Chapter 1033

Elbata fled quickly and left the "city wall" about 200 meters. He felt safe and stopped to look at the side of the "city wall" that could explode at any time.

The explosion really happened, so that elbata didn't know whether to be glad that he had foresight or depressed. The "city wall" built with time and effort collapsed in the sound of explosion.

The explosion on the other side of the "city wall" was just the beginning. After a period of silence, the bronze guns of the Han army joined in playing.

The artillery troops of the Han Army have reached within 300 meters of the "city wall". The goal of their fire is not to bombard the city wall, but to bombard the anti Han axis coalition camp behind the "city wall" by using a curved Ballistic Principle of shells.

The "city wall" was blown out one gap after another. First, a roar of "Han Army's power" appeared, and then a roar of "killing" in Chinese shook the sky.

The sword and shield soldiers of the Han Army, who had little loss, charged again. The soldiers who consumed their physical strength in the previous battle became the rear team, and the soldiers who did not consume their physical strength became the front team. They passed through the collapsed position and rushed into the camp of the anti Han axis coalition like tigers and wolves.

"The reason why we don't bypass this wall is to tell them that a new era has come." Li Kuang looked relaxed and had absolute confidence in winning the battle: "after the emergence of gunpowder for military purposes, the role of the city wall was minimized. They will understand this and fear."

The "city wall" built under the guidance of the Romans was a straight shape, not to mention that it was only about kilometers, but it was tens of miles long. In terms of battlefield terrain, the Han army could not avoid it.

Anyway, Li Kuang is also the commander of the theater. He needs to improve his horizons in everything, including understanding how to spread fear to the enemy.

"Du Hu." Song Pinggang just received the report and said excitedly, "another force has entered the position."

The number of Han troops who attacked the "city wall" this time is close to 10000. Naturally, not all Han troops joined the offensive.

Li Kuang likes to fight a decent war, but he won't forget that the war is not just a battle. He estimates and judges the situation in advance, guesses the most likely situation, and makes targeted arrangements, which is the quality of one party's commander.

After the fighting on this side began, another Han army launched its own river crossing operation.

They were lucky enough to successfully cross the river without being found. After a period of rapid march, they stopped 20 miles behind the anti Han axis coalition camp on the front battlefield. But their good luck is over.

Rome and sassanne are also empires no matter what. They are not savage and ignorant people. Even if they do not arrange scouts within a hundred miles, they will certainly arrange vigilance within thirty miles.

But it's one thing to find out. It's another thing whether the anti Han axis coalition scouts who found another Han army can successfully bring back the news. Even if they survived the Scout war, they wasted too much time and couldn't bring the news back so soon.

"Then we should work harder." Li Kuang was naturally equally excited about the successful detour of another force to the rear of the enemy's main force: "their main camp has been unable to form an effective chain of command, and other sub camps will only fight their own battles."

The number of anti Han axis coalition forces is too large to say that all the people are crowded in one camp.

In fact, even if it is possible to build a large enough camp to accommodate all the troops, unless it is a person who has no military knowledge at all as the commander-in-chief, otherwise the commander with a little knowledge will not concentrate all the troops in one camp, but will assign priorities to arrange the troops according to his own understanding and judgment.

The camp being attacked is the main camp of the anti Han axis coalition army. It's a camp. In fact, it is divided into large and small camps, such as a Roman camp, a Persian camp, and so on.

The Romans or Persians will not be arranged on the periphery, but the main camp is arranged like this. At most, a small team of Romans or Persians will play the role of supervisor in the other sub camps, and the rest are personnel of all ethnic groups.

When the Han Army's camp was attacked, elbata fled first, causing chaos. After the Han Army's knife and shield soldiers were killed, they did not encounter large-scale resistance at all. That is, the resistance of soldiers of the anti Han axis coalition was also personal or small-scale, which was difficult to support under the attack of the Han Army's knife and shield soldiers.

The sword shield soldiers of the Han army carry out rolling charge by rotating at intervals. Their task is not to give the enemy breathing time, continue the chaos of the enemy and make the chaos of the enemy more serious. It is best to play an effect that makes the enemy collapse to snowball.

There are sword and shield soldiers in the front battlefield. The cavalry on the two wings are still "playing games" with the cavalry of the anti Han axis coalition army. The rifle array in the rear continues to advance after a small rest, and the other cold weapons on the two wings, the Han Army, also began its own action.

The two wing troops arranged by Li Kuang in the rifle array first sent cavalry against the cavalry of the anti Han axis coalition army, and then sent a curved sword and shield army. Most of the rest were bow and crossbow troops.

The cold weapon troops of the Han Army advancing on both wings did not go towards the "city wall". They made their own detour. The attack of the Han Army on the battlefield became a large-scale Trident propulsion situation.

"Not enough troops." Li Kuang was greedy and full of regret: "if we have enough troops, we can't try to form a encirclement trend on the spot."

Song Ping, as a long history with the army, "tut tut" twice and chose to respond with a bitter smile.

They have received official documents from Chang'an and know that the rear is already mobilizing troops. A total of four standing armies have been mobilized to reinforce them, and more than 100000 soldiers from counties and counties have been mobilized.

In fact, the nearest reinforcements to this theater, a standing army, have entered the Anxi capital guard area. Only after a long march, the troops must rest a little. Otherwise, even if they arrive at the battlefield, they will not be able to fight at the first time.

It's not that they can't fight after a long march. It's that the long march consumes too much physical strength of that army and makes them enter the stage of fatigue.

It's more than 50% of the original strength can be brought into play if you put yourself into a war in an incomplete state. That's why there is a military method of "waiting for work with ease". It's not your complete state to face an enemy that is not in a complete state.

