Chapter 539

"Has the ice and snow in Bingzhou melted?"

"To the king, yes."

Liu Yan is covered with a plank road built on the edge of a cliff. There are many similar corridors in the palace que group of Xiangguo. In terms of today's industrial strength, he doesn't know how many people were turned in when Shi Hu was built.

Sizhou has fully entered the appearance that it should have in spring. The melting of ice and snow in winter brings enough water to the plants. It is only less than half a month. The earth has returned to green, and all kinds of animals that have been cats for a winter have begun to become active.

"The states have begun to restore agriculture, and Yangzhou is the first to sow." Ji Chang followed half of Liu Yan's body. Because he had just left the court meeting for a short time, he was still in a court uniform: "although the people belong to our rule soon, there are relevant incentive policies to make them have high enthusiasm for production, and Yangzhou should have a good harvest in autumn."

Liu Yanai listens to this. Only when the people feel there is hope will they have stable production. With output, the society will be stable. Once the society is stable, the growth rate of population will increase rapidly.

The current territory of the Han Dynasty should be slightly larger than that of the Northern Song Dynasty, but its population is less than 15 million. Strictly speaking, it is absolutely vast and sparsely populated.

The Chinese people have some habits that they don't know whether they are good or bad. They like to live in groups and don't like to open up new living habitats. As a result, the longer the time is developed, the more the population is. Some places that can live a comfortable life when they are clearly developed have no one for a long time.

Liu Yan took over such a phenomenon. The country has a small population, but the population is relatively crowded, and too many places are in the status of desolation.

In order to encourage people to develop more land, the prime minister's office came up with a set of strategies after research and made some modifications on the basis of the original lease, such as who undertook which piece of land of the government and how much taxes were reduced according to different regions.

The Taiwei office also came up with relevant policies. When verifying military merit, how much land should be awarded to meritorious soldiers, and give priority to the areas that the country wants to develop.

In order to reduce the complaints of the officers and men, with the permission of Liu Yan, the Taiwei department will increase the original reward by some margin. The biggest increase is to increase the land by 30%.

Because of the relationship that most of the land belongs to the state, Liu Yan still prefers to grant the land to the soldiers in the border area if he wants to obtain private land in the Han Dynasty, except for military merit. Those soldiers are people killed by a sea of dead mountains and blood. They have enough pioneering spirit and have more self-protection ability in the face of wild animals or other threats. In addition, they constitute the main population of the border, which will also make the border more solid.

Of course, things are like that, but it seems extremely unfair. For example, some people work hard to get those, and some people don't work at ordinary times also get those. Can this be called fairness?

Now, what we are focusing on is that a healthy gentleman should strive for self-improvement. He should get more and less harvest from how many things he does. He deserves to starve to death if he doesn't do anything.

Under the land policy of the Han Dynasty, the reward of meritorious soldiers' land has been increased due to regional problems. Although some rules have been broken, anyone, including Liu Yan, feels it is natural.

Perhaps the shackles were broken, and the prime minister's house had a new idea. Ji Chang asked to see Liu Yan after the court meeting.

"How many lands (colonies) can have years of harvest rights when families go south to develop, so they have high enthusiasm for development." Ji Chang thought over the sentence again and again. He couldn't see anything from the back of Liu Yan's head. After a pause, he continued: "can the other regions also open up the development right?"

Liu Yan's agreement with all families is that after they go to the southwest Peninsula to develop and occupy a place, they can have the revenue power for up to 20 years, that is, the local resources belong to the occupied family within 20 years, and the state has only the tax right of those resource transactions.

Each family can choose to develop the resources independently or in partnership with the folk, or sell them to the state. Resources include but are not limited to gold, silver, copper, iron ore, timber and various luxury goods. However, it is divided into what resources have the ownership of how many years. For example, the ownership of various gemstones and gold, silver and copper is only five years at most. Once iron is discovered, the state must account for 70%.

There are a lot of development treaties. The more strategic resources are, the greater the resource constraints. On the contrary, the resources above some wealth will be relaxed.

"Remaining areas?" Liu Yan stopped and turned to look at Ji Chang. He couldn't see joy and anger and asked, "which area?"

