Chapter 835

Wang Meng and Cai Mian were not disarmed, their swords were still hanging around their waist, and what weapons were the soldiers holding in their hands.

Doua stayed in Xicheng District. Although the fighting over there had stopped, the Han Army still controlled Xicheng gate and even the wharf.

It's not a good thing for the Han people to control the city gate all the time. Dou a got a signal from Wang Meng to transfer the control of the city gate to the Romans, and the wharf should also be handed over to the Romans again.

The Han army returned the control of the west gate and the wharf to the Romans, but did not give up the control of the ship. They also set up their own warning area in the area of the wharf. The Han army retreated from the city returned to the ship, and another group of Han army who did not enter the city were on guard at the designated site.

After all, Wang Mengzhen didn't come to declare war on Rome. The fighting was really an accident. The Romans kept restraint, and it was a bit outrageous for the Han people to firmly control the city gate.

reason? This is Constantinople, tens of thousands of miles away from the Han country. The Han people only came about 3000. Although men and women can take up arms, the real soldiers are only less than 1700. With about 2000 Persians, the total combat strength is about 5000.

There are 30000 troops stationed in Constantinople, which is also the Elite Guard Corps of the Romans. There are 60000 or 70000 Romans in the city, even more slaves. It is speculated that it can arm 50000 or 60000 people, more than ten times that of the Han and Persians, not to mention that the surrounding areas are full of Roman territory. The Romans can dispatch constant reinforcements as long as they are willing.

If the Romans really made a decision, no matter how much they paid, they could annihilate the Han people, including those Persian soldiers. In Constantinople, continuing to control the city gate was only meaningful when the Romans wanted to do it, which made the Romans shed more blood and expressed the timidity of the Han people.

Wang Meng was sure that the Romans would continue to fight, but it was not a large-scale war. He should invite the Han people to choose warriors to participate in the arena, so as to win back face and suppress the Han people's arrogance at the same time.

As long as the Romans mention it, the Han people will never refuse to participate in the arena. Any Han people are well aware that they can't be timid in a foreign country, or they will be allowed to be Mermaid meat.

Han people do not want to be unreasonable and arrogant, nor will they be bullied arbitrarily. If, in the face of unfair treatment, the history of alien domination of the Central Plains is ahead, it is a splash of blood. The five steps should also show the spirit of the Han people, because they already know that a weak nation must encounter misfortune. However, they should also make their own cry and tell the alien Han people with blood that it is absolutely not easy to provoke.

"The angel is sure of what the top level of the people of Daqin will do next. We are also making a statement when we continue to control the ship." Doua didn't get on board. He stayed in the control area of the wharf: "what we need to be vigilant is ordinary Daqin people."

Huang Ying respectfully replied with a "promise!", They have just expelled several groups of Romans. Behind them are Roman soldiers coming to form a cordon to prevent other Romans from approaching. Everything shows that at least the high level of Rome has no intention to let the situation get out of control.

Wang Meng and others have entered the inner city of Constantinople.

The so-called inner city is actually the palace city. There are also inner city walls and multiple gates. The scale of the inner city wall is not as high and thick as the outer city wall. From the appearance alone, it is much newer than the outer city wall. After entering the inner city, you can see an empty square, and you can see the buildings in the distance.

The whole square is paved with bricks and stones. There are some sculptures with different shapes. Most of the sculptures are human busts, and the number of animal sculptures is less. There are even statues made of giant stones or something with people and horses, which are distributed.

From the gate, Roman soldiers stood on both sides, about one Roman soldier every two meters, extending to the ladder at the end of the distance.

Their team is walking in the passage separated by the garrison area of Roman soldiers. Every step can hear the knock of shoe soles and bricks, and the sound reverberates in the square.

There are stairs at the end of the passage. From a distance, it looks like it is paved with marble. Above it is a building covering a wide area. It looks like it has a strong color of Greek palace.

