Chapter 568

A cavalry who fights on horseback for at least a few days. They eat, drink, pull, scatter and sleep on horseback. When they meet the enemy, they can find an opportunity to give a severe blow. This is a cavalry.

It's hard to stay on horseback for a long time. I can't stand eating, drinking, pulling, scattering and sleeping. When I get to the battlefield, I can only get off my horse and fight. In fact, this is regarded as an infantry on horseback.

In the Central Plains imperial dynasty, there were no infantry in the real sense. Most of them relied on the foot power of war horses to go on their way, waiting to dismount on the battlefield. Or riding a horse to fight can not maintain a long-term cruise. It becomes a high degree of staying in place and relying on the war horse to kill the enemy. It really can not be called a qualified cavalry.

With the national strength of the Han state, Liu Yan organized only seven standing cavalry armies, which were also divided into elite and ordinary. The Huben army, the Yulin army and the first standing cavalry army can flexibly change their formations in wartime, can stand to stay on horseback for a long time, and have enough endurance to fight the enemy after driving on horseback for several days. They can be regarded as elite. Most of the second to seventh standing cavalry armies can also stay on horseback for a long time, but they can't change flexibly in wartime, so they can only be regarded as ordinary standing armies.

This time, Xie AI's lone army went deep into the grassland belt is the first standing cavalry army, with a number of only about 10000. That's because the cavalry army has been fighting in the north for a long time. If there is a war, it will damage its personnel. Even if it is replenished quickly, it can't keep its full strength at all times.

In fact, people who know the military will understand that an army that has been at war for a long time can't be full at all times. Only some new armies can be full.

Xie AI doesn't know much about the forbidden guards. His preliminary understanding is that he knows that he is not afraid of death. He still needs to explore the strength and speed of implementing military orders for the forbidden guards because it is the first command.

There are already two thousand guards cavalry fighting with the Allied forces. The grass is trampled by horses' hoofs, which makes it difficult to observe the situation outside.

The two armies are about five miles apart, which means that only a narrow five mile space is reserved in the middle to fight.

The two sides waited for the rest of the troops and moved the long-range troops to the front. As long as they were not close to our army, there was a burst of diffusion. In this way, the activity space of the two warring armies is compressed.

The wind is not blowing on either side of the static two armies, so it has no impact on the two armies. They are just in the exploratory stage, waiting for one side to find out the combat power of the other, and the situation will change.

"We have many soldiers." Murong Jun pointed to the direction of the wind: "you can take advantage of the wind first."

"It's not far from Rouran mountain." Tuoba shiyijian said dully, "at least entangle the Han Army First, and then seize a favorable position."

They are all cavalry. The hundred mile road on flat terrain is a small half day's journey. The battlefield is really close to Rouran mountain. If the Han Army breaks its tail to survive, it must be able to withdraw to the mountain. What the multi coalition forces want is to fight the Han Army in a flat and open land, not to fight in the mountains with the advantage of cavalry.

The test troops sent by both sides are about to produce results. That is, more and more cavalry from the coalition are withdrawing to the array. A similar situation will occur only if one side loses in the dust. In short, most of the troops fought by the units were killed in battle, and the remaining few were killed if they stayed. It was a fool for the cavalry to withdraw or not.

Xie AI, as the commander of the Han Army, could not see the situation clearly because of the shielding of dust and smoke. He only knew that the battle site was moving towards the enemy array. It was speculated that our army had gained an advantage in the battle.

In the billowing dust and smoke, the coalition army with the di cavalry as the majority, and the right-wing Zhang's Liang army actually faced collapse less than a moment after the battle. The Tuoba generation army was the first to be unable to support them.

Zhang's Liang army was relatively weak. They were supposed to cruise and sweep the array. The Han Army First rushed directly at the Di people cavalry of the central army, but the Han army suddenly turned to the right halfway. The commander of Zhang's Liang army was surprised that the Han army could detour on the way of high-speed galloping. The formation of the Han army was not chaotic in the process of detour. He wanted to avoid it, but he found that it would be cut off by the middle, so he had to face it.

