Chapter 645

Is it important to be famous? Obviously nonsense, it is important to be famous, and it is extremely important!

Many times, even if you use a stab and break excuse to start a war, it is better than starting a war without any reason.

The reason why it is important for a division to become famous is first to show its own army that it belongs to justice, and then to reveal its operational purpose so that it will not be confused. Moreover, being famous is conducive to announcing why our people fight, so that the personnel in the rear can support the war to the greatest extent and do not make trouble.

It can be understood that in modern times with good publicity conditions, if a country wants to fight a country, it will carry out a propaganda war in advance. Anyway, it will publicize the country to be attacked as a garbage country that does all kinds of evil, and carry out comprehensive suppression from public opinion, so that it can not find allies and get sympathy from the international community after the outbreak of the war. It is also trying to win more allies to uphold the so-called justice.

Don't underestimate public opinion. How many countries have people who are biased by public opinion, so that people in their own countries don't trust their government and the army doubt why they want to fight. After the outbreak of the war, the country continued to make 1 moves. The army did not resist any will and surrendered repeatedly. It could resist a little bit and become a bubble.

Of course, there is no absolute justice in the world, which is to divide right and wrong according to the camp. It is still very important to control public opinion, at least so that their soldiers will not have any psychological burden.

"Li Tan is right." Liu Yan has left Xiangguo and entered Luoyang on the front line of Yecheng. He said to Ji Chang sitting on one side, "whether it's true or false, it's important to be famous."

Liu Yan did not rarely see the importance of mastering public opinion. The United States casually found an excuse that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, and could pull in a large group of allies who didn't care about the true and false. Hula up was a siege against Iraq.

Iraq has long fallen because of public opinion. Not only does the army have no desire to fight, but also what the people want is how to overthrow the ruling class. No one cares whether the US excuse for war is true or not.

As a result, the United States has not found the so-called weapons of mass destruction for a long time, and the Iraqis' own homes have been destroyed. After waiting for the United States to pat their ass and go, the previous good life will never return. The trees planted by themselves will blossom and bear fruit, even if they bear any bitter fruit, they have to swallow it.

"What the king said is very true." Ji Chang read those war reports and knew what had happened. He didn't feel that the front-line generals were completely shirking: "whether Shi Hu really died or not, he can't threaten the big man anymore."

Han's military strength is undoubtedly the strongest in the east at present. It is not difficult to attack or destroy the surrounding countries, but there still needs to be a past excuse.

Liu Yan rose from Changguang county to the end of the world. At first, he had a great reputation for resisting Hu Lu. Then, he called out to recover the old land of the Han family and quickly closed the hearts of the Miao people of the Han family in the Central Plains. Even when removing those aristocratic families, ordinary people stood on their side, so there was no situation in which aristocratic families coerced a large number of people to resist together.

Later, the Han state successively destroyed Koguryo, Baiji and Silla. It was obviously easy to do so, but it also let the three countries attack first and found an excuse to destroy the country.

With its strong strength and legitimate reasons, after the demise of the Han state of Koguryo, Baiji and Silla, it is easy to find a group of objects willing to cooperate. Even the people of the three countries feel that their leaders are looking for their own death, and their subsequent resistance determination is not much.

The death or non death of Shi Hu is of course very important to Liu Yan and the state of Han. Only the death of Shi Hu can be regarded as a perfect end to the rebellion against tyranny and a comfort to the Han and Miao descendants who have suffered for decades. It's just that it's really impossible to identify the body, so it's a good thing to extend it as an excuse to attack some countries in the future.

"Zhengxi Zhonglang will have arrived in Dunhuang." Ji Chang, of course, said Xie an. He touched his chin beard and narrowed his eyes: "the western regions have been lost from the Sima family. Countries in the western regions have not heard of the Han family for a long time."

At present, the desertification in Dunhuang is not so serious. Most areas there are actually grasslands, and only a few areas are Gobi.

Xie an entered Dunhuang with a standing army to receive the territory of Zhang's Liang state. The troops were stationed in Yumen, Changpu and Yangguan respectively.

At present, Yumen is only a frontier town, not a majestic checkpoint fortress. Xie an wrote back a memorial that the grassland outside Yumen is very suitable for grazing, that is, to solve the occasional Shanshan nomadic tribes.

Changpu is a town in the south of Dunhuang county. It has little population and rich resources. It is located in the north of the plateau, and plateau savages often come down to steal. The normal transaction is also held once a year between the government and the plateau tribes, which has become a fur trading town.

