Chapter 510

Liu Yan, who was far away in Xiangguo, received an urgent report from thousands of miles. After reading it, he only said "born in injustice and died in shame".

The small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty died. Empress dowager Chu suanzi hugged the little emperor and took Sima's family and all civil and military officials out of the palace city to ask Xie AI to surrender outside the gate of Yiyang.

Of course, the process of surrender was not so simple. It was after repeated negotiation... Or bargaining, waiting for the news that Xu was defeating Wang niche in Dongcheng to reach Jiankang, and Wang Xizhi was defeated. Chu suanzi felt that he was not qualified for bargaining before he officially surrendered.

"The small imperial court dropped." Liu Yan did not summon all civil and military officials. He was playing games with his children. The queen and the four imperial concubines weaved embroidery next to him: "the rest is to recover the southern states and counties."

The war between the state of Han and the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty can be traced back to before the establishment of the state of Han. The southern invasion officially began in June of the fourth year of Yuanshuo. The surrender of the small imperial court was in September, which means that the decisive battle stage lasted only about three months.

If there were no Sima clan to establish a court, Sima 1 jin would be swept into the garbage of history. Even if Sima clan established a court again, it would only be extended for a period of time, and there could be no repetition.

"Congratulations to the king!"

In the tent, except for the children who don't understand anything, one of them knelt down to congratulate.

The dispute over zhengshuo has come to an end, but Liu Yanxi is not ecstatic. After all, he has always believed that he will win and eliminate the Sima family, who lost the first place in the hands of the Hu people. It is worth celebrating, but in the end, it is only to recover the old land of the Han family, not to open up territory in the real sense.

Xie Daoyi hesitated for a long time before asking, "how will the king deal with the enemy's relatives?"

The surrender of the small imperial court is only the beginning of recovering the old land in the south. Destroying the small imperial court does not mean the destruction of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. It depends on whether the door lords and aristocratic families are willing to accept the reality. If the door lords and aristocratic families compromise, the Han Army naturally passes through the receiving states and counties. If the door lords and aristocratic families do not compromise, the Han army will still fight one city and region after another.

There is a precedent for how to deal with the royal family (royal family) who lost the enemy country.

Be lenient and grant the enemy chieftains to be raised in the fiefdom. The remaining clans are reduced to civilians, and the villages are resettled to make them self-reliance. All civil and military officials are either accepted for their own use or demoted as the people. In short, they do not kill except for the most heinous crimes.

If it's cruel, there's really no lower limit. Kill anyone who wants to kill, and who should become an eternal Dalit until the demise of the Han country.

However, whether lenient or cruel, there is one thing in common, that is, after an enemy country and all the imperial concubines have to accept it completely. Whether to play with it or not is two theories.

The reason why Xie Daoyi asked was not to really understand how Sima's family would be dealt with, but how Liu Yan would treat the door valve and aristocratic family.

For a long time, Xie Daoyi has always wanted to visit Xie Shi, Xie Shang and Xie Wan. However, if he shows a little, tuobaxiu will come out and talk about being a woman. In this way, even if Liu Yan originally agreed, he can only pretend not to hear and see.

Xie Daoqian fully understood how Liu Yan dealt with the Sima family representatives and how they would deal with those door lords and aristocratic families. For family affection, he naturally hoped that Liu Yan could deal with them leniently.

"In the Central Plains, the people are trapped in the hands of Hu people and suffer all kinds of hardships. I need to explain to the people." Liu Yan has never wavered. Even if the Sima family has long become a decoration, it is bound to liquidate the Sima family. He looked directly at Xie Daoyi and said, "Lingjiang, don't interfere with the government in the future."

Xie Daoyi immediately turned his small face white. She was not frightened by Liu Yan's warning, but worried about Xie's family except Xie an.

Tuobaxiu has come to Xie Daokai. He pulls Xie Daokai up in silence and soon pulls Xie Daokai out of the tent.

"Your Majesty..." Cui Wan looked anxiously at the still shaking curtain and said, "the virtuous imperial concubine... Is just a result of family affection. It is by no means against the king's idea."

As a monarch, Liu Yan doesn't have many women. In addition to the queen Cui Wan, there are not many other women, such as the noble concubine Sang Miao, the Shu concubine Zhang Lan, the de concubine tuobaxiu, and the virtuous concubine Xie Daoyi. He treats his women with the common ideas of later men. Understanding and doting account for the majority, and he won't get angry because of one or two small things.

The news of the small imperial court's surrender soon spread. It was tuobaxiu who persuaded Xie Daokai to be listened to. One hundred spread to thousands. The huge military camp soon fell into jubilation, and all civil and military officials also gathered in the king's account.

