Chapter 730

Yuan Kuai's son was found dead when he could no longer die. As a revenge, he was brutally dismembered, that is, his limbs and head were dismembered. People in the past saw his body hung on the beam when they entered the house. The scene was very scary. At the same time, the blood on the ground was also full of blood.

Xie AI must give yuan Kuai an account of his collaborator. After consulting with Li Kuang, Yuan school was asked to record the official treatment of death in battle. The government pursued the chaotic party, cut down some heads and gave yuan Kuai three. Yuan Kuai became a creation from an introduction due to the special policy of the Han state towards the northwest.

The head of an enemy's first-class soldier will become a public servant among the 20th class barons. According to the law of the Han Dynasty, he can get 100 mu of land and a servant. At the same time, the government will also invest in building a "house". A "house" in each era has its own specifications. In today's Han Dynasty, a "house" is a house with a contract of three mu, including houses and necessary front and back yards.

The total population registered in the Han Dynasty is just over 17 million, and the number of people with titles is no more than 300000. The number of first-class Gongshi is the largest. Gongshi is basically not a member of the standing army or local grass-roots civil servants. The first consideration of what position you want to hold in the Han state is not the knowledge you have, but the level of your title, especially in the military.

Every fifty-seven people produce a person with a title. This country has just been established, and wars break out frequently in the country.

If we look at the data, 300000 people with titles are mainly concentrated from the first year of Yuanshuo to the sixth year of Yuanshuo.

Six years after Yuan Shuo, the number of people with titles decreased in the form of cliffs. According to the current situation, it is more and more difficult to obtain titles, which also indicates that the frequency and number of wars launched by the country are decreasing.

Losing his eldest son in exchange for shangzao's title, Yuan Kuai was difficult to tell whether he made a profit or lost. However, he became one of the vested interests of the Han state. For his own safety and for the sake of the family from retaliation, he could only cooperate more with the official suppression of the chaotic party.

In fact, dead people are nothing to people in this era. They mainly want to die properly. In short, they should have corresponding value even if they die.

With Yuan Kuai as an example, the disordered party appears weak. More people choose to cooperate with the government. The number of disordered parties found and eliminated has been increasing, that is, the follow-up people do not have the super standard treatment yuan Kuai received.

"Most of the eliminated chaotic parties are the old forces of Liang state, but there has been no trace of Zhang Dan and Peiheng." Li Kuang didn't hide his disappointment. He was more confused: "have they run away?"

As I said, Zhang did not lose the support of the people in the northwest. The country was destroyed only when it could not withstand military strength. With the support of the people and the unwilling bureaucratic system, there must be resistance forces after the country was eliminated from the military level. Generally, the original officials are the leaders.

Resistance based on popular support can be supplemented even if people lose manpower again and again. If the leader of the resistance organization wants to hide, he can also be protected to the greatest extent, especially some very important people.

Xie AI is still very concerned about the suppression of non compliant forces. The existence of those people will make it infinitely more difficult for the Han state to govern the northwest. If the northwest people have the guidance of those people, public opinion and making things will also increase the contradiction with the government.

In combination, the contradictions have increased again and again in the confrontation, and the situation has become worse and worse. At the same time, the northwest people hate the government more and more, and the government does not take care of the northwest people more and more. As a result, both the northwest people and the government are actually victims.

Xie AI can be regarded as one of the senior officials of the Han Dynasty. Standing at the level of an intellectual and senior official, it is clear that once the state decides to ignore a region in terms of beneficial policies, that region will not become better and better. On the contrary, it will become worse and worse because of the state's neglect.

Whether for his own business or because of his origin, Xie AI wants to solve the current difficulties, so it is possible to benefit the northwest people under the central policy inclination this time, ease the relationship, and make the northwest people have a sense of belonging to the Han country out of the linkage of interests.

"If you find one, you will destroy another, but..." Xie AI said with a wry smile, "I hope Chengji can grasp the strength."

In just half a month, with the full launch of the northwest, as many as 1400 people have been recorded on the list of exterminated, and more than 2000 people have been arrested and imprisoned. The number of people killed and arrested is increasing every day. Some must be those who should be killed and arrested from the standpoint of the Han state, but there are definitely implicated and real innocent people.

