Chapter 496

For any country, moving capital is definitely not a trivial matter. It must not be done unless it is absolutely necessary.

After the fall of the Central Plains, Sima's authentic court was basically trapped in the Central Plains. One of the clans fled to the South with the support of Langxie Wang family, and then re established the court in Jiankang with the support of many aristocratic families.

The reason why the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty chose to establish the capital in Jiankang is particularly necessary. First, Jiankang was once the capital of the Soochow. The city has certain infrastructure. Since the Soochow chose to establish the capital here, it must have geographical advantages. The most important thing is that the aristocratic families at that time wanted to counter attack the Central Plains.

Jiankang is close to the Yangtze River and the water transportation is extremely convenient. It is an ideal temporary capital for the counterattack against the Central Plains. Moreover, the aristocratic families of "crossing south in clothes" think that it is too wild to go south again. Most aristocratic families who fled to the South stop at Jiankang and are unwilling to take another step south.

After the Yongjia rebellion, the number of aristocratic families gathered in Jiankang was terrible, which directly made Jiankang a big city approaching one million people, and made the original city wall become an inner wall, forcing the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty to build a new city wall for arch defense. In fact, nearly 30 years have passed, and only part of the city wall has been repaired, which is tantamount to a great loophole in Jiankang's urban defense.

Anyway, it's not the first time to move the capital. There is resistance to moving the capital again, but when the situation worsens, it's actually acceptable for most aristocratic families. It's better to stay in place and wait for destruction.

Whether to move the capital is under debate. In fact, the major aristocratic families are relatively ignorant. Only the three major gate valves seem to be very interested in moving the capital. Today, it is the first time to discuss it openly, or just talk about it in the court.

Sima's royal family is a sign, whether it is to move the capital or family has the final say. It doesn't matter whether Sima royal family agrees to move the capital. The door lords and aristocratic families just notify after making a decision.

Strangely enough, the three major gatekeepers of the conversation group decided to move the capital, but they didn't come up with a definite number where to move. According to the power division of the three gate valves, where will the new capital fall? If the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty can survive this catastrophe again, the gate valves in the capital's sphere of influence must be big again. In this way, where Xindu city should be determined has become a new round of wrestling point.

The little emperor is a little fart child who hasn't even broken his milk. The Sima royal family is very weak. Their signboard is hung high. If it weren't for fooling the ordinary people, each door valve and aristocratic family probably wouldn't be interested in wiping the signboard occasionally.

The Sima royal family originally wanted to count on the Chu family, but the Huainan battlefield caused heavy losses to the Chu family. After being ignored, Chu suanzi, as the queen, was very angry. Chu Li, as the national father-in-law, participated in the discussion for several times and said nothing at all.

"In short, Jiankang can no longer be the center!" Huan Yun was the youngest of the leaders of the sect. He suppressed all his voices and said, "the Han Army fleet is very large, and it is difficult for our navy to fight it. Some time ago, the Han Army fleet came to Jiankang to show off its strength. Next time, it is not possible that the Han army will land directly."

Wang's gate valve and Xie's gate valve also suffered heavy losses in the battle of huaishui, especially Xie's gate valve. The direct phenomenon caused by the loss of family private soldiers is the reduction of speaking power, and a large number of family private soldiers can speak loudly.

It's not that Huan's sect has now become the first sect under the rule of the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty that Huan Yun can become powerful and speak loudly. It's that Huan Yun, as the owner of Huan's sect, disagreed with Xie Shi leading the army to cross the huaishui River from the beginning. Facts have proved Huan Yun's wisdom. The disastrous Xie gate valve has no confidence to argue with it. The Wang gate valve wants to maintain the golden mean and doesn't want to make more noise.

Huanyun wants to move the capital to Shanyin of Kuaiji county. Of course, it is a place where the Huan family has a strong strength. Then, Kuaiji county has been greatly developed since the Western Han Dynasty. There is a foundation for population and agriculture, and the terrain is also suitable for building defense.

Wang's sect is opposed to Huan's sect, and the reasons given are quite sufficient. There are Han Army fleets wandering in the sea area to the east of Yangzhou. At present, Han troops have landed and harassed in Wujun and Wuxing counties, and Kuaiji county is actually close to the coastline. If the Han army could land in Wu County and Wu Xing County, could it not land in Kuaiji county?

