Chapter 684


Envoys from various countries have arrived in Guanzhong and are arranged in Chang'an city. Liu Yan listened to some reports from Yuan Qiao. Yuan Qiao mentioned that the Persians talked about the Huns, which was really interesting.

Every nation will have some sworn enemies. Is that the hatred accumulated after years of war, or because the war brought incomparable grief to every family? The Han people's sworn enemy from the Western Han Dynasty was the Huns, who split the Huns into the north and the south.

The southern Xiongnu became a captive dog. It was this dog that never obeyed. Even during the prosperity of the Han Dynasty, it would go down to the Grass Valley to wait for the Han Army to send an army to be a grandson again and again. For hundreds of years, it waited for the division of the Han family and the Sima family to usurp the throne of Cao Wei, shouting the slogan of revenge for the Han Dynasty and exterminating the Western Jin Dynasty.

It must be said that Liu Yuan's slogan was recognized by a considerable number of Han people, especially the people who couldn't stand Sima's rule. Those Hu people of all ethnic groups who were moved to the hinterland by the Jin family also took the opportunity to start an incident, ending the Jin family's rule over the Central Plains. After the war, the people in the Central Plains also became inferior to beasts.

The northern Huns were the real enemies of the Han people. They didn't go far at the beginning of their flight. They would invade the territory of the Han family from time to time. Later, they once robbed the Han Dynasty for control of the western region. The last fiercest war between the Han and Hungary was to fight in the western region. Chen Tang enlisted a small number of Han troops and defeated the northern Huns, He has done the great cause of "flying the banner of the Marquis of Yishe and cutting off the head of the Zhizhi branch", and told the four countries that "the Ming Dynasty will kill the strong Han even if it is far away", and the remnants of the northern Xiongnu dare not stay near the territory of the Han family any more.

"They're talking about the Huns, who are fighting with the Arameans on the west side of the Caspian Sea."

Understandably, which nation would add the word "slave" to its name? The name of Xiongnu has always been the name of the Central Plains Dynasty. In fact, they really call themselves the xiongzu and the country name is the country of the great bear.

Alan is called Yancai in the records of the Central Plains Dynasty. He is generally located in today's roston River Basin, north of the great Caucasus mountain, the Black Sea The Azov Sea (called daze in ancient Chinese Books) is a belt to the East. It is divided into the East and the west by the Don river. The yellow people are mainly in the East and the white people are mainly in the West. They have lived a nomadic life for a long time. Although the races are different, the people in the Don river basin have formed a national identity for a long time. They all call themselves Alans, thus forming a unified country.

The official name of the country established by the Arameans is Alain, the western countries are called Alana, and the Central Asian countries will be called Alain. They were founded in about the first century A.D. and often harassed the north of the Parthian Empire and the Caucasian provinces of the Roman Empire.

At present, the northern Huns are indeed on the west side of the Caspian Sea. In the early stage, they defeated and annexed the Dayi people (Dahe people) and cultivated and rested in the habitat of the Dayi people.

It is said that the Dayi people are the predecessor of the Parthians. In fact, they are their respective branches after the division of the same nation. For example, it is said that the nomadic people on the grassland and the farming people in the central plains are of Zhuxia Miao descent. For example, there are mature women and born women in the northeast. Similar phenomena are very common.

The northern Huns continued to migrate westward. The first nation they met was called Yancai. It must be noted that the "state of electing Cai" in the records of the Central Plains Dynasty is the tribe of the group of electing Cai people, so the Arameans and electing Cai people are actually two different things. In view of the fact that the Central Plains Dynasty always doesn't understand the differences between different nationalities, it's not strange to remember wrong.

The Yancai people were soon defeated by the northern Huns moving west, and the next unlucky object became the Alva people.

Western historians regard the Alva people as Rouran people, that is, the Rouran tribal alliance in Outer Mongolia during the Wuhu Luanhua period. Although both sides are white, in fact, they are not the same race.

The northern Xiongnu defeated the Yancai, Alva, lega and Miao people on the West Bank of the Caspian Sea. It was true that the northern Xiongnu bumped into the Arameans. In the early stage, the northern Xiongnu was taught a lesson. At that stage, the Arameans punched the Parthian Empire and kicked the Roman Empire. The Northern Xiongnu, who was also a nomadic nation, was in the stage of escape, The Arameans can naturally teach the northern Huns how to behave.

