Chapter 633

The county system existed from the Warring States period. After the first emperor swept through the eight wastelands and six in one to rule the world, it was the first emperor who abolished the common enfeoffment of state and monarch in the Warring States period for the sake of the central group, and made full use of the county system.

When Liu Bang established the Han Empire, although he claimed to be the emperor, he was not the strongest. Even Han Xin's military strength at that time was much stronger than him, not to mention some princes and kings such as Peng Yue, so he continued to engage in the enfeoffment system.

Liu Bang used various means to destroy those princes with different surnames in the late period. Even Han Xin, who had been helping him, finally died at the hands of women. However, the Han Empire did not abolish the enfeoffment system, but did not make different surnames king.

It was Liu Che's time that the enfeoffment system was curbed, but he did not completely abolish the enfeoffment system, but used the Tuen order to continuously divide the fiefdoms of the princes and princes.

When Liu Xiu rebuilt the Han Empire, he was very rational. He didn't divide the officials wantonly. It was a system of how many princes. These princes had only the right of income but no right of management. However, he continued to divide the clan Liu in the early Han Dynasty. Facts have also proved the usefulness of clan enfeoffment, many times because the prince surnamed Liu is not weak, waiting for the emperor to become a substitute without children, so that Jiangshan did not change his surname. (in the Eastern Han Dynasty, all the imperial families were the successors to the throne)

Of course, Liu Yan will crown his children and give them the proper fiefdoms, considering the continuation of the Han Empire, but the local people will not choose land to be enfeoffed.

Liu Yan also had a long time to think about whether different surnames should be granted to the king. He came to the conclusion that there can be no different surnames, not all worried about the instability of the family with different surnames. Which of those emperors without different surnames is true for thousands of years? It's not time to perish.

The reason why Liu Yan does not intend to enfeoffe Wang with different surnames is very simple. Any country has its own rules. The founding king should be cautious in the maintenance of the national system. Since it is called the Han country, it is necessary to continue the policies of the first Han Dynasty in some systems.

There are more than ten marquis in the state of Han, but they are all Pavilion marquis. They enjoy 500 households at most and only 100 Households at least.

The pavilion princes of the Han Dynasty continued the policy of the Eastern Han Dynasty. They had no right of governance, only the right of income. Not only the Eastern Han Dynasty, but also the later dynasties. Some dynasties gave the right of fiefdom governance, but it was rare.

After the Han family's old land is really restored in an all-round way, Liu Yan will choose land to give to the princes in addition to the "basic land", and those sites will give the princes the right to govern at that time. Not only the power of governance, but also the power of Taxation, conscription and military construction, which will only limit the legislative power and diplomatic power.

The "basic plate" in Liu Yan's eyes is not the old land of the Han family in the Western or Eastern Han Dynasty, at least the territory of the Chinese dynasty, and even some regions will be included in the "basic plate", such as the Korean Peninsula, Novosibirsk, Vietnam, the Japanese islands, Australia and the Arab region of Central Asia.

Some of the areas that will be included in the "basic plate" have a very important strategic position, while others are extremely rich in resources. Having those areas is tantamount to mastering the future.

Liu Yan will pay attention to the Indo China Peninsula. He has looked at the a San territory of future generations. He just wants to take it as the first feast to divide up. He will not only let the families have fun, but also go south from the western regions when the Han Army enters the western regions. When he occupies the territory, he can divide the princes.

The territory of the state of Han will become larger and larger. How to divide administrative regions needs to be more and more careful. As for the excessive sealing system and county system used by the Chinese ancestors so far, the administrative unit of state has been added.

If we look at the administrative division in ancient China, we will find that it is a phenomenon of wide governance. For example, a state animal husbandry manages millions of square kilometers of land, and there are prefects under the State animal husbandry who also manage hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of land, and a county magistrate has to manage tens of thousands of people.

In ancient times, there were also County mayors and county lieutenants, followed by six CAOS, plus administrative personnel such as the upper reaches, rank and stingy husband. There were dozens of civil servants in county-level units, but they faced tens of thousands of people.

There are also townships under the county, which set up three elders. There are Li and Li Zheng under the countryside. There are pavilions inside and below, with long pavilions.

It can be said that in ancient times, a civil servant may have to face thousands of people. When the legal system was strict and the phenomenon of local power was not serious, government orders could naturally be issued to the bottom. However, facts have also proved that the latter regime only reached the county level, and the local government was controlled by the rural gentry.