Many times, under the general trend, the unlucky people involved are not completely unlucky. On some levels, they may not have committed much, but they are regarded by the government as a threat to the rule, so they just clean up together taking advantage of the current situation. As for the real innocent, it is difficult to make it clear. Under the rolling of the general trend, grievances and innocence are always difficult to be vindicated in time. It is unknown whether they will be rehabilitated later.

What can Li Kuang say? If it happened in his hometown of Changguang County, if he participated in it, he would not want to see innocent hometown fathers and elders suffer. His friendship with Xie AI is very good. In the current situation, there is still a community of interests. The face that should be given to Xie AI will be given. He can't give face and dare not make a big head. He can only respond with a smile but won't give any actual commitment.

"As many as 30000 young people have gathered in Yangguan. It can be seen that the people are still very enthusiastic." Xie AI himself changed the topic: "when the war against Xiqiang mountain is over, he will lead the army north to Yangguan."

Li Kuang is different from Xie AI, who was transferred to the imperial historian's office. As a member of the military system, he can get some residence reports at an interval of time. He can get information about every place where war is breaking out, that is, the extent to which the information is clear depends on his own position.

"Before Xie Zhonglang (general) arrives, Kuang needs to make relevant preparations to the greatest extent." Li Kuang knew that Xie an led his troops into Xiqiang mountain and was pulling open the carpet net. Many Qiang Di residual dens were destroyed, but the number of destroyed was not considerable: "Kuang thought that the first batch of people could set out to the western regions in recent months."

That's what Xie AI wants to say. What he knows is that most of the folk Xiaoguo who went to Yangguan brought a small amount of their own weapons, horses and dry food, but they had to borrow money from the military. Most of them were young and strong, who originally belonged to Zhang's cool army system. They were worried about what would happen under the conspiracy of people with ulterior motives, and it would be a big deal as soon as it happened.

"Does Mingda suspect that Zhang Dan and Peiheng may go to Yangguan?" Li Kuang himself has a similar guess. He thinks that people who want to make things will not miss such a great opportunity: "the Yangguan gathers 30000 people. Once something happens, it will be a great event."

"AI has asked relatives and friends to pay more attention to the old times." Xie AI is still worried: "although so, it is difficult to calm down."

Therefore, the central government will formulate relevant policies only out of major aspects, and the details are improved by the executor and the local government. It's not that the center loses the pot. It's the difference in vision, which makes the talkative makers relaxed. The actual executors are busy becoming dogs and bear a major stake at the same time.

Li Kuang knew that Xie AI's worry was not groundless. So many soldiers of Zhang's Liang army gathered in Yangguan, which itself was an opportunity for the conspirators to make trouble. They start with the overall situation first. In some aspects, they can only deter conspirators, but they can only be deterred. If people with conspiracy really want to do anything, they can only be vigilant to the greatest extent.

"There was a garrison in Yangguan. When the young and strong go, they will be controlled by the formation." Li Kuang comforted Xie AI: "if something can happen, it's that you and I are not good at doing things, and it also makes the big man recognize the reality of the northwest."

Xie AI was afraid of this. The center had a preferential policy towards the Northwest after fierce discussion. Once there was no good news, it was the faces of those who agreed to the preferential policy, and Liu Yan, the ruler, was slapped.

If something serious happens, the people who had previously excluded the northwest will be more excluded. Those who were neutral should fight and kill in order to express themselves. People who had stood in a good position will be embarrassed after they were dumped. In addition, the anger of the rulers, it is light not to take care of their faces, the inclination of malicious policies, and the necessary cleaning, encirclement and suppression, how many people will die in the northwest?

It's no nonsense. After the central authorities of all dynasties hate any place, the taxes will only become heavier and heavier, but they will completely forget when it's their turn to take care of it. The people there belong to rebellion no matter what the reason. The Central Committee's approach is to send a large army to wipe it out. If one time is not enough, it will come twice or three times... Even if the whole area is killed, it will feel that it is to remove the scourge. If the time permits, that is, to move new people to fill it.

