demeanor of a strong country. Some things will make small countries and few people feel inexplicable. They can't understand what they are doing for.

Marus did not think about winning the duel before the fight. He planned to use his own death to preserve his dignity as a powerful general, that is, to die on the battlefield fighting with the enemy, not on an escape journey.

As a general, it is an honor for soldiers to die in the hands of the top commander of the other party when they are defeated. If they die in the hands of their own people, they will be infamous for thousands of years. Being bitten by wild animals is a funny behavior.

The war could not be reversed. Under the eyes of tens of thousands of soldiers of the two armies, their lives were harvested in a fair fight, which is the final dignity of a defeated general.

"Kill me!" Marus could see nothing to fear. What he didn't expect was that he would lose so quickly: "you won."

In the fight just now, the blades of both sides cut into each other's armor more than once. Facts have proved that as the supreme commander of the army, the armor on his body will not be anything ordinary. The friction between the blade and armor is basically a spark, which is difficult to cause actual damage to the human body.

The weapon in marus's hand was a dagger, and the main way of fighting was stabbing. He stabbed Qin song two or three times. Even if he was stabbed by the sword tip, he was resisted by the steel plate, leaving only a concave point and some scratches after sliding away.

Of course, Qin song also stabbed or hit marus. He couldn't break his armor when he hit the iron plate like a lobster shell, but he hit the leather part deeply into the flesh and blood. His last sweeping leg was built on the shoulder of marus, which caused marus to lose his balance and sweep down in an instant.

The soldiers on both sides of the battlefield have been quiet. Naturally, the soldiers close to each other can clearly see the commanders on both sides of the battlefield. The soldiers far away can only see the vague outline of the two people, and some people who are blocked by robes can't see anything.

At this time, the two sides have a basis for communication.

"It's boring." Qin song didn't stab the sword pointed at marus's forehead. He was really dissatisfied with the "Zhishi (single challenge)". He thought that his victory was easy because the other party had long wanted to die and didn't try his best: "you are my prisoner now."

"Why..." Malus was surprised that Qin song didn't kill himself: "you cyris should hate us. We took the initiative to provoke the battlefield, and I was defeated, so I should be punished by death."

Qin song will not explain much. He is only the commander of one of the partial divisions, not the General Commander of this campaign.

In fact, even if Li Kuang, as a campaign commander, can capture the Roman general, he also does not have the authority to deal with it by himself. Chang'an can decide the life and death of the Roman general.

"You will be sent to Chang'an. What results you will get depends on what you have done." Qin song stared at marus for a moment and said with a smile, "did you order them to disarm or did I order the troops to advance?"

Marus was a little confused now. It was obviously difficult to realize his wish to die in the hands of the commander of the Han army. He committed suicide but did not match the desired results. He was a little stunned for a time.

Just as Qin song waved to the people who confronted marus, marus finally came back to his senses.

"Dear general cyris, can you promise to surrender..." marus asked with a pale face, but with expectation, "can my soldiers be treated fairly?"

"You're a strange man. Just now you obviously want to die. You can't control how we treat the demobilized soldiers after you die." Qin song's face was more or less ironic. In fact, he thought that marus, who came to die, was a coward who left his soldiers: "now talk to me about fair treatment?"

This war was not first provoked by the Han Empire. The Han Empire was a passive party to deal with the invasion.

Although the battlefield is outside the borders of the Han Empire, the Han Empire is still on the side of the victims. It is very funny for an intruder to talk about justice after the defeat, not to mention that there is no war convention in the world.

Marus dropped his head and shouted something.

Qin song didn't need to listen to the translation. He could judge from marus's sad voice that it was to let the Romans surrender.

At this time, although it was ironic, the quality of a powerful country was reflected. The Roman soldiers who got the order to surrender lined up at the command, became a long stream of people, walked slowly, and classified their weapons, shields and armor when they reached the designated position.

One Roman soldier after another disarmed by themselves, which seemed so orderly. After they had no weapons, they went to the temporary detention point planned by the Han army without any confusion.

"We also have a brigade of soldiers supervising all ethnic groups." Pales was the adjutant of the Roman army. He spoke to Liu Shen, who led the team to receive the camp: "those soldiers of all nationalities know that we are going to surrender."

There are about 3000 Roman soldiers in this camp, more than 10000 Roman vassal races and more than 2000 miscellaneous soldiers of all ethnic groups.

The more than 10000 people belonging to the Roman vassal race walked out of the camp team after team under the command of the Roman soldiers. Without the orderly degree of surrender of the Roman soldiers, there was no trouble in disarming.

What the Romans couldn't control was more than 2000 miscellaneous soldiers of all ethnic groups. They had monitored these more than 2000 people in advance. After surrender, they must hand them over. As for how the Han Army treated the more than 2000 miscellaneous soldiers of all nationalities, the Romans could not control it.

"According to your tradition, you should obey me now, shouldn't you?" Liu Shen is young, but his physique is much taller than that of people of the same age. He wears a visor. Although his voice is tender, many people have strange voices. He was admitted by the other side and said, "then those people refuse to surrender and you will participate in the suppression."

Pales had no superfluous ideas. He was just surprised that the officer of the Han Empire knew so much about Roman customs. He tapped his right chest and expressed his willingness to obey orders.

It seems strange to obey orders in some things after surrender, but that is a habit of the Romans, especially when dealing with barbarians who seem to have little civilization. Rome never mind waving its weapons.

"Tun chang..." Ji Hai seized the opportunity and muttered, "a brigade is nearly 300 Roman soldiers. It's not appropriate to let them cooperate without disarming them?"

