Chapter 857

Rome also had violent troops, the most powerful of which was in Alexandria During severu's reign, it was difficult to find an accurate answer to the correct number of troops from historical records. It is generally believed that it was in Alexandria At the insistence of Severus, the total strength of Rome at that time would not be less than 380000.

Only 380000? That's because I don't understand the calculation method of Roman forces. First, Roman citizens must become a field soldier, that is, a member of the so-called Roman Legion. Other armed personnel stationed everywhere... Such as frontier fortresses or domestic towns are not counted as military soldiers.

If you know the composition of the Roman Legion, you will know how terrible the number of 380000 soldiers is. They are 380000 strong men who join the army with their own armor and weapons. They usually do almost nothing, only learn the killing technology, that is, professional soldiers in the real sense.

The warriors in the spring and Autumn period of Zhuxia were also professional soldiers. They had slaves to replace their work. They just needed to concentrate on learning how to kill. However, there were never too many warriors in the spring and Autumn period. In the spring and Autumn period, there were only one or two thousand troops in small countries, nearly ten thousand in medium-sized countries, and up to thirty or fifty thousand in large countries. Only when non warriors could join the army, could they often have hundreds of thousands of troops.

Alexander. During the same period of seviru's violent troops, Zhuxia was the period of chaos and war among the princes in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. It doesn't matter whether the princes had tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of troops, However, the sources of soldiers are generally temporarily recruited professionals (mostly farmers), or corvee soldiers recruited through normal channels. In short, there are not many professional soldiers. Even the most elite tiger and leopard riding in the late Cao Wei Dynasty is also an army composed of non professional soldiers.

There is a fundamental difference between professional soldiers and those recruited in various ways.

First of all, professional soldiers learn the means of killing. Professional soldiers will not be unfamiliar with military life. It is difficult for the army composed of professional soldiers to disperse in a rush with a slight setback.

Non professional soldiers with mixed sources usually learn everything, but they don't learn the means of killing. They are definitely not as good as professional soldiers in terms of will. They will fight a good battle with the wind. The problem is that they are very easy to break up if the situation is wrong.

Looking at the history of the war between Rome and the Parthian Empire, there is an obvious gap.

The war between Rome and the Parthian Empire has lasted for hundreds of years, and the two sides have won or lost each other, but the key is that Rome has always been under the gap of far fewer troops than the Parthian Empire... Or even dozens of times. Even if Rome's military strength was far less than that of the Parthian Empire, Rome still won more and lost less. Alexander. Seviru attacked the Parthian Empire with fierce and violent soldiers, and once defeated the Parthian Empire.

The Romans had their own way of calculating the army. Just now flavis asked the key point.

"Thirteen armies, each with 15000 soldiers, a total of 195000 professional soldiers." Julian was quite familiar with this and added: "according to the sayings of the cyris, the rest of the army belongs to corvee soldiers... Or county soldiers?"

Vlavis relaxed a little at that moment and exhaled the muddy Qi in his chest: "in this way, the number of our professional soldiers is not small."

"The cyris soldiers sent to Rome are drawn from the thirteen armies." Julian did not want to attack flavis, but said: "my legion, the Legion of gallus and the garrison of Constantinople, when facing them..."

The word "vulnerable" appeared in flavis's mind, which was a fact presented by the Han people as soon as they arrived in Constantinople.

Although the Roman soldiers at that time started fighting in a confused state, they really showed the quality that professional soldiers should have. Unfortunately, they met the Han army equipped with armor and riding gear as the main charging force. They resisted hard and were crushed flat.

On both sides of the road, Han soldiers pulled a wall to isolate the onlookers. These soldiers are not wearing heavy armor. Because the A3 continent is in a high temperature climate all year round, they wear short sleeved shirts and shorts, and wear a kind of light looking armor outside. They are mainly made of leather. There are iron plates in key positions. Most weapons are long guns, and a few military officers wear swords.

