Chapter 635

Everyone has private desires, and few people wholeheartedly abandon their private interests for the public. In particular, there are families behind officials, which makes it more difficult to distinguish between public and private.

To put it bluntly, everyone has seven emotions and six desires. When people do things, they first look at whether things are beneficial or harmful to themselves, and only when they benefit more than harm will they do it. If that person is an official, he will think more before doing things. To do that thing, he must first add points to his official career, and then he will think about whether it will be good for the people. If it is good for the people, it will harm himself. Unless the official is really dedicated to the people, he won't do it.

Everyone will have their own family. Many times, even the officials themselves do not want to break the law, but they can't stand that some family members rely on the name or prestige of an official's relatives to do something for profit.

Therefore, as long as you are an official, it's really difficult to have an innocent person. The difference is that the officials themselves or their families can't do too much, the number of people who do harm and how much harm.

There has always been a saying in officialdom that "when the water is clear, there is no fish". As long as officials can do what they need to do to the greatest extent, crossing the line is not too serious. Some things are tacit. The fear is that officials do nothing in a certain position in order to keep themselves clean, so there is a saying that corrupt officials are far more valuable than officials comparable to memorial tablets.

The officials of the feudal dynasty, who are not a large family behind them, need to have more income when there are more people in a family. In addition, it is necessary to form a family. Therefore, it is inevitable for the ruling class to set some rules favorable to officials. Even the supreme ruler thinks it is a good thing, such as having a reputation can be exempted from taxes, corvee And so on.

In today's society, as officials, it is a consensus to think about the interests of the family. The plan is generally extremely far-reaching. They don't just focus on the immediate interests. They talk about the long-term vision.

Liu Yan rose in the end. At first, most of the people who followed Dajiangshan came from small families, and a few could be called families. There were few people who were originally aristocratic families.

After people develop, it is a kind of nature and instinct to make themselves stronger.

Sang Yu himself is the son of a big family. Since childhood, he has been educated to focus on the family. He can not only expand the family, but also take into account the national interests. It can be said that he has integrity.

Cai you and other people, even if they didn't reach the level of Sang Yu before, they have been in a high position for some years. No matter what their previous thought reached, no one will be blind. It was precisely because they were among them that they scoffed at sang Yu's statement.

Now, of course, there is no saying "there is no Dynasty with a thousand years, only a family with a thousand years". However, after the influence of the founding of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the effect of family management in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, any family is running to become the second yuan family in Ruyang.

Isn't it the time when the aristocratic family rose? They summarized the previous dynasties and dynasties, and then they could not protect themselves if they were not strong enough under the rule of Hu Lu. It was the time when they had the greatest ambition.

So far, the Central Plains has only been ravaged by the former Zhao of the Xiongnu and the latter Zhao of the Jie people, and has not experienced the replacement of Murong Qianyan, the former Qin of the Di people, the latter Yan of the Murong people, the latter Qin of the Qiang people, and so on. However, it has already happened that the latter Zhao of the Jie people, Murong Qianyan, the Tuoba Dynasty, the Cheng Han of the Li family, the Liang state of the Zhang family, and the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty stand side by side.

The states of the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period stood side by side too far. The collapse of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the coexistence of princes was only 82 years ago. The Han state destroyed the Jie people, the later Zhao, the Tuoba Dynasty, the Li Chenghan, the Zhang Liangguo and the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. People have to see how strong the family can be as long as it is strong enough.

When the Han state was strong enough to establish its own country, few families dared to establish a separate regime, and no family would dream of establishing a country, but they have seen the benefits of strong strength.

"Is it the king's land under the whole world and the king's ministers who lead the land?" Cai you quoted a sentence from the book of songs. Xiaoya. What is the valley wind. Beishan. He looked directly at sang Yu with a smile on his mouth and said, "too much is better than too deep."

In fact, the original intention of "whether it is the king's land under the whole world or the king's ministers who lead the land" does not mean that everything in the world belongs to the king, but that the king has the responsibility of the king and the ministers have the responsibility of ministers. What is emphasized is that each performs his own duties.