In fact, it is indeed a palace. You can see the towering thick columns from a distance. It is difficult to say that there are several layers inside. From the appearance alone, the large load-bearing columns lead to the roof, so that people can deeply feel the grandeur and height of the building, and have a very small visual sense.

It took about ten minutes for them to reach the stairs at the normal pace. Julian motioned them to wait a little, but he stepped up the stairs and entered the palace.

"There is no power without grandeur. That's true."

Cai Mian said a famous saying that Xiao He once said to Liu Bang. The whole sentence was "the world is uncertain, so you can go to the palace because of it. Moreover, the son of heaven is a family all over the world. It is not magnificent, it has no great prestige, and it will not be added to future generations. ", It means that the royal family should have the majesty of the royal family. There is no more awe at the sight than building gorgeous and magnificent buildings. No matter how to build the palace city, the buildings must look tall and tall enough to make people feel extremely small when standing next to them.

The state of Han was building a new Chang'an city because it started construction from nothing. When planning, it not only marked out reasonable streets in the city, but also had rigid requirements for official and private buildings. The requirement of folk houses is tidiness, but they can't be one by one at random, which makes them look chaotic. Official buildings are required to be magnificent and magnificent, so that people can know that they are official institutions at a glance.

"Any palace in new Chang'an is more dignified than the current palace, and even the bearing columns are thicker than them." Wang Meng paid great attention to the fundamental issue: "Constantinople has a population of 100000, and the population of new Chang'an will exceed one million."

So far, the permanent resident population of new Chang'an is actually only 270000. Most of them are rich households in various counties and counties, and they also concentrate the noble class of the whole Han country.

Those rich families were not forced to move to new Chang'an, but they thought that living in the imperial city would have more opportunities, whether to get rich or be an official.

It is inevitable for Xun GUI to live in the imperial capital. They will not be far away from the political center of the country. Otherwise, they will not know what happened one day. Knowing the news will also be delayed information. Many times, the delay of information will be very fatal to Xun GUI.

According to Liu Yan's instructions, those who later participated in the construction of new Chang'an are eligible to buy real estate. If the money is not enough, they can apply to the government for an interest free loan, and then pay it off in how many years, but a family can only apply once and only use it to buy houses.

With the convenience of interest free loans, the number of people willing to become residents of new Chang'an surges. Once the loans are really started, the permanent resident population of new Chang'an will soon exceed 500000, but this only fills 34 / 10 of the huge Chang'an City and can accommodate at least one million more people.

In Zhuxia, a city with a population of more than one million is not a big deal. In fact, the population of Linzi in the early Han Dynasty had already exceeded one million, while Chang'an, as the administrative center of the Western Han Dynasty, was about 500000. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, the population of Luoyang exceeded one million, and Linzi was the same city with a population of one million. Jiankang had a population of more than one million during the two Jin Dynasties. When Jiankang had the largest population, it exceeded 2.3 million.

Linzi has a deep foundation, which is the legacy of Guan Zhong. Some idioms, such as lapping into a curtain, holding hands into a curtain and sweating like rain, have been specially used to describe the grand occasion of Linzi for a long time. However, all the glory has become history with the collapse of the Eastern Han Dynasty. If the history has not been changed by Liu Yan, Linzi still has a population of more than one million in modern times.

Constantinople, under the Roman rule, had only a population of nearly one million, However, the number of permanent residents quickly decreased from 850000 to 150000 (Battle of Constantinople). If there is no deviation in history, Constantinople will increase to 250000 within 20 years and will continue until Baghdad becomes a city with a population of nearly one million. Only then will Constantinople's population increase slowly again, that is, Constantinople's permanent population will be capped at 250000 for a long time 。

Julian, who entered the palace, reappeared. When he saw Wang Meng, he showed a stiff smile and said, "angel, please follow me."

