Chapter 580

In recent years, the weather is really abnormal. It enters winter too early, but the beginning of spring is getting later and later.

Didao in Guanzhong is under the jurisdiction of Longxi County. There are two counties in front of Didao, Yuzhong and Lahan, respectively, and then Jincheng, the important military town of Zhang Liangguo.

The whole area of Longxi has been recovered by the Han army. Due to Zhang Zuo's initiative to withdraw troops, the two sides did not start any war. On the contrary, some left Qiang and Di people will often carry out sneak attacks after the Han army is involved in the comeback.

Fu Hong did not return after breaking through the encirclement in the depths of the grassland. Now Fu Jian is the actual master of the Diqiang coalition army.

Zhang's Liang army withdrew, and Fu Xiong also withdrew to the West with the Hu coalition army. The difference is that Zhang's Liang army returned to its own border, while the Hu coalition army fled to the basin under the plateau, that is, to Tuyuhun's territory.

Tuyuhun was established in the seventh year of Yongjia of the Western Jin Dynasty (AD 313).

The founder of Tuguhun was a division of Xianbei in Eastern Liaoning. The leader was called Tuguhun, but his surname was Murong. They were defeated in the civil war in Murong Xianbei. They first moved to the vicinity of Qilian Mountain, then ran around sahan, fought with the Western Jin army, withdrew into the basin, robbed a pasture from the Qiang people, and began to expand after a short period of cultivation and rest.

Qiang people are divided into many kinds. The original meaning of "Qiang" is sheep herders. Although they are called Qiang people, they never think they are a unified nation. Tuyuhun defeated the descendants of a first zero Qiang in the basin.

After gaining a firm foothold, Tuyuhun tried to march towards the plateau. The problem they encountered was not that the savages on the plateau could not adapt to the weather on the plateau. There was no way to expand to the west, and there was a strong cool army to the north. To the East, there were Xiongnu who gradually recovered their strength, and to the south, there were mountains, so they stayed in the basin.

After decades of cultivation, Tuyuhun integrated a considerable number of descendants of xianzero Qiang. Many savages who ran down from the plateau were also integrated. They often went to the plateau to catch savages. The population has been increasing.

Tuyuhun has not had a national war with other countries for a long time. The mountain environment is also suitable for grazing. Generally speaking, it should enter a strong period. They lived very well. Apart from paying a little attention to the trend of Zhang's cool country, they didn't pay attention to what happened in other places, so that the Fu family didn't react when they led the army into the country.

The Fu family appeared suddenly. Taking advantage of the untimely response of the tribes in the northeast of Xiqiang mountain, they soon defeated the local tribes and occupied the plain.

Nearly four months have passed. The king court of Tuyuhun is still unaware of the entry of the enemy. It can even be said that the tribes west of Xiqiang mountain do not know what happened. Apart from the fact that nomadic tribes have no fixed place to live, they don't go to each other's doors at all and it's difficult to contact each other. In addition, the heavy snow closure of roads also makes it very difficult to communicate with each other.

The road from Longxi County to Tuyuhun is not easy to go. In addition, the weather conditions are not suitable. Even if the Han Army intends to attack the Fu family, it will have to wait until the ice and snow melt.

"It has been determined that it is the stranded Hu people, not from Tuyuhun." Zhong Xing said angrily, "this place is full of woods and the snow is too deep. It's too difficult to search."

Zhong Xing is not the captain of Qinzhou now. He was promoted to Lang Jiang for his meritorious service in blocking last time and was included in Xie an's command system. At present, he leads the army to garrison in Didao. His Han army is actually at the forefront of the northwest, and Yuzhong and Lahan in front are used as buffer zones.

There were not many Han people in Longxi County. After successive military disasters, let alone people, the social animals in the wild basically ran away, making this place a real area where birds don't shit.

When Zhang and Fu retreated, they did not let go of the buildings that could be destroyed. Some water sources also threw down animal bodies. The problem of the Han Army coming back was not small.

The bodies of animals left behind were basically stagnant pools, which they learned from what the Huns had done, that is, man-made plague foci.

