Chapter 705

Longxi County and the eastern pass, such as Hangu pass, followed by Tongguan, Hulao pass, Lantian pass and Yiguan, are the gateway of Guanzhong.

Compared with the pass established by mountains and rivers in the east of Guanzhong, the West and northwest of Guanzhong are almost flat, so it is difficult to have any dangerous terrain.

The regime that set the capital in Chang'an attaches most importance to the security in the East, because the East is the Central Plains. The Central Plains has always been densely populated and well built. No matter what pass it is, those passes are the barrier of the capital. They prevent the Central Plains from entering the pass quickly after chaos, and do not give the capital time to prepare.

Since the annexation of Yiqu in the Pre-Qin Dynasty, there was few factor that could cause chaos in the northwest of Guanzhong. It was waiting for the Qiang nationality to go down the plateau and occupy the northwest, and there was a new threat to the west of Chang'an in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

The Qiang chaos has plagued the Eastern Han Dynasty for more than 100 years. The Qiang people fell again and again and rebelled again and again. For a certain period, the northwest was a quagmire. It's not too much to say that the Eastern Han Dynasty was dragged down by the Qiang chaos.

Why didn't the Eastern Han Dynasty build the great wall like a fence to defend the grassland nomads? That's because the counties where the Qiang rebellion broke out are the territory of the Han Dynasty. There is no reason to build the great wall and give up their own territory. Moreover, the finance of the Eastern Han Dynasty has not been very good. Even if they are willing to cut off their territory, they don't have the financial resources to build the Great Wall.

Longxi County was originally the border of Han family, and then to the west is a basin with a wide range. In fact, the basin was also in the hands of the Han family, but it was not controlled for a long time. To the west of the basin is the plateau, which is an absolutely strange area of the Han family. Since the fall of the first Han Dynasty, no one of the Han family has set foot on the plateau.

There are different nationalities in the basin, which are classified as Qiang, and Qiang really means a group of sheep herders. The reason why they become a nation is the definition given by Zhuxia, who has the right to name the nation and record history.

There is nothing wrong with saying that Zhuxia mastered the right of national naming, because the Central Plains Dynasty is strong, the strong can name the weak and say who is what tribe. Even if that tribe does not recognize it, it will be recognized or destroyed directly.

In terms of the right to record history, there are quite a number of nationalities in the forest of nations in the world, but few like Zhuxia use words to record their own or other nationalities' history. It is difficult for anyone to see the end of the long river of history. Whoever recorded history in writing, I don't know how long later generations will see it. I'm afraid they can only see what happened in ancient times with their own eyes by creating a time machine. Otherwise, they have to believe what their ancestors recorded, and they simply can't have any means to verify the historical records.

"The Qiang people have plagued the Han family for hundreds of years, and there are still legacy disasters today." Liu Yan was one of those who believed that the Eastern Han Dynasty was brought down by the chaos of the Qiang people, not to mention that he knew what role the Qiang people played during the Wuhu chaotic period. He was riding on a horse, surrounded by ministers or generals, and envoys from foreign countries. He said coldly, "don't make a comeback."

Xie an had to turn over and dismount, salute respectfully and promise: "I will wipe out this scourge!"

Longxi County is very large and basically flat grassland. It has been one of the breeding places for grazing military horses since ancient times.

In the ancient pre-Qin period, the great Qin dynasty built a horse farm in the Longxi plain to ensure that the chariots had magnificent horses to pull the chariots, and the Knights rode on fine horses. Even the logistics did not lack animal power, and even the people could have enough horses to pull the plow.

Pull a plow with a horse in the pre Qin Dynasty? This is not a joke. A considerable number of documents have recorded that horse plows are widely used in countries in the spring and autumn and Warring States periods, and cattle are not the only livestock for farming.

More nations and countries use horses as the main animal power for farming than cattle. Especially, the stronger the Empire, the more common they use war horses for farming. This is a very simple truth. The cavalry with cold weapons is equivalent to modern armored forces. Even the people have enough horses for farming. How can the army lack war horses.

