Chapter 625

Huan Wenguang's name can stop children crying in the south. It can be seen how famous he is.

How good can a person's reputation be if he can be intimidated by Southern parents? In addition, Huan Wen has never given face to those who have friends. He only has a domineering reputation in the aristocratic family circle. He has been afraid to be arranged too much because of his identity.

Maybe it's because of some natural character, or maybe it's because of his own positioning. Huan Wen really doesn't think it's beneficial to have a good reputation in the south. After he worked for Liu Yan, he knew what he was doing since he participated in the war in the south. He certainly could not be completely cut off from the aristocratic family system in the south, but he must not be "good brothers" to anyone. That would be bad for himself or the aristocratic family in the South.

Generally speaking, Huan Wen felt that since he had betrayed the southern aristocratic family, he simply betrayed it to the end. And history is written by the victor. Now it is the king who works for him to win the final victory. Who can say that he is a traitor?

As the Wang family, once the first gate in the south, it is very normal for them to keep a hand. They just sent 10000 armed forces to Indian Branch 1 first. It was still late. Most of the family armed forces turned into the battlefield to resist the south of the Han Army, otherwise there would be more than 10000 left.

Of course, war will inevitably lead to losses. Wang's current armed forces in Indochina 1 are certainly not 10000, and there are more than 8000 people left.

The families of the Han Dynasty invaded Funan. The Han army opened the door to invade Funan. The armed families who poured in chose their own occupation targets with tacit understanding. The south of Funan had long been cut into pieces, in which Wang occupied a small territory.

The fact that the Wang family and the family armed forces are in Indochina 1 is not a secret to the high-level of the Han state. It is not that no one proposed to eliminate it, but Liu Yan suppressed it.

For Liu Yanlai, the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty once said that all were destroyed. The Wang family was only part of the power of the small imperial court. The royal family couldn't jump in the prosperous period. How could he care about less than 10000 Wang's armed forces.

It is Liu Yan's "experimental field" for the people to open up independently. It is not only related to the formulation of national policies of the Han state, but also will determine the future of the nation. Not to mention that the Wang family and 10000 family armed forces are in branch 1 of India, that is, Sima family and its remnants are in branch 1 of India. As long as there is no sign of "anti-1 attack and 1 land", he decided to let it go.

It is not exaggerated to say that civilian armed forces determine the future of the nation. The state power of the Han country is naturally the largest, but it can only choose some valuable areas or directions to expand. In the future, the main direction of the Han army is to go west, and it will certainly collide with the Sassanian empire in the strong period. Indochina 1 is full of primitive jungles, and the climate is also very troublesome, It's better to throw it to the folk families.

Indian Branch 1 that is the delicious food that Liu Yan threw to the families of the Han country. Let those guys know that the "world" is not just such a corner. It has been proved that plundering abroad is far more effective than fighting at home.

As long as the folk forces taste the sweetness in Indochina 1, who will foolishly nest in the "world". The internal struggle will cause the counterattack of national forces. They have a higher degree of freedom in what they do outside, not to mention the external plunder or the recognition and support of the state?

According to Liu Yan's original intention, it will be at least decades for folk families to toss about Indian Branch 1, In the future, it will lead to the Indian subcontinent (i.e. the A3 territory), while the national forces of the Han country will concentrate on marching towards Europa. What he hesitates is that the strategic policy of the Pacific will be developed entirely by the state, which will involve the forces marching towards Europa, but it is simply inappropriate for the people.

If Liu Yan remembers correctly, the Indian subcontinent has never been unified since the collapse of the Peacock Dynasty. Even if Dayue, who moved west, established the kusana Empire, the kusana Empire only occupied Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran and India. There are still 12 countries left in Indochina. The western satrapu Dynasty and the fandaruo Dynasty (the hundred multiplication Dynasty) are the larger of the twelve countries, followed by Dasana, nasikda and kalingjie. The rest of the siruo and Zhuluo countries are states with the same size of eye excrement.

Indochina 1 is a good place with rich resources and close to the sea. There are countless sea islands around it. In particular, there are no powerful countries, and the indigenous people living there do not have a systematic civilization. It is an ideal place to cultivate national development experience. Since there is no too strong opponent, it can also develop HNA and accumulate experience, It can plunder rich resources.

