Chapter 519

Usually, the ministers say to the king that fear is not really fear, just like the ministers say to the king that their capital crime is not really going to die. They just form a "prologue" because of their special status.

This time, it's a little different. Liu Yan's words sound very heavy. He's already asking who the country was built for. It will make all officials have a lot of imagination in their heads. For example, the king feels that all officials are deceiving, cunning, disobedience... And so on.

The relationship between monarch and minister is both subordinate and antagonistic. When the king's power is boundless, it means that the power of all officials is reduced to the minimum, and even live in fear all the time. Similarly, when the power of the ministers is large, the power of the king will be reduced. It is time for the king to live in fear.

Once the relationship between monarchs and ministers of all dynasties is unbalanced, it is the unfortunate beginning of the country. Even if a wise monarch has too much power and makes only one mistake in his life, it will lead the country into turmoil. The most obvious example is Li Longji, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty.

The king should always be an arbiter and chess player. He should not personally participate in the game. Of course, no one can shake Liu Yan's power. He has always been an arbiter and chess player. That's exactly what makes his words count.

The ministers kneeling on the ground are really terrified. They meet a king who can't be shaken by anyone. As ministers and workers, they don't have any good cards to play with. There will be nothing if they are not targeted by the king. Once the king decides who to take care of, it's best for the person to accept the king's ruling safely.

People who have power in their hands will have a greater chance of making mistakes. However, there is absolutely no innocence for those who have power. The difference is whether the mistakes are big or not, or whether the king will pursue them.

"The Hu people have wreaked havoc in the Central Plains for decades. I led the Qing people to save the people. Yu Ran and cried cowardly, which continued the great cause of the Han family." Liu Yan's posture at this moment looked very lonely. He was asking himself and all officials: "now there are strong enemies peeping outside, and there are people suffering inside. Three or four of the old land of the Han family have not been recovered, but someone among you is unknown?"

The first is the ministers, followed by you and others, which represents the change of the king's attitude.

Among the hundred officials in the hall, if the nine grade system is used, only a few are nine grade officials, and the rest are at least four grades up. They can be said to be the ruling class of the Han state and the biggest vested interests. They basically know what aspirations the monarch has and what kind of environment the country faces.

The powerful force of the Han state can be seen from the fact that one country is the enemy of the world. It is said that the Han state is not afraid of any enemy, and it has no doubt that the Han parliament will fully recover the old land of the Han family.

It is estimated that from the easy destruction of the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, it is concluded that the state of Han will rule the world. Some people's thoughts are really changing.

Taking Sangyu as an example, when the state of Han was only a state with Qingzhou, he never thought of seeking benefits for his family with the convenience of his identity. Even then, the Han army occupied Yanzhou and Yuzhou. Before the situation was really clear, it could be said that he was dedicated to the public. He began to seek benefits for his family. After the outcome of the huaishui war, this change will not be too strange, because he is not alone.

Jichang is the only one who is in a high position and has always been impartial... Or led by the will of the king. He was really loyal to the king. In his heart, he also longed for the realization of the great cause of the king, that is, starting from the Central Plains, then recovering the old land of the Han family, and finally sweeping all countries and ruling the whole world island.

There are not many people who know Liu Yanzhi's direction, but not many serious people. In their cognition, the "world" has always been only those areas ruled by the Han Empire. Even if they know that the world is not so narrow, they can be hypnotized and basically ignore how much land there is outside.

It can be said that in the past dynasties, the "world" has always been so large. Taking the place once occupied by the Han Empire as the basic plate, at most including the grassland and western plateau, the rest will only be denounced as "wild land" or "barren land", which can be easily occupied and will not take a look at it more.

Maybe it's not just short-sighted, it's limited by conditions, or the cost of occupation is too high?

The Han Empire expanded again and again. After occupying the grassland, some were at a loss. They were surprised to find that the grassland was not suitable for farming. Since the collapse of the Qin Empire, the Han and Miao people have lost the "skill" of grazing and can not form sufficient benefits, but the payment is a drag on the national finance. They expanded westward to the western regions and found that the western region is a barren land with many Gobi and deserts. To the west of the western region, there is nothing but sand.