Liu Yan informed the whole army later, and those who hesitated also joined the jubilation. As the king, Liu Yan ordered to reward the whole army, making the jubilation atmosphere more intense.

When the banquet was ready, the civil and military officials sat down on both sides. They whispered to each other with joy. They talked about nothing more than what the victory of the southern invasion meant to the Han state.

Liu Yan waited for a while before he appeared from the back. He came out with his legitimate son Liu Shen, which made many people subconsciously look at Liu Shen, who was less than two years old, and then stood up to salute.

Waiting for Liu Yan'an to sit down, the ministers had to be a burst of congratulations. They got a sign to take their seats. Soon someone stood up again.

"The king first passed on the national jade seal, and then the puppet Dynasty perished, which shows that he has obtained the destiny of heaven!" Ji Chang, as Prime Minister Zuo, should give a speech first. He saluted Liu Yan again. Then he looked around at all officials for a small meeting. When he faced Liu Yan again, he said loudly: "prime minister Ji Chang, please stay in the palace city."

For a moment, all the people in the tent got up, as if they had rehearsed in advance, and said in unison, "please go to the palace city and live."

It was not the first time Ji Chang persuaded Liu Yan to stay in Xiangguo palace city. All officials also begged repeatedly. After all, as a king of a country, he has lived in a tent for a long time. Even if the tent environment is no worse than the palace, there has never been such an act by a Chinese king.

Now Ji Chang and all the officials mention it again. There is a small court before surrendering. It means that it is time for Liu Yan to become emperor.

The relocation of the capital has been discussed for a long time. For the Han country, which seeks to recover all the old land of the Han family, Linzi's position seems too East to be suitable as the capital of the Han country.

How big is the old land of the Han family? The grassland in the north, the ocean in the south, the East China Sea in the East and the western regions in the West are just a brief introduction. In fact, the old land of the Han family is really very large. Where the national capital should be settled needs to be pondered.

A country's capital city considers too many factors. Generally, it takes the terrain of mountains and rivers as the priority, that is, the capital city should have a stable defense chain, how much output can be produced within the scope of the capital city, and then it is not easy to transport national taxes to the capital city.

Most of the time, there will not be a perfect capital, which can only be screened one by one from the most important places. Most imperial dynasties first value the defense chain, and only when they ensure the safety of the capital will they consider others. In this way, it is understandable that most emperors chose Chang'an as their capital. After all, there are poor mountains and mountains in the south of Chang'an, and many passes such as Hangu pass, Hulao pass, Tongguan pass, Yiguan pass and Lantian pass in the East. In addition, there is actually a foundation for transportation.

Not many places are listed as capital cities by the center of the Han state. Chang'an, Luoyang, Xiangguo and Yecheng are under consideration.

Chang'an and Luoyang are the imperial capitals of the western and Eastern Han Dynasties. They have enjoyed the national fortune for more than 200 years. There are also advantages in the terrain, not only the defense chain, but also Liu Yanping's idea of continuing to expand westward after fixing the enemy countries in the East. Chang'an is obviously more appropriate.

The reason why Xiangguo and Yecheng were included in the option is relatively simple. Shi Hu has built extremely huge and luxurious palaces in the two cities. It can even be said that they were seized by the Han Army just after they were built and half built. There are ready-made palaces, not to mention. In terms of geographical location, they are really in the middle of the old territory of the Han family.

"Chang'an can move people first, and the palace que can be built first." Ji Chang, of course, unconditionally allowed Liu Yan to choose the capital in any enemy. What he needed was to clarify the process and advantages and disadvantages: "now Chang'an has been completely abandoned, and it will take several years to revive it."

No mistake, Liu Yan has decided that Chang'an should be the imperial capital of the Han state, but at present, Chang'an is not dilapidated and there are not many people, that is, the whole Guanzhong is full of ruins, and there is no prosperity of the Qin Empire, the Western Han Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty.

To restore the prosperity of Chang'an, the migration of population is only the first step. Of course, the construction of the city is also necessary. The most important thing to do is to restore the huge irrigation system during the Qin Empire, including the Zhengguo canal built by the Qin Empire, the Chengguo canal, Liufu canal, lingfu canal, Baiqu and Longshou canal built in the Western Han Dynasty, and the Eastern Han Dynasty... There was no water conservancy system built in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

In short, if Chang'an wants to become an imperial capital, there are too many advance accuracy, and those can't be done in a year and a half. In this way, should we choose a place other than Linzi before moving the capital to Chang'an? Xiangguo at the foot is a very ideal place.

