Chapter 659

"Azimuth, ten scales!"

"Thirteen miles apart."

"The number of enemy ships is seven!"

Now that there is no clock and it is difficult to identify the direction at sea, Liu Yan has made twelve scales to provide the Navy with information on the location of the target, that is, the usual direction at what time.

The watchman on the mast, holding an elongated single barrel telescope, stood high and looked far. It was all right if he didn't find it. Otherwise, the observation field of vision could be more than 20 or 30 miles.

There are many factors that determine whether a target can be found at sea. In the rough sea, some waves can roll up more than ten meters, which means that a certain area is depressed for several meters. Simply put, the sea is not always flat. It will change its height and low degree with the waves of the sea.

Whether it is called the Indian Ocean, the Eritrean sea, or the A3 ocean called by the Han people, the sea conditions in this sea area are really relatively calm compared with the Pacific and Atlantic in summer, and the Mediterranean is more calm than this sea area.

When the Han Navy first arrived in assaiyang, any non friendly ships belonged to enemy ships. Fu Wei, who was informed, immediately issued an order to prepare for the war.

"There are only seven enemy ships, which can be relatively close for observation." As the first mate, Liang min can still put forward some opinions: "we need more detailed information."

Fu Wei also meant this. They came to find out the surrounding situation. As soon as the ships of unknown forces appeared, there were seven. The probability of belonging to the caravan was infinitely reduced. Only warships would sail in formation, so it was more necessary to see what the warships looked like.

"Adjust the position." Fu Wei's knowledge base did not use the monsoon, but at least he knew where the wind came from and where the warship should stay more favorable: "detour back to the position of the wind!"

The captain's orders will be conveyed layer by layer. The warships communicate with each other by flag language, and the ship roars through ventilation pipes.

Fu Wei's flagship is a warship with a length of 60 meters, a width of 16 meters and a water depth of 7 meters. It is divided into five layers, with a carrying capacity of 500 tons. It has four masts, two bed crossbows at the bow, three bed crossbows on both sides of the ship's side, two bed crossbows at the stern, and 14 bed crossbows in total.

Naturally, the two formation warships can not compare with the flagship. They are a warship with a length of 45 meters, a width of 13 meters and a water depth of 5 meters. They are divided into four layers. They have a load of 360 tons, only three masts, one bed crossbow at the bow and stern, two bed crossbows on both sides of the ship's side, and six bed crossbows in total.

It's troublesome to calculate the speed now. Downwind and upwind are two things. The speed of relying on human oars is even more uneven. In general, the fastest speed can reach about eight knots.

Before Fu Wei's formation found the Gupta warship formation, the information was in the asymmetric stage, that is, the Han fleet found the Gupta formation, but the Gupta formation still did not find the Han fleet. That is, the Han fleet has telescopes, and the lookout of the Gupta Dynasty can only rely on his own naked eyes without auxiliary tools.

After entering the standby state, the bed crossbows on the warship have taken off their cloth bags and loaded crossbows under various commands. Most of the soldiers in the cabin also went on the deck. They were armed with a strong crossbow. When they finished loading arrows, they sat cross legged and quietly.

There is no need to make too much deliberate observation. The bed crossbow and strong crossbow are loaded with arrows with combustibles. After all, at present, all ships are wood structures. If they don't set fire, they can only kill people and can't sink. If they want to sink enemy warships, they can only start a side to side battle except setting fire.

However, since the side contact battle can reach the position of the sea valve at the bottom of the enemy ship, it is tantamount to capturing and sinking.

The confrontation at sea usually takes a long time. It often needs to repeatedly detour to seize the favorable position of the wind. At this time, the two sides will continue to narrow the distance. They may stare at each other for more than half a day before fighting. Even if they stare at each other all day, there may not be a war.

Therefore, there are few battles at sea that can determine the victory or defeat in one day. The confrontation between the two fleets is basically calculated on a monthly basis. Even after the frontal decisive battle is completed, it is common that the subsequent pursuit and annihilation of the enemy takes several months, and there can always be missed fish.