The vast majority of the onlookers were local a'san. They could also see the figure of Han people. There were even Persians from Sasan and Cypriots, millet and Gypsies from other countries.

Of course, the Han people came to do business. They did business with the local ah San and bought the booty in the hands of the soldiers. They buy private booty in the hands of soldiers in mainland a'san at a reasonable price, transport it back to the mainland and sell it. Generally, they can get more than double the profit, but there are also losses to grandma's house.

People from other nationalities came to do business in the Gupta Dynasty before the Han army invaded. Some stayed in ketak, and more came from the rest of the Gupta Dynasty after the Han Army captured ketak.

The Han people come to the mainland to do business is to buy goods that are not available in the mainland. In addition, the businessmen of those nationalities come to the Han people to buy goods from the Han country. The ketak port is under military control, but the control in the city is not strict. The business shows that it is not inferior to the prosperity before the war, that is, it will be difficult for foreign people to transport goods for a while and a half.

"Why can't you see the fear or hatred of cyris soldiers in people's eyes?" Helena drives with Helena and Selena. Selena is the eldest daughter of a family with a long history: "shouldn't they be afraid?"

Selena is 18 years old this year, which is exactly the age of both beauty and elegance. Judging by the Roman aesthetic standards, she is undoubtedly a beauty at the goddess level. She didn't learn from her Roman noble girl. She dyed blonde hair and didn't show much exposure in dress. She even seemed a little conservative in terms of Roman social values.

"Look at the way ordinary people look at those short soldiers and their own soldiers." Selena reminded me and said, "I can see your fear and hatred."

Of course, the short soldiers are the servants from the Japanese islands. They are the vanguard of the battlefield. They take the lead in launching the charge in every war. They are all over every battlefield and military controlled cities and villages, doing the work ordered by the Han people.

Of course, the so-called native soldiers are the emperor's Association army of a San. Their source is not the prisoners captured in the defeat. They are some high castes who know the current affairs and take refuge in the Han army. They are the private army of the high caste. The high caste recognizes the Han people as their father, and naturally, as the subordinates of the high caste, they have to work for the Han people.

In the past, the Han people assigned Japanese servants to join the army to do some dirty and hard work. With the help of the A-San emperor's army, the Japanese servants would no longer be used to die. The cannon fodder was pawned by the A-San emperor's army. The dirty and hard work became Japanese servants to join the army and supervise the A-San emperor's army.

Just like many traitors, once you become a traitor, you will no longer have any moral concepts, let alone any kinship. Even what you do will be far more cruel and cruel than the invaders. Naturally, you will gain hatred from your colleagues.

The Han army often appears as a messenger of justice. For example, it pulls out an evil Assad emperor's army for trial, judges a Japanese servant to join the army, shows the justice and greatness of the Han people, and reaps the gratitude and worship of the Assad people.

The Assad's army, which is defined as full of evil, will be dealt with not because of what he did to his compatriots. It may be that he did not enforce the orders of the Han Army enough. Maybe he just supervised his Japanese servants to join the army. He was simply unhappy. It may be a man's undercover of Assad in the Han camp.

"The big man came to preach Wang Hua." Huan Wen gang was also asked by Wang Meng about the attitude of the a San people. He said proudly: "it is called conquest to levy their tyranny and subdue their people."

Han people come to the a'san continent to rob and plunder land, but they don't have to go back with booty once they go. Taking care of some images is conducive to the later rule of a'san.

"Jing Lue should not know yet..." Huan Wen had no reason to grovel to Wang Meng, just out of the purest investment and said the latest news from the center: "the center is already discussing the enfeoffment."

Wang Meng was a little stunned. When he was Liu Yan's personal secretary Lang, he guessed from some bit by bit that Liu Yan did not reject the enfeoffment, but the enfeoffment of the old land of the Han family, so that although he rewarded the meritorious officials in wealth and silk, the enfeoffment was not at all, just as the level of enfeoffment.

