Chapter 719

"The pros and cons of theory are never based on region!" LV Yi seemed to be so angry with Sang Yu's fallacies that he blackened his face and said, "those who learn to apply, the earth is never divided between the north and the south!"

Sang Yu's response was just a sneer.

"The metaphysics in the south is only due to time and place. Moreover, there is no harm to the common people." LV Yi was even more angry when he saw sang Yu sneer: "the great Confucians in the North scrambled to turn to Hu Lu. How many are evil?"

Ran min couldn't help but "ha ha..." burst out laughing, and was pulled by Xu Zheng nearby for a few times before he didn't make a sound of ridicule.

"Really..." ran min didn't say it out loud. He could whisper to Xu Zheng: "none of the great Confucianism is really good."

Xu Zheng thought deeply in his heart, but he couldn't say it.

Sima's family lost the Central Plains. At first, the literati were very reserved. Even if they were solicited by the Hu people, they would not apply. Liu Yuan still knew the influence of Confucianism on the Han people. He came to a corporal of courtesy to find the great Confucian Cui you for various studies, which won the favor of Confucianism.

Confucianism is actually quite close to the Huns, which is the blessing left by the Huns during the reign of Wang Mang.

Wang Mang completed his usurpation with the support of all classes. His usurpation should be the most moderate in all dynasties. There has been no large-scale bloodshed. Even the descendants of the Liu family, as a royal family, feel that the world should be led by him.

After the usurpation of power, Wang Mang wantonly revised the law and built a "new society", which is very similar to the behavior of one production, one Lord and one righteousness, and then lowered the specification on the title of the internal and external six barbarians.

The new dynasty is based on the Confucian "pre king system". It can be said that most of the scholars and nobles at that time actually held a supportive attitude, waiting to move towards the "new society" and enjoy the "new life". That "new" is the new of the new dynasty.

Wang Mang is estimated to be an "angry youth". What does it look like to reduce the title specification of internal and external six barbarians? It is to abolish the previous title of king and Marquis of different races and completely change it to Marquis. In fact, most of the foreign nationalities dared to be angry but not speak. Only the southern Huns started a war with the army of the new dynasty. Unfortunately, the army of the new dynasty was defeated.

Reform is like that, either forge ahead to an all-round victory or lose everything after a setback. Usually, all reforms are based on the supervision of force. Once the force is not as powerful as it appears, any ox, ghost and snake god should jump out.

The reform of the new dynasty is still strange. The original intention of the upper class may be good, but such a moth will always appear when a good strategy is implemented. The new Korean army was defeated by the Huns on the battlefield. Because the reform in the mainland was not as beautiful as expected, it lost the deterrent of force. In addition, the interests of most people were not increased, but reduced. Of course, it was time to shout "anti fucking". In an instant, there were flames everywhere.

It is said that the great Confucianism recognized the credit of the Xiongnu. It was the southern Xiongnu who took the lead in opposing the new dynasty. The later victors called what the Xiongnu did "bring order out of chaos". The Confucianism at that time fully stood on Wang Mang's side to support and preside over the reform. It must be to get rid of the relationship with Wang Mang. Wang Mang changed from a great hero of Confucianism to a "traitor from the middle", Anyway, Wang Mang did all the bad things. It really has nothing to do with our Confucianism.

By the way, Wang Mang's biggest supporter is the Confucian Gongyang School, which is suppressed by the imperial family behind the Gongyang School. In particular, after the rise of Gu Liang, Mao poetry and some ancient Chinese Schools (led by the most rigid and reckless Confucianism who dislikes social progress), it also retaliated against the Gongyang School, resulting in the Gongyang School having to put all its eggs on supporting Wang Mang.

Success and defeat will not only appear in individuals, but also apply to any, including theories. This is also the reason why Gongyang School was completely suppressed. Revenge disappeared into the mainstream of Zhuxia and became the proposition of "inner king and outer saint".

From the Eastern Han Dynasty to the stage when Sima's family lost the Central Plains, the school of "pacifism" supporters of Confucianism rose in an all-round way, and even had a strong phenomenon of "preferring to foreigners rather than domestic slaves".

They believed that it was entirely reasonable for Hu Lu to rob the frontier. After all, Hu people are poor. We are rich. It's nothing to be robbed.

