Chapter 742

In the middle of autumn, the sky full of dark clouds is still a moderate rain. Standing and looking away, the green mountains and forests are shrouded in a hazy.

It should have been full of poetic scenery, but there was constant roar and scream among the mountains and forests. It was the joint forces gathered by Gupta who launched an attack on the defense line arranged by the Han army. One side tried hard to move forward and the other tried hard to block it.

The battle took place at the forefront, and it was not the first day. It is a strange thing for the troops of the Zhuxia civilization to launch an offensive in rainy weather. It is not a last resort that the Zhuxia civilization will not carry out military operations in this weather. However, it seems that Gupta and many allied forces have no concept of no war in rainy days?

It has been raining for many days, and the battle is under the rain. The ground absorbs too much water and becomes soft. If your feet step on the land, they will sink into it. After stepping on it many times, it must make the soil muddy. Since the mud will hinder the action, it is not a good time to fight.

"Foolish alien!" Cai Lan smiled grimly. The powerful crossbow in his hand was pulled and the bow string banged. The person shot in front was hit by the crossbow through his head. Without humming, he fell down: "his legs are full of mud. It's difficult to move. The slope is too slippery to come up. It's a pure good target."

This defense point is located on the slope, and a continuous defense line with shed on the top is constructed. There is a slope in front of the defense line. The Han Army defends on the slope, and below is a group of enemy troops who want to climb up.

The air in places like Indochina Peninsula has been humid for a long time. In fact, it is a great test for bows or crossbows. If the bowstrings are not maintained from time to time, they will be relaxed, which will certainly affect the launching of bows and crossbows.

The Han army is not a barbarian without any historical details. The history of Zhuxia is a history of war. In the mountains, in the plains, in the jungle, in the swamp... In rainy days, in sunny days, in rainy or sunny weather, almost all kinds of battles have been encountered anyway. The experience accumulated by predecessors has been recorded in words, giving future generations more ways to deal with them.

At any time, use various means to maintain the bowstring, so that you can use it if you want after the battle, which is almost deep into the bone marrow of Zhuxia Miao people. If you look through various war histories, it is extremely difficult to find an example of a regular army whose bowstring could not be put into use because of poor maintenance after the outbreak of war. However, there are a lot of examples of bowstrings that can't be used after the continuous rainy season, but this is purely the problem of moisture in the process of use, which can't be used in advance.

On the offensive and defensive battlefield, only the Han army is still firing arrows. What the coalition forces on the offensive side can do is throw all kinds of weapons. However, compared with the arrows fired with instruments, throwing weapons by hand must suffer a loss in range. As a result, an offensive and defensive war becomes a unilateral massacre because the offensive side is difficult to reach the slope.

Cai Lan is not a big official. He is a team leader who can be called an "official". He takes 50 people under his command to take charge of the defense of the slope. In three days, only four people on his side were slightly injured, and there were at least 300 or 400 enemy troops killed or killed. The four people were injured by the bamboo guns thrown by the enemy. They were armored. The bamboo guns had no penetration. The injured places were in the unarmed limbs.

The slope is an inclined plane of about 35 degrees. Needless to say, it is an angle specially made by the Han army. It is about 20 meters long. It is low. It has also dug a trench two meters deep and three meters wide. Further on, it is flat, and obstacles have been deliberately removed.

The long rainy weather had already filled the dug trenches with ponding. The originally turbid water now turned red and filled with corpses. Some corpses have been soaked in water for too long, their skin is full of pale, and the flesh and blood at the injured area has become swollen and rotten because of long-term soaking in water.

At first, about 500 coalition troops were crowded under the slope, and the dead and injured fell to the ground and were trampled with the mud. Everyone alive was covered with mud. Cai Lan looked at it and saw that there were about 400 enemy troops who could bomb. He knew that those families would soon retreat.

Not surprisingly, the coalition forces in the underground slope didn't know who first howled, then turned around as before, pushed each other, took a few steps, slipped and retreated in confusion.

Not only did the offensive on the slope end, but Cai Lan looked around and saw that the enemy troops on the whole front were retreating. He said, "it's a little abnormal."

