Chapter 973

After the severe winter, the calendar opened a new page to the year of 14 years of Yuanshuo.

When spring comes, there will be only a few places in the south where it will snow. When spring comes, it won't take long for flowers to bloom everywhere.

In most parts of the north, spring comes only when the ice and snow begin to melt. It is precisely because of the melting of ice and snow that many places will not only temporarily form multiple streams, but also the ground will become unusually wet.

If the wet ground is trampled again and again, there is no doubt that it will become muddy. With the warmer and warmer climate, all kinds of plants will grow madly in the muddy land, especially weeds.

According to the area, maybe Guanzhong should be located in the northwest? The ice and snow in this place will not completely melt until the middle of spring. If the season does not change much, there will also be a rainy season in the middle of spring. Therefore, the spring farming in Guanzhong is basically around the late ten days.

In fact, the farther north, the later the time period of spring ploughing, and the earlier the time period of spring ploughing in the south.

On the land of the Han Empire, at this moment, the South has entered the busiest time for farmers. Working figures can be seen everywhere in the fields. The first thing they do is to turn over the ridge.

The ridge is the boundary used by each family to divide their fields. While rectifying the ridge, they also maintain the water transmission channel.

"The price of cattle is too cheap now."

"Isn't it?"

"This is the advantage of laying down the grassland!"

"With cattle, the farm work that used to take a month to complete can now be completed in three or five days."

Of course, it is beneficial to lay down the grassland, which is directly reflected in the provision of a large number of animals, especially cattle and horses, which are very important to the farming people.

In the current era, cattle are basically used for farming in the south. When there are horses in the north, cattle will not be selected.

That is determined by the soil quality and appearance of the two regions, and it is also the different needs of planting crops in the two regions. To put it bluntly, most of the cultivated land in the south is paddy field, while in the north it is mainly dry land.

The hooves of cattle and horses are not the same, and then there are differences in tension and endurance. Generally speaking, it is best to use cattle as animal power in mud, and horses are better than cattle if they are used to pull plows in dry fields.

If we observe the history of farming in the world, we will find that where Malay plows are used, the farming speed will definitely far exceed that of cattle. In fact, most countries and nationalities in the world use horse plows much more than cattle plows.

"Even if you can't afford a cow, you can rent it from the township society!"

"How extravagant should I be in these years, so I don't have enough money to buy cattle?"

The most intuitive data is that when the small imperial court ruled in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the price of cattle suitable for farming would not be less than 50000 yuan; Nowadays, the price of cattle suitable for farming is only 5000 yuan. It means that the price of cattle fluctuates like a cliff.

In fact, 5000 yuan is still a large amount for ordinary people, but don't forget who had farmland in the Han Empire. Except those who originally owned land, they were rewarded for their achievements.

It must be understood that in the two Jin Dynasties, those who originally owned land would not be too poor to exaggerate.

At the same time that they were rewarded with land for their achievements, since they were able to obtain titles, they had participated in at least one war, and the soldiers of the Han army could also get 40% of the captured. The whole army still had a share of the overall booty after the war. How can they get no less than 1000 money after a war.

Only a few people can get a title in a war. Most people actually need to go through more than ten wars to get a title. So as long as they are willing to save money and wait for retirement from the army, whose package will be less than 10000 money?

Ten thousand dollars and five thousand dollars are spent on buying a farm cow. The land is earned by military service. If a title is settled in a place, the local government also needs to build a house for him. That is, in addition to some necessities of life, such as furniture and scattered bowls, chopsticks, ladles, pots and other small things, there is no other cost unless he wants to buy some non daily necessities.

"A year's plan lies in spring? There's no such saying now!"

"Spring ploughing is extremely important. It's just that there are many ways to get money now."

A man who looks simple and honest may be a warrior with blood on his hands. He has made military achievements because of his bravery. In addition to hundreds of acres of fertile land and expensive cash, he has to have more than one slave.

