Chapter 759

Not only the territory once ruled will be firmly believed that it should be held, even if it is not held for a time, even if it is lost, it should be recaptured by all generations.

Another idea is that where our ancestors have been, but there are records in history, it is best to drop something when our ancestors go, such as pottery and porcelain with obvious Zhuxia characteristics. Then we think that since there are relics of Zhuxia civilization, it must be our territory "since ancient times".

It has to be said that "since ancient times" is a good word, especially when there is a dispute over the division of territory. It doesn't matter whether administrative regions have been established or not, let alone whether traces of ancestors' lives can be found. Even if you can't find them, you can look for them from the maps of ancient generations. If your ancestors draw an area when drawing a map, The descendants of Zhuxia have a natural responsibility to ensure that the land is still owned by Zhuxia. If one generation can't do it, it will take thousands of generations to do it.

According to the specific thought of Zhuxia, if an ancestor is brave enough to draw the whole earth into the territory Map of Zhuxia, do you believe that future generations will hold the firm belief of unifying the world, and regard unifying the world as a great cause from generation to generation?

What can't be done, Zhuxia has a characteristic since ancient times. What parents can't do, they hope future generations to complete. Zhuxia, who advocates filial piety, can't disappoint their elders. The next generation will urge the next generation. When they can't complete it, it will be regarded as a goal until they really complete that goal.

Therefore, in modern times, 224 countries around the world will sacrifice big killers when there are territorial disputes. The sentence "XX is the inherent territory of China since ancient times", others are immediately stunned and feel that "NIMA, there are still such operations".

When hearing the sentence "since ancient times, XX is the inherent territory of China", their family will feel oppressed and angry. Their first idea is that "that place is ours, and those turtle grandsons have come to rob", but others have been confused and confused. There is no divine logic of "since ancient times" in their concept, and what they talk about is "immediacy".

Except Zhuxia, any country and nation seems to be "open-minded". For example, the "daughter country" suddenly lost one-third of its territory, but they can't beat the hairy bear. They shout and admit their fate. How should they live or how to live. If this kind of thing happened in Zhuxia, it would be something to say at all. If the authorities did not advise, there would be an idea in the people's mind. If the last man died, we should unswervingly do him!

In Zhuxia, there has always been only the option of the authorities to advise or not. When it comes to border disputes, the bottom people only have one idea, that is, standing and stabbing. That is the characteristic of thousands of years of culture. It is also the greatest spiritual wealth of Zhuxia. It depends on whether the authorities know how to use it.

Olus Setus Cicero spent a year and a half in the state of Han. The high-level and grass-roots in the state of Han have frequent contacts. He has had a certain impression of the of the Han people. First, the Han people basically have a complex of "Heaven goes to the country".

What I can't help is that Zhuxia is a big Mac in the East. For a long time, Zhuxia has been a well deserved overlord. A member of a powerful country may have nothing when facing his fellow robes. Once interacting with other nationalities, he will have a naturally formed sense of superiority.

Olus Setus Cicero doesn't think there is anything wrong with the superiority of the Han people. The strong must be more confident than the weak. In his understanding, the Han people are already quite modest. The Romans will also show a superior attitude towards any non Roman people. The Han people at least have a good attitude when expressing their sense of superiority. The Romans have always been "killing and manipulating" weak and small aliens. For thousands of years, the urine of the Romans has not changed.

[perhaps it is this difference that leads to the difference in the development of civilization?] olus Sextus Cicero has been thinking: [in the process of conquest, the cyris occupied the land and made any alien become one of their own. Their civic basis was to continuously increase and digest all conquered nationalities. Rome was unwilling to absorb alien nationalities. The ethnic distinction was very obvious. The land was increased, but the population was not increased.]

Rome has always been a country where a few rule the majority, not only in the ruling structure, but also in the number gap between Romans and slaves. It is not too much to say that Rome's glory is based on the bones of slaves.