Everything belongs to the king's family, country and world. From the beginning of Liu Bang's establishment of the Han Empire, the most famous thing is that Liu Bang asked his father that he always disliked him for being idle and didn't know how to run a family. After becoming the emperor, he asked his father how big his family business was.

It was a whole country, and the family business could not be small. With such a question, "the state is the family business of the emperor" became a fact. At that time, none of the ministers of the Han state opposed Liu Bang, which made Liu Bang proud.

In the ancient pre-Qin period, even if the first emperor swept through the eight wastelands and six harmonies to form a great unity again, the first emperor dared not say that the country was the private property of the surname Zhao Ying. Some of the surnames Zhao Ying had the greatest management power, officials at all levels were managers at all levels, and the people's was the people's.

In more ancient times, such as the Warring States period, at that time, the king also dared not say that the whole country was his own private property. Compared with the Qin Empire after great unification, each vassal state continued the tradition of "the minister is the Minister of the king, and the minister under the minister is not the Minister of the king". A transparent point is that the king has management power, but if it belongs to me, as long as I don't break the law, it should be mine or mine. Even the king can't open his mouth, and my things will become the king's.

In the ancient Pre-Qin society, it was generally accepted that kings were just leaders and nobles worked for them. Chinese people had the right to advise the country. Only slaves were nothing.

After arriving at Liu Bang, the country is the emperor's industry. All things are the emperor's products. Isn't it that everyone must selflessly contribute to what they want? In this regard, the emperor is the slave owner, officials at all levels are the employees of the slave owner, and everyone in the country is a slave.

Now, the Han state follows the track of the Qin Empire and follows the route of strict law enforcement. However, it has not done less to destroy which families and return their property to the state. The milder thing is to invest in the recovery of land under the name of more than the limit. What's the fig leaf? That is, those who are "engaged" are not people under the rule of the Han state.

Some people, including Cai you, don't want to see sang Yu go too far. They found out from some of Liu Yan's actions that Liu Yan is not going to the family, country and world of the Han family surnamed Liu, but to restore the rule of a normal country.

The king did not want to regard the whole country as his private property, did not engage in family and world, and took the line of public and world. The latter one, as long as it is not a slave, enjoys the right to "private property, which can not be deprived without reason unless it violates the law". This system is the most beneficial to the nobility, and the people will not suffer any loss. Only the king can no longer do whatever he wants.

In fact, Cai you only scolded sang Yu that "kings are trying to limit their private desires. Are you trying to stimulate kings so that everyone can't play?" it took a lot of effort to bear it.

Among the three gongs and nine Qings of the Han Dynasty, the people who came from an aristocratic family do not account for the majority. Sang Yu's family is a real aristocratic family in the north, LV Yi can only be said to be a third rate aristocratic family in the south, and the rest are mostly big family.

The original details will determine their thinking. Some people from non-traditional families, such as Cai you, are absolutely unwilling to see the resource allocation at the beginning of the national Dynasty, but most of them feel that they can't compete, not really out of consideration for the country.

We have different starting points. Most people are happy to see restrictions. If we really rely on the inside information to fight, no one in the north can fight with Sang one-on-one except Cui. In these two clans, sang has long been collecting families for his own use, while Cui relies on Cui Wan's Queen status.

"It is an indisputable fact that a big man lacks officials." Sang Yu did not dare to arouse public anger and said, "where do officials come from? From all families."

That is the inevitable situation. Knowledge is mastered in families with deep knowledge. It is difficult for ordinary people to have access to knowledge. Being an official really has nothing to do with ordinary people. Such a situation is determined from the moment the country is established. Unless the channels for acquiring knowledge are opened, monopoly is inevitable.

Cai you and others heard it, and the facts were there. Sang Yu also hinted that the Sang family would not do too much.

What they want is that the sangs should not go too far. The presence of too many officials in a family will only make the king vigilant. In addition, a family will not let the rest of the family rest assured that it can share its interests to the greatest extent. Hello, Hello, everyone.

