Chapter 517

In the establishment of every country, there will be a new group of nobility, probably those who follow Taizu.

Honor is a big trouble in all dynasties. They will consciously be superior to others by relying on their blood, sweat, killing people, whoring... And so on for the party and country. They think that the law is just a thing to restrain the ordinary people, and it has no binding force on them at all, so they will do some unscrupulous things.

Things include seizing people's fields, robbing people's women, bullying people... As long as you can do something, you have to take it for granted. Victims of robbed fields, robbed women, bullying... Should feel honored rather than bad.

In fact, the first generation of Xun GUI still has some integrity, mainly because they think that too much will be used as an excuse for cleaning by Taizu. After the "Xun second generation" and even the "Xun third generation" do not know how many "generations", these "generations" will usually be more bold.

The boldness of those "generations" has something to do with their growth environment. Their grandparents have basically established their own network of relationships, once, twice, three times... Countless times they have done bad things. Anyway, someone has carried it around. Basically, there is no strong concept of right and wrong, only two concepts of being able to provoke and not being able to provoke.

The establishment of the state of Han has only been nearly five years. As long as most of the "second generation" are over the age of five, they basically have a hard experience in childhood, and their moral character and right and wrong concepts should not be distorted. Therefore, the "Xun second generation" in the Han Dynasty did not often cause trouble. If something happened, it also appeared in the "Xun first generation".

The country established by Liu Yan follows the route that titles determine treatment, and each level of titles has corresponding rewards.

The treatment of titles has regulations on what specifications of houses can be obtained, how many slaves and land rewards can be obtained at home. Among them, the residential specifications are basically fixed with the title, and the number of slaves is also strictly limited. However, the land is not strictly controlled to the point that it can not exceed much, but the Han state did not open land sales.

What did Liu Yan hear? It was Xun GUI who began to circle the land!

"No xungui blatantly enclosure..." Wang Meng understood why Liu Yan had such a big reaction. He strangely scanned the interested Li TU with the corners of his eyes. His eyes didn't dare to face Liu Yan's eyes. He looked at Liu Yan's nose and said: "it may be xungui's relatives or irrelevant people with family names."

Liu Yan doesn't believe that someone is brave enough or mentally bad enough to pretend to be Xun GUI's relatives. It's almost certain that someone who gets a direct signal or hint is doing it.

"Under the banner of honor and honor, I came to the minister to request the allocation of land, but the minister refused without exception." Wang Meng is still wondering why Liu Yan didn't ask Li Tu to step down. He can speak smoothly with one heart and two uses: "there are many things, and no one will come to find the minister. What the minister doesn't know is that the minister is only in a similar situation, or all over the country."

At this time, Liu Yan remembered that there was a man who was not Li Tu, motioned Wang Mengxian to wait, turned to Li Tu and said, "please help yourself."

Li Tu really doesn't have any identity now. She looks forward to having any identity. After many hints, Liu Yangen didn't respond, but she wasn't sent back. Now she heard Liu Yan's departure order, like the opportunity to follow Liu Yan today. She didn't know if there was any. Don't mention how disappointed she was and how much she should have opinions on Wang Meng, but she still had to step down obediently. It was not far away. She went to the cottage not far away by Liu Yan without making it clear.

"Jing Lue said a very good sentence, 'only know the sacred law of the Han Dynasty', and I was very relieved after I learned it." Liu Yan saw that Wang Meng's face changed for a moment and knew why. He didn't care about Wang Meng's sudden horror. It was normal for the king to grasp the movements of officials, and it was even more natural to observe officials who felt promising, He continued: "the Han Dynasty has not been established for five years, Shi Jie has not been destroyed, the state of Yan has not been eliminated, and many worries such as Liangzhou and Dai have not been determined. How many old lands have not been recovered. I really don't want to see someone feel that the world has been settled and should lie on the merit book to do evil."

Wang Meng has been Liu Yan's personal secretary lang. if he wants to know more about the king, he will definitely know more than the prime minister and other civil and military officials. He remembered very clearly that the Secretary Lang had never found that the king had any organization to secretly check all officials. He was not sure whether the king came out after he left his post.