Among the busy figures in the fields, at least seven of the ten are slaves.

Most of the slaves in the South came from Indochina Peninsula. They looked dark and their body bones tended to be thin.

In fact, the former slaves of Koguryo, Baiji and Silla were the best in agricultural labor. They were all agricultural people and were not lazy when they were familiar with agricultural operations.

Slaves from the grassland want them to farm? Basically, we need to start from scratch. What can be praised is that the slaves from the grassland are not lazy.

In recent years, many slaves have been brought back from the western regions, that is, few slaves south of the Yangtze River come from the Three Kingdoms of the peninsula, the grassland and the western regions. Even if there are demobilized people who have personally participated in the war, if they are assigned by the local government, they are basically slaves from the Indochina Peninsula.

If the Indochina Peninsula is divided by civilization, it also belongs to the regions of farming nations, but in fact, no matter now or later generations, as long as they are local indigenous men, they are definitely not good farmers.

"Those monkeys usually climb trees and sleep late. They are experts. Let them know how to work well in the field, but they don't use less whip education."


"I heard that you can replace Nanyang monkeys with ah San soon?"

"Can you change it?"

"Someone also heard from the military robe Ze who was a guest at home."

"How to change it?"

I have to admit that the male slaves in Indochina Peninsula are really useless. Even if they urge them with a whip, they will not let go when they can be lazy.

The slaves in the family are monkeys from Indochina Peninsula, which is a bad thing for everyone. They constantly complain. In view of the fact that the complainants are not real mud legs and have titles, the government dare not ignore those complaints.

The government responded to the center, and the center could not ignore the resentment of the meritorious class. Considering that the Gupta empire was destroyed and a San was a lot of slaves, a San was better than Nanyang monkeys to some extent, so it put forward the policy of replacing a San with Nanyang monkeys.

"When did it happen?"

"Listen to paoze, the fastest is this autumn?"

"It happens to be the autumn harvest!"

"Ah San, we haven't used this one. I don't know if it's easy to use."

"No matter how bad it is, it can be worse than those monkeys?"

"That's what I said!"

In the contiguous fields, the "Moos" of cattle fluctuate with each other. They are covered with a plow and walk through the mud.

As an agricultural nation, the plow has always been the most important tool, but there is no one. Most people can't say what the style of the plow was before the ancient pre-Qin period. In the pre Han period, the plow underwent a reform and gradually unified the use of the straight pole plow.

The so-called straight pole plow, as the name suggests, is a plow in a straight line shape. It also has a triangular propulsion plow head, a grip and related trunk. It is very difficult to rotate in use, so it will be laborious to cultivate land.

Liu Yan didn't bring much science and technology to this era. Fortunately, he was not a person who had never done farm work. When he was a child, he actually needed to participate in work and had contact with paddy field work. At that time, he didn't pay too much attention to observation, but only had a vague impression.

As the emperor of the Central Plains Dynasty, even if it is any absurd law, the emperor should have patience to carry out the necessary show, that is, carry out an agricultural show at a specific time.

Liu Yan has become the son of heaven. In fact, he does not exclude farming in person, but a more correct way is to focus on the positioning of being an "operator" and "arbiter" than farming by himself.

When participating in the farming show, Liu Yan saw the straight shaft plow. In fact, he didn't find anything at the first time. He felt something wrong when he operated and found the characteristics of difficult rotation.

Liu Yan left his mind and began to observe the plow. After recalling for a long time, he figured out that something was wrong, but he only put forward some opinions, but he didn't work as a designer.

The Shaofu was ordered by the emperor to develop a more advanced plow. In particular, when it comes to improving the rotation and structure, it has been studied and improved again and again. When it comes to the finished product, it is very close to the Quyuan plow.

It's just close to the style of Qu Yuan plow. It's not a real Qu Yuan plow. Liu Yan's memory is too poor. Unlike his peers, he can remember all poems, songs and Fu, as well as all related to farming. He has mastered all modern scientific and technological knowledge.

