Chapter 756

Zhang Bian left lingju in early August and arrived in Xingyang in early September.

Military servicemen gathered in Xingyang from all over the country will basically undergo basic training in their respective hometown for at least one month.

When they arrived at the place where they worked for the corvee, they would draw up a very detailed plan. If there were no accidents, they would basically practice for one day every three days, and the rest would carry out patrol tasks.

Xingyang county was a big county in the Eastern Han Dynasty. At the end of the Han Dynasty, the princes fought disorderly and crippled the Central Plains, especially in the area close to Guanzhong. First, the princes attacked Dong Zhuo, and then the Xiliang soldiers raged again and again. The dilapidated place had long been dilapidated.

In the later Cao Wei period, Cao Cao paid attention to the recovery of various places, but with the continuous war and the sharp decline of population, the recovery was actually quite limited. Cao Wei gave priority to Yuzhou, that is, around Xuchang. Later, it changed the capital Yecheng into Jizhou. In addition, the rest of the regions were powerless to pay attention to it.

When the Sima family fled to Luoyang, the displacement capital of the old Cao family, this ancient and glorious land was valued again, but the good scenery was not long. Sima Zhao and other older people died one after another. The younger generation continued to attack for power, and the ancient and old land that recovered a little bit was constantly destroyed in the flames of war.

When the Western Jin regime collapsed, the southern Huns established the "imperial Han", and Liu Yuan chose Chang'an as the capital.

Although the southern Huns were a nomadic people, after hundreds of years of sinicization, their thoughts... Especially the high-level thoughts were infinitely close to the nobles and scholar bureaucrats in the Central Plains. Their slogan was to restore the rule of the Han family. It should be said that it was actually good for the Han people within the rule.

The "imperial Han" ended in the hands of the southern Huns themselves. Liu Yao, the successor of Liu Yuan, reformed the yuan system, changed the name of the Han country to Zhao, and also made a nerve against the Han people in the ruling class, giving the Jie people the opportunity to replace them.

At the beginning, shile highly praised the Han family culture and respected the Han intellectuals in the group, that is, he was extremely cruel to the Han people... Especially to the Han women. His achievements during his fourteen years in office were to defeat the former Zhao (Southern Hun), subdue the Qiang and di ethnic groups and become their own minions. At the same time, he also defeated and absorbed the qihuo army, the largest resistance force of the Han people in the Central Plains. There was no internal affairs construction at all.

Shi Hu usurped power and became the ruler of the later Zhao Dynasty (the state of Zhao in Shijie). Compared with shile who could disguise a little, Shi Hu was too lazy to even disguise. He not only brutally dealt with the Han people, but also wrote in explicit law that the Han people were the lowest.

After Shi Hu's repeated efforts, the number of Han people has decreased sharply again. At the same time, most areas of the Central Plains have been turned into pastures. Under that background, Xingyang has become a piece of ruins, or will it be repaired after the restoration of the Han state.

"Xingyang is not alone. Along the way, there are ruins everywhere. It is renovated and obviously dilapidated." Zhang Qing had a high enthusiasm for service and a high desire to understand the information from the outside world: "in the four years of the restoration of the Han Dynasty, this was the case in all places except Shandong, which was the first to recover."

At present, the city walls of Xingyang are gaping everywhere, and there are many collapses. New residents have always wanted to rebuild the city walls. At first, they didn't have enough manpower and financial resources. Later, the central center decided not to build the city walls, and there was no follow-up to rebuild the city walls.

People are hesitant about the city without walls. If someone invades the city without walls, what will they take as defense support. Moreover, it is an age when wild animals are running everywhere. The city wall is not only a defense support for the invasion of the enemy, but also a function to prevent wild animals from entering the city and raging. It is very reasonable to hesitate to build the city wall no longer.

I'm not kidding. Even when the country is stable, beasts hurt people again and again. That's because most of the natural environment has not been developed, at least not developed enough to force beasts to migrate. Even if it's normal to encounter beasts in the suburbs of the city, there are more beasts in the countryside.

When Zhuxia built villages, at least one fence wall was built to prevent wild animals from entering the villages. Although the existence of the city wall was for military purposes, it was also a guarantee to prevent wild animals from entering.

As soon as the center slapped his head, the city walls were no longer built everywhere. Perhaps he didn't think of the threat of wild animals to people?