They also believe that there is no need to carry out a national war for such a small matter. It is most important to live behind closed doors. Even if others reach out and slap, they oppose retaliation with words such as "if they are bitten by a dog, do you still bite back".

The Confucian School of "pacifism" still holds the idea of "Great Harmony in the world", that is, their "Great Harmony in the world" does not mean the same as the real "Great Harmony in the world".

The early "Great Harmony in the world" said that since different races are not the same as us, as an advanced civilization, we have a natural responsibility to lead those backward guys to live a good life together. By what means? Be reasonable and don't want to accept it. We will rush up with weapons and teach a lesson. We can turn "them" into "us" by any means. After they become "us", we can play happily together!

The "world harmony" of those "pacifists is that our is the world of all living beings. If the enemy is stupid, we must teach them to be smart so that the enemy has better means to rob us. If we still rob us with backward means, we will not be happy!

This is not true. During the internal struggle of the various Xia dynasties, most of the great scholars roared a few voices, even if they walked through the stage and waited for the Hu prisoners to enter the Central Plains, they immediately rushed up like a dog seeing shit. They also believe that they must teach the Hu people to be smart, otherwise the Hu people's means of bullying us are too backward, and they have to bully us in a better way.

Whether it was during the Hun's rule of the Central Plains or when the Jie nationality replaced the Hun, the great Confucianism in the north not only rushed to serve the Huns and the Jie nationality, but also many local forces in the northeast, grassland and northwest have great Confucianism to serve in the past. It is the kind of low-level people who are happy to serve.

Sang Yu was ridiculed. He felt very embarrassed and more angry. They are also officials of the sangs in the state of Zhao in Shijie, which means that the people scolded by LV Yi include the sangs.

Many people of the Sang family are different from sang Yu. Sang Yu thinks that the Hu people are not worth his service, so he has been looking for all kinds of reasons to shirk after recruitment. However, many family children, including sang Yu's father, brother and younger brother, are not like that. They are doing their best to help the Jie family.

There are more than one sangs in the Central Plains. During the period when Hu Lu ruled the Central Plains, if you want to live in peace, you have to move closer to Hu Lu. If you want to develop the family, you need to master the power and work for Hu Lu to bully your colleagues. Some people have some conscience. After taking refuge in Hu Lu, they still want to protect their tongpao. They are more cruel and cruel than Hu Lu in the real sense.

"Ho ho!" Sang Yu's face was completely black, but it was because he couldn't speak morally. He couldn't spray LV Yi's face and said, "in this way, most of the officials of the national Dynasty are sinners."

Sang Yu didn't serve as an official for the Hu people, but many people, including Prime Minister Ji Chang and Hussars general ran min, about 60% of the Han state were people who served and worked for Hu Lu. Except those who lived in the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, they all had the original sin.

Ran min hasn't reacted yet. He still looks like watching a good play.

Ji Chang took a deep look at sang Yu. He never spoke. It was sang Yu who represented the northern faction against Lu Yi who represented the southern faction. But if it involved too many aspects, he couldn't keep silent. Just when he was about to speak, LV Yi was the first to speak.

"Can Confucianism in the land of Lu be regarded as northern theory?" LV Yi just avoided the trap of Sang Yu's map gun. Without waiting for sang Yu to answer, he continued: "the past of Lu Ru is no longer lengthy. Now under the rule of the Han Dynasty, Lu Ru still repeatedly opposes any progress and regards helpful tools as strange skills. More than that, he shouted that the Han Dynasty is too domineering and should not be killed by enemy bandits such as Xianbei."

Of course, Lu Ru is one of the northern schools. Liu Yan rose in Qingzhou. In some aspects, Lu Ru thought that the current Great Han should rule the world by them, but Liu Yan ignored them at all, which hurt them very much. Maybe it was because he didn't get what he wanted. Lu Ru was angry and almost disagreed with the authorities in everything. That is, he didn't dare to do anything else.

"Not only Lu Confucianism, Gu Liang and Mao poetry are also northern schools." LV Yi said with a sneer: "they all think that the big men should no longer fight vigorously and oppose the continuation of war. They should have comprehensive peace and no longer launch war."

Sang Yu is not the only one who has the strategy of igniting fire. Similarly, as a cultural man, LV Yihui also has the strategy.