"Your Majesty, Xiangguo has been the capital of Shijie for decades. It once gathered more than one million Hu prisoners. The big man combed this place, but it was a fish that missed the net." Sang Yu has just finished talking about how to rebuild Chang'an into an imperial capital. Later, he should advocate taking Xiang state as a temporary capital: "the king temporarily lives in Xiang state's ready-made Palace City, which can also deter curfews."

The Sang family is from Wei County, and Xiang is located in Wei county. If Xiang became the temporary capital of Han, no matter how long it was, it would be beneficial to sang. This is one of the reasons why sang Yu urged Liu Yan to stay in Xiang temporarily. Another thing is that Xiangguo used to be the base camp of Shijie. Even after turbulence, Shi Hu moved north and merged with Zhou with millions of Hu prisoners, but it really left a lot of Hu prisoners, which should be further integrated or eliminated. There is another reason, the collapse of the small imperial court in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and the main wars in the future of the Han state will take place in the front line of Bingzhou and Jizhou. It can be convenient to be located in Xiang state.

Ji Chang knew sang Yu's plan. In the public interest, Xiangguo was also good as a temporary capital. He didn't object.

In fact, other officials and ministers can also detect sang Yu's selfishness, but they can't come up with any favorable retorts if they want to oppose it. After all, Liu Yan has made it clear that Chang'an will be the capital and Xiang country is only temporarily staying. It's not cost-effective to conflict with Sang Yu for such a temporary place.

Sang Yu knew that Liu Yan would not object and no one would object. He knew that he would take some interests. He thanked those who could object for not objecting, and it was also a necessary interest concession.

The future imperial capital of the Han Dynasty was thus settled, and Xiang was successfully passed as the capital for the time being. All officials and officials were happy.

The imperial capital has been confirmed, and it is not far from Liu Yan becoming emperor. When Liu Yan was a king, some positions in the court could be vacant, but not after he became an emperor, which means that many people present will fill those vacancies. Maybe he is just a less important doctor at the moment, but he will become a waiter in a certain department in the future, which is worthy of expectation and joy.

"The first merit of this war is the expedition to the south, general." Liu Yan raised the wine bottle and invited the ministers to drink with him. After putting down the wine bottle, he asked, "what do you think?"

Xu Zheng personally led the army to fight a key battle in huaishui, far from winning the battle, but also completely smashed the determination of the small imperial court in the Eastern Jin Dynasty to resist, resulting in the aristocratic family under the small imperial court to recognize the current situation. Anyway, Xu Zheng, as the actual executor, has indeed made great contributions, and no one can object.

"The great cause of eliminating the puppet Dynasty can be achieved only when the king plans strategies and the general of the southern expedition practices it." Ji Chang was the first of all officials and took the lead in standing up and advocating: "the king should reward the southern general."

Unifying troops to destroy a country is not only the greatest honor of a military general, but also the greatest credit as a military man. It also destroys small countries, China, large countries and empires. Some time ago, Huanwen, as the leader of the army, led the army to destroy Li's Chenghan. Huanwen was able to win the Marquis of the pavilion in Guannei. In the definition of the state of Han, Li's Chenghan can only be regarded as a small country.

"The minister thought that the general of the southern expedition could be the Marquis of the pass and enjoy the food city of a county." Ji Chang knew that the small imperial court in the Eastern Jin Dynasty was not an empire, but it was definitely a big country. He added, "you can also be promoted to Taiwei."

In the Han Dynasty, the system of three gongs and nine Qings was implemented, and some systems of nine grades were mixed, but the incomparable honor still belonged to the position of three gongs and nine Qings.

Taiwei is the highest military position in a country's army and is responsible for managing the country's military affairs. However, he does not have military power in peacetime. In wartime, he must obey the emperor's orders. Moreover, he must have the emperor's talisman to mobilize the army. In fact, military power is also in the hands of the emperor.

It can be said that it is a great reward for the king and the center to make a contribution to the destruction of the country, become a county Marquis, and then become a very noble Taiwei. For Xu Zheng, it's certainly a good thing to be a county Marquis, but becoming a Taiwei may not be more happy for a person who likes to fight in all directions in person.

As soon as Jichang's voice fell, all the civil and military officials stood up and said in unison, "the general of Zhengnan can be a Tai Wei."

In terms of Huainan World War I, Xu Zheng was tactically in a mess. Although it was a central signal in strategy, it was still Xu Zheng himself. In fact, Taiwei is the role of chief of general staff. It is impossible to go to the battlefield to command operations. He will stay in the center and be a good adviser to the emperor. From the outside world, it is really suitable for Xu Zheng.

In fact, the most important thing is that all officials will be so unified. There is only one. There are prime ministers and Taiwei. After filling the post of imperial envoy doctor, the three gongs and nine Qings in the center will be complete, and the foundation for Liu Yan to become emperor will be complete.