The Allied attack has begun for seven days. They have to give heads to the Han Army defense line every day. It is not difficult to distinguish the people sent to die from their clothes. The naked must be savages. There should be small states or small tribes with several pieces of cloth. They come forward to die in almost the same pattern during the seven days.

The Han Army knew very well what the Allied forces were doing. It was nothing more than driving the cheap people to consume their own arrows, and then letting their own side use bows and crossbows wantonly. As long as they were useful, the bows and crossbows would inevitably damp the bowstrings.

Similar practices are common in the war history of Zhuxia civilization. Not only Zhuxia civilization will do so. In fact, each civilization has the same commonalities. Killing someone who nobody cares about can not only consume arrows, but also reduce the number of available bows and crossbows. That's the idea of the coalition.

Today's situation is a little different. The collapse of the attacking coalition forces in the past is also a part of different times. It's true that they have never retreated together at the same time.

"Did anything special happen just now?"

"I didn't notice the rate of returning to the team."

Zhuxia civilization stresses marching with drums and retreating with gold. Other civilizations will also have similar means, usually using sound to convey the advance and retreat of the army, and will distinguish different beats and attach different meanings.

Cai Lan didn't hear any strange sounds, and he didn't see any obvious signals from his height. He wondered how the coalition army sent messages and retreated at the same time.

Just before Cai Lan and most of the Han troops at the forefront had figured it out, the coalition had made new moves.

"Well, the coalition troops retreated completely?"

"Go back, general, and the coalition troops will retreat twenty miles and camp."

Huan Wen did not go to the front line on land. The attack of the Gupta Dynasty was not on land. It was located 80 miles north of the captain's Department of pingman school. Gupta fleet had already docked to build a port and water stronghold.

On the side of the pingman captain department, Huan Wen did overall planning and command. The command of the land front line was handed over to Si Hongzhuang, the captain of the pingman captain department, and the naval battle was handed over to Li Mai, the commander of the Navy. As the commander-in-chief, Huan Wen is responsible for the strategic layout. He has a long history of his old partner yuan Qiao. Of course, his tactics are handed over to his generals.

"It's so easy to retreat if there are more than 10000 deaths and injuries." Yuan Qiao is talking about the recent losses of the land coalition forces, or the figures that can be determined by the Han army. He kept looking at the map of mountains and rivers hanging on the wall and whispered, "the mountain path has been carefully surveyed and there is no place to bypass. What is the purpose of the enemy's move?"

Fighting in the mountains and jungles is very complicated. What I fear most is that my defense is not strict, and I am attacked by the enemy on the road that my side has not explored. If this happens, it will not cut off the rear and front, but it will be painful for the enemy to infiltrate and destroy continuously.

Once the Qin army went south to Lingnan and fought head-on. However, it suffered heavy losses and panic in the face of constant attacks by the enemy. The first time the Qin army went south, it had to stop its pace. Then it set up a situation to lure and kill the enemy leader.

Pingman Colonel spent more than a year building a defense line. No one can guarantee that all channels have been closed to prevent the enemy from infiltrating. They also distributed all kinds of open and hidden outposts on the front line, and arranged troop rotation patrols. They were afraid of encountering the dilemma that the Qin army had encountered.

Although the pingman Colonel's headquarters has made the greatest degree of prevention, there are still a small number of enemy troops entering the defense circle, which is determined by the environment of the pingman Colonel's headquarters itself. After all, there are mountains and dense forests everywhere. Do you still set up a human wall to stare at every inch of land? There are always some places that the enemy will infiltrate, that is, the Han Army has long responded. It is found that the infiltrating enemy can encircle and suppress in time, which is difficult to cause too much trouble to the Han army.

"Even so, if the enemy infiltrates one person, our Quartermaster will have to be surrounded and suppressed by 100 people." Wang Ji was very distressed and said, "it is precisely to contain a large number of our troops that the enemy is happy."

Since the war is fought in a complex environment, we should be prepared for the complex situation. Not only the coalition forces on the Gupta side have infiltration operations, but also the Han Army does the same thing. The problem is that it is placed on both sides, not only one side.

"The enemy stopped the exploratory offensive and retreated twenty miles..." Huan Wen looked very calm and spoke slowly: "it's time to find out our army's arrangement?"