Once it is considered by the center to be an area with poor mountains and rivers and many troublemakers, it will eventually be hard for the center to fight the whole state machine with one place, especially when most areas are strictly controlled by the center.

Li Kuang was able to stay safely in Yumen county because the military was ready to suppress him at any time. His failure to move itself is also a strategy to attract people who want to do things, and then let the military sweep in the most intense and bloody way.

Xie AI knows the relevant arrangements and doesn't want the worst to happen. He said goodbye to Li Kuang. When he went outside, he was surprised to find that the sky was cloudy. Almost all the people who could see looked up at the sky in a daze.

"Uncle." When Xie Ping saw Xie AI, he leaned over and said, "it's going to rain?"

The whole sky was shrouded in dark clouds, but there was no wind or thunder.

The first thought of people with a little common sense when they see that the sky is covered with cloudy clouds will be the reaction of "rain". Few people know that although it is covered with cloudy clouds, how much rain or how much rain it can rain depends on the wind. More often, although it is covered with cloudy clouds and bursts of thunder, it is usually the sound of thunder, the less the rain, and the more the wind is, the greater the rain will be.

In previous years with normal climate, at present, it is actually in the continuous rainy season stage. There will be several rainy seasons before. Before this year, the drought in most parts of Northwest China occurred only when it should have rained.

"It's bound to rain heavily." Xie AI is neither a psychic nor an old farmer. In fact, he can't call the wind and rain. He can't judge how much rain will fall from some details. It's purely out of good expectations: "yes, it will rain a lot."

If it rains, and it rains heavily, it will not only improve the drought in the northwest, but also involve politics.

Before the state of Zhang Liang was destroyed by the state of Han, the northwest was in good weather for a long time. Even if the tax of Zhang Liang was heavy, the people did not bear the pressure. In some ways, it also meant that God gave Zhang face and admitted that Zhang ruled the northwest.

When the state of Han destroyed the cool state of Zhang, god suddenly didn't give face. With the war and natural disasters, the people didn't care what the state of Han actually did to the northwest. When they saw that God had fallen natural disasters because of the change of sovereignty in the northwest, the first thought was that the state of Han was definitely not qualified to rule the northwest.

The things God talks about are absurd to people who understand the truth, but most people can't bear to believe it. Especially in the current era, the key is whether God gives face to the rulers. No matter how good the rulers are to the people under their rule, but if God doesn't give face, the people will deviate from the rulers, and the incentive is the smoke of war everywhere, How many times has the change of dynasties been due to natural disasters?

Officials of the central civil affairs system oppose the excessive use of troops in disaster years. On the premise of natural disasters, the military dare not jump too much. It does not need to maintain stability everywhere and be ready to deal with possible civil unrest at any time. As for why there was a popular uprising? It was God who embarrassed Liu Yan. The large-scale drought that was about to break out was followed by locusts.

"It's going to rain?" Li Kuang didn't know when to stand on Xie AI's side: "it was in time..."

Almost as Li Kuang stretched out his hand, the first rain fell on his palm. For a moment, there was a flash of lightning in the sky. After a little while, the thunder roared, and the wind suddenly became bigger. Then the strong wind rolled up grass debris everywhere.

With the first drop of rain, the dense raindrops began to fall almost in an instant. Xie AI stared at the heavy rain at the beginning, listened to the cheers everywhere in her ears, smiled heartily, began to be reserved, and then laughed like crazy.

Xie AI is not the only one who is crazy. A rain has changed the fate of too many people. Most people are happy, but after all, some people are not happy or even angry.

"Thief, God!" Pei Heng stood in the rain pointing to the sky and scolded: "it rains at this time!"

The same people standing in the open air in the rain, including Zhang Dan and other leaders of some resistance forces, most of them look like lost. They hoped that when natural disasters broke out in the northwest, the people would be more alienated from the Han state, waiting to detonate the whole northwest and achieve their great events. But it rained?

"What should I do?" Song Cheng was a little lost and said, "this is a warning from God. We shouldn't do it at this time?"

Whether it's true or false, they just think that God sent a drought to the northwest people to remind the northwest people to resist the rule of the Han state, and they can really use it to attract more northwest people to participate. The problem is why it suddenly rained?!