Chapter 749

In fact, the two fleets usually don't start and end a sea battle in one day. They often make preparations for months or even years. They keep trying before they start, and then go back and forth for dozens of days to months or years after they start.

The Royal shrine led the fleet and gawara Kangding Warren led the fleet to decide the victory and defeat in only one day. It is an example. One side came for the landing battle, and the other side led the residual fleet to retreat. It is not a real sea showdown.

This naval battle will continue. It depends on gavara Kangding Is Warren willing to accept the result of failure or lead the fleet back. If he accepts defeat, he must retreat to the mainland, but he will be intercepted by the Han Navy on the way, which is tantamount to the continuation of the previous naval battle, just changing the fighting sea area.

After Wang niche ordered the landing, because there were not many warships in the port on the side of Gupta, the Han Navy did not encounter decent resistance when approaching the coast. It was waiting for the Han warships to land to do the work of delivering soldiers, and the Gupta soldiers on the land began to block.

The state of Han guessed that there were about 20000 Gupta troops stationed in this port. In fact, only Gupta knew how many there would be.

The Gupta side has operated this place for less than three months. They have opened up a beach extending for about five miles, and initially built facilities similar to ferries. The peripheral water stockade has not taken shape.

Looking from the warships on the sea to the land, the land there fired dense arrows at the landing ships. It looked that there were not many large instruments such as bed crossbows. It is estimated that this is the way to wait for the soldiers of the landing forces of the Han state to get off the ship before launching a counterattack?

The Han Army had no intention of destroying the ferry and water stronghold. These facilities can still be used after the occupation is completed, and the place can completely become a sub base of pingman Colonel's headquarters. Why should they be destroyed.

"Good shield!"

"Queue, watch the queue!"

"After the cabin is opened, keep in formation and be ready to defend against arrows!"

There are officers in the cabin constantly making various reminders. They are told that the enemy's arrows are very dense, so they must be prepared.

Of course, the king's niche does not allow ships carrying landing troops to rush up, but allocates troops for delivery.

Far from the land, the warships of the Han Dynasty stopped at the edge of the water stronghold, opened the decks on the left and right sides of the ship, and the pedals were stretched out to lean against the water stronghold. Teams of soldiers could go underground relatively safely.

Even people in the cabin of the ships assigned to land on the shore can hear the dense "bang bang" sound, and the sailors can also hear the cry of putting out the fire in their ears. They can know how crazy the enemy's arrows are without looking.

A San was very good at bow shooting during the kusana empire. They also had special elite troops of bows and arrows, but they usually used long bows.

The bow body of a San's long bow is usually more than 1.8 meters, and the largest bow body is close to 2 meters. When people hold the bow to launch, the bow usually reaches the lower leg. The appearance of this kind of bow is very similar to that of and bow, but a San's bamboo long bow will make some nodes and is called tie bow. It is made of palm, bamboo, wood or animal horn to form a bow body. The bowstring is made of vine fiber, bamboo fiber and sheep intestines. There are bamboo arrows, wood arrows and iron arrows. The arrow is made of iron, bone and wood. It has the functions of piercing, cutting and impact. The style of tie bow originated from the design of the Peacock Dynasty at that time.

In the kusana Empire, there was no change in bowing, even in the Gupta Dynasty. That is, in the Gupta Dynasty, most of the bows were made of bamboo, and most of the arrows were made of bamboo. Only God archers would match some wooden arrows, while aristocrats used a small amount of iron arrows.

A burst of "Yiya - Kaka" instruments sounded. It was the sound of the gears of the hatch turning. The dim cabin appeared bright, and the sound of the sea hitting the coast also appeared.

LV Chao looked out from the gap of the shield wall. There were many arrows floating in the sea, and more arrows fell on the sea. His vision extended further around and saw that another friendly ship had also opened the wall, and a line of colleagues stood still with shields on standby.

One after another, the sound of "roaring - crackling" sounded. It was the movement that the ship board was pushed down from the ship. Probably after the ship board was arranged, officers were shouting "getting off the ship".