When the Tang Empire reached its peak and carried out the war of aggression, it encountered the dilemma of the Han Empire, that is, even if it was to win the next place, it would not be difficult to rule, but the cost of rule was staggering, but there would be no benefit. With the embarrassing situation of the Han Empire, the Tang Empire created the "Jimi Prefecture" policy, stationed only a small number of troops in a certain place, and selected local people as puppets to rule, so that the Tang Empire stepped out of the bottleneck encountered by the Han Empire. At least the Tang Empire was a little bigger than the Han Empire in terms of territory.

Of course, if we look for the old example now, it is only the Han Empire as a reference. Maybe countless people will read the historical materials of the Han Empire and find the dilemma encountered after the expansion of the Han Empire to the extreme, and come to the conclusion that "the former Han family territory has been the ruling limit, and then expanding abroad is a burden".

Fortunately, there is only the Han Empire as an example. If there is an example of the Tang Empire, it will definitely scare them from ignorant opposition to unlimited expansion to panic opposition to extreme expansion and restriction of local military power. It should be clear that the expansion process of the Tang Empire should not have too much black history. Then the local vassal towns turned over the center, and there were the following five dynasties and ten countries.

At this time, no one will say anything. They can only continue to worship on the ground and listen to Liu Yan's feelings there.

"Mencius said," the people are precious, the country is second, and the king is light. " Liu Yan was walking, his voice was still not fast and slow, and there was no emotional fluctuation: "listen, I'm the least important one. Since I'm all like this, do you think you respect me?"

It should be said that Mencius put forward a lot of theories, but too few can be accepted. Among them, some remarks about "dedicated chapters and sentences" are denounced as Miao Tan, that is to say, not only the people do not recognize it, but also officials and kings have always been regarded as jokes because they speak well, but there is almost no possibility of implementation. In addition, Mencius was a "fighter" in his life. When he traveled around countries, he almost caught one by one. The most miserable one was a monarch of the seven heroes of the Warring States period, so that the monarchs of other countries began to shut their doors when they knew Mencius was coming.

Liu Yan's words made all the ministers shout in unison: "I'm afraid!"

In addition to fear, someone must be thinking, should the king start to take the "Mencius line", and then recall from the cerebellum bag melon what Mencius once proposed to govern the country.

"With the people, there is a country. The people are the cornerstone of the country. The country can't afford taxes, taxes and troops without the people. Many small families come together into one country. The people's peace of mind can make the country rich. If the people still advance in martial arts, the country's military front will be strong." Liu Yan did not want to take the Mencius line, but also the line of overlord and miscellaneous. He finally raised his voice: "the people are the foundation of all my great deeds. I love and cherish them. Some of you bully and plunder the people and make the people separate from me. You are digging the corner of my great cause!"

The voice echoed in the hall, and the previous false fear turned into real fear. People who felt that they had done too much began to play all over.

Liu Yan didn't observe too much what the officials looked like. He took a look at Xun Xian and nodded.

Xun Xian walked out with a scroll in his hand. Langsheng said, "the king's edict, all the ministers listen to the announcement!"

All the civil and military officials got up and worshipped again and shouted in unison, "minister, listen to the imperial edict."

Reading the imperial edict is generally the work of eunuchs. Liu Yan did not start to set up eunuchs. Lang Lai, his personal secretary, did the work, including reading the imperial edict at the court meeting and going to the house of hundreds of officials.

Xunxianzai's imperial edict was not what the officials imagined. They thought someone would be dealt with, but they received a long reward.

Since the imperial edict was read out, the Han state abolished the separation of the left and right prime ministers, with Ji Chang as the prime minister and sang Yu as the imperial envoy doctor, and then a series of official positions were arranged.

Xu Zheng officially resigned from the post of general Zhengnan and became a Taiwei, which was expected. Although they were worried, they were happy that Sangong was no longer vacant. Thinking that Liu Yan's claim to the emperor had been put on the agenda.

Hearing that Yu Yi was appointed as Tingwei, the ministers were somewhat surprised. They knew more or less why the Yu family changed to the Han state, doubted that the exchange conditions had changed, and thought about the impact of Yu Yi's becoming Tingwei.

Naturally, Yu Yi's appointment as a Tingwei should have a foundation, which is the credit of the Yu family in the battle for Jiankang. The Huan family and many aristocratic families will be rewarded as long as they have meritorious service, so that people who are already wary of the imperial court filled with southern aristocratic families have to think more.