Nowadays, there are many countries that use horses as the main animal power for farming, especially in the number of powerful countries, all of which use pull plows. For example, Rome itself did not pay attention to cavalry, but the Romans mainly relied on horses in terms of animal power in farming. It is also like the Persians who occupy Central Asia as the overlord. Whether it is the Parthian dynasty or the Sassanian Dynasty, as long as they cross the agricultural records, they basically see the horse drawn plow.

Of course, the use of horses as the main animal power for farming is not so much used when there are many horses. In fact, it is related to the geological features and what food to plant.

For example, in most areas of the Central Plains, it is more appropriate to use horses, but it is not appropriate to go south of the Yangtze River. Cattle are more suitable for farming in the mud than horses. What we consider is not speed, but the persistence and strength of animal power.

It is obviously not appropriate for horses to be the main agricultural animal power in the Indochina Peninsula. The legs and hoofs of animals are destined to adapt better to any environment. Forcibly reversing is only painful.

In today's Han Dynasty, horses are mostly used as the main livestock for farming in the north, while cattle are used in the south, which is the limitation of region.

There is no shortage of pastures in the Han Dynasty. The grasslands north of Yanmen county are under the control of the Han people. The grasslands north of Bohai county have also been a horse breeding land since ancient times. In addition, Longxi County, which has been used by Zhuxia for a long time, the Han people have too many places to graze.

Xie an said that he wanted to eliminate the remaining Qiang and Di people within his scope of responsibility, referring to those who are still resisting, not for the rest of the country.

Han now has a population of nearly 18 million. In fact, not all of them are Zhuxia Miao people. Many of them are actually sinicized Hu people, or Hu people who strive to be Han people alive.

In the state of Han, it is not true that if you say you are a Han, you are a Han. On the one hand, living habits and language are a big test. It is a system of mutual supervision, which leads to the development of time. Even if you are not a Han, you will be a Han for a long time.

There are clear data. Since the Hu people destroyed the Western Jin Dynasty, the real Han people in the north of the Yangtze River have decreased again and again. Before Liu Yan destroyed Shijie Zhao, the official population registration of Shijie Zhao was only about 3.15 million. This population is actually quite unreliable.

The population registration of Shijie Zhao state is dominated by major cities. People outside the city are certainly not registered, that is to say, the vast majority of people do not appear in the official population registration.

Every time the Han state conquered a place and settled down a little, the first thing to do was to register the population. After the Han state destroyed Shijie Zhao state, a series of census and registration were carried out. At the beginning, the population was about 7 million.

No more than three million of the seven million people are really Han people, that is to say, four million people think they are Han people on the premise that they refuse to be Han people and will be killed. The state of Han is indulgent in the phenomenon of impersonation. As long as its hands are not stained with the blood of Han people, it is willing to become a Han person. On the contrary, it is welcome.

Qiang and Di people were more sinicized than other Hu people. Before the demise of the state of Zhao in Shijie, a considerable number of Qiang and Di people were actually more like Han people than Han people. That was because they felt that the Han civilization was very high, large and superior, and that they wanted to be a little self-restraint after they felt rich. They all demanded themselves with the etiquette and values of Han civilization.

Liu Yan did not reject the Hu people's view that he was a Han. Without him to intervene, a considerable number of Hu people themselves would be sinicized during the five Hu chaos, and they really became Han people. The main reason for his non-interference is that there are only so many Han people in the Central Plains. Counting the 45 million (5.4 million in historical records) under the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there are so many full calculations. It is really going to become one less number, one people and one race.

Now the Han state is in a process of integration, which leads to almost all the skills it has, and has become the national characteristic of mastering both farming and grazing in the ancient pre-Qin period. It does not just know farming technology and lose grazing skills.

It must also be admitted that it is precisely because they are called Han people, but their composition is complex. A large part of them are not familiar with farming. In addition to grazing, joining the army has become a single choice for a considerable number of people, maintaining the supplement of the Han army.

"I don't want to hear the news that I'm not satisfied here next year."


The state should enrich Guanzhong. According to Jichang's plan, the first stage is that there should be at least two million people in Guanzhong. Will all the relocated people be resettled in Chang'an, or will they be diverted to all counties and counties.

In Jichang's migration plan, people moved to a certain place, which opened a door of restriction, that is, the optimal distribution of land.

