Chapter 649

As long as the Central Plains Dynasty is not an isolated corner, its territory has always been a little large. It should even be said that since the emergence of human power, its territory rarely falls out of the top five in the world, and more often it ranks in the top three in the world.

In terms of territory, let alone the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties. At that time, the world was either a tribal system or a city-state system, and there were few regimes covering more than one million square kilometers.

After the unification of the Qin Dynasty, only a few people surpassed the Qin Dynasty in territory, that is, the Kingdom established by Alexander, a Macedonian, surpassed the Qin Empire in territory.

In the early Western Han Dynasty, there were many countries larger than the Han Empire. The territory controlled by the Huns on the edge was about twice that of the Han Empire. The territory of the Peacock Dynasty on the third side of a'san was about twice and a half that of the Western Han Dynasty, and even the Seleucid Empire in Central Asia exceeded the Han Empire.

By the way, the so-called Seleucid Empire is a group of countries established by Macedonians, Greeks, Thrace and others following the descendants of Alexander's eastward expedition. They not only established the Seleucid regime, but also established many regional powers in Central Asia and Tianzhu.

Liu Che killed Minyue, South Vietnam, Yelang, Yunnan and Ailao. The territory of the Han Empire almost doubled, but the Huns in the North did not stop. Under the leadership of Madden, the Xiongnu people served Donghu, and the western regions were also included in the tax collection area of the Xiongnu people. As a result, the territory controlled by the Xiongnu people was still twice that of the Han Empire. During this period, the Seleucid Empire was divided by rebellion, and the Persians ruled by Mediterranean people rose again. The Persians established the Parthian Empire, but the territory became less than that of the Han Empire.

During Liu Che's period, at least in the first half of the year, only Xiongnu surpassed the Han Empire. The Han Empire ranked second in the global territory. The Peacock Dynasty passed away without leaving any bodies. Rome ranked third, the newly established Parthia ranked fourth, and the territory of other countries was fragmented.

After the Eastern Han Dynasty, the territory area of the early Eastern Han Dynasty climbed to the first in the world. The Xiongnu was divided into the north and the south. The South Xiongnu became a vicious dog captive by the Eastern Han Dynasty. Among them, the north Xiongnu still had a large control area on the grassland, and the territory controlled by the Xiongnu people was one third of that of the Eastern Han Dynasty, ranking the fourth. In the second place is the rising Roman Empire. The Mediterranean has become the inland sea of the Romans. The territory of the Parthian Empire on their side ranks fifth. Da Yueshi, who fled from East Asia to Central Asia, established the kusana empire with the third largest territory in the world.

The Eastern Han Dynasty did not occupy the first place in the global territory area. At the end of the Han Dynasty, the princes separated everywhere and lost the capital protector of the western regions. Even if the territory of the princes was counted as the territory of the Han Dynasty, the territory area of the Eastern Han Dynasty also fell to the fifth place. At this time, the Roman Empire ranked first in the global territory, and the second was Xianbei, who stepped on the body of the Huns. The kusana Empire firmly ranked third. Although pattia was beaten by the Roman Empire, the Eastern Han Dynasty ranked fourth.

In the Western Jin Dynasty, the Central Plains Dynasty was unified again. Although it still failed to recapture the western regions, there were many more miserable than the Western Jin Dynasty. For example, the Kushan Empire and the Parthian Empire after the Peacock Dynasty made ancient history successively. At least the descendants of the Parthian Empire established the Sassanian King Dynasty, Da Yueshi of the kusana empire was integrated by the aborigines on the other side of ah San, and there was no residue left.

The territory area of the strong Romans firmly occupied the first position. The Xianbei people also kept the second ranking at the peak. The Western Jin Dynasty finally climbed from the fifth to the third. The Sassanian Dynasty picked up many provinces that the Romans didn't want after occupation, and they are still the fourth.

After the Western Jin Dynasty, the world entered a miserable historical stage, and no political power seemed to be able to live a stable life. The Sima family engaged in the chaotic war of the political power of the family princes and kings, the Romans fell into frequent military riots, the aristocrats of the Sassanian Dynasty continued to engage in Yao moths, and Xianbei also entered the moment of the merger of tribes. At this moment, the remnants of the kusana empire fell in love with and killed the Dalits once ruled by the Peacock Dynasty. They especially liked to play a game of mutual harm. They had been waiting for a group of guys who couldn't get along in Europe for nearly 1500 years to help and live a happy inferior life, but there were signs of unification again, although they were given alms.