Yangguan was built in the Western Han Dynasty and was initially used as a pass. Before the Western Han Dynasty brought the western regions into its rule, the strategic position of Yangguan was second only to Yanmen pass. Later, the western regions were incorporated into the rule of the Han family. Over the years, a large number of merchants from the western regions entered Yangguan to the Central Plains, which became a checkpoint mainly for tax collection.

"There aren't as many as thirty-six countries in the western regions now?" Liu Yan had sent a team to the western regions for a long time. It was a long way, communication was difficult, and there was not much news: "Shanshan? Is it Loulan?"

"Yes." Ji Chang came at random and introduced: "Shanshan was originally the name of the right virtuous king of the Huns in the early Han Dynasty. After Loulan was the resident of Shanshan, it was replaced in the name of the right virtuous king."

The Xiongnu had Zuo Xian Wang and you Xian Wang. Zuo Xian Wang operated grazing in the East and you Xian Wang operated grazing in the West. The rules were given by the Xiongnu's male master.

It's true that Loulan changed his name. When he invaded the western countries, the main force of the Xiongnu, in addition to Shan Yuting's elite, was the herdsman organization under the account of King Youxian. Later, the western countries became under the control of King Youxian, and Loulan became the residence of King Youxian.

In the early Han Dynasty, those who often invaded the frontier were the tribes managed by the Xiongnu Zuoxian king. Later, the Xiongnu Zuoxian king was overwhelmed. The Xiongnu Youxian King moved from the western regions to Hetao and built the city gaoque, or he had been staying in Loulan.

"It's strange to say that the Huns have declined for a long time, but Loulan people can't afford to restore their old name and still take Shanshan as their name." Ji Chang said this had only one purpose: "it can be seen how timid people in the western regions are."

Timid? Liu Yan couldn't find any other explanation.

The strong have what has the power to impose all the weak. Kroraina is just an example, which is to call the peninsula what country, not the Central Plains Dynasty has the final say, let the North Korea is the North Korean Peninsula, the people themselves name is not recognized by the Central Plains Dynasty, it does not count, and the same is the same as the Japanese island. That is, when the Central Plains Dynasty is no longer strong, people will no longer use those names, recognize the new father, go to sinicization, and disgust their once thousands of masters everywhere.

"Most of the thirty-six countries perished, and some country names have been changed to place names, such as Qiemo, Jingjue, Gumi and so on." Liu Yan said these are the perished countries around Shanshan. He looked at the fields outside the king's chariot and said faintly, "it's Wusun who is still alive."

"Wusun once destroyed the country and was re established with the support of madden. Later, he wavered between the Huns and the former Han Dynasty." Ji Chang obviously did a good job: "before the Xiongnu was strong, some soldiers were sent to attack the first Han Dynasty. Waiting for the Xiongnu to be weak, they nibbled at the benefactors who helped them recover their country and flattered the first Han Dynasty."

There is no saying of kindness between the state and the state. Wusun can only say that the rulers are very qualified. When the Huns are strong, they hold the Huns' thighs. When the Han Dynasty becomes the winner of the war between Han and Hungary, they hold the Han Dynasty's thighs. Doesn't it rely on this to deter the countries in the western region and stabilize their position as the overlord of the western region all year round?

"The first Han Dynasty had a friendly relationship with Wusun." When Ji Chang said this, he first looked at Liu Yan. Sure enough, he saw Liu Yan frown and said, "Liu Xijun, who married far away, had a miserable life, and the first Han Dynasty did not benefit much."

In the early Han Dynasty, Xijun could be understood as a little girl. Liu Xijun was a very young girl who didn't even leave a serious name. She is the daughter of Liu Jian, the nephew of Liu Che and king of Jiangdu. Weng Zhu was promoted to become a princess and was sent to Wusun for reconciliation. She married an old man who was about to enter the earth.

Liu Che did not spare any effort to win over Wu sun. After Liu Xijun's early death, in order to maintain the relationship between the in laws and the country, he chose a Weng master from the imperial clan. That person is Liu Jieyou, the daughter of Liu Wu, king of Chu, who took part in the "rebellion of seven countries" with the same surname.

Liu Jieyou also married Wusun at a young age. He married an old man who was about to go to the earth, or as a concubine, not a real wife. After the old man died, she followed the customs of the grassland people and became the daughter-in-law of the successor's brother. Later, she had to submit to three marriages. Every time she had to, how could she be better in her life.