"This is not good, that is not good..." Huan Yun stared at Wang Xizhi in embarrassment and said rigidly, "that's to say a feasible new site."

"Actually..." Xie Li coughed a few times first, but his voice was not so loud. "Now the most urgent thing is to discuss how to prevent the Han Army..."

As on previous occasions, he may have talked too quietly because of the disease, or he may have been despised after the heavy losses of Xie's gate valve. No one answered his words at all.

"Due to the erosion of the southwest, the Han Army's Bing Feng has arrived in Linxiang, and Jingzhou cannot go. Jiangzhou is also the direction of the Han Army's Bing Feng..." Wang Xizhi thought about it, but in fact, there has been a final conclusion in the family. He pondered for a while, Say a plan that everyone can accept: "or you can move to Nanchang first, see the development of the war, and then decide whether to move to guang1 Prefecture?"

Nanchang is the capital of Yuzhang County in Jiangzhou. Judging from the current movement of the Han Army, it is more than 600 miles away from the Han Army in the northwest and 700 miles away from the Han Army in the north.

At present, Canton 1 is a real wild land. The population of Zhuman and ZhuYue over there accounts for the majority. The candidate scheme for being selected as the new capital is simply far enough away, which can bring a sense of security to everyone.

Chu suanzi is a very literary woman. She suddenly remembered a poem in a letter sent by Xie Daokai from Yecheng. Isn't it the scene she sees now?

"The flag was lowered in the king's city. I learned it in the deep palace. The Jiming dog generation (140000 people) disarmed together. It's better not to have a man!" Chu suanzi actually knew that there was something wrong with this poem, it seemed untidy, and Xie Daokai's environment should not have written such a poem. Now she just wanted to ridicule, and her voice became louder. After attracting the attention of the people in the hall, she sneered and said, "is the king of Han a person who is willing to occupy only half of the country?"

Don't forget under what circumstances the Han army invaded the south. At present, the Han state is still fighting with Zhao state in Shijie in the north, and with Murong Yan state in Eastern Liaoning. It even has spare time to send troops to Guanzhong to teach the Fu family of Di nationality a lesson.

Chu suanzi made it clear that if Liu Yan had no ambition to swallow the world, the Han army would not invade the South after many wars. She only wanted to say clearly that if she could move the capital, she would not do it. She concentrated all her strength and the Han Army to fight a victory or defeat, defeated ge'an's destiny, and whether to survive or usher in a new glory.

In the face of the sudden outbreak of the empress dowager, the people still stopped talking and looked away.

"Gentlemen!" Xun Rui is one of the two jades of the Xun family. He is Xun Xian's brother. At the moment, he was shaking his arms, yelling to attract attention, and said in a calm tone: "moving the capital is a big event that hurts muscles and bones. If you don't move the capital, you may fight hard, and if you move the capital, you may collapse thousands of miles. You should be careful!"

After recalling what Chu suanzi had just read and piecing together the poem, Huan Yun stared at Chu suanzi who protected the little emperor on one side with a very strange expression.

It is true that the Jin army is a little unable to resist the Han Army, but it is very interesting why the three major gate lords propose to move the capital if they want to move a million people in a capital, let alone in wartime, even in peacetime.

Most aristocratic families oppose moving the capital. The reason why they oppose it is not necessarily to live or die with the city. It's family property. It's here. When they go to a new place, they should only bring some money without saying they have nothing. Otherwise, every move is a big event that hurts the muscles and bones.

No one responded to Xun Rui, not because his brother Xun xianlang became Liu Yan's secretary in the state of Han, not because his identity and status were not enough, but because everyone didn't know what to say.

At this time, the young child's voice sounded. It was the little emperor Sima Huang, picking up Chu suanzi's big skirt and saying in a milk voice: "empress mother, I'm hungry."

The people who were watching Chu suanzi turned their attention to Sima Zhen. A few Sima Royal clans suddenly cried in the hall.

Xie Li always seemed a little distracted. When he was about to speak, he caught a man running along the long road outside the hall from the corner of his eye.

