Chapter 609

Liu Yan still underestimated the consequences of gunpowder. Murong Yanjun, who was left to block the Qiushui battlefield, didn't persist for three days, or even one morning. He could stay when he didn't know the power of gunpowder in the early stage. As more and more mountains and fortifications were bombed, he recognized what gunpowder was, and there was a howling wolf.

Murong Yanjun was frightened by the new weapons, but the morale of the Han army was unprecedented.

As Murong Yanjun who was dealt with by gunpowder, they have absolute reasons to piss. In addition to seeing the power of gunpowder, they are more desperate to be abandoned by heaven. Think about it. People are afraid of the unknown. They see that after the gunpowder explosion, the people in the center are directly evaporated to the bone. People who are slightly close to the explosion are certainly disabled. Who won't collapse directly.

It was only after gunpowder was used that the Han Army knew that they had such sharp weapons. People with a little superstition directly regarded it as God's help. No matter who had confidence in gunpowder or God's help, who wouldn't have a burst of morale in an instant. No matter how timid people would have the courage to catch dragons and kill tigers in the face of the inevitable outcome.

With sharp weapons and the courage to face everything, the Han Army no longer used gunpowder weapons at the back. It could directly run over Murong Yan's army and wipe out the defense line that Murong Ke had worked hard to establish for about a year at an unprecedented speed. Ran min led the cavalry to pursue Murong Ke's headquarters, which had not yet run far.

"Go away, go away!" Although Li mi was only a knight of the Han Army, he thought he was a heavenly soldier and general at this moment. Facing the enemy who knelt down to surrender with equipment, he was only angry and had little joy: "don't block the way of Lao Tzu, roll to the roadside and wait for the infantry behind to accept the surrender."

I don't know if it's the dirt road of the main road. With the arrival of the cavalry of the Han Army, the Murong Yan army who used to stay above will take the initiative to retreat to both sides. The people who are stupid in situ will soon be flesh and blood with the earth.

Elephants never pay attention to whether there are ants on the ground. Anyway, they have stepped on it with one foot.

The strong rarely look at the mole ants that do not pose a threat to themselves. If they feel uncomfortable, they must run over them directly.

Now those Murong Yanjun who are full of fear are ants. They look at the Han army like an elephant with the mentality of ants. They are deeply afraid that any Han army will look at themselves, as if they will be run over at a glance.

Li mi didn't ride alone. He rode with three thousand knights. Ran min, who was in the front, was the Hussars General of Bi Sangong in the Han Dynasty.

The 40000 Murong Yan troops who were left behind to block the Qiushui defense line fled first. Those who responded quickly were either killed or captured in the penetration of the Han army.

After the army lost order, it became chaotic, even if the gods came, it was difficult to restore order in a short time, fled in fear, and then crowded into a group on the main road. At that moment, anyone who obstructed his escape was an obstacle. If he dared to drink and scold, he would have to face each other with sharp blades. They were killing each other, pursued by the cavalry of the Han Army, and knelt down and trembled in the rolling sound of the horse's hooves of the Han army.

The Zhulong horse under ran min's crotch didn't know how many defeated soldiers were flying all the way. The hooves were full of blood because they trampled on too many people. Those were defeated soldiers who only trembled and didn't know how to avoid when they saw the arrival of the Han Army cavalry, and the Han Army cavalry couldn't stop because there were defeated soldiers in front. Naturally, they ran over directly.

The defeated soldiers would not have a slightest sense of achievement for ran min, so he didn't bother to wave weapons all the way. The other Han Knights wouldn't have waved their weapons if they weren't handy. They have their own pride.

Murong Ke led the army to withdraw last night. As many as 70000 troops can't run far in a moment and a half. The rear army that lost its tail is only five or six miles away from the defense line at the back of Qiushui.

The murongyan army retreating from the Qiushui battlefield did not want to go to the water immersion defense line. Although there was a strong city called Lingzhi City, it did not matter under the premise that murongyan country was about to migrate. They wanted to go all the way north directly.

So far, murongke still doesn't know the trend of the battlefield on the north line, let alone that the Han Army has gone directly to Longcheng. Their motivation to go north is that murongke doesn't trust Tuoba shiyijian how long he can persist, but he doesn't think Tuoba shiyijian will turn against the water.