The western end of Europa is only separated from Africa by a narrow strait. Europa people have accumulated enough experience of invasion from Africa and waited for the accumulation of navigation technology and experience to be thick enough before they have the means to colonize the world.

It is not easy for the Central Plains Dynasty to go to other continents. It can even be said that there are too few expansion directions.

Just to the west, there is a plateau that not everyone can adapt to. Even if you can go to the plateau, you will be blocked by the highest mountain on the earth and the continuous mountains.

There has always been no shortage of fierce nomads in the grassland to the north. They forget their grazing skills and don't know how to develop the grassland. They don't want to defend it when they fight down.

The south is simply the largest ocean on earth. Let alone playing the drama of dynasty change in the mainland, we have enough HNA technology and experience, because the ideological imprisonment is only Xuanwei and does not want to colonize.

east? There is still the sea in the East. If you cross the sea and continue eastward, it is simply an insurmountable glacier.

After all, the Chinese Miao people do not want unlimited expansion. In fact, several powerful imperial dynasties have occupied all valuable places, so they have the "basic plate" on which the Chinese Miao people depend for survival.

Each country has its own expansion limit. The traffic limits the territory that can be controlled by the center. Even if many sites are occupied, the center can't control them. Because of the state system, successive dynasties in the Central Plains rejected enfeoffment, and the places beyond the control of the center would not be occupied, so they could really only nest in their nests.

Liu Yan does not reject enfeoffment, but just looks at how to enfeoffment. His goal is to make the whole earth full of Chinese and Miao people. He doesn't just think that the empire he has established can last for generations, so he doesn't care whether those forces that have opened up will eventually swallow the "central Empire".

Since we think that the whole earth has ethnic Chinese and Miao, we can't do it just by thinking. We need to accumulate the experience of outward development step by step. If we get the Indian Branch 1, we will have all the experience. After that, we won't be afraid to go to other places. The experience accumulated by the people will not lack the country. Even the experience of national integration will be more sufficient than that of scattered families. Let's talk about marching into Africa, Oceania, South America, North America and so on. We have that confidence!

For Liu Yan, his "basic plate" does not allow subversive forces to exist. Who likes to toss and play outside the "basic plate". He still has enough self-confidence. It's enough for those forces to toss outside. Whoever puts his claw into the "basic plate" will press his finger to death.

Therefore, whether Wang or Sima, Liu Yan doesn't care how many remaining armed forces they have in Indochina 1. As a monarch, Liu Yan indulged and knew the central disregard of the monarch's attitude. Huan Wenti was just bluffing the Wang family who didn't know anything. In fact, there was nothing except bluffing.

It is precisely the Wang family who do not know Liu Yan's attitude. Wang Shao and other Wang's children are terrified.

After returning to his residence, Wang Shao summoned the people to discuss. He had no spare time to scold Huan Wen, nor to discuss whether he should confess to Liu Yan. The central idea was to discuss how to hand over the armed forces and in what way. Ultimately, of course, it will not be decided by these people of Jiankang. It also needs to hold a family meeting in Shanyin. Wang Shao will discuss it first to cultivate the follower's overall view.

Liu Yan's identity decided that even if he knew the episode of Huanwen and Wang's family, he just knew it. He wouldn't tilt his energy at all. He now needs to be busy with too many things. Foreign war is only part of it. It is more about the planning of national internal affairs, and then about being crowned the son of heaven and becoming emperor.

In terms of political order, nothing is more important than ascending the throne of the emperor and becoming the emperor, but even if Liu Yan did that, he would not be south of the Yangtze River, let alone Jiankang.

After one night's banquet, many stayed all night in Jiankang palace city until dawn. What happened that night soon spread, and those qualified to know will soon know.

In many people's opinion, Liu Yan should have been emperor for a long time. On the contrary, it is only when he has not been emperor for a long time that people feel confused.

Chi Ying was the first to persuade him on a formal occasion. I don't know how many people were surprised by Chi Ying's boldness, followed by full of envy, jealousy and hatred, that is, no one would scold Chi Ying for being shameless in public. Even if you want to scold Chi Ying, you will only scold in your heart. No one will be foolish enough to scold publicly, or you will be ill in your brain.