The culture of each civilization may be different, but the military is basically common. The offensive side must first understand the layout of the defenders to the greatest extent before it can make targeted arrangements for the direction of attack.

Before launching a real offensive, the necessary test is to find out the layout of the defense line, and then to see how the other party looks. Everything is to take what they think is the right response.

Huan Wen arranged the standing army at the front, and used an ox knife to kill chickens. That is, he set out the battle and told the coalition forces to attack on the land that they must be prepared to hit their heads and blood. He did so in line with the overall situation. Pingman Colonel's army is not alone. There are also Han troops in the southeast of PYU.

In the development of the Indo China Peninsula, all the places along the coast near the sea can be occupied by the Han people. The plain in the abdomen is reclaimed by the Han people to the greatest extent. Some unlucky families in terms of distribution can only move inland with the greatest courage.

Before the establishment of the pingman army, Chen and Xiao were at the forefront of the development group, and their furthest development steps entered the Myanmar ethnic area. The conflict between them and the state of Biao never stopped. Originally, they relied on family armed forces. Later, the Han Army entered and formed a distant echo with the pingman school captain in the southwest.

The Gupta Dynasty can come in two ways against the pingman colonel. Why can't Huanwen attack the land Coalition on both sides? Pingman Colonel's department is on the defensive on land. It is mainly waiting for the results of the sea confrontation. First solve the problems on the sea, and then try its best to deal with the problems on land.

"This year's autumn rainy season is coming to an end." Yuan Qiao pondered, "after the weather clears up, the road will no longer be muddy. See if the enemy will attack again. If not, the enemy will turn to attack for defense."

On the Han side, the contact between pingman colonel and friendly forces depends on sea transportation, and the land is blocked by wild mountains and jungles.

Although the Gupta dynasty built a harbor to the north of pingman school, it needed to go through 150 miles of mountains and jungles to contact the land coalition forces.

Considering the actual conditions of primitive mountains and jungles, it is not a question of whether people dare to cross, but whether people can get out. It can be judged that although the sea and land armies of the Gupta Dynasty are only 150 miles apart, it is difficult for them to contact nearby, and they still have to rely on domestic transmission. The Allied forces on land have to pass the message through the territory of PYU, through aragan or Manipur into the small state of Datta, and then into the mainland. The road is very long.

"If it takes us half a month to contact friendly forces, it will take us at least a month to contact enemy forces." Yuan Qiao had his own conversion method and said, "the enemy came in two ways, one with action and the other with cooperation."

How about an old partner? As soon as Huan Wen heard what yuan Qiao said, he immediately understood that the retreat of the enemy on land was waiting for what action the Han army would take against the enemy at sea.

"We still have to force the enemy on land to move." Huan Wen then looked at Li Mai and asked, "can the Navy attack?"

Li Mai immediately stood up and saluted, "the enemy's water stronghold and port are beginning to take shape. It's hard to give up. Our army's attack at the moment is at that time."

Yuan Qiao said, "if we want to make the land enemy more urgent, it is not enough to only target the coastal enemy 80 miles away."

Huan Wen could have ordered Li Mai to attack by order, but they deliberately let go in order to attack Gupta's navy to the greatest extent. He got Li Mai's response, and saw that Yuan Qiao thought it would be more powerful. After thinking for a while, he said, "in this case, the Navy will make self-determination."

If the fleet size was only 500, Li Michael didn't have the confidence to fight with the Gupta Navy, but the fleet size under his jurisdiction now was as large as 2500 warships. It was not a good time to hide before. Since Huan Wen thought he didn't need to hide, he had enough confidence to give the Gupta Navy a big surprise.

"In this first World War, it is necessary to inflict the heaviest damage on ah San. All the enemy troops on land and at sea will be wiped out." Huan Wen thought for a moment, stood up and shouted, "gentlemen, wipe out the invading enemy and attack the enemy's territory."

There is no need to say, one by one, they all stood up and shouted: "is it the king's land under the whole world, or the king's minister who leads the land!"

Huan Wen drew out his sword and said in a loud voice, "the sword in the hands of our generation of martial artists is the plow, which can destroy the enemy for the Han people, make the enemy's land the Han land, and make the enemy's people the slaves of the Han family!"