"The big man wants to be invincible in the world. He has killed three or four hundred thousand people in the northwest?" Murong Ke, of course, rode on the back of the horse. The horse speed was not too fast. He just let the horse run like a marathon: "the king of the Han Dynasty doesn't like foreigners, and the big man has a voice to kill all foreigners. Tuoba shiyijian will naturally weigh it."

It can be said that the extermination of the Jie nationality by the state of Han shocked and frightened the foreign nationalities all over the world.

So far, although all ethnic groups have fought endlessly, it has never happened that any ethnic group wants to completely destroy an ethnic group. It is just to take the ethnic group as a slave after defeat.

During the rule of the Jie nationality in the Central Plains, the Jin people were regarded as inferior to wild animals, but they never thought that to completely exterminate the Jin people in the Central Plains, it was to exterminate them to the greatest extent and become an absolute minority, a people and a family, not to say to be completely killed.

The Hu people who gradually accepted the Chinese culture also accepted the concept of "Fifty roads, forty-nine days, one of them". That is to say, the truth that everything can not be done is no longer the mentality that living on the grassland must be killed in the face of the enemy. It's hard to say whether it's progress or degradation. That's what's going on anyway.

Defeat a race and then completely exterminate it. Although a race is a loser, it can at least live as a slave and a servant, and the ethnic blood can survive. It is still acceptable in the universal value that the winner is the king. It's a little desperate to be killed when you lose. Anyone who is not mentally retarded will resist when there is no way to live.

Murongke didn't expect Tuoba shiyijian to turn back. It was based on the fact that the Han state was really killing all the Capricorn. From the perspective of smart people, he imagined that Tuoba shiyijian wouldn't lose his head.

It was another cloudless sunny day. Looking down from a high altitude, several long dragons composed of soldiers and horses pulled far away. It was because there was no wind that the flags in the team looked Yan ba.

"With fortifications, the 40000 army should be able to support ten days and a half months or even longer. As long as the branch city is not lost, the Han Army in moistening water will not march to the West." Liu Xiang was more or less ready to say, "even if the Han Army knew we were leaving, they couldn't catch up until they could catch up."

Liu Xiang also rode a horse, but he was not wearing a military uniform, but a civilian uniform. It's not beautiful to wear loose civilian clothes when riding a horse, especially when his sweat sticks to his clothes. If he is uncomfortable, he will twist his ass and make a graceful posture. He looks very strange.

The 70000 troops are really very long. The front-end troops are nearly 15 miles away from the hilly battlefield, and the last troops are only five or six miles away, which means that the whole army is nearly ten miles away.

The withdrawal troops of Murong Yan army did not want to march together. It was mainly due to the limitations of the terrain. After all, they had to be able to walk under their feet. They had to climb mountains and drill forests or have the ability to walk on water.

"In the open land, the former army stopped moving forward and buried the pot for cooking, waiting for the troops behind to follow up and rest for half an hour." Murong Ke said to enter the plain, where there is an open land close to a hundred miles away: "the people sent have not come back yet?"

"No." Liu Xiang said anxiously, "we haven't heard from the north line for two days."

In the era of backward communication, it is normal that there is no news exchange for half a month after a distance of hundreds of thousands of miles. It is only in the sense of unknown crisis that it is abnormal that there is no news for two days. It can be seen how much Liu Xiang pays attention to the North line.

Murong Ke's handsome face had become extremely gloomy. He glanced at the army and was about to say something. Bursts of loud noises like rolling thunder came from a distance.

There was no half cloud in the sky. Although the sound was far away, it sounded quiet, but it was connected. The army on the way slowly stopped, and almost everyone looked at the direction of the sound in confusion.

"Big cavalry?" Murong Ke looked up. Although some lines of sight were blocked, if there were a large number of cavalry, they would still appear in the field of vision. At least they could see the dust and smoke from the cavalry galloping. The problem was that they didn't see it, so they confused and said, "what caused the serial noise?"

However, Liu Xiang drove the war horse to one side and turned down. Regardless of whether his clothes would be dirty, he fell on the ground. Turning his head to Murong Ke, he said, "the ground didn't vibrate. It's not like the movement caused by cavalry."

Murong Ke didn't know what gunpowder was, and he couldn't think of anything that could be heard more than ten miles apart from lightning and thunder. He frowned discontentedly when he saw the army pause.