The visitor ran very fast. He looked like one of the palace generals. When he arrived at the door, he was stopped by the guard and shouted, "the puppet Han sent the puppet king's Autographed credentials!"

There was such a thing, but Liu Yan didn't send an envoy. He asked the fleet of the Yangtze River to tie an arrow to the Jin army directly on the shore.

All of a sudden, as long as one person looked at the roll of silk book held high by the famous general, everyone had a kind of look. They had to stretch their neck and then full of curiosity.

Chu suanzi had not yet opened his mouth. The civil and military officials who had disordered the train seemed to have been wound up and returned to the train. In a short time, the Court seemed to have restored the order.

The visitor trotted into the hall until he was close to the Dragon Court. He knelt on one knee. He lowered his head and raised the silk book that had obviously been opened with both hands.

All eyes first looked at the silk book held high, and almost at the same time looked at Chu suanzi on the ladder.

It's inappropriate to send the national certificate without sending envoys, no matter what age it is. It makes people doubt the origin of the silk book. According to the truth, it should not be sent to the palace city, let alone appear in the court hall.

However, the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty never looked like a country. What should or should not happen depends on the permission of several gate valves or those first-class aristocratic families. The sudden appearance of such a scene makes people have to think about who is leading.

"Bring it up."

Chu suanzi gave orders to eunuchs. While talking, he constantly glanced at Xie Li, Wang Xizhi and Huan Yun. He could not help but look at those aristocratic families. She received a letter that looked at the roller shaped silk book. She took a deep breath before opening her eyes. After reading it, she stood quietly for a long time, making the people below eager to listen to what the so-called national certificate said.

The silk book is tied to the arrow and shot. Naturally, it is rolled into a barrel. How can it be opened. In fact, the above words only have a few words, saying "surrender or war", and then "the eighth day of August in the fourth year of Yuanshuo", covered with an seal "ordered by heaven, i.e. longevity and Yongchang".

Chu suanzi just focused on identifying the pattern of the seal. It is reasonable that the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty is a "whiteboard imperial court". The national seal spread to the Western Jin Dynasty since the Pre-Qin Dynasty has long been lost, but there are clear records about what the national seal made of Heshi Bi should be, especially one is missing.

It is said that the national jade seal was discovered when the Han state cleaned up the stone tiger Treasury in Xiang state. How the stone tiger came from is unknown. It was only after repeated confirmation that the imperial jade seal was identified by the state of Han. Well, even if it is false, as long as the state of Han says it is true, it is true. And the imperial seal that Liu Yan got is still true.

Careful observation of the seal on the silk book shows that there are folds on the corners, which are not folded after being covered, but there are folds when printing, which directly makes Chu suanzi breathe heavily.

Chu suanzi didn't speak. He was observing who was wrong with the civil and military officials below. The problem is that she doesn't think anyone is right, including Chu Li, who is waiting for the answer.

"Empress Dowager..." Chu Li was pushed by someone in the rear. He spoke subconsciously. He hesitated and asked, "the National Certificate of the puppet king..."

Chu suanzi didn't mean to publicize every word in his book on going abroad. She is not stupid. She knows what Liu Yan sent such a letter of state to express. She is not really persuading surrender, or showing that the imperial seal is in her hand. However, Liu Yan could not divulge the news that the national jade seal was taken by Liu Yan. The problem is that she doesn't know how many people have read the silk book and how to block the news.

"Empress Dowager!" Huan Yun walked out of the train and said, "please pass the pseudo Kingdom book to all officials."

Chu suanzi immediately looked at Huan Yun with sharp eyes. She thought that only those who knew what was in the national certificate would make such a request in order to let everyone know that Liu Yan had obtained the imperial seal.

When Chu suanzi was considering whether to order the palace guards to take Huan Yun regardless of the consequences, several influential people such as Xie Li and Wang Xizhi also spoke one after another, directly making Chu suanzi lose his square inch.

Chu suanzi's first thought was that none of the civil and military officials could be trusted at all. Even Chu Li, as his father, could not be trusted. It was only because Sima royal family encountered what had happened to Sun Wu. The surrender of civil and military officials was just a change of master. As the ruler's family, it was bound to die.