Chapter 1007

The stars in the sky are especially bright at night without the moon.

In this age when the atmosphere has not been polluted, there are no dense lights reflecting the atmosphere on the land. When people look up to the sky, they can see obvious stars and rivers.

It's really the galaxy. It's the other cantilevers of the Milky Way galaxy. The third cantilevers where the earth is located make people look up to the sky. The dense galaxies of the first cantilevers and the second cantilevers can be seen in different seasons.

Observing the sky from the earth, the nearby stars are planets, satellites, asteroids, comets, meteors and interplanetary materials, just like the moon, mercury, Mars, Jupiter... And other celestial bodies in the same galaxy reflect the sun, and some smaller stars will also.

For distant stars, they are the light of a star in a galaxy, or even the light produced after the explosion of a star or planet.

There are two places in the quarry that need to be heavily guarded, one is the warehouse for storing working tools, and the other is the underground chamber for storing detonators.

When the tools are taken out of the warehouse, the guard force will be reduced.

Wait for the tools that are taken out to return to the warehouse, and the guard force will increase.

The number of soldiers guarding the tool warehouse tonight is no different from that in peacetime. It is a team of 66, including team rate, team length and five leaders.

In the Han Empire, there were five people and one chief of staff as one, so there were six people.

There is one chief in the two clubs, that is, thirteen people.

A team has five Shi and ten Wu Chang, plus 50 soldiers and a team rate, then it is 66 people, not only 50 people after taking the team rate, Shi Chang and Wu Chang into account. This is different from the modern army.

In fact, no matter the chief of the staff, the junior commander or the monitor, they are not officers.

In the Han Empire, the rate of troops could not be regarded as officers. It was necessary to go to the village head to be regarded as the officer class.

The military chief of the quarry is a village chief, which also represents that the armed garrison of the quarry is more than 200, about 300.

The underground warehouse for storing detonators is not in the camp of the quarry, but a post about kilometers away from the quarry. Naturally, this is for the sake of safety. It's like the army will deliberately arrange the baggage team transporting gunpowder away from the army to prevent a large group of people from being killed or injured in case of an accident.

"Our first goal is not to immediately impact the warehouse where tools are stored." Arati didn't deliberately lower his voice. He said in the local dialect of the western regions: "it's arson and chaos after the launch!"

The slave's resting place was a long row of wooden dormitories.

The space in the long dormitory is very narrow. A row of beds also nailed with wood occupy seven tenths of the space, leaving a long and narrow corridor.

A dormitory can accommodate 20 people. Their beds are directly connected to the wall. If the weather is cold, people sleeping by the window have examples of direct freezing to death.

Since you are a slave, you can't get along with any comfort. Eating the simplest food, the smell of meat has long been forgotten, and you don't even want to see a drop of oil flower many times.

Naturally, the bed could not be covered with comfortable sheets, but with weeds, rice stalks and other things. Instead, we distributed some linen blankets to everyone.

He has been doing heavy physical work for a long time, but he has not kept up in nutrition. The fat on people must be consumed, making people look extremely thin, just like a skeleton covered with a layer of human skin.

If a person is thin, his physical strength and strength will certainly be reduced. He does not have much endurance. Doing heavy work is tantamount to consuming his life. If he works for three or five years, he will die.

So far, the Han Empire has consumed nearly 1.8 million slaves. Most of them are because they don't get the nutrition they deserve, or even don't have enough rest, resulting in overwork and death.

More than 6000 slaves in the quarry come from different places, so they will have their own local languages.

Some people with higher language talent spend three or five months learning other languages, generally learning Chinese for basic communication.

Even Chinese is actually only one. Chinese is a general term. Chinese spoken by Han people living in Henan and Chinese spoken by Han people living in Hebei sound like two languages, but both Henan dialect and Hebei dialect belong to Chinese.

Slaves could speak Chinese, but because the Han people they contacted came from different regions, what they learned was actually the dialect of a certain region.

