Chapter 825

The cradle of Caucasian civilization in ancient times originated in Greece. For a very long time, they were also the gathering point of high-grade civilization in Europe.

The Greeks are very good at playing with the dictatorship system, the parliamentary system, the patriarchal system and the religious 1 system... They have almost tried all kinds of systems. It is impossible to say which system the Greeks used was the strongest. In fact, they have not formed a unified system at all. Even Alexander the great has failed to unify Greece.

The city-state system is most deeply rooted in Greece, that is, the foundation of the later aristocratic system, which determines that the aristocracy has mastered land, human and financial resources, and has repeatedly used various means to deepen the noble thought of the aristocracy among the civilians, forcing the civilians to obey and be willing to accept the drive.

In fact, restraint and use of means to make civilians obey and willing to be driven will work in any system. It is interesting that Greece and Zhuxia have taken the same path, that is, to establish a professional warrior class. Only warriors have the right to go to the battlefield and participate in the war, and civilians are only responsible for labor.

In Zhuxia, the stage of professional warrior ended in the Warring States period, while in Greece, it continued until the Romans destroyed the Greek city states, and the Romans took the path of professional warrior again and maintained it to the present stage.

"The waves here are small compared with ours." Doua was actually seasick. He had experienced strong winds and waves like the Pacific Ocean, and the Mediterranean was nothing at all: "that's why their deck level is so low?"

The styles of ships in the Mediterranean are similar. Large ships are actually enlarged versions of small boats. For example, the bow and stern of Roman warships have no bending range at all, just a straight line. Besides, it is not wide and will appear slender. The whole ship looks bare except for a low flagship room at the stern.

"Their warship is like a piece of two sides." Wang Meng stood by the window of the flagship room and looked at the concave channel in the middle of the ship. If he jumped down, it would be directly on the first floor of the cabin. The sea water with larger waves also hit in: "there is a shield on the outer side of the ship, which looks more like a piece of product."

The Roman warship, because there is a prismatic collision angle in front, is actually like a thick backed sword with a blood groove. The middle passage without the top layer actually has many climbing ladders, which can provide the soldiers in the cabin to climb up the deck quickly.

On the deck, there are naturally guardrails around. On the guardrails, there are shields used by Roman infantry. Whether they have any protection bonus effect, not to mention, it seems that they have the meaning of armor reinforcement. In fact, it also increases the beauty.

"Why didn't you load a catapult or a crossbow?" Cai Mian asked uncertainly, "was it demolished?"

"We only load the equipment on board at special times." Marcus Maka doesn't think there is anything to hide: "only large ships can be transformed and loaded with catapults. The catapult only needs to be fixed."

Cai Mian can more or less imagine what the so-called fixation is. It should be nailing the crossbow to the deck with a wooden board. In fact, he really wants to say that as long as a special base is installed on the crossbow, it's enough, but there's no reason to teach the Romans to be smart in vain.

In fact, it's like that. People who know a thing or knowledge seem very simple, but people who don't understand still don't understand. However, what some things lack is inspiration, which can't be created with their own technology.

The real situation is that the Romans are not stupid. They specially designed the warship base for the crossbow gun. The style may be different from that of the Han people. For example, there is no large angle turntable.

The fleet set out from Syrian ports and soon after sailing, it saw land again, according to Marcus According to Maka, the land is a long and narrow island, and its name doesn't matter. Because it has fresh water resources, there are also towns. At the same time, the Romans built a material storage point on the island and stationed troops.

The island is called Cyprus in modern times and is now the territory of the Romans. Because of its special location, it is often used as a forward base for invading the Middle East by the troops from Europe. At the same time, once the forces in the Middle East want to invade the Greek peninsula, they also need to control the island first.

Viewed from a distance from the sea, the towns on the island are very small. Most places are in a shade. The area around the island is mostly filled with stones. There is a bay that does not know whether it is artificially excavated or naturally formed. A wharf has been built and several large and small ships have been anchored.

Cai Mian asked thoughtfully, "is the wind strong on such a low mountain island?"

"I haven't been there." Marcus Maka told the truth: "listen to people, the environment above is pretty good."

This is the Mediterranean, not the Pacific or Atlantic. The wind is naturally windy, but the level is generally not much.

Wang Meng thought of the temple islands. Some of the islands looked similar to the island in front of him, but the towering coconut trees and other tree species could be seen on the island in front of him, which meant that he had not been ravaged by the storm for at least a long time. Like those islands in the temple islands, they have to withstand storms at least once a year. It is difficult to have towering trees.

After passing the long and narrow island, they entered the middle of the Aegean Sea. There were many large or small islands on the way. Some were purely uninhabited islands, while others looked like towns or villages.

"There are a large number of islands in this sea area. Most of the islands have natural fresh water resources and can be inhabited." Marcus Maka looked at the light blue water in the shallow sea. In the open field of vision, an island was independent, which really had a different beauty: "most of our sailors came from the province of Cyprus."

Rome has always used provinces as local administrative units, Marcus The province of Cyprus mentioned by Maka actually includes a part of the Greek peninsula and many islands on the sea.

The reason why it is called a Cyprus province rather than a Greek province is simply because the strategic value of Cyprus is much more important than that of Greece.

The fleet was supposed to rely on the coastal route in the East. The problem was that the Han people wanted to visit Greece. As a result, they directly crossed the middle of the Aegean Sea and became the coastal route in the West.

"Greece does have many places worth visiting." Marus Utansis has always been on this flagship, but he rarely appeared before. He became active after he was close to the Greek peninsula: "there are many temples on the coastline near the sea. We conquered Greece and preserved those temples, and some continue to receive sacrifices."

