Chapter 899

In the war of the Gupta Dynasty to destroy the country, the Persian sassanne not only nearly made soy sauce throughout the whole process, but also played a negative role from the standpoint of the Han Dynasty. They didn't expect the Han people to be unaware of it. Later, they also made efforts to remedy it, such as persuading vagadoga and two satraps to take the initiative to withdraw from the occupied area obtained from the Gupta Dynasty.

Vargadoga was very sensible. As they knew, it was enough for them to easily destroy the Han people of the Gupta Dynasty. In addition, a Persian Sasan was under great pressure. He accepted the advice of Persian Sasan rationally and withdrew from the occupied area obediently. He hoped that the Han people would know their current affairs and not make trouble.

The relationship between the two satraps and the Persian Sassanian is very complex, sometimes good and sometimes bad. At the same time, there is no lack of friction on the border. Naturally, they also saw the strength of the Han people. The problem was that when they got the advice of Persian Sasan, they suddenly lost their mind. They just wanted to express that they didn't fully listen to the advice of Persian Sasan. They withdrew their troops rationally, and they sent someone to talk to the Han people about compensation.

Kexiyas has only one wish now. He hopes that the emperor of Han can choose more from so many beauties. While those beauties bring happiness to the emperor of Han, pillow wind can play a role, so that the emperor of Han can not remember the villains, forget the unhappiness that happened before, and create a better future friendly between the two countries.

Walking on the streets of Chang'an, looking at the disciplined people on both sides, the crooked nuts who understand thinking feel frightened and envious.

How a country looks depends solely on its military strength. Even its economic strength is strong, but its national quality is not good. Even if the country can be strong for a while, it can't last.

"The Han people we see support a country that is strong enough to be unmatched." Julian said the Han people's pursuit of order and observance of discipline: "how can a country be weak if it has such a quality?"

Julian was wrong about this. All the dynasties of the Xia Dynasty emphasized order and discipline, but many times they did not produce the results due to people's will.

In the long history, Zhuxia civilization was rolling barbarism for most of the time, but only a few civilizations were rolled barbarically, but they paid a very painful price.

During the period of Wu Hu Luan Hua, the Han people in the north were almost extinct, which had an unimaginable and far-reaching impact on Zhuxia. First, it broke the invincible myth of the Han people, smashed the backbone of the pride of the Han people, and made cultural changes.

Yang Jian established the great Sui Dynasty after the Zhou Dynasty, but the cultures of all dynasties after the great Sui Dynasty actually covered the culture of the Hu people, and the names of many things have even changed. It is obvious that the cucumbers are not called cucumbers but cucumbers.

To say which time the price was the most painful, it was the tampering of civilization by "my Qing Dynasty" and the perfection of fools.

The firearms used flexibly in the battlefield in the Song Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty almost had a mature system. When the "I Qing Dynasty" returned to the insistence of the "invincible theory of riding and shooting", it was that the "I Qing Dynasty" knew how to ensure its dominant position, regardless of the progress of the times.

Under the "I Qing" fool people policy, the Han people no longer feel that they have anything to be proud of, but feel that they should be inferior. This is even reflected in that "I Daqing" has swallowed pills, but a considerable number of Han people still feel that "I Daqing" can be rescued, and even take the initiative to beautify "I Daqing", and always promote the vital drama of Ge Ge or ah GE's love to the public.

"I found..." flavis has noticed for a long time, and now he is finally sure: "there are differences among the Han people!"

"What?" Julian's attention was instantly attracted: "what's the difference?"

"Among them, the shorter they are, the less confident they look." Flavis wanted to say this for a long time: "take a closer look at their facial features. There are subtle differences between their eyes and the bridge of their nose."

Not to mention, flavis's observation is correct. Different Han people also have their own mental outlook, but their appearance is secondary.

This generation of Han people is the first generation after integration. Han people who originally belonged to the Han family and Miao people are generally taller, while those Hu people who are integrated into the big family tend to be shorter.

In addition, there will be differences in the distance between the eyes. For example, the distance between the eyes of those groups originally belonging to the Hu people will be farther, which also includes the difference on the bridge of the nose.

Julian was lost in thought. He felt it necessary to understand what flavis said. Maybe Rome will benefit one day?

The team is still moving forward. The streets are full of buildings in the style of Chinese culture, which makes waiguoren very focused. They doubt whether they have any illusion. How can they look at the traces of ah San?