Naturally, some people will drive the soldiers on their way again, but everyone, including Murong Ke, is very curious about what caused the noise.

More than ten miles away, the sound is not loud, but it will be louder five or six miles away. As a result, the Murong Yan army left behind is much more curious or flustered than the paoze in front.

Soon after a series of noises, the retreating troops began to march again. About a quarter of an hour later, a group of routed soldiers galloping on horseback appeared on the side of the Qiushui defense line. They were basically frightened.

Cavalry appeared in the direction of Qiushui, and Murong Yan army who was evacuating could not ignore it. On the one hand, the general behind the hall urgently reported to Murong Ke, on the other hand, he shouted that some people stopped to prepare to meet the enemy.

Waiting for Murong Ke to receive the report, he was annoyed and confused when he learned that there were routed soldiers fleeing from the Qiushui defense line.

"The Han army can't break through the defense line in half a day." Liu Xiang is in the happiness of ignorance, but he is more or less unsure: "should a slave be unwilling to die and rob horses to escape?"

"How dare you run into the army if you escape?" Murong Ke has led the army for many years. He is not a half hearted man like Liu Xiang. He just hasn't learned the truth from the defeated soldiers. For the sake of safety, he ordered: "the whole army is on standby!"

The commander had an order, and the order was repeatedly conveyed. For a time, there were people shouting "stand by in place" all over the mountains and fields. Of course, the troops suddenly stopped from normal marching.

Before long, the routed soldiers were asked clearly, but they said that the violent explosion was unimaginable to those who had not seen it with their own eyes, and they did not believe it because of ignorance.

"Ha ha..." Liu Xiang belongs to the kind of people who can't imagine and don't believe: "still calling God thunder? It's because he's afraid of death!"

There are no clouds! In many people's opinion, where did the thunder come from? If the Han army could really call God thunder, it would be directly blasted with thunder every war. Do you need to let the soldiers rush into the battle?

"..." Murong Ke certainly doesn't believe in calling shenlei. He only knows one thing: "all the people who escaped are Murong. Calling shenlei may be false, and the defense line is completely collapsed. He doesn't dare to talk nonsense."

Liu Xiang was stunned. He just thought about whether shenlei was true and didn't pay attention to the collapse of the line of Defense said by the defeated soldiers.

There are probably thousands of routed soldiers from the Qiushui defense line. It is difficult to control them. The news of the collapse of the Qiushui defense line will spread out for a long time, and Murong Yan army in evacuation began to make a commotion.

Murongke's response was to prepare the whole army for war, and did not refute the rumor. It was to gather the troops in the fastest time.

"Whether true or false, deal with it first." Liu Xiang was nervous to death, but he kept calm to the greatest extent: "although this is not a dangerous place, it is a narrow road. You can arrange battle lines in the road to block the enemy."

The surrounding is a very common terrain. It is not dangerous mountains, but it is not flat. It can rely on streams, hills and trees, that is, there are no fortifications built in advance.

"Leave five thousand infantry to defend in the open, and the rest to ride..." Murong Ke has been staring at the direction of the Qiushui battlefield. He said with an unpredictable look: "if there is a real rout over there, there will be a steady stream of rout troops to escape, and the Han Army will inevitably pursue the rout troops."

Liu Xiang understands that no matter what happens on the hill and water battlefield, they should at least stabilize first. If they listen to a little news, they will drive the soldiers to speed up. There is a great possibility of panic in the suspicious atmosphere, and even let the panic evolve into a riot. At that time, it is really bad.

During murongke's correct response, the news about ran min leading the army to pursue and kill was discovered. At that moment, he thought about how to set up a trap to swallow the 3000 Han Army cavalry, including ran min. when thinking, he received a new report that the scouts in front had made an emergency return and found an unknown number of Han army.

"Impossible!" Liu Xiang's face was full of disbelief: "it's incredible that the Qiushui defense line collapsed for half a day. Our evacuation overnight was also a temporary decision. We didn't find the Han Army's detour interception before. How could it come out overnight!"

"There is still a possibility..." Murong Ke said with a cold face: "the Han army can break through the hill and water defense line in half a day, and can also defeat Tuoba Shiyi jiansuo in an instant."

Up to now, murongke still doesn't think Tuoba shiyijian will turn back