Chapter 1005

No matter the Romans or Persians, even the most determined people, 1 race, 1 Lord, 1 righteousness, 1 admit that as long as there is no accident, the Han Empire will always be one of the most powerful empires in the known world in the next few decades and even a hundred years.

It is calculated from the national cultural heritage to population, economy, force and territory area. Although the calculation method is not so reliable, it will never produce subversive wrong calculation results.

"This is not difficult to check..." Cicero put down his tea cup and said: "according to the official data released by cyris, after the census this year, they got 5.78 million households, about 31 million people."

Julian is also drinking tea. They are located in a private teahouse in Chang'an.

When the emperor went on a tour, Chang'an didn't change much, except that he couldn't see the carriages of the ministers converging to the palace city in three or two days. Otherwise, what should it be like at ordinary times.

It can even be said that because the emperor is not in the capital, many people's mentality has been more relaxed. They feel a little like flying themselves. Some noble sons and the second generation of officials make a noise every three or five times.

"Although the cyris did not announce the age level, it is not difficult to guess." Cicero likes to drink tea, especially green tea. When he first drinks it, it is bitter and astringent, but his tongue can gradually taste sweet, especially good for his body. He rubbed the porcelain teacup with one hand and said slowly, "according to their census statistics in the 12th year of Yuanshuo, it is estimated that the number of adults in cyris is about 8 million this year."

Julian also likes to drink tea, but he likes the way that he puts seasoning and oil soup in the tea. He thinks this way of drinking is the way that aristocrats should have.

"From this data, we can find something." Cicero looked very excited and didn't lower his voice: "the people of cyris have fallen into absolute infantilization. About every family has at least three babies."

Julian had already deduced this result, and he was equally excited about it.

Imagine that every family in a country has at least three babies or children. How much effort should parents make to feed their children and how much energy should they devote to their children?

We should not only work hard to earn money, but also take care of children when we are not working.

People with children will know that as long as they are children, there is no time not to make trouble. Most children can stop a little except when they sleep. Otherwise, as long as they keep their eyes open, they are making trouble all the time, so that the people who take care of them need to focus on their children all the time. Over time, they are either prone to irritability or neurasthenia.

"I know that most of the cyris families have fewer babies living in cities, and there are generally more than five children in villages." Julian has not only visited the mountains and rivers in the Han Empire in recent years. He can have such convenience. In addition to carefully drawing maps, he is to investigate the living conditions of the Han people: "the life pressure of the cyris in the city is far greater than that of the local villages. Although they are all cyris, their thoughts are changing differently."

In short, there are too many places to spend money living in cities, especially when they no longer farm themselves, even a grain of rice and a leaf of vegetables need to spend money to buy. Another is that living in the city will inevitably have a more obvious psychology of comparison. It makes no sense that the neighbors are bright, but they are wearing worn-out or patched clothes.

Many times, even if it is borrowing, people in the city will dress themselves up for face, and even the food can't be worse. Otherwise, they will not only feel ashamed, but even have no friends at all.

"I wonder if your highness found out." Cicero thought on his face and said, "the cyris who farm and the cyris who participate in handicraft industry are slowly becoming two absolutely different groups."

Julian was stunned at first, and then showed no happy expression. On the contrary, his face was slowly shrouded in haze.

Rome has long found that as long as there is no shortage of food, the increase in the number of people involved in industry is actually the greatest contribution to the growth of national strength.

The more workshops a country has, the more products it produces. As long as it can provide a market for selling goods, it can further stimulate the handicraft industry. At the same time, the higher the commodity tax the country will get.

"We have 18 unproductive legions. We can't breathe." Julian took a gloomy sip of tea full of oil soup, Continue: "Each of our standing legions has only 5000 people. Cyris has 15 standing legions... No, now it is 16. There are 13 old standing legions, and each Legion has 15000 people. One of their tiger Ben army and feather forest army has 8000 people, but the other has 30000 people. At first, the firearm Legion behind has only 10000 people The establishment of 3000 has now increased by 15000. "

In that case, the number of adult men who were not engaged in production in the whole Han Empire approached 250000.

Production is only one thing. What needs to be studied is the necessary investment. For example, how much does a soldier of the standing army spend on equipment and how much does he spend on food and drink.

It is more necessary to calculate the construction of training venues, as well as many necessary costs and maintenance costs.

Rome could not get the annual military expenditure of the Han Empire, not even the total data, let alone the cost and maintenance cost of a single Legion.

"The annual cost of the cyris legion, which maintains the original column (cold weapons), should be about 8000 gold coins when the infantry Legion is not in combat?" Cicero was completely guessing and said the textual research of the data: "the soldiers of the Han Empire have no salary. The land they get when they join the army is an advance salary for their service. Those expenses are used for equipment and food."

Rome has gone through the era of officers in power and opened an era when salaries were needed as long as they entered the army, no matter whether it was the national regular army or the private army.

There was no salary in the Han Empire. If you can get something at ordinary times, you use the argument of "reward". At the same time, there is no rule that there will be a "reward" every month, quarter and year. It is possible to get a "reward" only on some special festivals.

This is indeed the envy of all countries, especially Rome.

While admiring Rome, it was completely incomprehensible that the Han Empire army could have such strong fighting power and will to fight without salary. At the same time, it was eager to know the secret.

