Chapter 937

"Fine gentleman, if you have a body, don't always go out to pick up horse dung!"


"We don't need to pick up horse dung now. I have plenty of places to make firewood."


Fang Lun sharpened his sword and looked helplessly at his new wife. He had stressed it many times. He didn't know whether it was due to the lack of language or what the problem was. That white wife would always go out and pick up a large basket of horse dung.

Spring in the western regions is not warm, and even the snow has not melted in some high-altitude places.

It's not like the hometown of Fang Lun. Green mountains and green waters can be seen everywhere. On the contrary, the Gobi can be seen everywhere. It's not as easy to make wood as he said, but the Han people who settled in this land are absolutely different from the local people in the western regions.

People in the western regions naturally exist with enthusiasm, but most of their enthusiasm is only people who give themselves trust. They treat more people as cold except indifference.

It has been nearly two years since the Han people entered the western regions on a large scale. Most of the people who came here before made a fortune chose to return to their hometown. A small number of people stayed for one reason or another. Fang theory is one of the people who chose to stay.

The Han people who stay in the western regions know very well that they are in a foreign land, and know more about the local western people's attitude towards the Han people. Unity and mutual assistance are the foundation of their foothold.

The village on the edge of the Gobi is inhabited by more than 100 Han people. They are all those who choose to stay in the western regions. They are settled in this newly-built village by the western region capital guard.

"I'll drive the sheep out later." Fang Lun imitated the sheep's "Baa Baa" cry, looked at Buyi's nod and continued: "after I go out, you will continue to learn Chinese characters in the village."

Buyi nodded stupidly. It seemed that he didn't know whether he understood it or not?

Fang Lun chose to stay instead of returning to his hometown. There was no place for him to leave him. His family died in the war, and did not own their own house and land. Besides the registered residence, it was all over the Yan Men county.

There are many reasons for Fang Lun to choose to stay in the western regions. The Han people choose to stay here. The military will enthusiastically arrange houses or help build houses from scratch. The same military merit can also be allocated far more land than their hometown. Finally, what made him decide to stay was a Western woman named Buyi.

Fang Lun's acquaintance with Bouyei was bloody. In fact, a group of people rushed into Bouyei's village and started the cause of burning, killing and looting.

The six of them went into the village fully armed. They thought that they would kill a man as usual. They did kill some at the beginning, but they rushed out of nearly a hundred horse teams. In a moment, they knew that they were kicking an iron plate or encountering an ambush. When the situation was bad, they naturally chose to retreat.

The retreat was not so smooth. Two people didn't even escape from the village. Fang Lun was shot down during his escape and unfortunately became a prisoner.

Fang Lun's experience of becoming a prisoner was not wonderful. He was humiliated and beaten by the gang of horse thieves.

At that time, the Western girl named Buyi had been quietly sending food and water to Fang Lun.

They don't know why Buyi did this because they don't speak the same language. Fang Lun later learned that Buyi had a deep blood feud with the gang of horse thieves.

Since Fang Lun is still alive, it is natural that the gang of horse thieves ushered in the disaster. It was his escaped partner who brought the guards of the western regions. According to the clues left by the horse thieves, he found the old nest and surrounded and suppressed the group of horse thieves. What was more dangerous was that he was almost killed. If Bu Yi hadn't knocked out his horse thieves with a stick to kill him, his bones could be used to beat drums today.

The guards of the western regions not only exterminated the gang of horse thieves, but also the people of the western regions in that village were retaliated, either killed or arrested. Bouyei, who was also from the western regions, also became one of the spoils of the army. Fortunately, Fang Lun gave testimony.

In the western regions, any behavior against the Han people will not come to a good end, even if the Han people are robbed and resisted. If you want to say something, you can only blame those people in the western regions for the wrong birth.

As the only Westerner in the village who helps the Han people, Bouyei will get rich rewards and a "good citizen certificate".

With that good citizen certificate, Bouyei can be endorsed by the western region capital guard and can choose to live and work in peace and contentment anywhere in the western region, instead of becoming a dead man or a slave like those arrested in the western region.