The so-called state enfeoffment is a fief that can make decisions completely on its own. It doesn't even need to pay any taxes to the emperor or the government.

Land sealing is the right to collect taxes in that place, but it can't intervene in any administration. It just enjoys the sacrifice from land sealing.

Huan Wen is now a Marquis of Xinping (tinghou). He only enjoys the honor and status from the title. Naturally, he also has the hidden convenience brought by the title. However, if we say that there is really little wealth, let alone the governance right of a state within a state like a real marquis.

"Enfeoffment!" Huan Wen could not help being excited even if he mentioned it again and again: "Your Majesty is so kind to his subordinates, and his spirit is rare in a thousand years."

For several years in the morning, those officials from the dragon were eager to reward for their achievements, but Liu Yan was only generous in wealth and was not free of gossip about his stinginess towards the closure of the city. If it was not for his half knowledge of Liu Yan's mystery, some people who did not feel satisfied with Liu Yan's prestige as a "national liberator" could not do anything rebellious.

Wang Meng's current status is neither higher nor lower. He doesn't want to talk about this topic, but Huan Wen is really too excited to spoil the fun: "the place of enfeoffment is a San continent?"

"A San continent, and the newly discovered black continent." Huanwen's biggest wish before was to have a fief, but his thin arm was destined to break his thigh, so he had no idea for a long time. Now he thinks it's the best thing to have a country that he can decide. He won't stick to where to seal it: "the news is very accurate. He's busy calculating money and wealth and recruiting warriors, waiting for his majesty to issue an imperial edict."

Wang Meng understood that there were so many fleets on his way back. It turned out that all families knew they were going to be enfeoffed and rushed to find out the details of the African continent. Not all of them were lost to the great cause of arrested slaves.

Chatting with those non secret news, the carriage went into the city and stopped in front of the gate of the original city master's house.

A Sangao caste has always been an unparalleled top in terms of enjoyment, which shows the smell of nouveau riche everywhere, such as the use of gold.

As the city master's residence, its buildings are being built in a tall way. Especially after selecting the mountain top in the city, the court pavilions and walking gardens everywhere fit the nature. It is necessary to excavate the lakes manually and create the landscape of waterfalls.

"The top of the tallest building..." Helena pointed to the golden thing illuminated by the sun on the top of the mountain: "is it gold? How big gold must be to be seen from a distance!"

It's a gold ingot melted into a triangle. It looks really big. I don't know whether it's gold-plated or solid.

Unlike Helena, who focuses on wealth, Helena and Selena focus on the fit with nature and feel comfortable living.

The city Lord's residence covers a very large area. There are even barracks that can accommodate 3000 soldiers, and the rest are places for rest and play.

A San pays attention to setting aside a square when building a house, including raising some flowers, plants or animals, and there can't be only one fountain.

"Reliability... No, it's a San Xiu's technology or learning from us." Julian didn't talk nonsense about this. He walked on the deep corridor, looked at a large pool not far away, and said in an inexplicable tone: "they are better than the blue."

It's not just a large pool. It's a well-built swimming pool. It probably has the area of a modern basketball court. The surrounding ground is built with ceramic chips, and the other five sides of the pool are also built with ceramic chips.

At present, many women in cool clothes are having fun. Judging by their appearance and skin color, they can distinguish from a considerable number of regions. Some high caste women in ah San and women in Persia do not know where white skin women are. Anyway, there are many varieties.

"Cyris was fascinated by the slave trade." Flavis is very clear about why a country is fascinated by the slave trade. Later, he added: "there is a great demand for female slaves in particular."

Julian, who heard of the elegance, thought seriously for a while and said, "we are at a disadvantage in our trade relations with cyris."

The two men looked at each other. They thought more than once when they dreamt back at midnight. Rome basically had no resistance to the goods of the Han people. It was basically that they wanted to buy every time they saw the same, but there were few goods that the Han people wanted to buy.

"I need to write home." Julian asked, "and you?"

Flavis smiled, and he just needed to write back home.