Obviously, persuading Liu Yan to become emperor is politically correct. Scolding Chi Ying is against Liu Yan's becoming emperor. No one will feel tired of doing that kind of stupid thing. As for whether Chi Ying was shameless, or whether it would be recorded in historical books as a sycophant or a courtier, it was done by later generations, and it would not happen until after the subjugation of the Han state established by Liu Yan.

Southerners desperately need to improve their status. Many smart people see Liu Yan's intention to wear "Twelve chapter patterns" at the banquet.

Liu Yan's behavior is not enough to open a "glimmer of life" for southerners, but it is obvious that southerners want to join the government. First, whether Liu Yan needs to achieve a certain balance as a king or not, the king has made it so obvious that the southerners are really stupid if they don't hit the snake with the stick.

As the first persuading person, Chi Ying found that he had become a fragrant steamed bun. Regardless of whether he had friends before, he would come to express it. Especially after receiving the expedition document sent by the prime minister's house, he couldn't be idle for a moment. Later, it was because Huan Wen personally went there, which made the atmosphere reach the peak.

"Wang is still reserved." The disdain on Huan Wen's face was very obvious: "at this time, I thought I was the first door valve. How stupid would I be to just send someone over this time."

Chi Ying knows what Huan Wen is talking about. The Wang family is led by the old Wang Shao. The owner of the family is still in the shadow of Kuaiji mountain. If "the king and the horse share the world", don't say it at that time, but when is it now? It's really not reserved. At the right time, it really looks stupid.

When Huan Wen came here just now, he saw many acquaintances before. He didn't pay too much attention to those people. Seeing that Chi Yu was thinking and confused about his arrival, he simply said, "Wen has three things here."

Chi Ying immediately raised his hand to salute and expressed his readiness to listen with physical action.

"Wen Yu cleaned up the remaining evils in the south for three years. All the visible remnants were cleaned up, but I don't know how many lurking and dormant in the dark." Huan Wen looked at Xi Ying with bright eyes and paused for a little while before continuing: "second, the traffic in the south is inconvenient and Jingzhou needs a lot of labor. Third, the king ordered Wen to make a list."

Chi Ying chewed Huan Wen's words in his mind again and again, thought they were true, and said, "the remaining evils should be punished, and the labor should be there.", Finally, he stopped and finished the unfinished salute: "I thanked Xinping Hou for the southern scholar."

Huanwen's last list is that Liu Yan needs more southerners to join the governance of the country.

Liu Yan asked Huan Wen to do this. Obviously, he asked Huan Wen to be the leader of scholars in the south. Huan Wen wanted to find a Ding Lei when he looked for Chi Ying.

The leader of a group is not so easy to be. Look at what happened to Sang Yu after he became the leader of the northern aristocratic family, from the king's humeral minister to the back.

Huan Wen really didn't want to be the leader of any Southern scholar. Besides not wanting to have a direct conflict with Sang Yu, he didn't want to concentrate on these dirty things. What he had to do was to command the army to fight outside.

Chi Ying is a smart man, but he didn't guess Huan Wen's mind completely. Later, he also raised his own questions. Isn't there LV Yi more suitable to do these things than Huan Wen?

"Guanting Hou?" Huan Wen didn't know what consideration Liu Yan was in, but he didn't need to explain to Chi Ying. He just said, "Fang Hui, it's urgent to clear up the remaining evils. Where the labor comes from is related to your future and your heart."

Chi Ying had long thought about how labor came. Based on his understanding of Liu Yan, it was impossible to wantonly levy corvee, so he could only focus on ZhuYue and barbarians in the south.

It should be clear that from the pre Qin period to the present, the South really has no shortage of ZhuYue and barbarians, especially in the mountainous areas of the south. Chi Ying knew that Huan Wen would not send out the Han army. He simply hoped that all families would gather together to organize a slave team, but was not sure whether he was trying to test how many armed forces the South could gather.

After talking about the things that should be talked about, when Huan Wen left, he met a large number of people who came to find Chi Ying to persuade him again. He just looked on coldly and laughed at them. They really didn't know how to live or die. They all did it once. Even if they really wanted to persuade him again, they should be people from the north. They felt that they were stupid enough to move forward and retreat.