Chapter 780

Since the elimination of Murong Yan state and Tuoba Dai state, Liu Yan has deliberately not sent systematic troops to the land battlefield, but he had to use a huge systematic fleet in the war with the Gupta Dynasty.

Now Liu Yanke has recruited 80000 systematic troops. The navy of a Sanyang has spent 10000, and 20000 have been stationed in Guanzhong. 45000 places have been used for farmers, leaving 5000 shares as preparation.

When fighting against rivers and mountains, especially in the early stage, Liu Yan must make good use of the system troops, but it is inappropriate to use the system troops frequently when the rivers and mountains are basically down.

It's a simple truth. When Liu Yan was alive, he had the golden finger of system, which will disappear in the next generation. As a result, Liu Yan must systematically weaken or even eliminate the sense of existence of system forces, especially in the process of foreign war, which is only used to ensure the stability of rule. Otherwise, it is really unknown whether the established country can continue to exist after his death.

Liu Yan is not alarmist. He can rely on the system forces to fight the world and even sweep the World Islands. However, his rule can not only rely on the system forces. A strong army is the best.

A country can't rely on a strong army alone. It can't have a strong army, but all the troops can't be too bad. Then, the men of the country should be trained to fight with systematic forces. The men of the country will gradually become bloodless. Such a country will never have a future.

In particular, Liu Yan hopes that more people can go abroad. One of them is to see the cruelty of national competition. It's important to see how big the world is. What makes money is just incidental.

Facts have also proved the correctness of Liu Yan's approach. The Indochina Peninsula has not only obtained huge benefits, but also broadened the vision of some people. Opening up the western regions behind is a move to kill many birds with one stone.

"Opening up to the outside world cannot be just a matter at the national level." Liu Yan's ears listened to the constant cheers, and his voice had to increase: "we have to let the people participate."

"Your Majesty is right." Ji Chang is not flattering. As the Prime Minister of the country, he can witness too many examples: "first, broaden his horizons, and second, dredge domestic discontent."

In fact, the domestic people do not have much dissatisfaction. The main reason is that God does not give face to a large-scale natural disaster, does not want to break the social rules of no pay and return, and the government cannot provide disaster relief materials free of charge. It can only persuade the capable people to rob, and those who do not want or cannot rob rely on work to make money to buy living materials.

It's not a simple truth that "it's better to teach people to fish than to teach people to fish". The real situation is that from the ancient Pre-Qin Dynasty to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the government really did not open warehouses and release grain for free. The ruling class firmly believes that people can't get benefits for no reason, or they encourage people to eat and lie idle and wait for someone to give alms when they can't live.

The government doesn't want to spread the idea of being lazy and waiting for pie to fall from the sky, because there is no example of getting benefits in vain, so that the people don't expect to get benefits in vain. Both the government and the people believe in the simple concept of getting something for work. Therefore, in a disaster year, the government will open mountains and rivers for the people to find food by themselves. The people will not do nothing and wait for the government to relieve the disaster.

"I will never set such a precedent." Liu Yan didn't think so before. He understood why previous dynasties didn't do so, accepted the concept, and said as if he was emphasizing: "it's good to have income from work, the state provides jobs, and the people have income from work."

In Liu Yan's education and environment since childhood, he was very impressed by the sentence "the Chinese nation is the most hardworking of all nationalities in the world". When he was young, he didn't think much. When he grew up, he came into contact with more information, his thoughts gradually matured, and he had his own understanding of that sentence.

"The government always hopes that the people can bear hardships and stand hard work, don't have any complaints, be honest and patient, and do whatever they are asked to do." Liu Yan was stunned when he saw the stunned expression on Ji Chang's face. He reacted and remembered that there was no such thing now: "I hope the so-called hard-working is not like that. Compared with those, I want to see that the people can't live and rob other countries."

endure hardships and be capable of hard work? And the word "most"? As Liu Yan thought, those virtues are what the government wants most. It's natural to say that virtue is also, but

Liu Yan once argued with others, Be a sentence "The little devil deserves to be hardworking. A generation of people have built a navy that can run across Asia. The little devil conquered the Indochina Peninsula and repeatedly attacked soldiers who died on the way in order to catch fighters. That's really hardworking. Our hardworking? Oh, we work hard unconditionally. We can't resist, so we should go against it Obedience. " I choked so much that I didn't know how to refute it.