At night, there were more voices in each dormitory than usual.

Because they come from different countries and regions, they can't recognize what they are talking about, but they can hear a sense of tension that can't be hidden from their tone of voice.

"What do they want?"

"Although I don't understand, it's definitely not a good thing."

Hyena is from the western regions. He was born in Shanshan... That is, the so-called Loulan.

Although they are from the western regions, the western regions have never been the same unified country, and the ethnic composition is also very complex. Each nation has its own language. As a western region person, they don't know all the western languages, just as it is clear that Chinese people can't understand Chinese.

The little wolf comes from the peninsula. He and the hyena communicate in a low voice in standard Chinese.

The so-called standard Chinese is the official language promoted by the Han Empire, that is, Mandarin.

Of course, Liu Yan knows that Putonghua evolved from poor Putonghua, but he grew up in an environment where he was educated in this language. His mother tongue is Minnan dialect, but he can't use Minnan dialect as an official dialect in the Han Empire, can he?

"Something's wrong, very wrong!"

"Shall we disturb the guards?"

In the dark dormitory, because the hyena and the wolf are adjacent to each other, they see each other's fuzzy facial features when they look at each other.

Those who use western dialect and grassland dialect do not know what stage the communication has entered, or there has been a quarrel. There is a trend that the more they speak, the more excited they become.

Although all slaves are slaves, there are also slaves who are unwilling to accept their fate and those who have accepted their fate.

Hyenas and coyotes come from different places. They have become friends because their names have the word "wolf".

Two people from different places have the same origin, that is, they are poor with nothing. Before they became slaves, they could not taste a trace of decent food in their mouths for three days or two. They became slaves. At least they knew what rice noodles were, and they could eat meat on some grand festivals of the Han people.

"Allahu Akbar!"

"Allah, haben!"

In the dark environment, several people shouted slogans and suddenly attacked the people around them.

Of course, there is no "true 1 God" at present, but just as Westerners pronounce "God" no matter what God they call, some areas can also pronounce "God" with "Allah" or "Allah".

Just now, a slogan was shouted from the mouth of the man next to the hyena. As a Western man, I know where that slogan came from. It came from the Arabs in Sassanian territory.

The hyena was actually a little confused at that moment. All he knew was that there were no Arabs in the dormitory, and he didn't understand how that slogan appeared. When he was still stunned, his neck was pinched, and he struggled subconsciously.

First there was a riot in one dormitory, and then there was fighting in more and more dormitories.

Lin Sui's dormitory is better than other dormitories. There is a layer of sheets on the wooden bed, one person also has a quilt, and there are paper windows to keep out the wind.

Their dormitory is larger than other dormitories and can accommodate 32 people. The thirty-two people were naturally Han hard labor. When they heard that the surrounding dormitories were in chaos, they turned over and sat up one by one.

"What happened?"

"Those cheap bones are fighting."

"More than one dormitory is fighting."

During the discussion, they crowded into any place where they could look out. In fact, they couldn't see anything under the dark night. They could only listen to the news.

Naturally, the movement in the dormitory area was found by the camp guard. Because there were too many fights in the dormitory, the area involved was relatively wide. The guard on duty sounded the alarm at the first moment.

The slaves were fighting in the dormitory. They didn't know whether they were destroying the windows fixed with sticks or beating someone to get kicked out. The first slave left the dormitory, and then the second and third. Gradually, the door of the dormitory was destroyed, and slaves poured out.

The bell was ringing, and Zhou Qing was awakened from his sleep. He turned over and walked quickly to the window. Because it was a three-story building, he looked down. There was a fire in the dormitory in front. Under the light of the fire, he could see the figures fighting or running around.

Obviously, what is happening is no longer a simple fight, even if it is not a premeditated riot, it is also developing towards the trend of outbreak.

"Send a fast horse to report to the county!" Zhou Qing was wearing armor for himself and shouted at the guards: "ask for help from the headquarters at the same time!"