The imperial edict is very long, and important appointments involve many interest groups. If you analyze it carefully, you will find that a set of balance is formed under the change of the distribution of three gongs and nine Qings in the center.

To say who is the happiest and most excited in the hall, ran min is too excited. He is excited that some people who have followed him have been promoted to Jin Jue. Happy sang Yu has been removed from the post of right prime minister.

There is only one prime minister left, which is no longer divided. It means that the rights originally belonging to the prime minister are concentrated. Ji Chang is a very pure person. His appointment as Prime Minister shows that the king makes an important adjustment to the distribution of rights.

It can't be said that the post of the imperial envoy doctor is not important. If the prime minister is the highest chief executive of a country's government, the right of the imperial envoy doctor is mainly to manage the notes, maps and memorials, and supervise all civil and military officials. It should be said that the right of the imperial envoy doctor is not small at all.

Sang Yu's transfer to the post of the imperial envoy doctor did not decrease from the administrative level, only because the actual status of the imperial envoy doctor was originally equivalent to that of the Deputy Prime Minister. In the past, sang Yu was the positioning of the Deputy Prime Minister. After becoming the imperial envoy doctor, he no longer had the power of civil administration. On the contrary, he had an important power to supervise all civil and military officials.

The imperial edict was still being read, and some people had not heard about themselves and began to fluctuate, of which ran min and Huan Wen were the most worried.

Xu Yuanyuan came as a general of the southern expedition. After he was promoted to Taiwei, the post of general of the southern expedition was vacant. At present, the war of the Han state on the south of the Yangtze River has not ended. It is reasonable that Xu Zheng should be re appointed after he leaves office.

Huan Wen thought he was the most suitable general for the southern expedition, not that he was born in the south of the Yangtze River, but also about the recent investigation of him by the Han Dynasty hall. If he became a general of the southern expedition, he would not favor the southern aristocratic family. It should be said that he would be more ruthless than the rest. Then, he first enlisted Li Chenghan, destroyed Li Chenghan and was granted a marquis, but he was not promoted in his military post. In this way, he was the only candidate for the general of the southern expedition no matter how he looked.

Xun Xian continued to read. Liu Yan was angry just now and there was an imperial edict before any disposal. All kinds of fear and anxiety in the hearts of all officials were dissipated with the publication of the imperial edict. The attention of all officials was turned to the change of the political situation.

The imperial edict finally read about the military. What ran min heard was that he was promoted to an Hussars general. Although he was slightly disappointed, not a big general, most of his heart was still happy.

In fact, there are not many core military positions in the state of Han. Tai Wei is the first military general, but Tai Wei can't lead the army at all. Then the positions that can unify the army, such as general, Hussars general, chariot general and champion general, are more important than the positions of three public level military generals, as well as general Wei, lieutenant In fact, these generals of the central leading army at the level of Jiuqing are Garrisoning the Central Committee and do not go out to fight.

Huan Wen almost grinned when he heard that he had become a general of the southern expedition.

Among the four expeditionary generals in the Han Dynasty, the northern and southern generals have the largest military power. After all, there are Shijie Zhao, Murong Yan and Tuoba in the north, and many aristocratic families in the south are fighting tenaciously. At present, the general of the western expedition is a bare pole. There is only a shogunate, but there is no field corps directly under it. The general of the eastern expedition is quite strange. In addition to a small number of troops directly under him, he is a multinational servant army, and then supervises the fleets in the East China Sea and the Bohai Sea.

LV Taian knelt down peacefully. He thought that the reward might have nothing to do with him. He was stunned immediately when he heard that he was appointed as the general of the East expedition. Then he looked up and looked at Liu Yan with gratitude.

Lu Tai was not the only one who was surprised. Xie an knew about his family.

Xie an's performance in the war against Shijie Zhao state can only be said to be regular, with some brilliance. It can't be said how excellent he is. However, he knew that he was too slack after the battle of the South transfer, and it was great luck not to be dismissed. In addition, the Xie family was stiff in the confrontation between the Han state and the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, which led him to be really stunned when he heard that he was appointed as the general of the West Zhonglang expedition.

Zhonglang will be the necessary way to be promoted to general. While surprised, Xie an realized that Han's march to the West had been put on the agenda, but he didn't know when it would be.