Chapter 703

In fact, it is not a dispute between civil and military affairs. It is a "labor pains" that the Han country has stopped from a large-scale war. For example, the military who wants to make achievements has lost its stage, and it is difficult to calm the heart gap for a time. In addition, the people in charge of civil affairs have repeatedly stressed the internal affairs of a country, which has provoked the rebellion of those already lost military people.

It is said that the army should be able to endure loneliness for a while. But as long as it becomes a soldier, who doesn't have a heart to serve the country, train and retrain day after day, and can't wait for the opportunity to play their role, it is certainly a good thing for the country and the nation, but it is really inevitable for the soldiers to lose.

For a long time, the Han army was really engaged in large-scale war. Thirteen standing legions were either on the battlefield or on the way to the battlefield all year round. At that time, the martial arts were the happiest. They had enough stage to express themselves and seize the opportunity to seal their wives and children.

After the war against Yan, the scale of Han's foreign war decreased again and again. There were only two standing armies against the remnants of Murong Xianbei and Tuoba Xianbei. In the northwest, there was only one standing army guarding the original Zhang's Liang state, and only one standing army against the remnants of Qiang and di in the West. There would be only one standing division on the Indochina Peninsula. If there was no invasion of the Gupta Dynasty, Almost nine standing armies are in the crouching stage.

"If the army does not fight for a long time, it will lose its blood." Xu Zheng did not feel that he was groaning without illness. He had nothing to hide from Xie an, who was also a member of the military: "it was only less than a year. Although the military preparation and training were not abandoned, several standing armies that had not moved for a long time really experienced a decline in combat power."

It is not difficult to understand that no matter how elite the troops are, they can not maintain their combat effectiveness all the time. After the troops have been in a period of peace for a while, the soldiers will inevitably relax and extend to all aspects.

In addition, it is difficult for the Han country to fight a big battle in a short time to deal with a large area of natural disasters, and there are too many calls for building internal affairs, which makes it difficult for even the military to have room to express itself. Once the vigilance and desire for war that the army needs to maintain are dissipated, relying on training alone basically does not play a great role. What it needs is to pull it to the battlefield to see blood again.

Xie'an still supports the voice of building internal affairs. It is very simple to have such an idea. He is not a simple military general. He also has his own understanding of how to govern the country.

The force of a country is based on sufficient logistics, that is, the national strength of the country is the guarantee of military force. Even if the force of a country without sufficient national strength can flourish for a time, it will either go to destruction in madness or fall into turmoil because the people are unable to live.

Most of the people who followed Liu Yan's rise in the micro stage did not have a good background, and a considerable number of people did not receive a good education. When they became ministers of a country, they would carry out some knowledge "Tutoring", but a lot of knowledge can not be understood by "Tutoring".

For example, Xu Zheng's experience is that he doesn't have to worry about the army's logistics area. It's enough to think about how to lead the army to defeat the enemy and win. Even if he knows the importance of food, he won't think about where the army's food comes from.

Another example is Xie an. He has been taught a lot of knowledge since childhood. He clearly understands that the army is not an independent individual. The army is a part of the whole country. If the people have no output, it means that the army has no logistics.

Why does Liu Yan not like the aristocratic family but also need to accept the aristocratic family? It is because illiterates cannot govern a country. Knowledge and vision determine a person's height. People who lack knowledge will not know how to govern the country. People who do not have enough vision are difficult to lead the country to the right path.

Of course, Xu Zheng is not illiterate, but he came from a small family. He really can't compete with aristocratic children in terms of knowledge. He is still a lieutenant. Where does his ass sit? He is destined to ensure the interests of the military.

Although Xu Zheng didn't say it clearly from the beginning, Xie an really understood what Xu Zheng wanted to express, that is, as a member of the military, we should make a joint voice, such as increasing troops to the A3 battlefield.

[is that really good?] Xie an has more concerns: [generals can conflict with civil servants, but they can't work together to exert pressure on the king!]

All along, Liu Yan has been good enough for the military. If the military is not interested, he thinks that as long as they unite, they can change the will of the king. No matter how good tempered the king is, he will take measures.