"So, the northern Huns are now blocked by the Arameans on the West Bank of the Caspian Sea?" Liu Yan was unaware of this history and asked, "do you know the name of the current Hun Shan Yu?"

Yuan Qiao was asked dumb.

Nowadays, the northern Huns are actually a little chaotic, but there are leaders, but there is no Shan Yu, because the defeat in the hands of the Arameans has also caused division. One part retreats to the North Bank of the Caspian Sea, and the other part remains entangled with the Arameans. There are only leaders of each department, but no overall Shan Yu.

In the following decades, the northern Huns split and split again. It was only in the year 350 that the various ministries United. They competed with the Arameans again and won. This war finally made the northern Huns once again have a big single Yu recognized by various ministries. He was balanmber.

Barambur started the war again in 374 ad, but this time the target was the East gotts. The North Huns easily defeated the East Goths, so that the North Huns occupied the Don river area and forced the East Goths to turn to the Visigoths.

Then, baramber continued to levy the Visigoths. The war between the two armies broke out in the Dniester river area, which led to a wonderful scene in Europa. The satisfaction including the Goths rushed to the West. They swarmed into the Danube region, which had a serious impact on the Roman Empire at that time. The Romans were forced to accept the asylum request of the fleeing barbarians, But these barbarians were not grateful to the Romans. They disturbed the Europa part of the Roman Empire and created conditions for the northern Huns to invade the Roman Empire in the future.

"The Persians want to exchange this news for a big man to form an alliance with them?" In the final analysis, Liu Yan is not a person of this era. His hatred for the northern Huns is not so deep. He needs the opinions of his subordinates: "what do you think?"

"The Persians seem to know the big men very well..." Ji Chang will certainly be the first speaker after being asked, saying: "they know that there can only be one between us and the northern Huns. Since they already know the trend of the northern Huns, it's inappropriate to do nothing."

Various civil and military forces have expressed their opinions one after another, and they unanimously believe that they should do something. If they know the existence of the northern Huns and do nothing, it seems that they have no face to face their ancestors after their death.

Liu Yan suddenly felt some pain in his brain. The Han army is stepping on the western regions again, but at present, it stops at Shanshan, tens of thousands of miles away from the West Bank of the Caspian Sea. Even if he wants to engage in the northern Huns, it is out of reach.

"When I look at the map, the north side of Sasan is the west side of the Caspian Sea inhabited by the North Huns, and Rome and the North Huns are across the sea." Ji Chang obviously knew that the current Han state could not take the northern Huns, but he could not do nothing from the correct position of politics and governance. He said, "both countries can take action against the northern Huns."

Rome is making olus Setus Cicero and bossasan are sending kianush Alta Aldasher has expressed his intention to form an alliance. The Han side is basically when they are joking, they do not explicitly refuse, and they do not give any reply.

Liu Yan has a very indifferent attitude towards the alliance with other countries. It is normal for countries to form an alliance based on the needs of the situation. Now Han has entered the stage of military alliance with Rouran. That is, Han needs to take action against xigaoche, donggaoche, Murong remnant and Tuoba remnant, waiting for the above-mentioned countries to be destroyed or there is no threat, The state of Han should be destroyed. Rouran won't hesitate at all.

Liu Yan thinks and does things with the thinking of modern people. The important officials of the Han country are genuine Han thoughts. They don't think who is qualified to become their own allies. Other countries can only exist as younger brothers. It's not shameless to destroy younger brothers after the boss. On the contrary, it's a just cause to live a happy life with younger brothers, The destroyed younger brother should be grateful rather than resentful.

"So..." Xu Zheng stood up and made a summary: "whoever is willing to fight against the northern Huns, whether sassanne or Rome, is qualified to be our ally."

Ji Chang nodded and then went on with the topic: "I think it doesn't matter who the Han alliance with, but the trade request of various countries is a big event."

To be honest, they really don't care who they form an alliance with. After the alliance, it doesn't mean that the Han country needs to join the unnecessary war. It means that what the Allies do or don't do is just asking for it and difficult to interfere. The Allies don't ask what the Han country must do.