"The male monkey must be replaced by a San. No matter how bad a San is, he is definitely better than the male monkey. Some is just pure curiosity. Where will the monkeys we replaced be sent?"

"I don't know that."

Slaves from Indochina Peninsula, men are useless both in physique and character. Their thin body can't do heavy work, and their lazy character can't do fine work. They are said to be the worst slaves. No Han people will object.

In fact, the center of the Han Empire did not think about what arrangements should be made to "recover" the male slaves in the Indochina Peninsula. Perhaps they would be sent to build roads or to mines everywhere. There is always a place that can play a role. Because these monkeys are useless, they probably do not have any idea of care. Monkeys will be consumed very quickly.

"Are you talking about ah San?"

"Ah, yes."

"I've seen ah San. It's not very different from the monkeys in Indochina."

"No! What's the difference between changing and not changing?"

"Looks very similar... Ah San should be more diligent than monkeys."

Among the people gathered together, five or six of the ten returned from the army. In fact, they are not so worried.

The collected wishes and demands can be transmitted to the local government. The local government does not dare to ignore and cover up, and the center will not ignore the demands of their group. This is their greatest confidence.

Only the absolutely vulnerable groups will have no sense of security, and it is natural for them to have no sense of security. After all, the request can not be answered. No one will take them seriously. Where is the sense of security?

In the Han Empire, people who had no voice were usually those who had no military service experience. If they had military service experience, even if they had not made military achievements and won the title, anyone who had not won the title of paoze in the army would always be able to know paoze to win the title,

The ruling group, including Liu Yan, regarded the nobility as the foundation of the Empire, and they also expected the nobility to play a role in stabilizing the place.

When it comes to the time of conscription in national war, those who have nobility are also the best sources of troops. After all, they are all groups who have lived in military life. If they are conscripted again, they will soon form combat effectiveness and can be used immediately on the battlefield.

It doesn't mean that no title will be completely ignored in the Han Empire, but just like the sentence "take responsibility, have obligations and enjoy treatment", don't be angry when you encounter anything. You have to think about what you have done for the country before you want to ask the country what you can do for yourself?

Individuals and individuals pay attention to giving and obtaining, and individuals and countries should be the same. It is normal to enjoy equal rights and interests as much as they pay. It is the biggest abnormality to ask for more than anyone who does nothing.

"When can I be selected to go out..."

"It's not that we don't work hard and pay attention. We really don't have that chance."

"Earlier, county soldiers had the opportunity to be transferred out. I heard that only the standing army was sent out to fight on the grassland this time."

"I don't know if it will become normal? If you go out to fight and don't transfer County soldiers, there are so many people who can join the standing army."

"It should have been fought for long ago. It's getting harder and harder now."

Without a title and the opportunity to participate in the national war, it would really be a bad thing.

When some people hear others complain, no matter how proud they are, they will choose to shut up and rejoice that they have caught up with the good time again and again.

Since the 12th year of Yuanshuo, the Han Empire had large-scale military operations, that is, this grassland war.

Before the real fight, I don't know how many people are looking forward to participating. First, the standing armies keep asking for war, and the counties and counties in the north are also looking forward to being selected as auxiliary soldiers to go together.

When it comes to the time of war, most people are doomed to be disappointed. What they didn't expect is that the number of troops mobilized will be so small, let alone that this group of grassland coalition forces are so useless.

Compared with the previous grassland nomads, some grassland Cenozoic generations such as Rouran and Gaoche are really useless, especially the Han Army in their heyday.

Hundreds of thousands of grassland allied troops were repeatedly defeated and annihilated by less than 40000 Han troops, which really disappointed those who wanted to participate in the war in the form of reinforcement.

"Don't you have to go to war?"

"Then you say, what other way can you get the title!"

It seems, seems, maybe... There is no simpler way for ordinary people?