Cai Mian asked with great interest, "can you see the Olympic mountain?"

Including marus The Romans, including utansis, didn't understand. Cai Mian said it in detail, such as the Olympic gods, and they reacted.

"You should call Olympus. That's the name of the mountain." Marus After the reaction, utansis remembered that there seemed to be a place called Olympics under Olympus, but he didn't understand how the Han people knew the Olympics and didn't know Olympus: "although it was the origin of the Greek gods, there was no temple built, or the temple built in a long history was destroyed and disappeared?"

"The temples of the gods are in some cities." Marcus Maka thought for a moment and said the most famous place: "for example, Athens, where there is the largest temple of the God of wisdom."

"We are now in the Spartan area. We can land if you like." Marus Utansis is still happy to let the Han people get in touch with the products of Greek civilization. That is because Rome inherited Greek civilization, and all the Greeks became Romans: "there is the largest ares temple in the world, and Sparta guard. It is an army that can resist hundreds of thousands of armies for three days with 300 people."

"Hot spring pass battle?" Wang Meng once heard Liu Yan tell this story and was a little interested: "if it's not too far away, we'd like to have a look."

"Is it the God of war temple or the hot spring pass?" Marus As soon as wutansisi heard that it was the hot spring pass, his original enthusiasm decreased a little: "continue to sail, and you will see the hot spring pass soon. However, there is not a real pass, but a narrow channel along the coast, which has nothing to look at."

It's really not a pass. The Spartans used to build a stone wall against Darius's army. High or not, thick or not, the stone wall has long ceased to exist with the passage of time.

"Did the Romans of Greek descent go to cyris?" Marus Utansis asked curiously, "how do you know the battle of wenquanguan?"

Rome has been reformed again and again. From the beginning, the real Romans can be in power to the later foreigners can also get high positions in Rome, but one basic policy has not changed at all. No matter which ethnic group wants to be an official in Rome, it must be a Roman citizen. This has led to a considerable number of non Roman Americans who are senior officials or free people in Rome. Of course, they have the conditions to go to the Han country.

Wang Meng knew that the battle of wenquanguan was learned from Liu Yan. He didn't know and didn't have the courage to ask where Liu Yan knew it.

In fact, no one dares to ask why Liu Yan knows so many things. Each of them has his own ideas and understanding, and will inevitably contact in the direction of some gods. Otherwise, it can't really explain how Liu Yan obtains information hundreds of thousands of miles away and knows so much about the history of Europa.

They still didn't go to Ares' God of war temple, mainly because they had to sail west, which would delay a lot of time to Constantinople.

The established route will pass through Athens. The fleet also needs to stop temporarily for replenishment, and the ships they take will enter the berthing area.

"A little messy." Doua is telling the truth: "not only are the berthing areas in a mess and out of order, but the buildings in the port, including stalls, are also in a mess."

Indeed, it was very chaotic, with heads surging everywhere, all kinds of people crowded around, and the noise of Hawking and all kinds of shouting formed a noise.

The Romans also saw that they sent people and found the officials of the port first. Later, it seemed that the communication was not ideal, and the fleet acted recklessly.

"I'm sorry to let you see this." Marcus Maka was ashamed and angry: "they blamed us for using the day's tax as an excuse without prior notice. We had to come by ourselves."

It looks like a commercial port. There are a large number of large and small merchant ships coming and going. Most of them anchor outside and then enter the port by boat. A small number of ships with their own berths will enter the port. The public berths have long been occupied.

"There is no pilot ship or pilot ship." Cai Mian said in disbelief, "don't they know the benefits?"

Doesn't it seem strange? It is just like that in some countries, there are only consuls but no emperors, officials who lack many functions and powers in the system, and there are a lot of occupations to maintain order in society. That is a normal phenomenon.

After a while of tossing and turning, the officials of the port came to express their solemn protest, but in the face of the arrogance of the army, the people of the port can only be treated as a minor suffering no matter how dissatisfied they are.

"It's hard to imagine how the people of Daqin would become the overlord here." Dou a said vaguely, "they have few official positions. How can they manage the country?"

There are really few official positions in Rome, but the power of a position will be great. For example, the civil protection officer not only has civil affairs power, but also can dictate to the army. He can even get the designation from the state and pay for conscription to form his own Legion. However, his army is not a national command sequence, but a kind of family private army.

"It seems that they can do whatever they want with money..." Cai Mian was shocked. "It's incredible that they can safely maintain unity without division for a long time."

Wang Meng doesn't think there is anything strange. As long as the Central Committee remains strong enough to sweep away any dissatisfaction, anyone who wants to be independent will wipe out one. After forming a deterrent, no one dares to rebel.

Wang Meng didn't notice that the center of Rome is not strong enough to sweep the place all the time. It is the culture accepted by their environment that plays a key role, such as the stepped loyalty system, and the system of big nobles with small nobles, which maintains the unity of the whole country.

Most of the time, Rome will enter the state of family partition. The price of war is too high. If it loses, it has nothing, and if it wins, there will be no take all. At that time, their parliamentary system will play a role, maintain good communication channels, win allies and so on, and use political means to resolve differences, Only when the mouth is completely useless will you choose to use force.

Some words Wang Meng didn't say or dare not say. In Rome, there are no monarchs who want their ministers to die and their ministers have to die, that is, the rulers can't bully and do whatever they want, so the supreme throne is not so attractive. Not the supreme ruler can ensure that his interests are not damaged, and no one will fight with his family and life if it's not necessary.