Liu Yan suddenly felt that he was still a noble man. Compared with one of the ministers, he was an honest and reliable young man. He originally wanted to do something to the northern Huns. Persian Sassanian or Rome really started to do something to the northern Huns. After the formal alliance, he would cooperate with the alliance object in some things, but the ministers only wanted benefits.

Later, Liu Yan thought and thought, it seems that he can't do that. If he really forms an alliance with Persian sassanne or Rome, at least in the alliance stage, some of the alliance obligations should still be done. He must not take the alliance seriously, let alone damage the national credit because of some petty profits.

Liu Yan appeared, which changed the historical process of the Central Plains. At the same time, it also allowed the Han country to join the game of the world island. As one of the great powers in the world, of course, he should not be shameless, but he should not only look at the loss when he needs to ensure the national credit.

The Han nation joining the world island game must show the responsibility of a current power. Maintaining good credit is beneficial and harmless to the later game, especially for Persian sassanne and Rome, which are also current powers. This is much more important than taking advantage of only once or twice!

"We need to be careful about alliance." Liu Yan drew back the attention of the ministers who were talking about trade and said very seriously: "gentlemen, the great man is far east of the world, but he can intervene in distant wars by sea. In fact, whether it is Persia, Sasan, ang or Rome, they are all within the range of the great man."

The Han army is already invading the Gupta Dynasty. Since it can enter the A3 ocean and then enter the Arabian Sea in later generations, that is, to find a guide Party, it is equal to being able to land in Sassan, Persia, or enter the Red Sea from the Gulf of Aden and land in Egypt under Roman rule, it is unclear whether the Suez Canal exists or not.

It is no nonsense to say that the Suez Canal currently exists, but it connects the Red Sea and the Nile.

The Suez Canal was first excavated in the twelfth Dynasty of Egypt, that is, the Egyptian Dynasty from 2000 BC to 1786 BC, The project was started by senusret. III, whose name is the source of the word "Suez". Until Ramesses II in the 13th century BC, the canal was abandoned, and then rebuilt under Ptolemy II (250 BC), which was still in use until 640 ad.

At present, the Romans have been using the Suez Canal to come out of the Mediterranean. Some caravans of the Gupta dynasty did not stop after they arrived in Egypt. They entered the Nile through the Suez Canal, and then entered the Mediterranean through the Nile. When they arrived in the Mediterranean, they can choose the Roman area they want to land at will.

Of course, no one in the Han Dynasty knew so much. Even Liu Yan thought that the Suez canal would not be completed until the end of the 18th century. He had no idea that the Egyptians had accomplished such a great event as early as 2000 BC.

Liu Yan said that the alliance should be careful. At the beginning, several important ministers didn't bypass the bend. It's not easy to ask Liu Yan directly. They can only think hard.

In fact, the ancients didn't have relevant concepts about national credit, but the time of "great unification" of the Central Plains Dynasty has been a little long, and there are no countries with the same strength around for a long time. Even if there are, they exist as enemies. In fact, there is no good in diplomacy.

Liu Yan could see that they really didn't understand what was going on. It was a matter of cultivating students and raising interest for a period of time after the drought, so he took the initiative to bring the topic to trade.

"Although it is difficult to understand, any country is extremely eager for silk. They not only buy all the silk on the market in Jiankang, but also leave pre purchase agreements with merchants, and negotiate with the government about massive procurement." LV Yi really didn't know why those crooked nuts were so obsessed with silk. Based on the idea that crooked nuts wanted to be a fist product, he said: "I think we should control the silk sales and don't sell them wantonly."

Liu Yan understood what LV Yi wanted to say, not that he could not sell, but that he sold a small amount of silk to ensure the price, which could not be sold as cheap as Chinese cabbage.

"All countries are eager for the goods of the Han Dynasty, but they don't have the goods to sell. The Han Dynasty's demand for gold is not urgent..." Lv Yi didn't tell a lie. The Han Dynasty is going to carry out the ternary currency reform of gold, silver and copper, but the Japanese Islands controlled by the Han Dynasty have a stable and huge amount of gold and silver to dig: "our most urgent thing is food, which can be purchased from all countries through trade!"