Of course, Zhang's cool army brought by Zhang Chonghua to the grassland is considered to be elite. In fact, the elite of Zhang's cool army are troops transferred back from the western regions. They are basically troops who have fought hard with various countries and nationalities in the western regions. Regardless of their equipment or combat strength, it is necessary to have a heart to dare to fight.

Two thousand Zhang's Liang army shouted "ho!" before the battle, The armed cavalry in the front row smoothly put down the cavalry with a length of about five meters. The cavalry in the rear should be ready to hide the arrow, put their body close to the horse's back as much as possible, and should be ready to launch the arrow. They have drawn their bow to be shot.

The Han troops who targeted Zhang's Liang army were all sudden cavalry. To put it bluntly, they were wearing riding armor with a group of armor, holding a brittle wood long gun and a small round shield. The backup weapon was also a straight knife similar to the ring head sword. They did not carry long-range attack weapons, and the war horses were equipped with a vest. They first carried a wave of arrows and ran into Zhang's Liangjun's long lance cavalry in silence. In an instant, of course, there was a burst of people overturning, screams and grunts.

The two armies soon pierced each other. 1500 Han sudden cavalry lost about 70 or 80 horses, and 2000 Zhang Liang army lost more than 500 horses.

The war damage ratio was more than five to one, which made the general of Zhang's Liang army feel cool for a time.

It was just a mutual collision. A quarter of the troops were lost face to face. Everyone in Zhang's Liang army who found this was hesitant or afraid. After all, there are more than one tenth of the casualties, and even if the casualties of the elite army exceed 30%, they will lose their confidence in fighting.

On the other side of the Tuoba generation army, they did get close to the bow cavalry of the Han army. The problem is that they are only close. Often the distance between them is not more than 100 steps, they will be "abetted" by the bow cavalry of the Han Army to have a wave of arrow rain.

The horn bow carried by the Tuoba generation army has a range of less than 100 steps. Even if someone can shoot 100 steps, the arrow is soft and can't kill people at all. They tried again and again to get closer to the bow cavalry of the Han army. In the process of trying, people were shot and fell off their horses. Three thousand people, whether in groups or surrounded by units, were shot endlessly, chasing after themselves, losing confidence, and didn't intend to chase, but in turn, they were caught by the bow and cavalry of the Han army.

In the country established by the Hu people, except for some ace troops, there was no such thing as iron armor at all. Some thick sheep fur jackets or regular leather armor were too poor in the effect of defensive arrows. First, they were reduced in the process of chasing, and then they were caught and shot with their tails. It was only less than a quarter of an hour that they were folded into six or seven hundred, forcing them to break into pieces.

The friendly forces on the left and right wings were abolished successively. The Di people cavalry, as the main force, didn't do anything during the period. They tried to intercept the Han army again and again. In the end, they really did, but Zhang's Liang army and Tuoba generation army lost their confidence in fighting and became the audience.

Di people are old opponents of the Han army. They have been slaughtered by the forbidden guards only a few times less than Qiang people. In fact, they still have some courage to face the standing army of the Han army. They are brave and can really fight the forbidden guards. They really feel weak in their hearts before they start to fight.

After a series of fighting, the two thousand forbidden guards were waiting to attack the di cavalry. There were less than one thousand sudden cavalry left, but none of the five hundred bow cavalry had lost. The loss is more than a quarter. No matter how elite the army is, it should not be willing to fight at this moment. The problem is that the forbidden guard will not be like this. It may consume a lot of physical strength, but it will never be afraid of death.

One side is weak and the other is fearless. The belligerent army will show what kind of momentum it takes. In fact, a large part of the momentum of the army before fighting determines the final victory or defeat.

The 1000 Turk cavalry directly collided with each other, and the 500 bow cavalry were divided into two teams to shoot arrows on the left and right wings. The battle with the di cavalry was really divided into victory and defeat after only one round of penetration. Most of the remaining Di cavalry scattered and fled to the array, setting off the prelude to the battle.

The first exploratory battle had a result. The 2000 forbidden guards only returned less than 800, and about 6000 of the coalition troops returned after 10000. No matter in the order of retreat or in terms of the war loss ratio, the Han Army undoubtedly won.

When Xie AI returned from the victorious forbidden guards, he waved his arms and shouted "Wansheng". It was embarrassing that only a few people such as Li Hong responded. One of the forbidden guards was as quiet as a sculpture.