"At present, Qingzhou, Sizhou and Yangzhou are the most densely populated areas in the Han Dynasty. Xuzhou, Yanzhou, Jizhou and Yuzhou are slightly better. Yongzhou, Qinzhou, Yizhou, Liangzhou and Jiangzhou are vast and sparsely populated. I'm afraid there won't be much population in Jiaozhou, Guangzhou and Jiaozhi, which will be recovered in the future." Ji Chang smiled bitterly and said, "the territory is large and there is no development, no development and no output. If you want to have output, you need population. I have thought for a long time. There are not many Han and Miao people in Yizhou and Liangzhou. They are both barbarians and barbarians. It is not advisable for the government to migrate population, or you can lure private immigrants with land to fill people's mouth for production."

Yizhou and Liangzhou are later Yunnan Guizhou regions in Sichuan, where there are mountainous terrain and the traffic is extremely inconvenient.

Shu land is quite good. After Qin destroyed ancient Shu and Cuba, there have been migrants to the local area in the past, but to be honest, there are still too few people living there.

The traffic in Badi is more inconvenient, and the mountains and forests are more and more complex than those in Shu. From the Qin Empire to the Eastern Han Dynasty, local chiefs have been appointed as officials. In fact, there are not many Han people in Badi.

"The land of Shu has been overhauled by the Qin Dynasty, and then there is the plain around Cheng1 capital. It is a rare grain producing land in Shu. The Li family of the di nationality has ruled for 46 years. Although there is no repair and maintenance, the local ecology has not been damaged. As long as it is combed a little, it can produce agriculture." Ji Chang must have done a special investigation. He picked up Liu Yan's eyebrows and said, "when the Han Dynasty destroyed the country, the land originally belonging to the aristocrats and leaders of the country was taken into state-owned, and the people holding the land accounted for less than 20%. Now the land belonging to the country... Is in a state of waste."

Liu Yan seems to understand that the territory of the state of Han is becoming larger and larger, and the population is also growing accordingly, but the output can't keep up with the consumption. The prime minister's house is definitely forced to be urgent, and if it is urgent, it will change and want to open source.

"The Han Dynasty has never stopped fighting with foreign countries, and the annual consumption of military grain is calculated as tens of millions of stone grains. By the third year of Yuanshuo, the previous reserves were almost exhausted..." Ji Chang began to sweat on his forehead, He said with a little difficulty: "the minister and his subordinates have made a rigorous sum up. The war against Shijie can still be supported by Southwest looting, but the amount of looting income is full of variables. There will be the cost of the war against Shijie in the future. Fighting against Murong Xianbei also needs to reserve military grain, go deep into the grassland and fight to the West. If we don't produce wantonly, I'm afraid..."

In fact, Liu Yan does not necessarily insist that most of the land is owned by the state. On the contrary, he still hopes that the land can be in the hands of the people. The problem is that not only the official can not accept the equalization of land, but also the people are hesitant. After all, the Qin Empire did something similar to land during the Shang Yang reform, And the land treatment of Shang Yang's reform has a great burden on the people.

The land equalization of Shang Yang's reform was to first determine the private ownership of land and allow the free sale of land, but it changed its way to forcibly buy land from the nobility and those who hold a large number of land, and then sell or lease it to the people. In fact, there is not much difference between people having their own land and not having their own land. Most of the output of hard work every season belongs to the state, only leaving annual rations, and the state gives back with titles. The promotion of titles can improve their social status and increase their land holdings, which means that most of the output of people's work is contributed to the country, In fact, there is not much wealth and food.

The country's output and income are not enough, especially there are so many wars to fight in the future. Those wars are still the kind that must be fought. It is conceivable that Ji Chang will have a heavy burden.

The prime minister's office should not only be responsible for the military food needs of the war, but also consider the civilian food consumption and necessary reserves. After all, a country can't stand any natural and man-made disasters if it doesn't have enough food reserves. If there are any more natural and man-made disasters, it will be extremely bad.

When it comes to natural and man-made disasters, the Han center has been convinced that there will be natural disasters in the next few years. Judging from the abnormal climate, I don't know when the natural disaster will occur, so we should pay close attention to the food reserves. It's too late to wait until the natural disaster really arrives.