It is almost common for rulers to master the movements of civil and military officials in all dynasties. The difference is whether they are open or not. Generally, secret institutions are doing similar things. Only Biao Huhu rulers will make similar institutions obvious, such as Dongchang

"Once, Qin Xiaogong's brother and son Qian also had his nose cut and tattooed because he violated the Qin law, so as to safeguard the Qin law." Wang Meng almost trembled one by one. He knew that too many people were offended by his next words, and they were all the objects he could not provoke now: "I thought that the Great Han Dynasty should follow the example of the Pre-Qin Dynasty and have the determination of the Pre-Qin Dynasty to maintain the Qin law."

It happened that Liu Yan didn't know much about the pre Qin period, and even knew much more than Wu Hu Luanhua. He will understand that the pre-Qin period was due to several series for a period of time, such as fission, vertical and horizontal, and rise. He didn't have time to wait until "going out to the East". As a result, he wore it to Wuhu Luanhua as soon as he wore it. He has studied the history of the pre-Qin period for his preference for several series. If Wang Meng is interested in talking about the pre-Qin period, he can talk with Wang Meng for a few days and nights.

"The Great Han Dynasty was established by the king, sweeping Shi Jie and creating the Han dynasty pattern today..." Wang Meng obviously didn't know how much he would win Liu Yan's favor when talking about the pre-Qin period. He told the history of the Great Han Dynasty from the perspective of the loyalty of his ministers. He spoke in a powerful tone with Liu Yan's war history, The later concluded: "what the king wants to create is an endless great cause, which should not be destroyed by some snacks."

Thanks to Lang, Liu Yan's personal secretary, Wang Meng helped Liu Yan hold ink more than once, so that Liu Yan could draw the outline of the seven continents of the earth on a large white cloth.

In fact, Liu Yan's outline of the seven continents of the earth, except Asia and Europe on the world island, is a vague memory. It's interesting to know where there is a continent. It's really just a few continents, such as what islands are there in the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean... In addition to "the pain of the first dynasty", Liu Yan remembers a few Japanese islands, Kangaroo Island, gentleman island and so on.

As one of his helpers, Wang Meng learned from that time that there was a round ball under his feet. For such a long time, he had been thinking about problems such as how people didn't fall on the ball. Of course, he had to feel how narrow the "world" is known by the world, He had to say to Liu Yan that "a big husband should sweep away the eight wasteland and Six Harmonies and achieve endless great undertakings". He was so excited that he was shaking all over.

Liu Yan is recalling something about whether Wang Meng is a disciple of legalism.

Relying on Dong Zhongshu's great achievements, after Liu Che "deposed a hundred schools of thought and respected Confucianism alone", it came to the brain of emperor yuan of the Han Dynasty that he did not accept people other than Confucianism as officials. From that time on, no matter what school wanted to have a place in the officialdom, it needed to hang the card of "Confucianism".

There are not a hundred schools in the world. There are only sheep heads and dog meat hanging on various Confucian skins and bones. Even at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Cao Cao, who was a disciple of legalism, can only continue to hang a Confucian signboard. The result is that no matter what he really learned, as long as he is a scholar, he calls himself a Confucian.

Liu Yan really remembered that Wang Meng read the biography of Gongyang in the spring and Autumn period and Xunzi far more than the four books and the five classics.

The so-called "Gongyang" is a school of Confucianism, which advocates vengeance and has a very distinctive color of ethnic vengeance. Listen to the core sentence "Revenge of the tenth century can still be repaid". How persistent should we be in revenge.

Hundreds of schools disappeared, and the descendants of Xunzi were summarized into the Confucian school, but this school was regarded as the biggest traitor by Confucianism. It has always been a different kind in the eyes of many Confucian scholars, only with the label of "we are legalist undercover" on the forehead.

After becoming the king of a country, Liu Yan studied Confucianism more or less, and came to the conclusion that Confucianism other than "Lu Confucianism" is not without merit. For "Lu Confucianism", it is disgusting to the bone that "I fight inside without the enemy, and I surrender when the enemy comes".

Liu Yan did not want to restore the pattern of hundreds of schools competing for beauty. He can only say that it is a conclusion drawn from the perspective of kings.

To put it clearly, at best, a hundred schools of thought can restore the competition in knowledge, but people will also change with the competition of schools. For a country that wants to open up to the outside world, too many ideas in a country are a bad thing rather than a good thing.

