Chapter 833

The heavy cavalry of the Han Army wore heavy armor, and the key parts were also designed with steel plates. In particular, the front chest of the war horse was not only protected by steel plates, but also had a protruding spike.

The speed of heavy cavalry is not much faster, but even people and horses wear heavy armor. Even if the speed is not fast, the impact force can not be stopped by manpower, especially if the people who block are not arranged in a dense formation.

The distance of more than 1000 meters is still too far for the heavy cavalry. Their full impact distance cannot exceed 150 meters. That is determined by the heavy armor itself. Even the strongest horse does not have the endurance to sprint more than 150 meters with hundreds of kilograms of camel.

If a row of heavy cavalry can't sprint to the end, tactics need to be used. Each row of them is responsible for impacting a wave. After one row is finished, they change to the next row. It looks like a wave collision strategy. It is very simple but extremely effective. Anyone in the way is either knocked down by a lance or becomes meat mud under the hoof of a horse.

The Romans did not organize the tortoise shell array they were best at, but in the face of the wave collision tactics of the heavy cavalry of the Han Army, there was no tortoise shell array with sufficient thickness, even if it could stop the collision of the next row of the heavy cavalry of the Han Army, or the second collision, but it could not stop the third collision at all. The formation was soon torn, and then it was going to meet the impact of the fourth row, Soon the whole formation disintegrated. If you don't run, you'll die on the spot.

This battle broke out quite suddenly, especially for the Romans. They prepared the welcome ceremony. Even if they wanted to break their heads, they didn't expect the Han Army to burst out suddenly.

Perhaps it can not be said that the sudden outbreak of the Han army was the declaration of war issued by Archbishop Peter. He threatened to destroy all the other gods for his "Lord". Then he declared war on all religions, including the Han country that is not a religious country. Who made the emperor of Zhuxia a God.

Wang Meng must be tough in the face of someone threatening to kill his son of heaven. Even if he will die in this battle, he will die to defend the son of heaven. It will be recorded in history and destined to be famous in history.

The rest of the Han troops have to fight. They have vowed to be loyal to the emperor and are willing to shed the last drop of blood for the emperor. Even if the whole army is destroyed in this distant country, they will not sacrifice in vain. Maybe two years later, maybe even longer, countless Han troops will appear in Constantinople, Use iron and fire to tell the Romans what degree of stupidity they had done.

"Send for Archbishop Peter!" Gallus shouted hysterically, "we must find him!"

Gallus definitely has the reason to become hysterical. He is the top person in charge of this welcome ceremony. After such a thing, his troops are dying in a large number of wars. The battle also took place in Constantinople. Whether he lost or won, he has been permanently nailed to the pillar of shame in the history of Constantinople.

"Mobilize more troops." Julian's face had a smile again, and he began to smile all the time: "no matter what the cause is, we can only win, not lose."

"The Han people will get their due treatment after they surrender. All the Persians must die!" Gallus firmly believed in the final victory of this battle: "this is Constantinople!"

Now the capital of Rome is Constantinople, not Rome in Italy. The reason is naturally that the only Augustus of Rome is in Constantinople. Where the supreme ruler chooses, the capital of a country is there.

The city was full of noise. For those who did not know the truth, no one understood how a good welcoming ceremony turned into fighting. The war broke out in Constantinople was so sudden and completely unprepared.

The fighting only happened at the wharf and Xicheng gate, then spread to the main street of Xicheng gate, and then spread to Xicheng District. Before long, the whole city was in chaos.

A city, especially a city with a large population, is absolutely indispensable for those petty thieves. Whenever the city falls into chaos, it is the time for them to fish in troubled waters. They will look for any opportunity to increase their wealth. Street robbery and burglary will surge in a short time. Inevitably, more vicious things such as rape and murder will happen, and some even set fire deliberately.

Constantinople is located at the intersection of eastern and Western civilizations. There are not only Romans in the city. In fact, about 60000 of the city's population of less than 100000 are Romans, and the rest are other nationalities, including Persians with a number of no less than 10000.

It is no secret that Persian soldiers fought with Roman soldiers in Constantinople. Persian soldiers fought with arms in the capital of Rome. It was Roman soldiers who killed them. The anger of the Romans was ignited in an instant. Without saying a word, the citizens among them, wearing armor and holding weapons, rushed to the place where the war broke out. They would start when they saw the Persians all the way. The fighting between the army spread to the people and evolved into bloodshed among different nationalities.

First, ordinary Persians were involved, and then other ethnic groups. The Roman master killed his Persian slaves in anger. The other slaves who were extremely frightened and didn't want to die could only resist, and let the slaves be involved in this sudden war.

"The city is in complete chaos." Wang Meng could see that smoke had risen in many places in the city, and what he heard was a constant Scream: "we are not here to conquer Constantinople, we should stop."

Cai Mian nodded and said, "from a military point of view, this chaotic city does have a chance to conquer, but we really don't come to attack the city."

"We shouldn't stop first." Wang Meng turned to Dou A and said, "send someone to communicate with the Persians and let them exit the city."

Doua saluted but did not respond immediately. He knew that Wang Meng had something to say later.

"Tell our soldiers to disintegrate the enemy's resistance as quickly as possible." Wang Meng thought for a while and then said, "control the dock, but don't kill more."

Dou ah called his own soldiers. He almost repeated Wang Meng's words before reaching into his arms and taking out half of the talisman.

The soldier took the talisman and gave a military salute. He left a few steps and summoned several people to leave together.

Constantinople was in complete chaos, a city that fell into chaos, and the control of the city gate was also seized. The army tried to push forward again and again, but it has been rolled back. For the city, it is equivalent to being attacked into the city and it is difficult to fight back.