Xie an explained his understanding to Xu Zheng.

"Is that so?" Xu Zheng obviously didn't think so much before. As soon as Xie an reminded him, a cold sweat broke out on his forehead: "an Shi reminded me."

Xie an can only say so much. Even if he knows that Xu Zheng, as a Taiwei, only needs to express his request to the king, he doesn't need to "a large number of people", and he won't tell Xu Zheng more.

They rode around and returned to the camp in the evening.

The camp is built at the foot of a mountain. While leaning against the foot of the mountain, there are streams on the side and flat grasslands on the other two sides, which is very in line with the standards of the Zhuxia army.

Liu Yan made this inspection tour to personally check the situation of the counties in Guanzhong. He walked and stopped all the way. He had probably figured out what the situation was.

At present, there are more people in Guanzhong, that is, Chang'an. The population of Chang'an has migrated from everywhere in the past two years. The rest of the counties are really empty because of the continuous wars in the past.

After the Han Dynasty made Chang'an its capital, the early government and military always called on the people who had fled to go out of the mountains and forests. It can not be said that it had no effect, but the effect was very limited.

When there is no war, people will not stay where they are. When they realize that the war is about to break out, they will hide in the mountains and forests with their families. As soon as they hide, many people break the news. They may die on the way of migration, or they may not know the change of the current situation outside, resulting in the end of the Ming and Qing wars for decades. The new country has entered what they think is a prosperous era, but local governments will still report to increase the population who has just stepped out of the mountains and forests.

There is an obvious example. Liu Bang won the final victory in the struggle between Chu and Han. He established the Great Han Dynasty and his descendants created the rule of literature and scenery. However, when Liu Che was in power, in order to retaliate against the Xiongnu, it was necessary to increase the population. The government and folk Rangers went deep into the mountains and forests and were always able to catch a considerable number of savages.

From Liu Bang's founding to Liu Che's war against the Xiongnu, it took 60 or 70 years to get so many people from the mountains and forests. You can imagine how many people hid in the outbreak of the war.

The official registered residence is to register the people according to the head, usually at the age of eight. That's because babies are very prone to premature death.

The people who have not been registered by the government are hidden households, also known as savages. The Central Plains Dynasty does not speak of human nature to hidden households and savages, that is, the law does not protect hidden households and savages. Killing hidden households and savages is not against the law, because neither hidden households nor savages pay a small tax for the country.

Any newly founded Dynasty will try its best to force or attract the hidden population out, which is not only a source of increasing taxes for the country, but also a means of increasing the source of troops.

The Han state established by Liu Yan was doing what all dynasties would do. He tried his best to find out the people hiding, so that they could become a part of the country in the real sense.

The population is increasing all over the country every day. In some places, it increases much, while in some places it will appear very few. The counties in Guanzhong belong to the small part.

"We still have to migrate people from all over the country." Ji Chang said bluntly, "since the big man has set his capital in Guanzhong, the population of Guanzhong is related to the stability of the big man."

To put it bluntly, it is still a strong and weak practice. Not only should the capital Chang'an have enough population, but also the more people in Zhili, the better. Once the source of troops is needed, the more the better. It is best to form a comprehensive suppression of the rest of the region.

Almost all the counties in Guanzhong were deserted. From the middle to the late Eastern Han Dynasty, there was Qiang chaos in the northwest region. The number of Han people decreased again and again. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, they simply lost control of the northwest. Whether it was Cao Wei or Sima's family who established the state of Jin, the control of the northwest actually did not return to the central hand, and the Han people living on this land became a very small number, But the number of Qiang and Di people has increased again and again.

Not for a long time. Let's say that ran min established the ran Qin State in Guanzhong seven years ago. The first thing they did after the founding of the people's Republic of China was to expand their troops in Latin America. Then they fought hard with Zhao state in Shijie. Later, they killed and killed Qiang and Di people again and again. Until ran min did the whole country's annexation to Liu Yan, the Han people in Guanzhong died and couldn't find anything, There are only less than 200000 living and migrating out.