Sang Yu promised that everyone would be no longer excited and be able to talk about something meaningful peacefully.

"The king intends to abolish the recommendation system and fully implement the evaluation system." Yu Yi didn't say much just now. With the embarrassing situation facing the south, those things didn't have to be mixed up. He said that this topic once again attracted people's attention: "how is the assessment system an assessment method?"

Sang Yu gave the correct answer: "what the king said is the imperial examination system."

In fact, the previous assessment has existed for a long time. The filial piety and integrity system of the first Han Dynasty has relevant assessment. For example, it must be a good family, and then it is about the size of reputation. After entering officialdom, there are also relevant promotion systems. There is a key to the filial piety and integrity system, that is, there must be a recommender. If the recommended person commits anything, the recommender should bear the responsibility together. Therefore, a person who is qualified to recommend does not dare to recommend anyone at all.

Yu Yi was eager because of his concern and asked sincerely, "what is the imperial examination?"

Sang Yu didn't want to say. His current knowledge is priceless. Understanding what others don't understand is the greatest wealth. Seeing everyone staring at him, he reluctantly explained: "people with innocent origins and knowledge can participate in all levels of examination and selection, and finally become officials."

It doesn't sound complicated, but everyone has his own understanding.

What most people understand is that anyone can be an official as long as he has knowledge and net worth and waits for the imperial examination to be officially taken as the national talent selection system. What they thought for the first time was that after that, the door lords, aristocratic families and big families would suffer the impact of the poor family, and even if the poor family were not ordinary people, they could be officials.

"The original purpose of promoting education is this." Zhang Shi should be one of the people who have no sense of existence among the three gongs and nine Qings, but it doesn't mean that he didn't gather a group of people behind him. He said, "that Zishen also proposed that those who are officials, relatives who haven't left office, go to the school Palace to teach?"

"The general trend, who can stop it?" Sang Yu could see clearly that after the country entered the stage of cultivating students and recuperating, Liu Yan would devote a large part of his energy to the dissemination of knowledge. What he said was to remind those who did not want to understand this level: "there are not only family people in the world, but also various schools of thought that exist."

The words are really clear. If they don't understand it, they are not qualified to sit here. They don't believe that Liu Yanzhen can't find teachers and give benefits to various schools. Some schools want to cheer up and work.

"If we don't help, how can we repay the king's kindness..." Yu Yi didn't know what he thought just now. There were dense beads of sweat on his forehead and saluted sang Yu: "it's the imperial envoy doctor's opinion."

After respecting Confucianism alone, hundreds of schools did not really die out completely. Many schools of thought struggled to survive. Some schools even mixed well, including Legalists, strategists and farmers, which Confucianism could not be eliminated at all.

Confucianism was established as a noble position in the early Han Dynasty, but now it is difficult to have the prestige of the early Han Dynasty. After all, the role played by Confucianism during the war is really limited. It depends on strategists to calm the world and Legalists to govern the world. Therefore, Confucianism suffered heavy losses successively in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. After Lu Shen in the Central Plains, there is no soil for growth. Today's Confucianism only has its name but no prestige.

Seeing Liu Yan wipe out all the Hu prisoners, all the separatist regimes have also been eliminated, and a new unified country will stand again, I feel that a better day is coming, not only those who are loyal to the dragon, but also those who have long wanted to see through.

"Once the imperial examination system is implemented..." Cai you glanced at Yu Yi, looked at sang Yu and said faintly, "the style of writing in the south is very popular."

After the Yongjia rebellion, so many families fled south, and most of the handed down families left in the central plains were destroyed. It is reasonable that there are not many scholars in the north than in the south.

Yiguannandu also has a corresponding subsidiary effect. The aristocratic families who fled to the South took away too many classics, but most of the classics in the north were destroyed by the war. As a result, the North lost to the South on the classics mastered by the north and the south.

"So Yu thought of the big man..." Sang Yu saw the key from the ugliness of many faces, and said slowly: "it is imperative to migrate population!"