The establishment of firearms units in the Han Empire has not been greatly changed. One village is 250 people.

"You know shit, shut up!" Xu Guang has decided to smash Ji Hai's ass after the war: "the Roman general has surrendered, and more than 2700 people are hostages. The remaining 300 people know what situation they are facing and don't know what to mutter!"

In fact, it was the same thing. More than 300 Romans who had not disarmed did not dare to act rashly against the Han army. Next, there are three other villages around. Once something happens, they can come over in five minutes.

Receiving two thousand troops is a meritorious service. Liu Shen knows that this task is cheap for him. Qin song must have made a complete deployment, and it is impossible to put himself in any danger.

The more than 300 Roman soldiers cooperated incomparably. As the more than 2000 miscellaneous soldiers who were monitored in advance and later learned that the Romans and their vassal races had surrendered, they stopped after knowing that they could not recover anything and that resistance was the end of death. Despite the chaos, dozens of people were killed.

The final result of this local extermination war was only the death of miscellaneous soldiers from 34 small countries and small tribes, the Han Army did not even have one injury, and only marus on the Roman side was injured. In this way, the curtain came to an end.

After learning about Qin song's report, Li Kuang didn't show his thoughts on his face. He asked Song Ping, "the Roman adjutant put forward a suggestion. Have a look."

Song Ping took the document and looked at it carefully. The more he looked at his face, the more strange he became. After reading the official document in his hand, he said with such a sad expression: "this Roman named Paris, he expressed his willingness to accept our employment and participate in the next war on our side."

This kind of thing actually has its own way of understanding for Zhuxia. There is no lack of examples of defeated troops being incorporated in Zhuxia in history, but it usually happens on the premise of civil war.

Since it is a civil war, the soldiers on both sides of the war belong to the same clan, but the channels of military food they ate before are different. Unless they are a special person or a stubborn person, it is not unreasonable to change their identity and continue to eat military food and change from hostility to serving as victors.

The current situation is different. The Han people and the Romans are not of the same race, and the ongoing war between them is not a civil war. On the premise of improving the international image of the Han Empire, they intended to treat the defeated and surrendered enemy soldiers as morally as possible, but it never occurred to them that the Romans would propose to transfer weapons to deal with their former allies.

"Qin Xiaowei said by employment?" Recalling his understanding of Rome, Li Kuang thought about it and found only a few examples: "Roman soldiers were paid for their service. In the era of chaotic politics of their officers, it seems very common for soldiers to serve this aspect one day and the other who fought before tomorrow?"

Song Ping did not know the Romans at all and could not give Li Kuang any advice.

"Maybe this is a good proposal." Li Kuang thought very seriously, slowed down and said, "although I didn't understand whether it was the personal action called Paris, or the Romans had a corresponding plan after the defeat. Agreeing to his proposal would be a heavy blow to the Persians."

Li Kuang doesn't need to make it clear that the Romans are one of the two giants of the anti Han axis. If an organized Roman Legion becomes a vassal combat force of the Han Army, it will not only deal a heavy blow to the Persians, but also lead to the collapse of the alliance between the two countries. At the same time, those countries that voluntarily or forced to join the anti Han axis, It's time to jump and scold when you know such a thing.

"Rome is very far from the great man." Song Ping can only give Li Kuang some opinions from the overall situation: "the south is setting up a fleet and plans to expedition Rome by sea, but it will be as soon as next year."

The Han Empire was separated from the land of Rome by many countries, tribes and tribes. God knows when the Han army hit the Roman border from the east of the world island.

At present, the only route for the Han Empire to attack Rome is to go to the sea. It is only a long-distance cross-sea expedition, especially a cross-sea expedition that needs more than a year. Although the center passed the resolution of the cross-sea expedition, its attitude is not so firm in fact.

"One year..." Li Kuang only considered his own war zone. It was not his turn to consider the overall situation. When he made a decision, he did not hesitate: "agree with the proposal of the Romans, but there is no employment. They can only be slaves." After a pause, he continued: "externally, publicize the news of the rupture of the alliance between the Romans and the Persians, complete the control of the Roman Legion as soon as possible, arrange them to the front line, and it is best to join an offensive."

Why did Paris have such a request? Let's put it aside first. It would be a good thing for anxidu's guard house. There are too many places to operate.

In fact, without the Romans' own proposal, Li Kuang would also make an article on those Romans in the future, but it was not as convenient as the Romans' active cooperation.

"What?" Liu Shen was summoned by Qin song and thought he had heard wrong: "I am responsible for reorganizing the Romans who are willing to fight for the Han Dynasty?"

Today is the fourth day of their easy victory. The troops have arrived at the camp that has been transformed into a forward base.

The scale of this camp is quite large, enough to accommodate all the current Han troops, and it can also specially plan an area to place prisoners.

"This is a direct order from the city guard." Qin song was a little confused when he received the order. He thought about it all night before he realized that it was creating a 'halo' for Liu Shen. He was happy to see this situation and said, "your headquarters will be expanded to 500 people. The surrendered Roman soldiers showed great cooperation, but you should not relax your vigilance because of their cooperation. As long as you can do this well, it is a very good thing for your highness."

Liu Shen didn't think much before. He was reminded and immediately reacted.

To incorporate the Roman Legion, we must participate in many political related tasks. Even if Liu Shen didn't make some achievements in the end, there are ways to arrange other achievements on Liu Shen reasonably.

If he could take advantage of this opportunity to break the alliance between Rome and sassanne this time, Liu Shen would have commendable political capital, which is undoubtedly a big step forward to the throne of Prince. At the same time, whether he understands it or not, Liu Shen must recognize the human feelings of anxidu's protector.