In Liu Yan's memory, the Ming generation had the least power in local management. It was not that the emperor was stupid, but that he was slowly elevated by those so-called scholars, waiting to recover and encountering unprecedented resistance.

In the Ming Dynasty, the county level stipulated how much tax to collect, and then the local squires helped collect taxes from the people. The government set how much tax to collect. Usually, when the squires collected taxes, they had to add several times of tax.

In addition, the Ming Dynasty could enjoy the privilege of not paying taxes and performing corvee after gaining fame. While imposing heavy taxes on the people, the squires coerced and lured the people to bring their land into the name of the squire. In fact, to be a squire in the Ming Dynasty is to have merit and fame.

By the way, during Zhu Yuanzhang's period, it was necessary to raise talents for tax exemption, and the tax exemption was also limited by land and mu, but it was not that you didn't have to pay tax at all. Scholars can be exempted from tax. It is the unspoken rule made by the group of scholars themselves. Even the tax exemption limit has been lost.

Liu Yan began to engage in the recruitment of retired soldiers into the countryside to become civil servants in order to buy off the morale of the army. Later, he covered the care of disabled soldiers. Once he did it, he found it helpful to control the countryside, so he implemented it for a long time.

In today's Han Dynasty, as long as there are people living in groups, there must be retired soldiers. They are full of grass-roots posts, especially the largest number of tourists. Limited by the few scholars in the Han Dynasty, as long as they have knowledge, they are also very likely to be appointed as the magistrate of a county.

Even the county magistrate can be appointed, especially the official position of county magistrate. This is also the most depressing point of some full-time civil servants.

But then again, the state of Han did not stipulate that civil servants could not be transferred to military posts, and only those who did not have confidence in going to the battlefield would be depressed. After all, now is an age when there is no separation between civil and military affairs. As long as you have the ability to get on the horse and get off the horse, there is no restriction.

Retired military personnel go to the countryside to become the grass-roots level. They who have more national and national ideas than ordinary people can exert a great influence on the people. At the same time, they also strengthen the state's control over the countryside. What annoys some people is that these people limit their reach.

It was always the inspection team that arrived in Xiangguo. Liu Yan was still wondering how to determine the division of administrative regions. When he moved into Miyagi, he immediately convened ministers.

"There are Li on the pavilion, township on the Li, and county on the township, which is the basis of the county system." Sang Yu was born into a noble family. He has a solid cultural foundation. He must have watched the classics in a high position. He is certainly not unfamiliar with the county system. In a few words, he gave an overview of the county system. Later, he said: "the territory of the Han Dynasty was larger than that of the Qin Dynasty. In the early stage, there was a lack of local officials, which was difficult to do. For example, the Qin Dynasty reduced the administrative power to the grass-roots level, and then set the state level."

In the early Western Han Dynasty, the rule of inaction was implemented, that is, to allow the self-development below the county level, not to engage in frequent corvee collection, and to make the people recuperate to the greatest extent. During the reign of Emperor Xiaowen of Han Dynasty and Emperor Xiaojing of Han Dynasty, the Han Empire did recover from the collapse of the hegemony period, the subsequent removal of princes and the rebellion of LV family, and the population increased fastest during that period.

Until Liu Che began to gather power, the countryside of the Han Empire was basically a happy garden for all kinds of Rangers. In the countryside, Rangers were much more useful than officials. For such a tough emperor as Liu Che, of course, it is not allowed. It took several "strike hard" against Rangers to bring the control of the countryside back to the official.

By the way, the "state" administrative unit was established during Liu Che's administration. The background is to strengthen centralization of power. In the fifth year of Yuanfeng (106b. C.), he initiated the system of assassins, which divided the whole country into 13 monitoring areas. The name of the monitoring area was named state, and the highest officer of a state was assassins. In addition to the 13 states, he also worked in Sanfu (Jingzhao, youfufeng, Zuo Fengyi) and Sanhe The seven counties (Hanoi, Henan, Hedong) and Hongnong have set up Sili Xiaowei departments. The so-called Sili Xiaowei departments are at the same level as the prefectures, directly under the central government and in charge of the areas near the capital. Together with the 13 prefectures, they are called 14 prefectures.

Although the "state" was developed in the Western Han Dynasty, the state in the Western Han Dynasty was only a supervision area, not a real administrative area. The real administrative region is only at the county and county levels. The county prefect is directly connected with the central government without going through the state level.