In the early days, from the ancient pre Qin period to the Western Han Dynasty, the new dynasty, the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Three Kingdoms, the Western Jin Dynasty, the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the northern and Southern Dynasties, the Sui Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty, the Five Dynasties and ten countries, there was a phenomenon of fooling the people, but it was not too serious. In particular, some dynasties did not want to fool the people at all. On the contrary, the rulers drove the people to understand several dynasties in the world with leather whips. Which was not a strong period?

After the great cause of fools was accomplished, the ruler's rule was not stable. Instead, it taught the people that they should be obedient. Tens of millions of people could not resist the expedition and destruction of millions of foreign people. It was exaggerated that hundreds of thousands of people could subdue and rule over hundreds of millions of people. Of course, the worst thing is ah San.

Jichang didn't know why Liu Yan's mood suddenly became worse. He didn't fully agree with some of Liu Yan's words, but he was looking forward to the day when the country was strong and the people were rich. And he knows very well that if he wants to have a fighting army, he can't fight alone.

In the history of Zhuxia, there were many times when there was only one strong army in the whole country. The strong army did ensure the security of national defense for a certain period of time, but it would be insufficient to expand outward.

Is there only one strong army? Are those rulers unwilling to have more strong armies? Obviously not. The country really can't provide more high-quality troops, or the national finance can't support the military expenditure of the second strong army. Perhaps the generals family doesn't want a second strong army. Anyway, all aspects of the whole country are holding back, resulting in only one strong army in the whole country. Usually, the strong army is annihilated or severely damaged in a certain battle, and then the country inevitably goes to ruin because of the loss of the strong army.

It is not uncommon for countries to have no high-quality troops, especially in countries with the longest history of Chengping and weak national conditions, it is difficult to find high-quality troops.

Ji Chang was stunned again. He thought about the history books he read, but he didn't find the dynasty Liu Yan said.

"The prime minister is making assumptions."


There was a dynasty in which it was difficult to find qualified people to train into soldiers, let alone high-quality soldiers. Not all the men in this country are skinny, but the men in this country have been destroyed mentally. No matter how strong their physique is, they do not have the will and spirit to match it. All they think about is the singing of Donghua gate. Everyone knows that they will become inferior when they join the army, and the priorities of the country will be insulted at will.

"No?" Ji Chang was opposed to fighting until the country recovered, but he never thought about tossing the martial arts man: "such a country... Don't you know that 'martial' is everything? If there is no force, how can prosperity be protected?"

Liu Yan smiled silently, so it is the greatest miracle in the world that such a country can support more than a hundred years. It is the rich national heritage left by the previous dynasties, that is, the simplest distinction between national righteousness and Hua Yi makes some people willing to protect the country. Otherwise, it is against common sense that the north and South can exist for 319 years.

Liu Yan can't let the country rely too much on the system forces and gradually make the system forces disappear from the public's view. He insists that this is the right way. It's not to use the system forces to ignore casualties, cultivate the military's aggressiveness, and make the people step outward. In that way, the outward expansion will not only be their generation, but also the probability of the death of II will be infinitely reduced.

"Your Majesty (father)!"

Cui Wan led the crowd to the palace gate and saluted from a distance. See Synonyms at.

At this moment, there is still a roar of "long live" everywhere in the city, especially Liu Yan's order to add food to the workers tonight, which is more enthusiastic than before.

It's one thing to love the son of heaven. It's serious to be able to eat a good meal. Before, it may be shouting with the tide, followed by heartfelt cheers.

At a glance, Liu Yan and the imperial concubines took their children. They also specially put on their costumes, which looked very grand.

Behind the royal family members, many ministers and bureaucrats lined up neatly to pay homage with the royal family members in front.

No matter what reason it is, it must be a joy for the ruling class to make the people cheer.

If Liu Yan doesn't go to war, he is actually more curtily. For the first time today, it's the first time to wave to the people. It's expected that the people will cheer. In his heart, he is more or less happy and proud.