"How unreasonable!" Ran min was really angry immediately: "without us, Hu Lu is still rampant. There is only one side of the enemy between Hu Lu and the Great Han! If someone hears it, he will be so brazen, loyal and no different from animals!"

Xu Zheng didn't roar. He held the sword handle with a cold face and narrowed his eyes.

The rest of the generals present, whether from the north or the south, are using their own attitude to make it clear that whoever opposes the war is their big enemy. If they have the opportunity, they must be killed immediately, immediately, instantly... Anyway.

"I wonder if the imperial envoy doctor has heard any rumors?" LV Yi said: "there is a great Confucian in the North who said that you can follow the old stories of the early Han Dynasty, choose a beautiful woman to give the princess the name, prepare for a full dowry, and send it to the grassland to make friends with Qin and Jin. So as to eliminate the war?"

Of course, sang Yu has heard similar remarks. It is not just a great Confucian who is talking about it. It has formed a trend of public opinion. Those guys don't think it's a problem to send a beautiful woman to Hu Lu. Now all industries in the Han country are withering. The most important thing is to rebuild the internal affairs. Again, we really shouldn't kill them all. If we send beautiful women and all kinds of dowries, we don't fight anymore.

"Me! Fuck! Fuck!" Ran min's whole face turned red: "don't say that those Hu prisoners have only one breath left, they can be destroyed as long as they move again. I'm not dead yet! It's not my turn to exchange women's bodies for bullshit peace. Even if I'm dead, even women should hold weapons, old, weak, women and children should hold weapons, even if they use teeth, they should fight with Hu people to death!"

Before the early Han Dynasty, whether it was Xia, Shang, Zhou, the spring and Autumn period, the Warring States period or the Qin Dynasty, there had always been only foreign nationalities sending beautiful women. There was really no case of Zhu Xia sending beautiful women to foreign nationalities.

First of all, Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, did not recognize the horror of the Huns. He thought he had laid down a wide range of soldiers in the whole world. After going north, he was trapped in Bai mountaineering. In order to save him, the people in the rear had to send beauty and wealth. Otherwise, he would fall into Bai mountaineering.

Liu Bang made a start. The country in the early Han Dynasty had been a mess for a long time. Recognizing the terrible fact of the Huns, it was a policy of forbearance to send princesses and relatives continuously without the strength of war.

The current internal affairs of the Han country can not be said to be a mess, but the people's livelihood is really not much better. It is a mess that will be left after the war. Different from the former Han Dynasty, the current Han Army has almost wiped out the surrounding aliens, but there are still a few who have no strength to challenge the Han state.

"Tai Wei!" Ran min's eyes stared at Xu Zheng and cried sadly, "some guys think we martial arts people are waste! We have to send our sisters to please! You say a word!"

Xu Yuanlai was full of anger. He saw that ran min not only blinked but also made faces when he was crying sadly, which completely destroyed the atmosphere.

"You are all rubbish!" Ran min raised his hand and instructed the generals on the scene one by one: "I have been fighting outside and completed the event of slaughtering Capricorn people. You waste people are watching those beasts send their fellow sisters to please the Hu people?"

"That..." Huan Wen said innocently, "I've been fighting outside all the time. I've also rubbed ah San on the ground. I'm waiting to be ready to land on ah San to rob money, food and women. I'm not at home!"

"Then what?" Xie an said modestly, "I have been fighting against the remnants of Qiang and Di in the north. I will destroy them all next year, and then march into the western regions. I am not at home."

LV Tai and Li Tan looked at each other and shouted in unison: "although I'm in China, I've always been fighting!"

Xie AI looked at LV Yi with incomparable resentment and said, "I'm the imperial historian Zhongcheng now. I'm a civil official."

"I don't care, anyway, including me..." ran min nodded one after another. Even Xu Zheng didn't let go: "waste, all waste."

Sang Yu understood that Ji Chang was waiting for him and LV Yi to lose. Ran min jumped out to stir up the situation. However, as soon as they stirred up the situation, they of the civil service system really couldn't put aside the military general class. As for the "summer learning", not only the military people should be involved, but also the voice of the military people would be infinitely higher.

Isn't it? Ran min even said that he was a waste. After the map gun was fully opened, if he didn't want to be a waste, he couldn't let "Xia Xue" have any pacifist tendency. Who dares to have that tendency? I'm not sure they can really cut people with knives.