Liu Yan knew the exact time of the natural disaster, which was the drought and locust disaster in the Central Plains following the demise of the ran Wei Dynasty in history. After calculation, it was five years later. This made him feel a sense of urgency and wanted to solve at least Shijie Zhao Guohe's weakness of murongyan before the natural disaster. It was one thing that the Han army was unable to start a war in the central plains without waiting for a large-scale disaster in the Central Plains, and it was not impossible to be pushed back.

"Prime minister, you should know more about the national conditions than few people." Liu Yan does not object to the idea of the prime minister's office. As long as there is no mistake in the way, open source is right in any era. He said seriously, "I want to know what solution the prime minister has."

Ji Chang was distressed by this. After the examples of the pre Qin period, the general public were mostly afraid of the goodwill from the state.

It's really no joke. After all, everyone wants land, but people now think that if they want land, they must have corresponding pay, such as using military merit to obtain rewards or using money to buy it. If anyone wants to give land to someone for no reason, he may be more confused and surprised than surprised.

"This..." Ji Chang can come up with too many schemes. He is afraid that some schemes will produce fierce opposition, and even some schemes will leave future troubles: "what I think, can we rent them on a preferential basis?"

Liu Yan showed a disappointed expression. The state leased land to the people, not only without a reasonable premise.

At present, there are not many land rented by counties and counties in the Han Dynasty. Since it is rented, what people want is to live around the habitat. According to the urine nature, even some areas will not go any more.

Ji Chang swallowed his saliva when he saw Liu Yan's expression. He didn't know that they were all rented. The people wouldn't give up their proximity and seek far away. However, the land couldn't be sent for no reason. He is deeply convinced that the land cannot be given away in vain, otherwise not only the people will be confused, but also the army can not explain.

Land can be in vain. What is the value of soldiers working hard to earn military merit!?

The mountain breeze was a little strong. They went out of the plank road to a zhangtai and looked at the city below the mountain.

The arrival of spring in Xiang did not become so lively, and the Han did not migrate to enrich the population, resulting in a city with more soldiers than the people.

At present, few people will wander around Xiangguo city. Because there are no entertainment places and shops, the families of officials are more likely to stay at home and go out to the suburbs.

"Your Majesty, there should be a new atmosphere when the country was founded. Maybe there should be some new policies for the future of the country." Ji Changcai was in his forties. He was too hard-working, which made his temples gray. He said in a deep tone: "population growth needs food, and the people will consider having more children only if they have surplus food. I think about it from left to right. Is it meritorious to increase the population of the country? If so, can land be rewarded?"

Liu Yan was shocked. He clearly remembered that he had not mentioned relevant ideas, so it was Ji Chang... Or a set of past plans that officials came up with after thinking about it again and again.

Giving birth to children to land is at least an example that has not been seen at present. A similar policy did not exist until the Sui and Tang Dynasties. The most popular was the Nazism Third Empire during the Second World War.

For a lot of time, the Central Plains emperor was afraid of the country's large population. Only in the early days of the founding of the country after every chaos would he desire more population.

Those emperors who are afraid of a large population are worried that there is not enough land for national production, but they have never thought about... Or they are unable to lay down territory outside. As a result, there are too many people and uneven wealth (land), brewing the next imperial replacement.

Han... At least in the period of Liu Yan, Han is destined to be a pioneering and offensive country. I'm afraid that there is not enough population to fill the territory laid down, and I won't be afraid of not enough land!

"Taian's move won my heart." Liu Yan rarely showed excitement: "the Great Han general is determined to forge ahead because of this national policy, so that the place where his feet can trample is the hometown where the Han people live in peace!"

Ji Chang just wanted to change the way to transfer the land to more people. The rest didn't think deeply. Instead, he was at a loss when he looked at Liu Yan, who was too excited to himself.

"Before increasing the land reward for Dingkou, Tai'an has to draw up a set of health measures..." Liu Yan said that the current health conditions are too poor, and there is no big difference between women giving birth to children and going through hell: "don't let good things turn into bad things."

Ji Chang is still dizzy. He just nods his head.