"We've been losing." Julian's army also joined the fight against the Han army. He could smile at Wang Meng not far away, turn his eyes to gallus and say, "I saw several Han people leave just now. Guess what they were going to do."

"I hate your face with a fake smile." Although he was a half brother, Gallus did not like Julian all the time, and even hated it very much: "say what you have, don't play your tricks."

"I guess they're going to get the Persians out of town." Julian believed in his wisdom very much. He looked at Wang Meng again and said to gallus: "the angels of the Han Empire have been staying where they are, and have not even made the action of defending against bows and arrows. He firmly believes that we will not kill him, and it also proves that this battle is not what the Han Empire wants."

"Peter is fully responsible for this!" Gallus emphasized this very much, and did not add a respectful title after Peter's name: "you need to prove it for me!"

"The cyris are very confident, and they also believe that they are the most powerful country in the known world." Julian did not respond to gallus' request. If this incident could hit gallus, it would be good if he didn't fall into the well. How could he be willing to stretch out his hand. He has been concerned about the situation of the west gate for a long time and has observed a fact: "except for the first wave of about 600 or 700 Han troops, no new Han troops have poured into the city. They are maintaining their restraint and use this information to show us that they have no intention of conquering Constantinople."

"Can they attack?!" Gallus seemed to hear a joke, but he couldn't laugh at all: "Constantinople doesn't count the Legion you and I brought. It has 30000 elite guards and 100000 citizens!"

Indeed, even if the capital of a country is caught off guard at the beginning, as long as the garrison reacts, blocks at all levels, and makes steady progress by taking advantage of the terrain, it is not so easy to be conquered as long as the number is not too much inferior to the attackers, or internal collapse.

"Soon there will not be as many as 100000 citizens." Julian was saying that his eyes did not see, but it was an inevitable result: "when Persian soldiers enter the city, the Persians in the city will become scapegoats. Even if they do not die in this chaos, they will be expelled from the city."

Gallus doesn't like Julian, but he wants to admit that Julian is very clever. Now he is thinking about how much money there is in the cause of expelling Persians, and whether he can rely on search to make up for his losses.

Julian was a little strange. Besides his own Roman soldiers who joined the fight, there were also gallus's, which was only joined by the garrison on guard at the beginning. The garrison that should have come to the war did not appear for a long time.

Gallus suddenly shouted, "the defense line is broken!"

Julian has eyes to see that the heavy cavalry of the Han army is really fierce. The nearest heavy cavalry of the Han Army has reached within 100 meters. We can see that the Han Army in heavy armor is also advancing. Their proud Roman Legion is either retreating in panic or fleeing in disorder.

When the first heavy cavalry of the Han Army met with the Han Army protecting Wang Meng and others, more heavy cavalry arrived. Their arrival changed the formation of the Han Army, with infantry on the outside and heavy cavalry on the inside, forming an elongated oval.

The heavy infantry in the back continued to arrive, and the formation of the Han Army changed again. The periphery was full of heavy infantry with shields, spears or broadswords. On the inner layer were soldiers who had previously protected Wang Meng and others, and then inside were heavy cavalry. On the contrary, Wang Meng and others had always stayed outside the formation, It is closest to the Romans such as gallus and Julian who have been staying at the scene.

There was no fighting in the long and narrow street. The orientation extending to several West gates to the West was Han, and the people on the east side were Romans. The two sides stood still in this long and narrow street.

"I want to come forward." Julian took the sword back into its scabbard, smiled at gallus and asked, "are you coming?"

Gallus hesitated. The Han army he saw was covered with blood on metal armor. He could even see some people's limbs and organs hanging, which looked very bloody. Then, he really didn't know what the Han people grew up eating. At a glance, the soldiers on horseback were not clear. The Han people standing on land with their legs were generally giants like iron towers.

Julian stepped forward without any response from gallus. He walked very leisurely, as if walking in the garden, with a smile on his face.

The Han sergeant in the alert state seemed to have been signaled in advance. He didn't make extreme behavior in the face of Julian coming. He opened the formation when Julian came close enough, and didn't close it again when Julian came in.

"Cyris is too tall." Gallus watched Julian walk up. In contrast, Julian's height was almost half that of the nearest Han: "we need to find out what kind of eating habits the cyris people have!"

When Julian faced Wang Meng, he was actually OK. Even if he was close to Cai Mian, he wouldn't think he was too short, but he walked in a queue of soldiers more than two meters tall. He once suspected that he had entered the kingdom of giants or that he had suddenly become a dwarf. This made him very unhappy, but he had no choice.

No problem. The heavy infantry in the Han Army have rigid requirements. First, they must be taller than 1.9 meters and strong enough. Then they can increase weight-bearing, endurance, physical strength and combat skills in training. Due to such rigid requirements, a large number of people will be brushed off first, and a group of unqualified people will be eliminated in later training, leaving people with more physical advantages.

"Wow!" Julian stood on the side of a heavy infantry. He compared himself, pointed to the heavy infantry and asked Wang fiercely, "do the cyris have giant blood?"

Wang Meng was stunned. Cai Mian and Dou a, including the Han people nearby, were basically a little surprised because Julian was speaking in a very standard Chinese.

"We are Chinese, not cyris. Cyris is silk in your language, and Chinese are Chinese." Wang Meng, with a smile on his face, approached Julian and said, "Ben's height will not increase. We are almost the same height."

Ignoring the height gap between himself and Wang Meng, Julian stretched out his right hand to shake hands with Wang Meng again and said easily, "since the Persian army has withdrawn from the city, can we go to see Augustus now?"

Wang Meng nodded first, "of course."

Many people's brains are not enough. Constantinople is still in chaos. The two people who can decide on the scene seem that there has been no fight at all, and the whole city seems to be singing and dancing?