"The cyris have a Corvee System. This system has been implemented since thousands of years ago." Julian did not read so many books in vain: "they have long been used to giving without return. The emperor of this generation gave land when they served, and has been regarded as the most kind and generous emperor."

In fact, Rome also had the obligation to join the army for a long time. At that time, only when it joined the army could it become a citizen. At the same time, after becoming a citizen, it could also obtain land.

In the "civil age" stage of Rome, enlisting in the army to obtain land was not the most attractive place. That period happened to be the stage of rapid expansion of Rome. The biggest source of income for soldiers was to participate in the war. Getting bounties was only part of it, and more of it was to make money in the integration of the army.

The Han Empire army as like as two peas in Rome is almost the same as the "citizen era" in Rome. The difference is that the system of the changed China has been changed. The Han Empire still carried out the classical system.

"Is it possible to start from this aspect?" Julian said to himself that he was asking, rather than thinking: "let the soldiers of cyris have more requirements!"

Cicero was lost in thought.

It can even be said that all countries, including Rome and Persia, were unwilling to be plundered and suppressed. They did not want to provoke unrest within the Han Empire.

Everyone looked for a big circle and was surprised to find that it was a country with the extremely stable ruling structure as long as royal family was not disordered.

The emperor of the Han Empire is the only adult. This makes countries almost feel incredible, but at the same time, they can't understand that the rulers of all countries they know can step from being ruled to becoming rulers. Without exception, they are all a powerful family, and it is precisely because the family itself is strong enough to become a new ruling family.

How can powerful families be sparsely populated? In addition to the financial resources to support the armed forces, there will also be a large number of talents. Only with these foundations can they have the opportunity to rise through difficulties.

Generally speaking, families with few people do not have enough self-protection, and there is almost no basis for expansion. All because of "entrepreneurship", the most trustworthy people are the people with blood relationship. These people with blood relationship are "entrepreneurship" themselves, and the people without blood relationship are just "working".

If you are related by blood and want to change jobs, you will not destroy your career. If you are not related by blood, you can do something to destroy "entrepreneurship" at any time. To put it bluntly, it is the relationship of trust. Usually, even if outsiders have more abilities, when they are appointed to do something, they will still choose their own people who are related by blood.

They knew that Liu Yan was only alone at the beginning of "entrepreneurship". They were stunned. They couldn't understand how Liu Yan could make his "career" bigger and bigger under the condition of being alone. What's more, they couldn't understand how those subordinates who had no blood relationship with Liu Yan could not be suspicious or even show loyalty. This situation is almost unreasonable and unreasonable for their country.

No matter how unscientific, Liu Yan did what countries thought was absolutely impossible "alone. He not only worked hard to build a country with his own strength, but even made the country a hegemonic existence.

If it is only to manage a country to the point of regional hegemony, most countries will not know what is happening in that land in the East. However, the Han Empire suddenly entered the vision of all countries, or stepped onto the world stage by means of a cross sea expedition to destroy a regional hegemony.

The way to destroy a country and occupy a country is well known. There is no more cool way to appear than this!

"I'll be back in a while." Julian said by way of command: "whether it can succeed or not, you should try to make cyris' Army disordered according to the scheme just mentioned. Even if it does not cause chaos, cyris' soldiers should think that they have not been paid attention at all!"

Cicero answered with a wry smile and asked, "have those Persians been trying to contact the princess?"

"Cyris's system is very special, not so similar to all countries." Julian knew what Cicero asked and had given the answer: "we are also trying, and there is no result. There is a saying of the cyris that the palace is like the sea. After entering, it is equivalent to sinking into the sea. It can be seen that it is not so easy to contact."

"Actually..." Cicero hesitated and said, "there is almost no possibility of success."

Roman Augusti's wife can see so many people. If she wants to do something, she doesn't lack opportunities, but she has never had a problem in this regard.

The harem system of the Han Empire was much more complex and strict than that of Rome or any other country, especially when dealing with foreign concubines.

"As far as we know, the emperor of Han doesn't sleep with them at all. He will leave no matter how late he wants to sleep." Cicero said this was very early intelligence: "unless we can buy two people, the queen, or the princess."

"Is it possible for the German imperial concubine of the Han Empire to buy it?" What Julian knew was that the imperial concubine's ethnic group was destroyed: "as long as people have feelings, she must have had the idea of revenge for her mother clan?"

Cicero has nothing to say about this. What he knows is that tuobaxiu has a very good reputation and is deeply loved by Liu Yan.

"We're not sure!" Cicero wanted to say that they couldn't contact anyone in the harem at all. He smiled bitterly and said, "don't try, or even stop the Persians. Now is not the time to scare the snake."

"No." Julian has another saying: "let the Persians try. No matter what achievements they have made, it will at least put the emperor in trouble. If the emperor wants revenge, it will also retaliate against the Persians, which is good for us but not bad."

Cicero thought about it and thought it was the same thing.

They are united to conquer the Han Empire. They are about to enter a state of hostility, but they still have to distinguish who the Han Empire is more hostile to. It is appropriate for the Persians to meet more anger of the Han Empire.

If the Han Empire chose to cross the sea expedition or even directly land in Constantinople, they certainly thought they would win the final victory of the defense war, but they really didn't want to see such a result.