On the land of the western regions, there is only one institution qualified to issue the "good citizen certificate", which is naturally the capital protector of the western regions.

There will be such a thing as "good citizen certificate", which is mainly due to the differential treatment of western people, so as to attract more western people to serve the Han people.

The western regions are in the period of military control. There is no division of counties and counties. The western regions are an organization integrating military and political affairs. They can intervene in anything in the western regions.

Since Bouyei has become Fang Lun's wife, it means that there is still a story in the follow-up, which is nothing more than a Han man taking care of girls in the western regions, and the latter two come together.

If you write a script or adapt a film or a series, Fang Lun's acquaintance with Bouyei to become a husband and wife will not lack the necessary elements in many literary and artistic works: male and female protagonists, different nationalities, men, in order to spread civilization, women have a sad past, a gang of Villains, a brave king, and the male and female protagonists finally come together.

Fang Lun and Bouyei's story didn't come together, and they still have a long follow-up.

This time the Han people came to the western regions is completely different from the previous times.

Han people first set foot in the western regions during the Western Han Dynasty. At that time, the western regions was a colony of the Huns. At the beginning, the Han people did not stretch out their tusks. On the contrary, the Han people came with friendship.

The Western Han Empire began to show its tusks to the western regions, waiting for the end of the Hexi war and opening up the Hexi corridor. The next step of the Western Han Empire is naturally to drive the Huns away from the western regions. Naturally, we should not only use goodwill to impress the people of the western regions, but also let the people of the western regions know that the Han people have a big stick in addition to turnips.

The two "Da Wan wars" made the people of the western regions understand the strength of the Western Han Empire, and the Xiongnu had to flee. Then the Western Han Empire set up Wuji school captain department in the western regions for the first time, followed by the western region capital guard, which became the jurisdiction of the Han people.

The Western Han Empire collapsed, and the Han people couldn't care about the western regions for a long time. In the new dynasty established by Wang Mang, although there were western regions protectors, they actually existed in name.

Waiting for Liu Xiu to establish the Eastern Han Empire, Han talents entered the western regions for the second time, but this time the Han people were far more domineering than the Western Han Dynasty.

The domineering spirit of the Eastern Han Dynasty to regain control of the western regions was reflected in many aspects. There was no advance of tens of thousands of troops. Some were just an envoy and dozens of soldiers. They often went into the Royal Palace of a country, read the imperial edict, took out the sword, shouted "when to kill" the king who disobeyed the Eastern Han Empire, and established a new king who was close to the Eastern Han Empire.

One envoy and dozens of soldiers dared to do so, which was established during the Western Han Dynasty and left enough impression on the people of the western regions. To put it bluntly, the prestige of the Han Empire was very effective in the western regions, and the countries in the western regions did not dare to start a national war with the Han people.

Unfortunately, at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, civil strife broke out again and lost control of the western regions. It was still waiting for Cao Cao to unify the north. The next generation of Cao Pi established Wei Guocai to control the western regions again.

The Western Jin Dynasty established by Sima inherited its control over the western regions from the Cao Wei Dynasty, but Sima's Dynasty's control over the western regions was worse than that during the Cao Wei period. Later, it experienced five chaos and chaos, which made the western regions break away from the control of the Han people for a long time.

The Han Empire established by Liu Yan was the fifth large-scale march of the Han people into the western regions.

This time, the Han people treated the western regions much more fiercely than the previous four times. This is because the Han people desperately need to absorb nutrition, and the means naturally can not be gentle.

The western region has never been a unified place. Even if it is controlled again and again, there are still many kingdoms, city states and tribes, and the number of nationalities is far greater than expected.

The complex situation led to unclear disputes among the nationalities in the western regions.

Now the Han people are pouring into the western regions and doing all kinds of burning, killing and looting. It's reasonable for the western regions to unite against the Han people, right? But it didn't.

That is related to the Han people's policy of not burning, killing and looting everyone. Some current affairs aware kingdoms and city states are only gently "sucking blood" by the Han people. The fierce means of the Han people are used on the kingdoms and city states of current affairs ignorant people, and there is no distinction between tribes.