After the Han state regained control of Guanzhong, it registered the population for the first time. The population was only 120000, of which it was unknown how many Qiang and Di people pretended. In the following years, it increased again and again. By the sixth year of Yuanshuo, the population registered in Guanzhong was more than 300000.

This year is the eighth year of Yuanshuo. Not counting those who have just migrated, the so-called 800 Li Qinchuan has a total population of nearly 400000. It can be seen how vast and sparsely populated it is.

During the period when the great Qin Dynasty did not unify the six kingdoms, Guanzhong had a population of about 4 million for a long time. According to some official records at that time, there were still a considerable number of places where 4 million people were not used.

"Throughout Guanzhong, the number of Recruitable troops should not be less than 300000." Ji Chang considered it from a long-term perspective and talked about the importance of recruiting soldiers nearby: "in this way, it can be called as stable as Mount Tai."

The center of a country must be able to suppress all places, so as to deter all places from doing things to the greatest extent. Any country and any nation will have relevant considerations, which has little to do with trusting or distrusting administrative regions other than those directly under the central government. It is purely a sound national policy.

"It's calculated by ten households raising one soldier..." Cai you quickly calculated: "it's three million households."

A family is a family. The number of members of each family is not fixed. Some may be only husband and wife, some may be father, mother, husband and wife, plus a different number of children. In fact, the number of members of ordinary families is limited. That was the "separation" system in the Western Han Dynasty, which had long been formed. Except for the eldest man of the family, the rest of the men went out on their own when they grew up and got married. But only ordinary families are really supervised, otherwise there would be no aristocratic family.

"If the irrigation systems such as zhengguoqu and chengguoqu are repaired and new crops are promoted, there will be no problem to enrich 10 million people in Guanzhong." Ji Chang's data did not know where it came from. He seriously said, "there must be a population with this number."

Liu Yan recalled that in his memory, the population of Guanzhong in the early Han Dynasty was stable at about 3 million, which is not much different from that in the pre-Qin period. The population of Guanzhong in the Yang Sui period was stable at about 3.7 million, and the population of Guanzhong in the Li Tang period was the largest at 4.24 million. He remembered that after Li Tang, it was until Zhu Ming that the population of Guanzhong (Shaanxi) exceeded that of Li Tang and soared to more than 6 million. Otherwise, it was about 2 million in other periods, and even less in some periods.

As the Prime Minister of the state, Ji Chang strongly demanded that the population in Guanzhong be more than his own duty. Obviously, he dared to say those words only after research.

As central ministers, everyone needs to be consistent with the prime minister, even if it will damage all regions outside Guanzhong.

In the seventh year of Yuanshuo, the Central Committee had issued official documents to formulate relevant regulations on migration to Guanzhong, which was similar to the migration of rich families in the early Han Dynasty, but more targeted at rich families and aristocratic families. There were countless families across the country who needed to migrate to Guanzhong, which was actually a means to maintain the stability of the country.

By the eighth year of Yuanshuo, the migration of Haozu and aristocratic families was already in progress. However, those people did not get compensation. They would allocate as much land as they had, that is, a considerable amount of land needed to be reclaimed, which inevitably hurt their vitality.

The purpose of Ji Chang's migration is to further crack down on the rich families and aristocratic families and accumulate money for the future internal affairs construction. At the same time, it also makes those people have no financial resources and materials to do things. The means are fierce or even disgraceful, but they must be done when it comes to the country.

In fact, the people who suffer are also included in the central officials. At most, they can leave some industries in their hometown, but they really don't leave much. It means that they need to start over in Guanzhong like everyone else.

Liu Yan supports Jichang. The Han state cannot develop the whole country at the same time. It can only set aside one region for phased full-scale construction, so there is no more important place than the capital circle. As long as it is not the destructive construction method of plundering other regions, it only affects some special interests, which is also good for ordinary people in some aspects, For example, after the haos and aristocratic families were relocated, the land in the area was redistributed.

Ji Chang said to the crowd, "although we have a mature military control system, we want to prevent new groups from replacing the haos and aristocratic families after they are moved away."