Chapter 934

From a military point of view, the Han Empire was not afraid of another war, whether it was against a small country of a regional nature, a large country of a regional nature, or even a overlord at the imperial level.

Whether we can fight or not is not the key issue for the current Han Empire.

After the war, especially after winning, how should the Han Empire deal with it.

"We are facing unprecedented problems." Ji Chang's tired face frowned deeply: "Chang said not only about domestic construction, but also about social problems."

The entertainment barbecue didn't end until dawn. No one could interfere with what Liu Yan did. All the ministers went back to their homes.

The reason why they need to go home instead of waiting for work time is that they need to freshen up and change their clothes.

Those who did not achieve their fundamental goal could sleep depending on their anxiety about the situation. Some of them only had a small rest, and most of them stayed in the bath for a long time.

After returning to Miyagi, it should be a busy time. Today, there are not many things that the heads of departments need to be busy. Last night, they could accompany Liu Yan to "relax" all night. What they need to do is to distribute the long drawn up list.

After finishing what should be done, I'll see you below. It's the next day. The people who attended the barbecue last night went to the changmingtai in Jianzhang palace.

Due to lack of sleep, everyone has obvious bags under the eyes. They don't need to pay too much attention to their demeanor. How to be lazy is what they look like.

Changmingtai is one of the leisure places of Jianzhang palace.

According to Zhuxia's habit of naming a geographical location, changmingtai is either a place to keep people sane or a place with light all the time.

The vestibule of changmingtai has a tripod shaped facility made of cement, in which there will be flames all the time.

The tripod looks very large and its internal structure is not simple. Some oil pipelines are installed to continuously provide fuel for combustion by using the principle of water pressure, so that the flame can burn all the time.

It is a kind of vegetable oil that is burned and specially processed. It seems that some spices and other materials are put, which will make the surroundings filled with fragrance.

People who are not in good spirits put forward requirements for the female officials in charge of changmingtai. Today, they were replaced with mint incense.

"The object of our ancestors' fusion is the white skin system, which has always accounted for the majority in terms of time." Ji Chang reached out to pour himself a cup of tea, sipped and put down the cup: "no relevant records have been found. I can guess it took at least a thousand years to have our current single skin color."

Some records clearly mentioned that in ancient times, there were more than yellow skin systems in East Asia. Around the Yellow River Basin, there were people with various skin colors, even white skin systems, which were far more than yellow skin systems and other skin colors.

For example, all kinds of Di, all kinds of Rong, all kinds of Yi and ghost Fang, and even the Qiang in ancient times, they all belong to the white skin race according to records.

After the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the yellow skin system basically accounted for the majority in the south of the Yellow River Basin, and the white skin system still accounted for the majority in the north of the Yellow River Basin.

The Chinese mainland really entered the era of yellow skin system from the late spring and Autumn period, but the white skin system is still very active in the grassland and the Yellow River Basin near the grassland.

By the end of the Warring States period, the competition between the yellow skin system and the white skin system for living space had not stopped. For example, the state of Zhao was still integrating Beidi during the war of the first emperor's unification, and the state of Yan was still fighting with Donghu.

"During the war of reunification, the Di people who were originally dependent on the state of Zhao were subdued by the state of Qin. They participated in the war to destroy Zhao." Xie an usually doesn't talk much. Today, most people are relatively silent. He knows some history of the white skin system and talks more: "after the war to destroy Zhao, the Di people accepted by the state of Qin were arranged to the north of Daijun and Shangjun. Then the historian no longer recorded the di people. It should have been destroyed by the Xiongnu or Yueshi."

After Li Mu's death, the Baidi people no longer obey the state of Zhao. The remaining 4000 people were incorporated by the Qin people and indeed sent to the grassland as Xie an said.

During the reign of Qin Dynasty, it happened that the Huns rose. At that time, most nomads were under the command of Madden, and those Baidi people were either eliminated or incorporated.