It was not until the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty that the state really changed from a supervision area to an administrative area, became a first-class administrative division above the county, and formed a three-level system of state, county and county. The country is still 13 states. This system lasted about 400 years.

Cai you took the territory Map to find Liu Yan, which was something he had discussed with his colleagues. He had done a lot of historical data review and communication before. It is impossible not to know the historical background under which the state became a real administrative region.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the reason why the state became a real administrative region was that after the Yellow turban rebellion, the central authority fell to the bottom of history. The state has become a real administrative region, which is precisely the main reason why the later princes stand side by side.

"I think we can reduce the jurisdiction of the state and divide it into more states." Sang Yu's proposal is based on the premise of avoiding the excessive strength of a state. Seeing that Liu Yan was still listening attentively, he continued, "maybe two or three counties can set up a state?"

Liu Yan is very satisfied with the attitude of the ministers. In order to avoid excessive expansion of local strength, the administrative region must not be too large. It should be reduced as much as possible on a reasonable premise.

In fact, during the northern and Southern Dynasties, the scope of prefectures had been reduced. Of course, the central government was worried that the scope of prefectures was too large to form instability, When the Song Dynasty (Liu Yu) and the Wei Dynasty (Northern Wei Dynasty) faced off, the total number of States increased to nearly 60. By the end of the northern and Southern Dynasties, the number of States had reached more than 300. In fact, the land of a state at this time was not as big as that of a county in the early Han Dynasty.

"Or abolish the state?" Xu Zhengjian looked at everyone and said carelessly, "just restore the county-level system in the Qin Dynasty."

At that moment, Cai you and sang Yu directly covered their foreheads with their hands. Yu Yi and others looked at each other, while Liu Yan was still expressionless.

Not to mention, during the period of Yang Guang's rule in the Sui Dynasty, the Prefecture was really abolished and restored to the county-level system of the Qin Empire.

"Look what I do?" Xu Zhengli said of course, "in the late Han Dynasty, a state was established, and the state herdsmen supported their soldiers and respected themselves. Only then did there be the separation and random war of the later princes. Killing and killing finally turned the central plains into the pasture of Hu Lu. Don't abandon it and keep it to reproduce the situation of the random war of the princes!"

At this moment, no one can say more. The jurisdiction of the state is too large, which is really a real hidden danger.

Liu Yan thought of a solution, that is, the separation of military and government, but in fact, it is still a temporary solution rather than a permanent solution. He even knew that no matter how the administrative regions were divided, as long as the rulers were angry and resentful, how to divide the administrative regions could not avoid ambitious people to enhance their strength. The system was to prevent that situation to the greatest extent.

Is there a separation of military and political affairs now? It's true that we are separating civil and military affairs. In the future, we will only learn from civil and military affairs. If we should learn from military affairs, we will fall into the position of military generals. After a long time of peace, it is bound to reduce the status of military generals again and again. It is inevitable that civil servants wantonly climbed on the heads of military generals to shit and pee. Don't blame the military generals for not working hard and even being afraid to surrender to the enemy country in the national war.

If you want to maximize centralization of power, you really don't need the administrative unit of "state". In a real sense, restoring the county-level system of the Qin Empire is indeed a good choice, on the premise that there are enough administrative personnel.

Looking at all dynasties, it is true that the Qin Empire has the highest control over the national grass-roots level, but it is limited to enough administrative personnel loyal to the central government. Later, the six countries were destroyed, and a large number of personnel from the six countries were officials. Once they have no ownership of the central government, even the county-level system can't play.

Therefore, Liu Yan should choose what kind of administrative region system can minimize the risk, but in fact, the most important thing is the discord between officials and the people.

[the later dynasties successively narrowed the scope of the state, and even abolished the state level, which must be reasonable] Liu Yan looked at Xu Zheng's one to many confrontation, and thought: [since it is reasonable to abolish the state administrative level, it should be abolished.]

In fact, Liu Yan is still quite used to the modern division of administrative regions, but he knows that each era has its own system. He can only use the losses suffered by countless ancestors as a lesson. He really can't copy mechanically. Otherwise, he is most used to the modern military system. Why didn't he move directly.

Later, the debate among the officials came to a conclusion, that is, abolishing the state administrative level, but falling into the debate over whether to restore the county-level system of the Qin Empire.