When they arrived at Sima's family and the aristocratic families in the Central Plains, they fled to the South and carried out a well-known "clothes and clothes crossing South". The territory of the Central Plains Dynasty lost its share to the smallest of all empires, and preserved civilization under the iron cavalry of the Hu prisoners.

The Roman Empire, which once ranked first in terms of territory, split and split again under the military chaos. Later, the military chaos was calmed down, but it was divided into eastern Rome and Western Rome. According to the system that cannot be accessed by government decrees, it has actually become two countries. Under the condition of "I don't know anything", the Sassanian Dynasty, which has been engaged in noble trouble parties in their nest, has become the largest empire in the world.

Later generations of Iran have always liked to talk about the history of the Sassanian Dynasty. Is it because the Sassanian Dynasty once ranked first in the global territory? When you are down, you like to talk about the glory of your ancestors. You can not only comfort yourself, but also be an incentive.

It must be said that Iranians are Persians, and the rest of the Central Asian countries are Arabs, and there should not be too many grievances between Persians and Arabs in history. What's more, Iranians don't like others to think they are Arabs, so they count Iran as a member of the Arab world. If they listen to it, they will be beaten by Iranians and Arabs will be angry.

Then, the historical change of the global territory will definitely blind the eyes of countless people. That is the moment when the nomadic people wantonly enclosure the land. The Central Plains entered the confrontation between the northern and Southern Dynasties. The soft that came out of nowhere in the North has become the first in the global territory.

At this time, the Western Rome was divided by a group of barbarians, and the eastern Rome trembled under the aggression of the Sassanian Dynasty, but the two sides were deadlocked for nearly 200 years. Until the Sassanian Dynasty was destroyed by Arabs, the remaining Eastern Rome also sent envoys to Yang Sui and Li Tang, and established alliance relations during the Wu Zhou period to jointly deal with the Arab Empire with one hand of scriptures and one hand of machetes.

Arabs with one hand of scriptures and one hand of machetes are actually very arrogant. They are so strong that they can establish a powerful empire across Asia, Europe and Africa. They bully Eastern Rome and Europa in the West and cheat the great Zhou established by Wu Zetian in the East.

Therefore, modern Arabs have been seeking great Arab unity in order to reproduce the great empire across Asia, Europe and Africa. Europeans are not happy, and cowboys far away in North America are not happy. Rabbits in the East are also worried and make trouble together without anyone's greeting.

It's not everyone who makes trouble. The maojia natural gas and oil company hopes that the Arabs can rise up. The problem is that the Maoxiong who is reduced to selling resources is really powerless. Later, it turns into cowboys, rotten cattle and the virgin state. Whoever is caught is rushed up for a group fight, and the thick black rabbit makes a lot of money.

Speaking of Mao Xiong, Liu Yan has relevant information in his hand. He has arrived at Guanzhong with a large group of people and settled in the old city of Chang'an for more than a month.

Chang'an has become the National Center, and any news comes together. Xie AI, who is far away in the grassland, talked about a local conflict with Xigao car. There are many soldiers similar to the Jie nationality in Xigao car.

Xie AI couldn't tell who was who at all. He only distinguished them by skin color. Later, he found out what Ding Ling people looked like. The new white people were some more western aborigines.

Liu Yan received Xie AI's report. According to the relevant description, he thought of the ancestors of hairy bears at the first time. He can probably guess that the ancestors of hairy bears can't stand the cold in the Arctic circle. It should be that some tribes went south and were integrated by Ding Ling people.

Now, without the Slavic nation, the ancestors of hairy bears have never established a country at all. They don't even have a concept of what nationality they are. They are also a group of people who use stone tools. They are divided into many tribes, and they are usually bullied by the Goths and salmat, Even the northern Huns, who were beaten far away by the Han Empire, could be bullied wantonly.

The Capricorn people are white skinned people in Central Asia, and the whites in Western Europe are much taller and stronger than the Capricorn people. Xie AI, who made this clear, wrote back a memorial to clarify, but Liu Yan was very interested in the emergence of Western European people in East Asia.

"The size of the world is dazzling." Ji Chang, as the prime minister, can't help reading a lot of official documents. He doesn't see less information sent back from the frontier: "people with white skin, blue eyes and colored hair don't think so."