LV Chao was standing in the front row. Hearing the roar, he subconsciously raised his feet and stepped on the board. He obviously felt that the soles of his feet were sinking. That was the inevitable stress response after the board was heavy. Before he got out of the cabin, he had jacked up the shield to the northeast. From the constant force on the shield, it is not necessary to guess that it is the result of arrow hit. He kept his lower body as low as possible according to the training, so that the tower shield can cover his body more.

The walls of the ships leaning against the coast were opened one after another, and the Han troops with shields were pouring out. They got off the ship again. They didn't step on the land for the first time, but entered the sea half waist deep.

Every Han army who got off the ship immediately moved towards the land. In the process of moving, they braved arrows like raindrops. Too dense arrows made the Han Army inevitably suffer casualties.

LV Chao saw that a fellow robe five steps away on the right seemed to be out of balance by the sea. The shield in his hand tilted because of the disordered pace. The next moment, an arrow hit his shoulder. He groaned with pain and fell into the sea.

The man hit by the arrow is Huang Chi, from Bohai county. He has joined the army for two years. He joined the army late and was added to the standing army as a county soldier. It should be said that he really did not participate in any world war. Before he joined the army, the enemy countries that the Han country should eliminate were basically farting.

Huang Chi thought he was unlucky. He was not knocked out of balance by the ocean. He didn't know what to step on when he slipped. At the moment when the shield tilted away, he knew it would be worse. He was subconsciously short. Otherwise, the part of the arrow should be the lungs. After he was hit by the arrow, his body softened and his whole body splashed into the sea. Because the shield was heavy enough to directly touch the sea bottom, he would have been shot into a hedgehog if there was no sea above his head.

No matter what kind of water, as long as it is thick enough, it can form an obstacle. In modern times, it can still hinder bullets. No matter what kind of bullets, they can only maintain less than one meter in the water and lose kinetic energy. Bullets are like that. How far can bows and arrows with little kinetic energy advance in the water?

Huang Chi, who was shot in the shoulder, would like to thank the state of Han for its generosity to the standing army. It goes without saying that even ordinary soldiers have leather armor? The leather armor on his body is thickened at all key positions. Although the shoulder area is not deliberately thickened, it has a certain protective force. Although the leather is penetrated, it plays a role of resistance, and the arrowhead is not deep when it bites into the meat.

LV Chao did not deliberately pay attention to Huang Chi, but his posture against the shield was destined to look only to the left and right, and there was usually a habit of turning one's head to the right. His habit was to turn his head to the right.

Some people who waded half way through the water must know that it was difficult to run forward quickly even if they had no weight on their body. They didn't jump down and swim fast. When LV Chao took a hard step forward, he saw Huang Chi standing up from the water, but the next moment, Huang Chi suddenly had an arrow on his neck and fell directly into the sea.

Dead people on the battlefield are a very common thing. LV Chao couldn't be too sentimental at all. He didn't stop walking before, but his eyes subconsciously looked at Huang Chi's falling position until he saw two colleagues wearing rattan armor but with the Red Cross tied to their arms. He fished Huang Chi out of the sea.

Battlefield ambulance soldiers are a standard configuration for the current Han army. Their role in the battlefield is to deal with minor injuries nearby, but they can't deal with serious injuries on the spot. In this landing battle, the ambulance soldiers were specially equipped with rattan armor, which was specially purchased by the military from the Indochina Peninsula.

Two ambulance soldiers in rattan armor fished Huang Chi out of the water and looked at the wound according to their own experience. One of them picked up a pair of pliers from his waist to cut the arrow shaft directly, and quickly pulled out the arrow branch. Another ambulance soldier picked up the gauze and began to bandage.

"Check the oral cavity and deal with it immediately if you find that you can't breathe."

"There is no injury to the trachea, just bandage, no need to insert the trachea in the lungs."