"Although Donghu was defeated and weakened by the Huns, its branches continued to flourish until the end of the (Eastern) Han Dynasty and even at the beginning of the (Western) Jin Dynasty." Xie an summarized it from many aspects: "Xianbei, wuwan, Fuyu, Quwo and Shen... They are all branches of Donghu."

There is no dispute about the white skin and yellow skin of the Hu people in the history books. Historians of all dynasties have been trying to understand the distinction between the Hu people, and they were very clear before Sima Qian.

Historians before Sima Qian believed that the Hu people of the yellow skin system were either Zhuxia branches that fled in ancient times, or the Chinese people who were later humanized. They also clearly pointed out that the Hu people of the white skin system migrated from more north or more West. For example, the white skin system in the northeast is from the ice field (Arctic and so on), and the people in the north and northwest are from the west of Kunlun mountain.

According to the modern exquisite gene, most historians before the Western Han Dynasty really guessed right, and there were few mistakes.

Sima Qian wrote the historical records. His time was very special. It happened that the national concept of Zhuxia came into being. At the same time, the war between the Han Empire and the Huns also entered a critical period. He may have his own conjecture or serve politics. He not only kept looking for the ancestors of Zhuxia for the equivalent tribal kings of the Huns, but also the Liangkan family (both the Huns and the family).

At that time, because the Han army continued to win on the battlefield, the Xiongnu might find some reasons for defeat. Gradually, more and more people believed that their ancestors and Han ancestors were different branches of a large tribe.

After the division of the Xiongnu, those Xiongnu people who believed that they had a common ancestor with the Han people chose to "recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors", so the Xiongnu was divided into North and south.

One thing is that when Wang Mang usurped the Han Dynasty, most Han people, including the royal family, thought Wang Mang was popular, but the southern Huns stood up against it. At that time, the southern Huns were very straightforward. They didn't want the Han Empire to perish and were willing to shed blood to defend the existence of the Han Empire. The reason why they did so was that Wang Mang did not think that the Huns were also members of Zhuxia, which was absolutely intolerable to the Huns at that time.

"History books do record that." Yu Yi is not endorsing Xie an's statement. He is only repeating the historical records: "after the Han Dynasty was re established, the integration of the southern Huns was interrupted due to some policy factors."

Han people... It should be said that in the Western Han Dynasty, they had their own way of integrating different nationalities. The result was to integrate most of the different nationalities in the four counties of Eastern Liaoning with an unknown number of different nationalities in southwest Yelang, Ailao and Yunnan.

If more time were given to the Western Han Dynasty and the policy had not been changed, including the southern Huns, Koguryo, wuwan (i.e. Wuhuan), Qiang, and perhaps even all ethnic groups in the western regions, all of them might disappear into the forest of nations in the world and become Han people.

In addition to wuwan, those nationalities that had not been solved in the Western Han Dynasty ruthlessly inserted countless knives into the Han people. These are because the Eastern Han Dynasty did not continue or simply adopted a policy completely opposite to the Western Han Dynasty, which not only interrupted the integration process, but also created rebellion and independence.

Contemporary Han people, especially dignitaries with high status and status, have been repeatedly asked by Liu Yan to read more history books.

Reading history can make people wise. Those who controlled the world before Liu Yan actually did not want people other than the royal family to read too many history books, especially the records of those who controlled the world.

Liu Yan knows why. The emperor's words and deeds can't be read by anyone. In fact, it's the material of learning "Wang Xinshu". When he asked officials to read more, he also prohibited the dissemination of the records of emperors or emperors of all dynasties, and let them read the historical process.

Because of the existence of history books, a country or nation can get enlightenment from some examples of its predecessors and even learn from successful cases.

Some of the problems encountered by the current Han Empire can be found in historical books, while others were not encountered by our ancestors.

"The first stage of Han's integration of different nationalities is no different from that of his ancestors." Sang Yu said that the number of Hu people who merged to the South was the largest, including Qiang, Di, Xianbei and miscellaneous Hu. He smiled bitterly and shook his head: "our ancestors had no precedent of accepting more than half of the foreign women of our ethnic group."