Blue eyes are all kinds of non black eyes, and colored hair refers to all non black eyes.

Speaking of the Central Plains Dynasty and the Roman Empire, there is one thing in common, that is, the eyes and hair are black, and the skin is bronze after tanning. When the envoys of Eastern Rome came to the Central Plains, they once thought that both sides were the same race and natural allies arranged by heaven and various gods.

As for the news about Rome, the Han Kingdom also obtained some information from the western regions, and the western regions obtained information from the Sassanian Dynasty. It is tantamount to that the news is through many hands. People don't know whether they can believe it or not.

Liu Yan didn't know whether Rome was divided now, but he thought of some rumors in the Wu Zhou period, such as the consistency of some characteristics between the two sides. It seems that he can really use this as a basis to build an east-west alliance of the world island, at least unite to destroy the Sassanian Dynasty first.

"All Miao people who are not our ethnic group are aliens who must be recruited." The official document in Xu Zheng's hand is a summary. There are some people who are put together. Anyway, they are not black hair and black eyes. Some places are also yellow skin: "the first thing to be extinct is the xigaoche that dares to invade the Han border!"

It's not nonsense to say that xigaoche invaded the territory of Han. The world fell into a small ice age, which made all ethnic groups close to the Arctic have to find a way to live. That must be far away from the Arctic Circle, and it's inevitable to migrate to mild areas.

The state of Han eliminated the grassland forces nearby, and a large part of the grassland became the territory of the state of Han, which became adjacent to xigaoche. When the grassland was not owned by the Han state, xigaoche couldn't get along with the original nomads, but now it has become difficult to get along with the Han state.

Xu Zheng felt that it was inevitable to be beaten in the face. After they recovered the Central Plains, they always caught who went up and bullied for a while. No one dared to stretch out his hands and feet. Now it's better. Xigaoche not only stretched out its hands and feet, but also drove a group of white people as pioneers, touching the hatred point that Han people have been abused by the Capricorn for decades. Without killing all visible white people, they will feel uneasy even sleeping.

Liu Yan knows very well that even after the establishment of the Han state, the Miao people of the Han family still have "characteristic feelings" for the white people. They were afraid before and hate after. Anyone who has experienced the rule of the Capricorn family has developed from fear to death because of fear.

"Death is inevitable." No matter why Liu Yancai wants to kill, it is consistent with his idea that Han people inhabit the world: "there will be more people to kill... Than we can imagine."

I'm not kidding. Although the current years are not like later generations, where whites occupy two-thirds of the world's living space, the world island is divided from the current Han controlled area, and the west of the western region to the end of the world island is white. It's very simple to divide this way. Central Asia is also white in terms of skin system, regardless of Persians, Arabs, Greeks... All kinds of people belong to white skin race.

On the world island, there are yellow skin races in East and South Asia. Although the Romans have black hair and black eyes, they are also white. In the regions outside the world island, the African and Asian plates have followed the expansion of Rome, and the same is true in North Africa.

North America is a territory with yellow skin, but the number of Indians has lived to the belly of dogs for thousands of years, and will continue to live to the belly of dogs for more than 1000 years, waiting for white people to be slaughtered like animals in the past. Tens of millions of white people were slaughtered almost the same. The enclosure is called the Private Reserve. In fact, it is still kept in captivity as animals. So, don't say that Indians are descendants of yin and Shang Dynasties. It's really annoying to be the same Miao people as such people.

South America and Oceania are either white or dark brown people. Anyway, they are not yellow skin. They haven't even studied bronze now. When the white people colonized with firearms, they just entered the bronze age.

"Kill." Xu Zheng listened to Liu Yan's lecture for a while. Without asking why Liu Yan knew so much, he said carelessly: "men, whether infants or the elderly, are killed. Women are too old to kill, leaving women who can give birth to future generations."

Ji Chang's cheeks jerked when he heard it. He finally persuaded Liu Yan to enter the general stage of internal affairs construction. He knew that Xi Gao car was a little nervous when it went south. When he came, he saw Xu Zheng. He was really afraid to come. Xu Zheng looked very serious, but he was bewitching Liu Yan.

Liu Yan likes to listen to that. In addition to grabbing land, is it to plunder more wombs? It's better for a Han man to have several foreign concubines in addition to a normal wife who is also a Han man. Who will fill the territory if he doesn't fight!