Huang Chi couldn't fully open his eyes. Narrowing his eyes, he could vaguely see the busy ambulance and knew what had happened to him. When he heard the ambulance's diagnosis, his fear disappeared, but his inner chagrin came out: [why didn't I stand up with a shield first?]

It must be said that Huang Chi is both unlucky and lucky. Unfortunately, he was shot twice in a row just after getting off the ship. Fortunately, there are experienced ambulance soldiers in the army.

In fact, when the ambulance soldiers were treated, they didn't miss arrows, but the rattan armor had great defense against arrows. Even if they were hit by a rocket, it was just a matter of soaking their bodies into the sea. The only trouble was that wearing rattan armor would always feel floating by the buoyancy of the sea.

Not everyone is as lucky as Huang Chi. At least Huang Chi can be saved after being hit by an arrow. Watching the sea water in the beach area turn red and the floating bodies prove that war has always been cruel.

After about 20 meters of wading, LV Chao finally stepped his legs on the land of the beach. Before he arrived, his colleagues who had landed first were organizing the shield array. He just came to supplement them into a small team.

"Listen, all of you. In the face of war, regardless of organizational system, listen to the orders of someone!"




LV Chao immediately shouted rhythmic trumpets. Each shout was a step forward with a shield. He breathes with his surrounding colleagues, and is living and dying, for advancing to enough position, when it is time to split the shield or kill the troops in situ, or is it necessary for the officers has the final say to organize more shields.

On Gupta's side, PICAR is in charge of defense Malik was the first batch of redeemed chadili after he was captured. He had to thank his family for its enough influence to re-enter the war, that is, he didn't want to have any more good jobs.

It's not, Picard Although Malik was back in the war, he was assigned to this port because of his dishonorable experience. He was unable to act as the supreme commander because of another man named Samir Chadili moderation of vicas.

If it's reasonable, the vicas family can't compare with the Malik family. It's the kind that can't be compared with either wealth or manpower, but for PICAR Malik has a bad reputation and desperately needs to recover his reputation. He won't accept being killed by Samir Commander vicas.

Picard Malik knew it was bad when he saw the defeat of his own fleet. The last time they had a landing battle, the troops ashore were completely wiped out after the defeat of the fleet.

This time, although they are on the side of defense, they are not at home, but a base far away from home. In addition to reinforcements at sea, it is full of land in wild areas.

"Our arrows are running out." Samir Vicas became PICAR Malik's immediate boss, but he really didn't dare to talk to PICAR Malik is too complicated. That's what the two families decided from the glory and strength of their ancestors. He frowned and said, "even the arrows and our archers will soon be unable to lift their arms."

That's a normal thing. People are not instruments. They can't do endless bow and arrow shooting. Even people with good physical strength and endurance should also consider the limits of muscles and ligaments. Generally, it's very good to be able to do bow and arrow shooting 20 times in a row.

"What do you want to say?" Picard Malik to Samir Vicas actually had no respect from his heart. He looked at the frowning Samir Vicas said, "don't try to surrender."

Samir Vicas's face stiffened, but there was no retort.

It's not that people with strong family strength can surrender. The last time ah San admitted defeat and surrender, they didn't think it was a war to destroy the country. The surrender of local conflict is nothing in ah San's concept. Once it comes to the war to destroy the country, they have their own moral standards. Even if they want to surrender, they should fight until the water and mountains are exhausted.

"We have only been here for less than three months and can't stop the Han army from landing." Samir Taking advantage of his height, vicas took a panoramic view of the war on the beach, turned to the forest in the East, and said, "it's not wise to stick to it. Maybe we can withdraw to the mountains and continue to fight with the Han army?"

Gupta sent more than 14000 land solid defense forces here. Before the naval battle broke out in the morning, gawara Kangding Warren probably knew that he couldn't hold it at all. He transferred more than 6000 troops to the Navy. In fact, less than 7000 people were left in defense.

Picard Malik looked at the dense Han ships on the sea and saw more and more Han troops landing. He couldn't help thinking deeply