Streams, rivers and rivers with flowing water will rarely produce plague unless the number of corpses is so large that there is no water supply. That is the reason why there are so many corpses in the modern Ganges but there is no plague. (it may also be that ah San's physique is amazing. The bodies of cattle, people and other animals are densely packed. Ah San can also take a bath and drink water. He's really fine.)

The Han Army found that the dead water area with animal corpses was excavated and filled. Otherwise, it doesn't matter when it's cold and cold. Waiting for the weather to become hot must be an accident. Just doing similar work is busy enough, and the rest can't do too much because of the weather.

Didao was originally an abandoned city, but there were still many places that could shelter from the wind and rain. When the Han Army re settled, it was completely destroyed.

The lack of ready-made houses was not a problem for the Han Army at all. Under the national policy of meeting military supplies, unless the army did not carry enough before pulling out, there would be no shortage of basic materials such as tents.

"Half a month late..." Zhong Xing touched his chin and said, "it should be fast."

It's about melting ice and snow, but entering the season of melting ice and snow doesn't mean that we can start large-scale action immediately.

When the ice and snow melt, in fact, it means that the ground is soft and full of water. It may be OK for one or two people to trample, but more people will trample the ground muddy. People can still get on the road if they endure the mud, which is nothing more than slowing down the speed, but the troops still have to carry luggage when marching. The wheels have high requirements on the road conditions. Once they get into the mud, they can't move, so it's not suitable for large troops to march at all.

"Even if it melts, it depends on the weather." Dou ah stuffed snow into the kettle, hung it above the campfire, turned his head and said, "if it doesn't rain, it has to be sunny enough."

What can Zhong Xing say except nodding? They have to be thankful that the Han Army at least had enough warm clothes.

Of course, there is no large-scale use of cotton in the Han Dynasty, but many kinds of wool have been developed. Treating wool to make cloth jacket is the basis, and making lines with wool has also been studied. Recently, nylon is being developed.

It is a great good thing to find that wool has so many uses. It is not only the products processed by wool, but also of profound significance to how to use the grassland.

In the past, many emperors in the Central Plains could march into the grassland and occupy it, but the grassland is not suitable for farming. A large number of farming will only turn the grassland into desertification. It is precisely because I feel that the grassland cannot be cultivated, and the element of long-term occupation becomes a big problem. There is only input but no output. Apart from the threat of having to occupy to cut off the nomadic people, I bite my teeth and die. I feel that there is no threat of nomadic people, and I give up if I give up.

The occupation of grasslands for large-scale farming is not reclamation for farmland, but for herding horses, cattle and sheep. In addition to military purposes, horses can also provide civilian services. Cattle can also be slaughtered as farm labor, and sheep use wool and meat.

By the way, cattle in the Han Dynasty are not scarce. In addition, the North has gradually changed to the use of horse plows. Only the south is inseparable from cattle. In fact, the demand for cattle has been declining, so the ban on slaughtering cattle has been lifted.

It's good to eat beef. It's really much better than other meat. People who often eat beef are generally stronger, and their demand for other food will also be reduced. That's because beef is really high in calories and full of nutrition. I don't know who the research results are. It means that taking beef as the main meat, the physical quality of the nation is absolutely no worse.

Cows can not only eat meat, but also produce milk as labor. Of course, milk is not much better than human milk, but it will be a good habit to keep and milk after breast milk is cut off. (it's false that the Japanese drink milk to change the height of a generation. It's the excessive advocacy of some businessmen, but the nutrition of milk is really good.)

The Chinese nation has never been a complacent nation, that is, it is exploring the unknown and making new discoveries about all things. Only by using, developing and cultivating can civilization become more and more prosperous. When we don't know that livestock have so many benefits, we just want to cut off the threat. If we find that there are so many benefits, we won't give up the talk of grassland. On the contrary, we will try our best to control the territory because there are so many benefits.

"The weather is so abnormal that there will be a large-scale natural disaster as rumored?" Doo ah picked up the boiling kettle, went to the table and poured it into a large basin. He picked up a spoon and stirred it constantly in the basin: "if there is a drought, it's a big deal."