The Han state is already making preparations to abolish the poll tax. While it no longer collects the poll tax, it comprehensively adopts the way of production tax collection.

Abolishing the poll tax is of course Liu Yan's proposition. He is not looking forward to more Han people all the time. It's best to blink and hundreds of millions or even billions of Han people, and that's impossible. Abolishing the poll tax will certainly make the population increase faster. He knew it was the product of "one whip method", but he didn't intend to learn from it.

The use of Longxi County by the Han state is almost non-existent. There are not many people in Longxi County. The future Han army must enter the western regions, bring the western regions under rule again, and make use of the grassland of Longxi County again.

The army tends to supply nearby. The closer the supply base is, the better. The convenience of grain, fodder, ordnance and other systems naturally doesn't matter when Liu Yan is still alive, but the war horses needed by the military can't rely on the north of Yanmen county or the east of mountain 1 thousands of miles away? In this way, the pasture in Longxi County was very important for the Han Army to enter the western regions.

Xie'an is naturally under pressure to eliminate the enemy within a year. It is more a driving force. He is still the commander of the West expedition. Although he is only one step away from the general of the West expedition, this step is undoubtedly the existence of a natural graben.

In fact, Xie an has fully understood that there must be a reason why the king gave the deadline. To wipe out the nearby enemies and reuse Longxi County is a prelude to entering the western regions, which means that he is closer to touching the seal ribbon of the general of the western expedition.

Of course, Liu Yan wants to enter the western regions. He needs to be more clear than anyone in the Han Dynasty. Whether he has brought the western regions back into his grasp is definitely a watershed for the Central Plains Dynasty. The Central Plains Dynasty that does not control the western regions is not an empire. Only bringing the western regions into rule is the real Empire, which has been the case in all dynasties.

The significance of controlling the western regions is very complex. It is not only the problem of military front, but also the key to the outward influence of the Central Plains Dynasty. A strong country does not think that it is a strong country behind closed doors. It should be able to control the will of neighboring countries, spread its influence far and wide as possible, so that even relying on reputation alone can make a country's leaders tremble. Another thing is that people in China, whether they like it or not, take whether they can control the distant western regions as an assessment. If they can control the western regions, they will have strong self-confidence. If they can't control the western regions, they won't think they are a powerful country and a people.

Liu Yanhui asked Xie an to have a deadline, which was a gesture of self-esteem. He's with kianush Alta When aldasher communicated, he was stimulated by a word.

Kianush Alta Of course, aldasher dare not be presumptuous to Liu Yan, and even dare not have any disrespect. A slight mistake is the beginning of the war between the two countries. At that time, he asked some questions during the conversation and said in a confused tone, "I have sent troops, but I didn't expect... The Han Empire hasn't taken back the western regions", that's all.

What is "original" and what is "take back", that is, the first Han Dynasty has always controlled the western regions since defeating the Xiongnu. Even the divided Cao Wei has control over the western regions, that is, the Sima family controlled the western regions before losing the Central Plains. As a result, the bull driven and noisy Han country has not recovered the western regions!?

Kianush Alta Aldasher's intention is not to speculate. That sentence really embarrasses Liu Yan. Liu Yan knows that the western region is a facade, not only the facade of Zhuxia Miao people, but also the basis for distant countries to judge whether the Central Plains Dynasty is really strong.

Of course, Liu Yan will not start with the western regions because of one sentence. Governing the country has never been based on emotion alone. There are other factors. For example, Fu Hong's headquarters sheltering in xigaoche has already sent advance troops into the western regions, and the western countries are forming an alliance to resist the return of the Han people.

In the final analysis, the current state of Han has just stabilized, and it has not been long since. It is impossible to say that the people's hearts are fully attached. In addition, there are too many fake Han people. Of course, the state of Han is stable under its absolute strength, but if the state of Han has no way to take some enemies, those who hibernate should engage in East and West. Faced with a large area of natural disasters, the state of Han can not stand tossing and turning. It is difficult to raise a butcher's knife internally. If "it would rather kill three thousand people by mistake than let one person go", then it can only raise a war knife against a clear enemy.