Those who returned to this array to fight the forbidden guards moved to their original position in silence. If you look at it, you can see that many of them were injured.

"Doctor!" Xie AI felt that the embarrassment at that moment was nothing. He loved the forbidden guards who could fight without complaining: "go to treatment quickly!"

There is no doubt that the forbidden guards are an army that will make normal people uncomfortable no matter how they get along with each other. They will simply talk. They have no concept of friends or robes. They usually have no entertainment at all. No one has said where they come from and what their ideals are absolute luxury.

The enemy will have all kinds of negative emotions towards the forbidden guards. Although friendly forces are not used to getting along with them, they have a full sense of security.

The existence of the forbidden guards in the Han Dynasty was a force that fought before and retreated after. Any friendly army that has cooperated with the forbidden guards will not have any negative comments on those colleagues who are used to being silent and difficult to make friends.

"General!" Li Hong's face was full of excitement: "always attack! Launch a total attack, 30000 to 120000, not without a chance of victory!"

Xie AI was looking at the enemy opposite. The multi-ethnic coalition army was constantly mobilizing, so he immediately ordered: "seize the limelight!"

Do you know what it is? Just get any instructions, the next moment will respond immediately. Xie AI was stunned by the fast moving forbidden guards, and then his heart was full of satisfaction.

[commanding such an army...] Xie AI has a bright smile on his face: [it's really comfortable!]

The mobilization of the multi-ethnic coalition army was that Bati wanted to retreat. Murongjun took the lead in opposing and demanding to occupy the limelight, and then Tuobashi Yijian, Zhang Chonghua and Fu Hong echoed murongjun's opinions.

Bati was more or less frightened by the fighting power of the Han Army in front of him. He had just been reported that the previous Han army killed more than 13000 people. However, there were only more than 500 dead bodies of the Han army.

[your mother...] Bati had to be afraid: [Han army is so fierce?]

The Han Army had the habit of trying to take away the dead paoze, and the people who reported to Bati didn't make it clear, making him think that the Han army killed more than 13000 of its own people only after losing about 500.

[something seems wrong?] Bati ignored the kings who were still trying to make suggestions, and some were stunned and thought: [just now, the Han army should have sent 2000, and only about 1000 returned? Xianbei and other families sent 10000, and more than 6000 returned?]

When calculating the casualty data, there will be a gap between the two sides. That is, our own side can count, and we can only rely on speculation about the other side.

Bati was really confused. He began to wonder if Rouran was as strong as he understood. Why did Rouran lose 13000 and only kill 500 Han troops, while the other nationalities lost about 4000 but could kill about 1000 Han troops?

"Make a quick decision!" Murong Jun was annoyed to see that Bati was always in a daze: "you are the only fool who can do it in a daze on the battlefield!"

Murongyan country is in the stage of rapid rise. In the early stage, they can fight whoever they want. The war that has won again and again gives them a self-confidence that "we are very strong", that is, there was a stalemate and defeat in the recent war with the Han Army, but they still feel very strong on the whole.

People dare to speak loudly and forcefully when they have confidence in their heart, especially when they face people they don't like, they will subconsciously feel the subconscious of "what's wrong with insulting you", and even have the unscrupulous of "not satisfied? Stand and poke".

"If you want to fight, you fight." Bati didn't care about Murong Jun's attitude: "that's your war, I won't play!"

After Bati said that, regardless of the stunned kings, he called around and issued a series of orders. The general meaning is: the Han army is a little too fierce. We can't afford to play with the Han army. The wind is tight!

"This..." Zhang Chonghua was completely stunned and incredibly pointed to Bati riding away: "they... They... Are so?!"

"Soft people are really soft people!" Murong Jun was also stunned. After reacting, he shouted: "don't be stunned, run with the army!"

Tuoba shiyijian and Fu Hong's reaction was not slow at all. They had galloped their horses before Murong Jun finished his words.

On the other side, Xie AI, who was in motion, was ready to fight and seize the limelight. Looking at it, he found that something was wrong.

"Hu people want to escape?" Xie AI couldn't understand it completely, but he didn't delay at all: "it's the moment to build an immortal achievement! The whole army! Chase! Kill!"