The state of Han completed the great cause of expelling Hu prisoners, and revenge was carried out all the time, which saved the morale of the Han people and restored the Han people's hegemonic status. It was a feat only to give the people a stable living environment.

No one can deny that it was Liu Yan who gave everyone the minimum stability. He didn't have to be bullied or worried about losing his life like living under the rule of the Hu Lu, let alone destroy the family for revenge. He hasn't stopped the great cause of destroying the family. It's basically the rhythm of killing all the foreign families who have bullied the Han people.

The above is the spiritual level.

If it is said that expelling Hu Lu and giving Han people a stable living environment is the basis, Liu Yan also broke the monopoly of Sima family to restore the "bloodline theory".

The so-called "lineage theory" began in ancient times. Lao Tzu was an official, and his sons, grandchildren and great grandchildren should also be an official if there was no family disaster. It is not ruled out that someone can become an official from nothing, but the examples are really few enough to prove the difficulty.

Confucius, who has been canonized, is an old man. His ancestors were the monarchs of the Zhou royal family who enfeoffed the princes of the state of song. Just like many princes were usurped, the state of song also changed its rulers. In fact, the generation of Confucius' father uncle Liang he was already civilians.

Shu Lianghe is a very powerful figure. It's not that he gave birth to Confucius at the age of 66 (Yehe, because it's next to the mountain, it's named Qiu). It's that his force value is very considerable. Once his state of Lu was summoned by the eldest state of Jin.

In order to pay the protection fee, of course, after being summoned, the state of Lu quickly sent troops to wait for the dispatch of the boss of the state of Jin. Shu Lianghe was one of the recruited members. He was in the first war of attacking "Yang" city, He made a crazy move to lift the gate (Qianjin gate), which successfully enabled the friendly troops entering the city to retreat. Because Zhixuan and Xun Yan of Zhengqing family, the eldest brother of Jin, were watching, and Shixuan, one of the six Qing, was also present. He was very impressed by his brave move.

The senior nobles of the eldest brother of the state of Jin think that Shu Lianghe is very powerful. As a younger brother, the state of Lu, from the monarch to the common people, must also think that Shu Lianghe is very powerful. Well, don't hesitate to give Shu Lianghe such a senior title as "doctor". You have to choose a rich city as a fief. After studying for a long time, you think Zou city is very good. That's Zou city doctor.

Confucius said that the old man had to thank his father for his efforts. He should also be glad that he could be seen by the important figures of the leader of the state of Jin when his father worked hard. Otherwise, there would be no follow-up. After all, it's the spring and Autumn period. Can anyone read the book at will? Even if you can read, can anyone accept apprentices at will, and still provide students with food during teaching? The common people can't do it with that condition. WOW!

The first country to break the "blood lineage theory" on a large scale is the state of Qin. It is Shang Yang's reform that gives ordinary people a better channel to become powerful characters. Thank the kings of Qin for not going back to the old way, so that the channels for ordinary people to make progress are not cut off, and it also makes such a thing a rule.

The second thing to be thankful for is the rise of Liu Bang and a group of small partners. They themselves are not aristocratic families. They do not have the traditional aristocratic thought of "mud legs all play with eggs". They not only inherited the system of the Qin Empire, but also inherited the results of the reform.

The third thing to thank is Cao Cao, but Cao Cao is because the eunuch family background can't get the help of too powerful characters in the early stage. Behind it, the territory is becoming larger and smaller, and fewer and fewer people can use it. Don't worry about the family background. It's good if someone can use it.

From Cao Pi's generation, it has gone through the ruling period of Sima family. It is Liu Yan's turn to become the ruler. It has been 130 years since ordinary people's normal channels of progress have been cut off.

"With this alone, I am worthy of the world." Liu Yan did not stop his speech with Ji Chang because he was ceremoniously welcomed. Instead, he asked Ji Chang to follow closer to the royal family: "Tai'an is the Prime Minister of the widows. We should know what life should be like if there is no way forward?"

Ji Chang only thought of the word "master", but it was not the story of the long Princess Liu whoring in the Western Han Dynasty. It was only possible to participate in national construction and governance. The country was the country of the people in the world, otherwise the country would be just a name.