When no ruler wants to use the power of the whole country to the outside world, the internal situation is chaotic, which can understand why Liu Che, the great emperor of Hanwu, wanted to "depose a hundred schools of thought and respect Confucianism". It seems that Liu Che's "exclusive respect" has not really been implemented. At least when he was alive, there were not all Confucian scholars in the court, and he didn't even reuse Confucian scholars. It was a ridiculous thing done by his unworthy descendants, and almost killed the Empire. The fact is that without Liu Xiu, the son of the plane, the Han Empire would have been killed by Liu Yu.

Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty once said to emperor yuan of the Han Dynasty: "the Han family has its own system. Originally, it is tyrannical and miscellaneous. How can it be purely moral education and use Zhou politics? Moreover, the vulgar Confucianism is not up to the times. It is good that the past is not the present. It makes people dazzled by the reality. They don't know what to guard. It's not enough to appoint."

Emperor yuan of the Han Dynasty, who was brainwashed by Confucianism since he was a child, must have been brainwashed. All he wanted to do was to be a good emperor in line with Confucian standards. As a result, he really used the hands of Confucianism to lift the stones of the Wang family, smashed the feet of the Han family, and made a "transgressor" to build a "new dynasty" without difficulty. As a result, the "transgressor" collapsed, Let the "son of Wei mian" start the life journey of long Aotian, and then there was the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Wang Meng didn't know where his loyal king let his thoughts go. Seeing Liu Yan's long thought, he had to stand quietly.

Liu Yan, who had been thinking for a long time, finally came back to his senses. He had determined that Wang Meng was inclined to rule the world by Legalists. He judged Wang Meng according to many cases when he was a county magistrate and magistrate. It was absolutely right to recall that he liked the biography of spring and autumn Gongyang and Xunzi.

In fact, Liu Yan didn't understand the history of Wu Hu Luanhua. Wang Meng is really a legalist in the skin of Confucianism. It can be seen clearly from the fact that Wang Meng advocated "heavy Canon in troubled times" before he was the Prime Minister of Fu's Qin State (pre Qin). Even if it was really a Confucian, it was also a traitor among Confucian scholars.

As a monarch, Liu Yan stands high and can see far away. At the same time, he will ignore some details. For example, as a monarch, he advocates the sanctity of the law of the Qin Empire. What is good at the top and what is bad at the bottom. In today's Han country, as long as scholars with normal brains, who doesn't try every means to find some legalist books to read and study.

It was too cold on the mountain and the wind was stronger where there were cliffs. Liu Yan had a special physique and didn't feel much. He took steps when he saw that Wang Meng was so cold that his nose ran out.

Xiangguo's palace city is large, which means that the facilities are complete. After Liu Yan's kindness, Wang Meng came to a zhangtai and stepped into the warm house.

"It's hard for you." Liu Yan said that Wang Meng was still shivering when he was frozen like that. It seemed that he still had the loyalty concept of generous sacrifice to say those words that offended the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty. He ordered someone to cook thick soup. Then he said to Wang Meng, "I know that after the survey this year, JINGLUE will be the Sheriff of Zhangwu County. I ask you, where is the first thing to govern a county?"

Wang Meng is a little sleepy now, which is a direct physical reaction of being choked with cold and suddenly entering a warm place. He had to bite his tongue to stimulate and drive away the sleepiness, cheer up and replied, "I think the first thing is to investigate the distribution of people's leased fields."

The nobles of the Han Dynasty had fiefdoms. No matter how small the fiefdoms were, the government would arrange official slaves to cultivate for the nobles, and the nobles could arrange manual cultivation themselves. The government arranged for slaves to cultivate for the nobility, and adopted the national tax of forty-six. If the nobles rent to the people, they have a conscience in proportion, and it is not impossible to go too far.

The official lease of the people is a strategy of annual benefit. The first year because of the provision of farm implements and tilling horses (cattle), the output was 60% official, second years down to 50%, and third years later, 40%. Registered residence is the first thing people want to get the right to farm land.

"The war forced many people to take refuge in the mountains and forests. The big man has been attracting those people out, but not everyone can understand the national policies of the big man under the notice..." Wang Meng is going to offend people to the end, "Some people take advantage of the fact that the people do not know the national policies of the Han Dynasty and accept the people to cultivate for themselves. The harsh land tax is that the people can only be complacent about farming 20% a year, and even unknowingly owe a large amount of debt and are forced to become slaves," he said

Liu Yan feels a little cold. He just stood too high. With Wang Meng, who loves to tell the truth, how did he suddenly find that there were so many unbearable problems in the country under his rule?