"Lack of manpower and financial resources, what can I do?" Zhang Qing subconsciously sat his ass straight and said with a smile, "I'm waiting for patrol. Isn't it just prevention?"

In the history of Zhuxia, the first ruler who felt that there was no need to build city walls all over the country was the first emperor. If he did not build city walls, even if there would be rebellion everywhere, the rebels without city walls as defense would not be able to stick to them. Another reason is that Xianyang is also a city without walls from the beginning. He will promote it to all parts of the country because of his understanding of Xianyang. For example, Xianyang people do not have walls and are not necessarily affected by wild animals. The rest of the country should be the same.

It was the lack of wall protection in Xianyang, which made it difficult for Liu Bang to lead the army to break through the customs. Ziying knelt down with all officials, so that every ruler would not dare not repair the wall any more. Instead of repairing it, he had to repair it majestically and firmly. Otherwise, it would be funny for everyone to see that kind of thing in the late Qin Dynasty again.

Those rulers did not know whether they had thought of a point. What if a country was hit by the enemy to the capital, even if there were walls?

Liu Yan felt that there was no need to build the city wall. First of all, he really didn't have such financial resources, and the labor force should not be wasted on building the city wall. If he had that effort, he might as well repair the irrigation system quickly, and repair the road if he repaired the irrigation system. Because of his growing environment and his high position, he really ignored the harm of wild animals.

Zhang Bian also subconsciously bumped the prey on his shoulder. It was a wild boar they killed while patrolling. It wasn't too big, but it wasn't so easy to deal with. The wild boar ran up very fast. It was only after a long time that it was solved.

Wild boars are not their first prey these days. On the fourth day of their arrival, they sent out a large number of people to hunt tigers. At least dozens of wild animals were killed in the back. This is the case in the suburbs of Xingyang. You can imagine what the situation is in the countryside.

Hunting beasts is difficult for an armed and organized army. It is even more difficult for people with little organization and few weapons. They are people of rural origin. Even if they have not experienced it, they will hear about who was hurt or eaten by beasts.

"Our side (northwest) is actually OK." Zhang Qing said that at least the Northwest has not been regarded as a pasture construction, and Zhang has not issued the hunting order. He said: "where the Capricorn people have been rampant, the wild animals are so rampant."

The full name of the so-called "hunting order" is called "hunting prohibition order". Shi Hu asked the Han Scholars in the court to discuss and write, and clearly stipulated that the Han people should not hunt for any reason. Once found, they would be arrested and beheaded. Under Shi Hu's "no hunting order", the Han people can't resist even if they are attacked by wild animals. If they can't escape, they will be killed by wild animals. I don't know how many Han people died and were eaten by wild animals.

What kind of existence is the hunting prohibition order? It doesn't need too many words. It clearly points out in the law that the status of Han people is inferior to that of wild animals. Another effect is that wild animals began to multiply in large numbers. Previously, they belonged to the ruling territory of Shijie state of Zhao, and the number of wild animals was terrible.

"Of course!" Zhang Qing personally participated in 37 times of hunting and killing. More than ten tigers, cheetahs, bears and wild boars were killed, and hundreds of jackals, wolves and wild dogs were killed. Sometimes they returned empty handed: "before us, our predecessors have been hunting and killing all the time."

Boar is also a big threat? In fact, adult wild boars are no less threatening than tigers. It can even be said that fierce wild boars are more fierce than tigers. The biggest threat in many villages is not tigers, but several wild boars at one time. Wild boars hurt people and kill more people than tigers and other beasts.

At present, the busiest business of soldiers in all counties is hunting wild animals. The military is also very interested in hunting wild animals. The hunting process is also a kind of military training, and the food can be improved after successful hunting.

Like Zhang Bian, when he went out, his height of one meter six was just over one hundred kilograms. Some meat was consumed on the March, but after he entered Xingyang, it increased to 126 kilograms. That's nutrition keeping up with the weight gain, and his height also ran up.

It's not just that the garrison will kill wild animals. Whether it's to reduce the threat to the living environment or to eat some meat, the people will also organize hunting, but only some brave people of skilled people will stare at the beasts. More often, they will fight a dozen wild animals such as pheasants, rabbits and Swertia.