It's not an illusion. Buddhism was introduced into Zhuxia from the Eastern Han Dynasty. The Salmonella who came to preach encountered unprecedented difficulties. Except for a very few people who accepted Buddhism, the vast majority of people were lack of interest in believing in Buddhism. Those Salmonella people started a new missionary technology, that is, they worked hard to participate in the building reform of Zhuxia.

In the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Western Jin Dynasty, the Eastern Jin Dynasty... The Salmonella people built countless temples and even participated in the construction of the palace city many times, which brought some patterns of ah San to the buildings of Zhuxia, including "cornices".

There were people all along the way. No one cheered, no one sprinkled petals, and no children ran out with flowers. Some just commented on the whole process.

When the front suddenly becomes empty, the crooked nuts surrounded all the way suddenly don't adapt. Everything is just because there are a sea of people on one side and only a little people on the other side, which seems empty and abnormal.

The place they came to was the square of the central gymnasium. This side of the square was deliberately vacated in order to arrange the embassy for those who did not need to enter the venue.

After arriving at this place, Wang Meng met with the officials of the Hong Lu Museum.

The official in charge of arranging the admission sequence is Xun Xian. He met with envoys of various countries one by one under the recommendation of Wang Meng and entered the communication stage.

"In other words, according to our own wishes, people who do not need to participate in the activities will stay in this square?" Julian fully understood. What he didn't understand was: "do we need to be prepared?"

"Ready?" Xun Xian thought carefully and said, "wait a minute. When you enter, wear your own national clothes and ensure the spacing between different nationalities. Is it OK?"

"Are your emperor and ministers inside?" After asking what he wanted to know most, keshias listened to the cheering of the central stadium and asked curiously, "what's going on inside? Is it a fight?"

"You mean the fight over Daqin?" Xun Xian shook his head when he got the answer and avoided the question of whether the emperor was there: "no, it's folk artists performing."

The crooked nuts entered the link of looking at each other. They were completely confused by the official of the Han state.

"Your Excellency?" Julian asked seriously, "what's your official position and your position in the Han Empire?"

Xunxian was obviously a little unhappy by such a question, but he replied: "I'm an official of Honglu hall. I'm the Grand Duke of the doctor."

"Hong Luqing and Meng Yuan are close secretaries of the emperor." Wang Meng knew what Julian cared about: "can you understand?"

Julian saluted Xun Xian ceremoniously in an instant and was very satisfied with the arrangement of Xun Xian to meet him in the state of Han.

What else can you be dissatisfied with? Wang Meng was the close secretary Lang of the emperor and the manager of the largest city in the Han Dynasty. Later, he also sent an envoy on behalf of the emperor, which shows that he is a person valued by the emperor. In a way, it also shows that the status of people who have been the close Secretary Lang will not be worse.

Waiguoren soon knew what kind of existence Xun Xian was. Only when they had served the emperor personally, they felt that it was a very face-saving thing to be greeted by Xun Xian. They didn't dare not cooperate, but later cooperated with a happy mood.

Honglu hall is very serious about asking each crooked nut to wear their own national clothes. With the consent of crooked nut, many staff of Honglu hall began to get busy and pulled up one cloth wall after another as a dressing room.

After a little delay, waiguoren all changed into their national clothes and disappeared. Xun Xian, who had a little meeting, reappeared, accompanied by a large number of Han soldiers.

The Han soldiers did not come to chop people. They stood two meters apart on both sides and built a special passage in this way.

The Romans and Persians were arranged in the first sequence of entry, and Julian was at the front.

After entering the central stadium, Julian found that he did not enter the dark room as he imagined. On the contrary, the indoor lighting was quite sufficient. What he couldn't understand was what sent out soft light every meter on both sides of the channel.

It was a lampstand placed on the wall, in which the candle provided light, and was covered by a layer of milky glass. The light naturally turned into a soft light yellow.

Julian silently calculated how far he had gone, saw the stronger light ahead, and knew that there was the exit. He vaguely heard someone outside introducing something loudly, but he couldn't listen in detail.

Waiting to step out of the channel, Julian first did not adapt to the strong light, narrowed his eyes, and bursts of cheers came from his ears. Subconsciously, he looked around. In front of him was a green square, and in the distance, one floor after another was filled with people's seats from bottom to top.

The central gymnasium is full. Many people have spent a lot of effort to visit in person today. They look forward to what they see to reflect their due value.

In the audience, we have heard the explanation before. We know that the first "exhibition" will be the Romans at the end of the west, or an invincible power in the west?

"Tut Tut, where's the powerful country? It's our pleasure!"

Er, make no mistake. Today is not a welcome ceremony, but an activity for the citizens of Chang'an to see.