"Yes." For the first time, Fu Wei commanded the formation to engage in a sea battle. He still had a great sense of tension in his heart. He put down his telescope and shook his hand before ordering: "advance to the enemy ship."

At this time, the three Han formations with Fu Wei's warship as the flagship have seized a favorable position. They were close to the enemy formation to about five (land) miles, which was detected by the lookout of the Gupta Dynasty.

The Gupta Dynasty must also have its flagship, which is distinguished by the pattern of sails hung on warships.

It can be seen that the largest of the seven warships of the Gupta Dynasty is a warship with a length of more than 20 meters, a width of 45 meters, an unknown water depth, but two layers on the horizontal plane. The rest of the warships look smaller. Strangely, the small warship has at least four masts.

"It looks like a flat and long style." Fu Wei has found that the enemy ship is much smaller than his own. Looking at the oar extending out of the hull, he looks like a centipede: "didn't you find that large-scale long-range attack equipment is installed on the hull?"

The warships of the Han Dynasty were a kind of variant ships after Liu Yan's intervention. The style and structure of the ships generally tended to the 12th and 13th centuries, and even introduced some modern mature theories, such as the layout of large-scale long-range attack equipment.

At present, the ships of various countries and nationalities have not completely distinguished between inland ships and marine ships. The similarity is that the construction of ships will involve some land buildings, such as the eaves structure with a roof above the horizontal plane of ships.

The seven Gupta warships discovered by Fu Wei's formation are above the sea, but they have bright yellow, but they don't know whether it is the natural color of the wood itself or the paint on the back.

Ships must be painted or a kind of anticorrosive paint. In ancient times, there were not many nationalities (countries) studying paint. Few NATIONALITIES (countries) took the lead in applying paint to sea ships, and ancient India was definitely one of them. The king of the Central Plains made paint early, but it was applied to some household utensils. Anyway, it was not used in sea navigation.

"Their warships are very much like our river building ships." The telescope in Liang min's hand has not been put down: "there are arrow proof women's walls and arrow stacks on each floor. It looks relatively short."

Contemporary warships are basically of the same style. The defense facilities on board are in the form of land walls. Naturally, there are women's walls and arrow stacks, but they are all made of wood.

The distance between the two sides is about one kilometer. There are telescopes in the state of Han to observe more carefully and make comments. The Gupta Dynasty can't see too detailed from one kilometer away.

"Any relevant impressions?" Picard Malik didn't look nervous. He squinted at three vague warships in the distance and asked his deputy Di Jean Kumar turned and asked the surveyor, "how's their speed?"

"I can't see clearly." Dijean Kumar didn't feel nervous either. He shook his head and said, "the distance is too far."

At this time, the surveyor with relatively dark skin reported: "the visual speed should be 33 'Zhuo'."

Each nation has its own civilization, and each civilization has its own unit of measurement, such as the inch, ruler and Zhang of Zhuxia, and the PES, passus and m of ancient Rome ī LLE), the length unit of a San is how complex it is.

Under the influence of religion, many counting units sound very mysterious. Fuzziness, wandering, moment, blink, snap, moment, six virtues, emptiness, purity and nirvana silence all represent a unit of measurement, including pole, load, righteousness, stream, ditch, ridge and Zhuo. Asked how big the world is, ah San answered "one sand, one world, one water, one ocean", and asked if he was afraid!

"The sails of the unknown ship are full!"

Waiting for the two sides to approach about 700 meters, the lookout of the Gupta Dynasty finally reported effective observation information.

What can be used to judge the attitude of the other party when we don't know what the enemy and we have encountered at sea? The first thing to look at is the other party's ship state, that is, whether the sail is at full speed, and then judge the possible subsequent actions according to the bow direction.

"Ring the bell!" Picard Malik yelled, "they are hostile. Ring the bell at once!"

A bell rang, and soon seven Gupta warships began to pour people from the cabin to the deck. Driven by the supervisor, the sailors were busy playing with sails and rope sets.