Li Kuang originally wanted to wait, but war is one thing. Fighters are fleeting things. He doesn't have enough keen sense of smell to capture fighters. He wants to wait for his own strength to launch an attack. The other party is not invariable. He may even wait for his own preparation, and the other party may have run early.

The anti Han axis coalition forces retreated, and Li Kuang could only launch an offensive with the limited forces at hand. Otherwise, once the anti Han axis coalition forces withdrew from the pinchihe battlefield, they would have to face a bad fighting environment with the change of seasons.

Do not want the enemy out of control, even if it is not the best time to March, the Han army will launch an offensive. This is the reality.

There are shells falling in the sky. There are solid shells, flowering shells exploding in mid air, and even special shells that can ignite the fire after explosion.

Albata returned to the command post under the protection of his own soldiers. When he went in, he saw a busy scene in panic.

"The Han army launched an offensive on all three sides." Marus saw elbata and didn't bother about how the Han Army crossed the wall and killed him in less than an hour: "all ethnic groups have been completely chaotic!"

Along the way, elbata has found that all ethnic groups are in chaos. They have cut people all the way. They can't be clearer about what is happening.

"Trying to stop the chaos has no effect!" Marus is a Roman general. It can't be said that he has no experience in commanding foreign soldiers, but in the face of the current situation, his best effort is just to suppress the Roman vassal races, There is no way for other unfamiliar races: "we need to admit this failure. My plan is to retreat with the troops while the Legion is not affected and the vassal races can be controlled."

The Romans fought with vassal races for a long time and became a habit for a long time. As long as a Roman general, he will inevitably encounter vassal miscellaneous soldiers who need to face chaos in his military career. Whether he can successfully stop chaos depends on the ability of that general.

Of course, marus refused to admit that his ability was not good. He insisted that the situation he faced was boundless and belonged to the "natural disaster" that could not be stopped by manpower. At this time, I really can't consider how to stop it. He believes that the most reasonable and should be done is "stop loss".

Albata couldn't help pumping his cheek. He just asked the deputy general who remained in the command post. What he learned was that the Persian troops were also in chaos. They were not affected by all ethnic groups. It was because the officers could not contact themselves that the chaos was caused.

"Go away." Albata said dejectedly, "maybe it's a mistake for us to pull up so many tribes."

The coalition force is composed of multiple forces. Each force has its own set of power structure. Any force has its own supreme commander. If it can be effectively integrated and build a perfect command system, it can actually play 70% of its combat effectiveness.

Under normal circumstances, to form a coalition army, there must be only one strong enough master, and the enemy should not be too strong. Otherwise, unless they fight each other in the vast region, it is really impossible to avoid wrangling and all kinds of backwardness.

"Let's go, let's go..." marus didn't think it was wrong to pull so many forces, but they used those forces in the wrong direction: "this withdrawal is probably to withdraw to the hinterland of hunnit. At that time, I will lead and integrate those tribes."

Albata also knew that Rome had a good management of "allies", nodded and turned away.

They didn't discuss any retreat route. It's very clear that it's no use discussing those now. If they have that time to waste, they might as well run a few more steps.

In a chaotic situation, we just consider how to drive away those so-called allies and don't let them call it a trouble that hinders themselves. After waiting away from the chaotic area, it is the most reasonable thing to discuss what to do next.

The reason for the chaos was that the front was defeated too fast and the shells of the Han army kept falling.

Moreover, all ethnic groups knew that the Han people were not easy to provoke. To participate in the anti Han axis, first, they were really afraid that the Han people would destroy all races. Second, they did not participate in the anti Han axis. Without waiting for the Han people to come, they would first be destroyed by the Persians or Romans. There were no races that sincerely joined in.

Persian sassanne and Rome are Empire level countries no matter how they join the various ethnic groups of the anti Han axis. They thought that even if they could not defeat the Han people, how could the two empires unite to be equal? It turned out that they thought too much. The number was several times that of the Han people, but they were beaten like dogs by the Han people.

When all ethnic groups became chaotic, they saw clearly that the Romans and Persians were not the opponents of the Han people at all. If the Han people had not made it clear that they did not want to give life to all ethnic groups, they did not know how many "loyal and righteous people" wanted to give up the fight.

I can't beat the Han people again. The Han people don't accept the surrender. Of course, run quickly!

"They know that surrender is also the life of a slave." Ji Hai was walking with a flint gun on his shoulder. He couldn't control his mouth and read: "the big man will castrate the slaves now. They have to run away."

Liu Shen walked on the side of Ji Hai. He had listened to the broken thoughts all the way. He often listened to the corners of his mouth.

"If a man has no birds in his crotch, what can he expect?" Ji Hai turned to Liu Shen and asked, "isn't all the struggle just to pass on to future generations?"

Liu Shen is positive about this.

"Of course, the bird must have a good time." Ji Hai's serious only had one sentence of Kung Fu, and his face became obscene: "in life, of course, you have to lie drunk, wake up and hold the killing sword. If you can't taste the beauties of all ethnic groups, it's a kind of white life, right?"

Liu Shen knew where "lying drunk on the beautiful knee, waking up and holding the killing sword" came from, and it came from champion Hou Huo Qubing. He stared at such a sentence when Ji Hai said it with an obscene expression.

It's not too difficult for them to taste beauties of all ethnic groups. Ji Hai has long made a preliminary plan for his life. After dealing with his father, he really has no great idea of making achievements. He plans to enjoy the happy life of dandy in Chang'an first, and then travel to various places.

Travel well, no matter what, there will be some stories of big husbands and beautiful women. Ji Hai is a good woman who dare not harm the Han family. However, if the woman is only willing to have fun, then she will hunt beautiful women of all ethnic groups!