[Caesar did something to attract foreigners, and he was assassinated in the Presbyterian court in public...] olus Sextus Cicero didn't know that Caesar, just like the emperors, the Romans couldn't get around Caesar: [for a long time after that, it became taboo to attract foreigners to become Roman citizens.]

Olus Setus Cicero knew that the current Han country is a country after integration. In the data he knew, the so-called "naturalized Hu" accounted for nearly one-third of the number of Han countries. He also knew that "naturalized Hu" did not respond at all after becoming a Han, On the contrary, the Han people absorbed the "naturalized Hu" and picked up many life skills (such as grazing) again. At the same time, the source of troops was also guaranteed.

[the absorbed alien completely regarded himself as a real cyris. They were loyal to the son of cyris and were willing to fight for the son of cyris until the last breath.] olus Sextus Cicero had a special understanding and was almost beaten once because he asked a "naturalized Hu" why he abandoned his nation: [those people (naturalization Hu) firmly believes that he is a member of Zhuxia, but his ancestors have gone in the wrong direction. He is a member of Zhuxia. Returning to the big family is a great and correct thing to recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors.]

Zhuxia not only likes to name anything, but also likes to do some business of finding ancestors for foreign nationalities. It happened that the business of finding ancestors for foreign nationalities was very profitable after it was done in the Western Han Dynasty. Even many of their sworn enemies, the Huns, thought they were descendants of Zhuxia. What happened later is that the Huns made the matter of "recognizing their ancestors and returning to their ancestors", Let Zhuxia understand that it is a very correct thing to find ancestors for other nationalities.

Zhuxia's integration of different races starts from finding ancestors, fooling Dafa and being strong, they can succeed every time. There is basically no repetition in merging different races. Facts have proved that it is a most correct thing. There is no reason why future generations will reject it. It should be a special university study.

When powerful, Zhuxia took the initiative to integrate different races. When you are weak, you passively integrate with culture. Zhuxia never relied on blood to ensure the continuous extinction of the nation, but used culture to ensure the continuity of the nation. Therefore, did Zhuxia never look at the blood lineage, saying that "when China enters the barbarians, it will be the barbarians, and when the barbarians enter China, it will be the barbarians".

Cultural characteristics also determine that when the main blood of Zhuxia is strong, I really don't care if there are strange looking people in my own family. Wear the same clothes, have the same hair style and have the same values. Even if the traditional Zhuxia looks like people with white skin, blonde hair and blue eyes, it doesn't matter.

Of course, if Zhuxia entered a period of decline, conservatism and stubbornness would appear, and the thoughts of exclusivity and exclusion would flood. They would not only exclude the advantages of other countries and nationalities, but also fall into extreme self isolation.

As individuals, people have two sides, and so do countries and nations. However, it is certain that the strong will be strong only if they can absorb advantages.

At present, the Han people are in a contradiction. On the one hand, they are full of confidence to become the absolute overlord of the East again, on the other hand, they are strongly exclusive. The phenomenon is that you can absorb any advantage to become your own food, but you can't accept people with white skin, blonde hair or blue eyes to become your own kindred.

"Sure enough, the ancestors of the Jie people were brought to the Central Plains by the Huns." Shi Bo pointed to the corpses on the ground and stabbed the clothes of a corpse at his feet with a spear: "white skin, brown hair and green eyes are exactly the same as the Capricorn people!"

They had just experienced a sudden and short encounter. The battlefield was a valley surrounded by two low mountains. The two men and horses met in the forest. When they saw each other, they were stunned. They didn't know who yelled first. A fight broke out.

Shi Bo and his gang were about 50 people. They were serious cruising teams. They met about 30 people from the western regions. They killed and injured each other, but the people from the western regions lost and fled. Because there was no one who knew the Western dialect, they didn't know where the western people came from and what they wanted to do.

Lin Mi sat aside and asked his companions to bandage his injured arm. His eyes kept scanning the woods.