Ji Chang took a big risk to say that. He did not agree with the first Han Dynasty's policy of amity. Naturally, he had a reason to say that.

Liu Yan had three more offspring this year. The two concubines gave birth to two daughters one after the other. Instead, a lucky female official gave birth to a son.

Ji Chang said that of course, those who did not think that Liu Yan would marry and marry far away were fully confident that some countries in the western regions would not be open-minded, and Wusun might do something to seek peace and marriage. After all, there was a precedent.

Liu Yan is a loner and has no blood relatives. He can't find a daughter of the his clan. Even if he can find someone to give him a princess name, he can't do anything about marriage.

Based on Ji Chang's understanding of Liu Yan, once a country in the western regions does not open its eyes to marry a princess, it just wants to marry a famous princess. Liu Yan can really do that kind of thing to raise the army because of anger.

Liu Yan destroyed so many countries in ten years. The place where he really engaged in internal affairs is Qingzhou. The rest can only be said to maintain stability. The whole country is basically in a mess.

It is clear that Tuoba Xianbei and Murong Xianbei will leave great harm if they do not eliminate the threats of these two Xianbei. Those who feel that they should turn around and pay attention to internal affairs will bear it. However, after eliminating the two threats of Tuoba Xianbei and Murong Xianbei, the country still does not pay attention to the development of internal affairs, it can't bear it.

Some people, including Ji Chang, are hesitant about Liu Yan's calling Xie an to spy on the western regions. They are really afraid that Liu Yan will enter the western regions immediately regardless of domestic bad internal affairs, hoping to stop for a few years.

"I don't know what Taian said." Liu Yan has great prestige. He doesn't worry about the rebellion of the domestic people, but he knows that military strength alone is equal to walking on one leg. But he wanted to wake up first, and said, "the western regions can't be determined by a call of arms. Only a standing army should be able to sweep."

Ji Chang said, "the grassland in Northern Xinjiang has not been completely settled. The remnants of Xianbei grassland need to be deterred, and the peninsula is difficult to manage for a while."

"I have let Xie AI return to Rouran mountain." Liu Yan didn't want to give up the grassland: "Yu jiulu Bati will be a good chess piece."

Yu jiulu Bati is the current Rouran Khan. Knowing that the state of Han swept all the countries in the south, he wanted to establish a good relationship with the state of Han.

Tuoba and Murong fled to Xianbei grassland, which is on the edge of Rouran territory. Donggaoche and xigaoche adjacent to Rouran are also uneasy. Rouran desperately needs a friend now.

According to Xie AI's report, Yu jiulu Bati wanted to make friends with the Han state because he wanted to obtain materials from the Han state. He even wanted to form a coalition to deal with donggaoche, xigaoche, Tuoba Xianbei and Murong Xianbei.

The center of the state of Han is rehearsing the current situation. It would be a good choice to temporarily form an alliance with Rouran, that is, whether to send troops or how to provide materials needs further discussion.

"The resettlement of the people of the peninsula is a big project." Before Ji Chang came back, LV Tai was already doing population registration. He said: "it was decided before that all men on the peninsula were slaves, and girls of school age had priority to marry meritorious soldiers. To complete this, the army where the eastern shogunate is located needs to be on alert all year round, and the supply cost of their servants from the army is quite large."

Of course, at present, the people of the peninsula do not know their fate. They cooperate with the population registration, that is, they are very resistant to the internal relocation. There have been riots in many areas, but they have been easily suppressed by the Japanese servants under the order of the eastern shogunate.

Instead of using the national standing army and county soldiers to suppress, they used the slave army to suppress. That was a hate transfer strategy. Anyway, the bad things were done by the slave army. The Han Army occasionally came out as an arbiter and gave some kindness, but it could also be regarded as a good man. This bad idea was not put forward by Liu Yan. It was the suggestion of the imperial envoy doctor sang Yu.

Speaking of Sang Yu, Liu Yan now thinks about sang Yu's patrolling around the country.

It is inevitable that the Han state has entered the stage of internal affairs construction. It is a procedure for officials to sort out the officialdom first. It is not only to remove the black sheep, but also to carry out the necessary deterrence, so as to make local officials relax.

"If you knock a stick and kill some, you should also find some typical examples." Liu Yan doesn't think there is anything strange. His ancestors have long been tired of playing, but they are extremely effective: "those who appoint various schools as officials should go to book sang Yu and observe more."

Ji Chang naturally accepted it, but he was worried about whether sang Yu could be impartial. Don't do some dirty things because the aristocratic family would be apportioned by the school.