Wang Meng could see from Julian's smile that a moth would appear next, which seemed to be more serious than Julian's small situation. He smiled, nodded, turned to Cai Mian and said, "wait a minute. No matter what you hear, don't come in. Once the Romans do anything bad, please die in this square."

Subconsciously, Cai Mian took a deep breath, solemnly saluted Wang Meng, and then replied with his firm eyes without saying a word from beginning to end.

Julian heard all the words without a word. As a result, the expression on his face became more stiff and he didn't open his mouth when he wanted to say something.

Wang Meng slowly and steadily stepped on the steps, stepping on the frosted marble step by step, went up to the top and looked back at all the Han people, including Cai Mian. They maintained a salute posture.

"This is our house." Julian lowered his voice: "Augustus and members of the house of representatives are already inside. Wait a minute... Some members of the house of Representatives may sound bad. Please keep your restraint."

"No, I won't restrain myself." Wang Meng said forcefully, "the envoy represents the son of heaven. Eight wasteland and six harmonies, heaven and earth, and the universe are in great famine. No one can disrespect the son of heaven!"

Julian smiled bitterly. What should be said would still say: "then please wait here for a moment, i..." there was a series of bitter smiles behind.

Wang Meng was still willing to wait, and Julian didn't let him wait long this time.

Julian came out from the inside and silently made a gesture of invitation to Wang Meng.

After they went up the steps, they needed to walk a distance to be the gate of the palace. On both sides of the gate stood Roman soldiers with short spears. These Roman soldiers were also doing the opening and closing of the door.

The door was opened. Looking inward from the door, you could see that it was a rather deep channel. There was not enough light to make the channel a little dark. The sound of "buzzing" came from it. It was not that there were bees in it, but the noise caused by the speech of too many people.

When Wang Meng walked in the dark passage, he could vaguely see the Roman soldiers standing on both sides. When he went out of the passage, he saw a dense crowd. They were sitting in a semi circular ladder seat, full of people from top to bottom.

In addition to the semi-circular ladder seats, you can also see the second to fourth floors. There are also ladder seats one after another, and they are also full of people.

Roman parliamentarians have not changed their dress for many years. They are dressed in a long white dress (robe?) and their shoulders are either covered with red cloth ribbon or purple ribbon. In fact, the ribbon is noble in purple, while red is ordinary. Up to now, there are even ribbons of yellow and other colors.

Wang Meng's appearance made the scene suddenly quiet. Then, like an explosion, there was a loud noise. The ambassador of the volume had tinnitus and even wondered whether the roof would be overturned.

Directly opposite the semi-circular seat is a high platform. The most prominent thing there is a slightly larger throne, or a throne with a glittering cross on the top of the back. The armrests on both sides are made like winged eagles, and the back is also carved with an eagle head. However, the cross is too abrupt, which makes it look like an eagle suppressed by the cross.

In addition to that throne, there are four relatively small seats. There is nothing special about these four seats. To say, they are only covered with animal fur. There is nothing else.

Julian stopped at the exit of the passage. He looked at Wang Meng and walked steadily and sonorous until he came to the center.

At this time, a burst of "toot toot" trumpet was sounded, and the noise stopped slowly, leaving only the sound of trumpet blowing.

After the trumpet stopped, a sound of footsteps came from a distance. There was another channel. At present, a middle-aged man in a white silk robe came out. He had empty hands and no ribbon on his shoulders. Instead, he wore a crown on his head. He was Augustus Constantius II, the current Roman Emperor.

There are three women close to Constantius. One middle-aged young woman should be his wife, and the other two women look younger. The three Roman women are all wearing fitting silk skirts, showing a beautiful figure.

In addition to women, there are two young men who look very young. They don't know whether they are the descendants of Constantius or blood relatives across veins. Others look like bodyguards.

The rulers of Rome brought guards from Gaius on any occasion Julius Caesar's assassination has become a routine. No one wants to be the second palm of the highest power, but he is unlucky to be stabbed into a sieve by a dagger.