Their camp is within the jurisdiction of Wuyang county. Wuyang county is not a big county, but as a county, there must be yamen service, and then the county Lieutenant can immediately call up military service and organize the county soldiers.

The so-called headquarters is the headquarters of the Duwei of Xiangcheng County. A governor of the Han Empire is a sheriff, but the main army is a sheriff. Depending on the location of the county and the population, each county also has a large or small garrison in peace.

There are more than 6000 slaves in the quarry, but the total number of guards, supervisors and relevant staff is only more than 350, almost one person has to deal with 20 slaves.

If slaves were to behave themselves, it would be no problem for many Han people to take care of them.

For such preventive guard tasks, it is impossible to match a high proportion of guards for a long time. First, the cost is unreasonable. Second, even if there are more soldiers in the country, it is not so. Maintaining an appropriate proportion is the normal mode.

"Didn't you notice the clue before?" Facing Zhou Ming, Zhou Qing didn't use a questioning tone, nor was he angry. He reflected: "we have taken it for granted to surrender to other nationalities."

That's one thing. The contemporary Han people are at the most glorious and proud moment.

In the past, even if the country was strong, there was no intuitive impression of the country's strength for most people.

Now the Han Empire does not lack foreign slaves. Seeing that their lives are changing day by day, they can hear which country the army destroyed from time to time, and then see that foreign nations are so careful and flattering in the face of themselves, which can be regarded as an intuitive understanding of how powerful the country is.

Due to contempt and contempt, although the staff of the quarry did not deliberately abuse slaves, it was not necessary to say how much attention they paid, and some measures were not taken, such as developing informants among slaves. It's good to know in advance.

"The tool warehouse was not impacted." Zhou Minglai had known the general situation before coming: "it looks like the outbreak of contradictions among all ethnic groups, and then slowly affect the whole camp."

Zhou Qing also received a report that the tumultuous slaves did not attack the periphery, and there was no sign of breaking through the camp for the time being.

The two men exchanged known information and came to the conclusion that the slaves were fighting in the dens. They thought that they only needed to guard the exit channel of the camp before the reinforcements arrived.

"There's something wrong with these cheap bones!" Lanzi was standing on the door with several people, and someone was bumping outside again and again. He roared: "usually he doesn't even have the courage to look at us. Today he came around and killed us all!"

Although they all work in quarries, Han hard labor and alien slaves are not the same kind of people, and it can even be said that they will never become the same kind of people.

Foreign slaves never dare to stab the Han hard labor at ordinary times. Timid foreign slaves really dare not look at the Han hard labor. Even if there is any contradiction, it has always been that foreign slaves tolerate the Han hard labor.

"Those guys have red eyes." Although Lin Sui was a deserter, he was one of the six of the 32 people who had been on the battlefield: "not only his behavior is crazy, but also his eyes are crazy!"

In this case, even though the rest looked down on Lin Sui at ordinary times, they all knew that they were deeply involved in the vortex of riots, and only the other 31 people could believe it or even depend on each other.

"There are no guards." Lin then punched out, and a slave's temple with his head extending through the window was hit and fell soft. He pushed the slaves from the inside out: "there is only one village in the mine. It must have chosen to guard the passage."

People who have an overall view will think that the guard's response is very correct when they think about it a little.

If the commotion is found in advance, or before the riot spreads, the guards pull in to suppress it, there is naturally no problem.

Now the whole dormitory area is in chaos. Thousands of people are fighting frantically. The scene is extremely chaotic.

The tool warehouse must be guarded, so at least one team can't move, and even need to strengthen the guard. It's safe to use two teams to guard.

Other passages must also be guarded, and less than 120 people may be able to drive into the camp. It's best for such a person to frighten the slaves in the face of thousands of slaves, or they will be submerged.

What the Han people in the quarry didn't know was that there had been a slave riot a few days ago. Zhou Qing had to wait for the people sent to come back to know that today, not only did they riot here, but there were riots of varying degrees in the four camps for road construction.