"In the fourth year of Yuanshuo, the king has asked all States and counties to prepare for disaster prevention." Zhong Xing walked over and looked down at the basin: "don't add more salt. Last time you put more salt in your hands, so you can't eat at all."

There are some mushy things in the basin. They are military grain made after grinding plant and meat food into powder. They are made into biscuits. They have a long shelf life. They can put salt in themselves. They can be eaten dry or soaked. Although they look ugly, they are nutritious.

It is necessary that military grain contains salt. The human body actually has a strong demand for salt. Sweating and urination will take away salt. Therefore, the warmer the climate, the more salt loss. The lack of salt will cause muscle spasm, ear dizziness, dizziness, nausea, fatigue and fatigue.

Doua was said to be a little depressed. He just didn't know the newly developed military grain. As for being taken out again and again?

By the way, biscuits, a kind of military food, was really studied soon. It was a fresh thing made by Liu Yan's boredom in Xiangguo. The production process was not complicated and it was not difficult to compress.

"Most states and counties are engaged in water conservancy, but if there is a real drought, that is, the rivers are dry and the underground water is short of water, it will be useful, but I'm afraid the effect will be limited." Dou a spent much more time serving the land than picking up weapons. He put a little paste into his mouth with a spoon and nodded: "I have to say, it tastes really good. It tastes meat."

"There is minced meat." Zhong Xing's soldiers had already prepared the tableware, grabbed the spoon from Dou A and loaded it. They kept saying, "fresh things are fun to eat in the early stage, and they will soon get tired of it."

In other words, the food of the Han Army has always been very good. For a long time, there has been a continuous supply of rice and pasta, and there is no shortage of meat food at all. So that the Han army officers and soldiers do not look as thin as firewood. They can eat and drink enough. Coupled with continuous exercise, they look very strong one by one.

"What the Post said is that once there is a large-scale natural disaster, the external use of troops must stop." Doua was more or less worried and said, "according to military merit calculation, there are two more battles at the campaign level, and he is a doctor. The scale of the battle seems to be hanging, and he only hopes to complete the war to destroy the country."

Titles are really important in the Han Dynasty. On the one hand, social treatment is very affordable. On the other hand, the rank of titles is also linked to official promotion.

The time has come to the sixth year of Yuanshuo. The Central Plains has been fully recovered, and there are not too many old Hanjia soil left in the other corners, that is, the northeast, Xiliang and western regions.

In the five-year period of Yuanshuo, although the Han country entered a difficult period of food shortage, it once had to enter the cultivation of students and rest, and made a large donation to enrich military food. In one year, the situation changed greatly.

"Daiguo is coming to an end, and there is a target missing..." Dou a didn't participate in the war on the northern grassland. He pressed his fingers: "there are still Yan and Liang. Yan is estimated to have no job. Liang is just a small country."

Zhong Xing was curious and asked, "who told you that Liangguo is a small country?"

"Not a small country?" Dou a was surprised and said, "Xiliang has been sparsely populated for a long time. Even when Zhang opened up the western regions, he heard that there were not many people in the western regions. They sent troops several times, not to the scale of 100000?"

Zhong Xingyi was speechless.

What is the situation of Zhang Liangguo's military use in the western regions? Not a Lang general and a school captain can find out. What they know is that Zhang Liangguo's military use in the East has not exceeded the scale of 100000 troops many times.

There are several basic judgments about the war in the Han Dynasty. Among them, the battle scale is that the number of enemy forces exceeds 100000, and the number of enemy forces exceeds 200000 is counted as the battle scale. The calculation of military merit is different for different war scales, and there are two modes of accumulating military merit: victory and great victory.

The generals and schools at the middle and upper levels no longer count military achievements by taking the enemy's head level. Unless they can kill the enemy's senior generals, they all calculate the degree of military achievements in the form of proportion according to the scale of the war they command the army to participate in and the contribution they play. Therefore, there are two kinds of great achievements and small achievements.

"Don't worry, no matter how big the matter is, the king's use of troops in the northwest will also achieve the goal of destroying Liang state." Zhong Xing nodded seriously: "it must be so."