Han people treat tribes with migration habits in a single way. If they find one, they destroy the other. In this way, those tribes have been moving and think it is difficult to control, which is a very bad unstable factor. The best way to eliminate the unstable factor must be to destroy it.

In fact, among the tribes that maintain the habit of migration in the western regions, at least seven of them are horse thieves. It is common for the remaining three to catch cheap horse thieves and guest play horse thieves. The western regions have been so chaotic for a long time, and they can't be separated from them. The Han people have no difference. It is absolutely right to destroy the tribes.

"Fine gentleman." Fang Lun sharpened the knife, put it into the scabbard, stood up, picked up the sheep tools and said, "I'm out."

Buyi has been called Xijun for a long time. He doesn't know that it is the name that the Han man calls his wife. He thinks that his name translated into Chinese is Xijun, or the Han name given to him by his husband.

Soon Fang Lun drove more than 30 sheep out of the sheepfold and drove them out of the gate around the house.

Buyi trotted a few steps to the fence, watched Fang Lun drive the sheep away, took his eyes back and looked at his house.

This is a house covering an area of about 200 square meters. The fence wall outside is built with the help of the villagers, and the house is built by the engineering team of the capital guard of the western regions.

The fence wall surrounds the whole house. There is a door in the South and North, which is divided into front yard and backyard.

According to the custom of the Han people, a pavilion will be built in the front yard. Usually, eating is in the pavilion. In addition to the pavilion, an open space will be cleared up, which is usually used to eat something; There must be a vegetable garden in the backyard, and the livestock and poultry raised at home will also build corresponding huts, houses and circles.

It's not a problem that she can't speak with her husband. Buyi is very satisfied with her current life. She also works hard to understand everything her husband says.

No, perhaps it should be said that the current life is that Bouyei far exceeds all his imagination of beauty. She believes that Han men are the best husbands in the world. They can take care of people, are willing to work, and have the ability to protect their families. That is a quality that is difficult to find in Western men.



"Is your husband out?"

"Yes, he went to herd sheep."

"Then come out."

"OK, I'll be right there."

There are more than 100 families in this village. All of them are Han men who have decided to stay in the western regions. Most of them have married a western region woman, and more Han men choose a western region woman as their concubine.

Nowadays, it is the habit of Han men to take a foreign woman as a concubine. Most Han men, no matter where they are, will still want to marry a Han woman as long as their title is high enough.

It is very common for the Han people to take concubines before getting a wife. For example, Lisa is the concubine of a Han man, but according to the understanding of the western people, there is no concubine. The western people distinguish many women of the same man by order, that is, the first wife, the second and the third.

Buyi and Lisa came to the village square together. Before they arrived, there were quite a lot of people here, most of them women.

They sit in rows. There is a wooden plate filled with sand in front of everyone's seat, and they will hold a branch in their hands.

Those are tools for literacy. Branches are naturally used for writing, and wooden plates filled with sand are used for writing. After each word is written, it can be erased and rewritten.

In addition to the wives and concubines of Han men, there are actually some Han people who don't have to work. Some are adult men, and a few are children and women. They also come to learn knowledge.

"Write each word several times according to the stroke." Lin Sui's voice was very loud. He said it once in Chinese and Western Dialect: "wait a minute, I'll teach some words again."

Lin Sui is actually one of the villagers. He spent nearly half a year learning the Western dialect in this area, and he himself read some books.

When the western regions capital guard office organized to learn Chinese and write Chinese characters, someone came and found Lin Sui. After negotiation, Lin Sui was incorporated into the western regions capital guard office, but he was not used as a soldier on the battlefield, but for culture and education.

"What kind of education is going on in China? The mother is for the next generation. We can be regarded as having a good reputation." Lin Sui took the kettle, poured a few mouthfuls, and said happily, "I don't think it's wrong that a high-quality mother can teach a better next generation."

"We don't understand." Wang Mian said simply, "I only know that literacy is definitely a good thing!"