"More than half." Ran min paid more attention to this than anyone else: "according to miscellaneous calculations, more than 60% of the Han family's children have at least one alien woman in their family by the 12th year of Yuanshuo."

At present, the total population of the Han Empire has reached more than 25 million, less than 7 million adult men. The rest are the old, the weak and women, and most of them are children.

The Han people not only recovered the old land of the Han family, but also opened up territory to the outside world. Trapped by the lack of school-age women of their own nation, it is natural to plunder the female population.

"The three Peninsula countries and Indochina Peninsula are no longer the only way to get foreign women." Ran min pressed his finger: "needless to say, the western regions and the three continents, the Great Han also had contacts with the messy people of Persia and Daqin. In the future, he will be able to have an alien woman."

It was originally a very proud thing, but too many will become different. It is that the Han people deal with almost the whole world alone. Of course, it is the "seeds" of the Han men in many aspects, but they are not born with yellow skin. This is very bad!

"In addition..." ran Min said with a very speechless expression: "if you remember correctly, the number of recorded slaves in the 12th year of Yuanshuo reached more than 6 million, and there may be more than 2 million without records. These slaves did not lose the ability to reproduce. Some guys seem to be engaged in what breeding scheme?"

Ran min is talking about some families on the other side of the Indochina Peninsula. Based on the value that slaves are also property, they believe that slaves born of slaves are also part of property. In order to obtain better next-generation slaves, they are doing something like breeding livestock.

"The big man found Africa!" Ran min rubbed his swollen Temple: "everyone here has sent a fleet to the new continent, still to obtain labor."

The mainland of the Han Empire was busy, but other areas were not idle.

The labor harvesting in the territory of the Gupta Empire has been in full swing, and great achievements have been made. The local people will receive at least 50000 ah San every month, and then be sent to work everywhere.

The process of Han people's development of Africa is slower, mainly because they are not familiar with the land and difficult to work, but recently, a fleet has been sending black millet back and forth.

"Wang Meng returned home and brought back more than 20000 foreigners. Our beds have been increased by 3000, and the rest are estimated to have not run." Ran min is serious. What he knows is that Zhuo Xiang was signaled by the queen to select noble women from various countries: "sleeping with foreign women, I really feel extremely happy from body to heart. Isn't that true for a man in the world? Killing the enemy and sleeping with his wife and daughter is so happy. But... I feel very complicated when I think of a baby going to the ground."

Not many people have spoken. Sleepiness is on the one hand, and it's also bad on the other.

"You can accept foreign women..." Huan Wen said with a smile. "How to say, it's still the blood of the Han family. But men... Wen thought it could be killed or castrated."

Ran min immediately clapped his hands and said, "Yuanzi likes to hear this.", But he looked at Ji Chang and swept several other people. Without concealing his dissatisfaction, he said, "they worry so much!"

The topic of total castration of slaves has been discussed, that is, more people oppose it than expected. Their reason is that what hinders Tianhe and what is terrible... A lot. Anyway, it's all right to do it on a small scale, but it's not OK to castrate it completely.

Ji Chang closed his eyes. He was one of the people who strongly opposed castration. Secondly, he was mainly afraid of retribution, especially to future generations.

"Maybe..." Sang Yu whispered, "you really should think about it. Otherwise, you are now eight million slaves, more than ten million in a few years, more and more in the future..."

"Daqin seems to be a country with far more slaves than its own population?" Yu Yi's family is very large, referring to family members. What he knew was that his own people were involved in the slave breeding plan and always had to say something: "Daqin seems to be very experienced."

Huan Wen and Xie an seemed to look at each other inadvertently, and then showed a bitter smile. Someone in their family got involved.

It should be said that a considerable number of families in the south of the Yangtze River have been involved. Who let Liu Yan assign the Indochina Peninsula to the south of the Yangtze River first? Their original intention is to create living value. As for what kind of follow-up and influence will appear, no one seems to think about it?