There are quite a lot of changes between the Han people and the people ruled by the Capricorn people. On the one hand, they become Chinese again. On the other hand, the quality of life has also improved again and again. The meat brought by hunting and cheap seafood have reduced the proportion of plant food consumed by them.

It's natural that an adult may not feel full when he eats a kilogram of rice at a meal. Even if he is full, he will soon be hungry again. If it can be matched with meat or more oil and water, not only the tongue can be satisfied, but also the stomach will not digest so quickly. Moreover, with more nutritional support, people's physique will certainly be improved.

On the way back to the camp, the number of Zhang Qing's team has increased again and again. In addition to paoze who also goes out to patrol, they are the people who come together on the way.

It's a matter of course. In the era of sunrise and sunset, when you go out to do all kinds of work during the day, you will naturally go home after dark. There are only a few roads. When you meet the army, you will feel more secure. Naturally, you have to go together.

"Shi Erlang, does the Swertia want to make up for her mother-in-law?"

Zhang Qing himself is a cheerful and sociable person. He not only makes many friends in the army, but also gets to know the local people. He has more friends coming and going. His shouting made the man named Shi Erlang show a simple and honest smile, while the others were a string of laughter.

It doesn't matter that Shi Erlang's daughter-in-law is pregnant. What matters is that he has a daughter-in-law.

We should deeply know that there has always been a gap between men and women in the Han Dynasty, and the gap between men and women in some places is even more exaggerated. As a result, it is not easy to find a daughter-in-law. Whether the winner of life is or not depends on how old he gets married.

"Erlang" is a sort. His real name is Shi Zhong. He is the second in his family. Of course, the name is also the order. Zhuxia's eldest brother is named Bo, the second is named Zhong, the third is named uncle, and the fourth is named season. In fact, it is the order of Bo, Zhong, uncle and season. For example, Liu Bang ranks fourth at home and is also called Liu Ji. Liu Bang was changed after he became Peigong because of a poem by Xiao He.

There is a shortage of women in the Central Plains, especially in Xingyang, which is close to Sizhou. When the Jie nationality retreated, they kidnapped too many women from the people. When the two legged sheep were used as military food, some were rescued after the Han army defeated the Jie army, but few women returned home. They were either placed in place or married by the officers and men in the army.

Xingyang has a population of more than 3000 people, and there is a serious shortage of women of school age. Women of the right age have their own criteria for choosing husbands. First, they must have a military background, and then how much family property they have. If they don't have a military background and are not rich, their daughter-in-law is the object of envy.

Shi Erlang is 19 this year. He has to thank his eldest brother for getting married at this age. His eldest brother is not a member of the army, but he went to the Indochina peninsula a few years ago. When he returned home from the Indochina Peninsula last year, he brought him a daughter-in-law. It is said that he is still a princess.

Han people are not so strange to that place in Indochina Peninsula. It is a joke to know the princess. There are kings in the tribes where hundreds of people gather. The king's son is a prince, and his daughter is a princess. Such a king, Prince and princess is not a joke.

"I could go earlier, but I can't go now." Zhang Qing knew about the Indochina Peninsula and said to Zhang Bian, "taking the Yangtze River as the boundary, southerners go to the Indochina Peninsula and northerners go to the grassland or western regions."

Zhang Bian didn't know this when he was in his hometown. He didn't know it until he was out of his hometown. Of course, he doesn't understand why the state has such restrictions, but he knows that hundreds of people in Xingyang alone go to Yangguan to grab a hand in the western regions. It's incidental for those people in Xingyang. More importantly, he wants to grab a mother-in-law and come back to be a daughter-in-law for himself or his relatives.

"We don't have so many women over there (northwest)." Zhang Qingyi looked like a know it all and said, "the south is also relatively better. The rest of the country... Even Shandong is short of women."

Zhang bianman said repetitively, "people in the western regions are different from those in Zhuxia. They are worse than grassland women. It's better to go to the grassland to rob in the western regions..."

"How many wild tribes are there on the grassland?" Of course, Zhang Qing knew why Zhang Bian looked like that. He jokingly said, "in order to continue the incense, he also got the assistance of the government. It doesn't matter what white skin and blue eyes. It's serious to have a daughter-in-law."

Zhang Bian thought for a moment, as if it was the same thing.