"The terrain of this valley is a little complicated..." Lin migang was one of the first wave of people who rushed up. His arm was hurt and the leather armor on his chest was damaged. He learned that his arm could recover as long as he cultivated for half a month, and the burden on his heart was minimized. However, he had to worry that another enemy suddenly appeared: "the team led people to explore forward, why haven't they come back?"

The geographical environment of the western regions is very complex. Compared with the Central Plains, there are more Gobi. There must be mountains, forests and a large area of grassland not available in the Central Plains.

They entered this valley with a patrol mission. Naturally, the reason is that the people of the western regions have become relatively active recently, and even coalition teams infiltrating within ten miles of the camp have appeared. The Han Army naturally wants to strengthen patrol.

After a fight, they killed four people, and the bodies were carried aside to be carried back by mules and horses.

Some people are busy putting ropes on mules and horses, and some people are cutting wood to make stretchers, which is to let the seriously injured lie on the stretchers pulled by mules and horses.

Some people are also busy. They cut off the left ear of the people who died in the war and search for valuable things on the bodies of the people in the western regions.

When the people who went out came back, Shi Bo soon knew the situation. The western people he had just met were only a part of them. The team led people to explore. There were three other western people found in the valley, and they saw the camp of western people outside the valley.

"Go back." Song ran had a happy look on his face: "start now."

Encountering the enemy and discovering a large number of enemy are two different situations. They have gained and found a large number of enemy. It is a credit to go back.

How to go back is another knowledge. Song Ran is a standing army system. Although he is only a military commander in the standing army, he becomes a team leader because of the particularity of the western regions corps, he still has some common sense. He just went forward to explore in person and didn't forget to send someone to check around. What is certain is that the people of the western regions arrived near the valley, and no people of the western regions were found in the rear.

This valley is 40 miles away from the Han Army camp, and there are other complex sections on the road. Song ran considered whether to set up ambush and do another vote, and then gave up this idea.

It took them more than half a day to return to the camp. Song ran immediately found his boss. After reporting, he learned that there was no other person to report, and the joy on his face could not be hidden.

"Nearly five thousand people, isn't it?"


"Well, it should be the striker of the western regions."


The village chief was asking questions. Next to him was a knife and pencil official making relevant records. Song ran frequently looked at the knife and pencil official. The knife and pencil official knew why.

People like them who detect the enemy situation and report back in time can not do without collective credit. If the high-level attaches importance to it, it is not without examples to directly promote the rank. What kind of reward will be notified later.

When song ran returned to his team, a large number of people immediately surrounded him. He knew what the robes were thinking.

The western regions Corps is not a formal title or designation, but their own name. In the central records, they are called reclamation regiments. Similar reclamation regiments exist in Indochina Peninsula, Northern Xinjiang and Northeast China, that is, the reclamation regiments coming to the western regions have the largest scale.

"Captain, how's it going?"

"What do you think? Even if it is considered a great achievement, it is not something you can know now."

Song ran didn't show his smile to his expectant subordinates.

"Anyway, a big war is inevitable." On the contrary, song ran told everyone very seriously: "seize the time to check clothes and weapons and rest."

Everyone responded to the promise with a bang. No one dared to be a little careless.

Because they are not regular troops, they are not even soldiers from counties and counties. Before they leave Yangguan, the military is only given war robes out of the relationship between the enemy and us. Armor and weapons are either carried by themselves or purchased after borrowing.

In Yangguan training, people with armor are naturally assigned to a group first, and then the weapons they are good at are classified. It should be said that a few people have the habit of maintaining armor and weapons before. It is still required to maintain them after intensive training.

"The war has finally come." Shi Zhong is checking his armor. It is a set of metal armor in the style of armor. He must carefully check whether the armor pieces are firm. He grinned to his fellow villagers, "no matter how many people are killed in the Indochina Peninsula, it's just like that. Killing people in the western regions is considered military merit!"

It's a military feat. You can get a title. You can live a life with a title. Even if you want to enter the standing army, you have more hope. Everyone is full of expectations for the upcoming war.