At present, the "array line" is not popular. Seven Gupta warships try their best to adjust their positions, and a half moon formation is gradually taking shape.

On every Gupta warship, a considerable number of soldiers holding bows and arrows can be seen approaching the women's wall and arrow buttress. Some people are standing by with fire stoves. Obviously, they are also preparing to launch rockets.

While preparing for battle, PICAR Malik did not forget that the most important part of a naval battle is to seize the favorable position of the wind.

Every warship of the Gupta Dynasty was equipped with a considerable number of slaves. At this moment, some supervisors kept pumping with whips and ferociously urged the slaves to be faster, faster and faster. Whoever dares to move slower is a whip.

Fu Wei saw from a distance that the enemy ship formation was transformed into a half moon formation and didn't know whether it was right. Anyway, he felt that the enemy could complete the formation change in such a short time.

"How long will it take to get into range?"

"At the current speed, coupled with the favorable wind, it's fast."

Fu Wei has thought many times about what it would be like to meet the ships of the forces of fame when he came to this sea area. Every imagination starts with the launch of the bed crossbow. The difference is whether he can get close to the prisoners and what to say after seeing the alien. He really doesn't consider that he doesn't know the language and doesn't need to think about it, He would only say "please die when we meet for the first time", and ordered people to be tied up and thrown into the sea.

Liang min reported: "enemy ships are competing for a favorable position of the wind."

The distance between the two sides is constantly narrowing, from 700 meters to 500 meters, shortening the distance all the time.

"The white skin race is the leader?" Fu Wei could clearly see who the other party was through a telescope and said, "there are many dark people."

A San's caste distinction is not necessarily based on the skin, but the white skinned Aryans must be of superior caste origin. Unless these Aryans are willing to degenerate and intermarry with inferior castes, they are also superior, and the richest sudara is naturally inferior to the castes above Barker.

There is no information about the A-San caste in the Han state, but it has nothing to do with it. Fu Wei only needs to confirm which flagship of the enemy formation is and where the commander is located.

"After approaching, give priority to attacking the ship with colorful sails." Fu Wei didn't know what an olive branch was, nor did he want to understand where the olive came from, and what was the meaning of the snake on the olive pattern: "concentrate fire to cover and try to paralyze the ship at once."

In many literary works, naval warfare is always tense and intense. In fact, it is an extremely boring pursuit, and the process is usually very long. Therefore, in order not to make the book look too boring, describing what the commanders of both sides were thinking at that time is basically the biggest selling point. The author of the book is so capable that he can even know what he is thinking, extend countless sentiments and greatness, or be dizzy and stupid.

A thousand meters is very long, but it is also very short. The two sides constantly change their positions to separate and chase, but it took four hours to get closer to within 200 meters.

"Measure wind speed!"

"The bed crossbow adjusts the scale!"

"Prepare -"


When three warships of different sizes are arranged in an "array line", the bed crossbow on the deck must have one side of the ship's side that is not in the firing direction. After the volley, 17 bed crossbows are fired out.

"They attacked!" Dijean Kumar was a little surprised: "they launched an attack!"

When the two sides were chasing each other, the hostile relationship had long confirmed that it was not unusual for one side to launch an attack. The Gupta Dynasty was surprised that the warships of the Han state launched an attack 200 meters away.

Of course, Gu a San had a bed crossbow and also equipped it on warships. Similar crossbows were standing warships as early as the Kushan empire. They were surprised that some civilizations would do so.

"No matter who they are or where they come from, we have an opponent!" Kapir Malik said solemnly, "it's an unnamed force with strong attack!"

Fu Wei ordered the ships to fire together. In fact, all 17 bed crossbows failed. The most accurate bed crossbow was within five meters of the enemy ship.

The first salvo of the first naval battle failed. When Fu Wei went up to a sailor in the formation, they would be ashamed. All kinds of commands were shouted out again, waiting for the next round of salvo command.

"Let the Haman leave the formation and return to Hong Kong." Kapir Malik said seriously, "let's see what they can do!"