Chapter 478

Li's death of Cheng Han was a little oppressive, but Cheng 1 was suddenly attacked by the Han army. Before Li Shi waited for the sudden Han Army to kill into the city, he had asked for surrender.

History is almost a replica of Sima Yi's army attacking Shu at the end of the Three Kingdoms period. The difference is that Deng AI had to go through a lot of hardships to reach the capital of Cheng1. Li kuangze just needed to take some officers dressed up around Cheng1 to receive an army.

When nearly 10000 forbidden guards led by Li Kuang appeared in the vision of Cheng1 capital, there were not many defenders in Cheng1 capital. Most of Li's Chenghan troops were attracted to the front lines of Brazil county and Brazil County in Liangzhou.

Nearly 10000 Han soldiers with excellent armor and equipment, looking at the bright and fierce Han troops coming to the city of Cheng1 capital, they just stunned the people in Cheng1 capital as soon as they appeared. Before the Han Army had entered Chengli, people had to drag their families and run away. They had to fish in troubled waters to loot and kill people, and there were aristocratic families who took the opportunity to uprise with family private soldiers.

When Li Shi learned that the Han Army had killed chengyidu, he was in a state of panic. There was only one idea in his head, that is, the front-line troops had been defeated.

Some smart people thought of the past events of the Three Kingdoms, but they were not sure that the Han Army did not look embarrassed. It was not like climbing mountains and rivers after thousands of hardships, but more like killing them all the way. Whether they can be sure or not, they didn't remind Li Shi that they should do what they should.

The forbidden guards led by Li Kuang had just approached the gate of Chengdu. The military flag above the city was replaced with apricot yellow flag. The Han Army did not encounter resistance and controlled the gate. Soon, the messenger sent by Li Shi arrived.

Yes, raising the apricot yellow flag actually means asking for surrender. In the Song Dynasty, the apricot yellow flag still represents surrender, and raising the white flag should start from the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty.

Li Shi is willing to learn from ran min to remove the national title and merge the whole country into the Han state, only a request not to hurt him and his relatives.

Learning from ran min can only be said to be feasible, but it is impossible for Li Shi to get the treatment of Ran min. Li Kuang has been indicated in advance. If learning from the old events of the Three Kingdoms can force Li Shi to surrender, the state of Han is willing to ensure Li Shi's personal safety. What else should the Li family say.

On behalf of Liu Yan, Li Kuang accepted Li Shi's surrender and asked Li Shi to write a personal letter to the people on the front line to surrender while taking over Chengdu. At this time, Huan Wen was still blocked in the Jiange. Yin Hao's headquarters and Li Fu's headquarters attacked and defended back and forth in the mountainous area of Dianjiang (Modern Hechuan).

Min Jian and Li Fu, who resisted the invasion of the Han Army on the front line, received a letter from Li Shi almost at the same time. Their reactions were slightly different.

Min Jian insisted on resisting in Nanzheng for half a month, waiting for the city to fall before retreating to the sword pavilion with the remnant. This part of Li's Chenghan army, no matter what kind of offensive, the Han army can't get around the terrain of Jiange. They rely on the absolutely favorable terrain of Jiange to firmly block Huanwen's headquarters.

The sword Pavilion is absolutely right. It's easy to defend but difficult to attack. It doesn't mean that you can win it with a few tricks or several strong attacks. It can only be tried again and again to fight all the defenders in consumption, or collapse the morale of the defenders. The price to pay is far greater than expected.

Min Jian receives Li Shi's handwritten letter and asks Wang Peng for consultation. According to his original intention, he refused to surrender to the Han Army outside the pass. It was very clear that the reason why Cheng 1du lost was that the Han Army's partial division sword took the partial edge. What he wanted was to leave the necessary troops to stick to the sword Pavilion, take the rest of the troops back to recapture Cheng 1du and rescue Li Shi.

As a scholar, Wang Peng must know better than min Jian about how Deng AI intimidated Liu Chan to surrender. After listening to min Jian's opinion, he was silent for a long time. Then he asked min Jian if he could ensure that Li Shi would not be hurt. What if Li Shi was hurt because of Min Jian's return to the army.

After Wang Peng's words, min Jian fell into a long silence.

It's hard to say what min Jian's military talent is. He is loyal to the Li family. Even if Li Shi repeatedly shows his brain pumping side, previous generations of state leaders have great kindness to the Min family.

Now is the era when private kindness is greater than the country. For many loyal people, the country can perish, but the benefactor can't be hurt

Min Jian can't guarantee that Li Shi won't be hurt, and feels that he has more heart than strength in Wang Peng's persuasion. He spent five days hesitating from receiving Li Shi's personal letter to switch's surrender. When he saw Huan Wen after switch's surrender, he only asked to stay with Li Shi at all times.

Huan Wen did not hesitate to agree to min Jian's request. After taking over the Jiange, he also set up a banquet to enjoy with min Jian, Wang Peng and other generals or famous scholars. At the banquet, he proposed that Min Jian could leave for cheng1du the next day, praised min Jian's loyalty, and even said that others could go with him if they had the same meaning.

Because of sadness and unwillingness, people like Li Chenghan's generals didn't drink less at the banquet. Min Jian and a group of people set out the next afternoon. After less than two miles, they encountered an ambush at a fork in the road. It was exaggerated to say that thousands of arrows were fired at the same time, but the density of arrows was definitely not small. Even if they could avoid the first wave, min Jian and others could not avoid the continuous coverage behind. Everyone who became a corpse, including a horse, was hit with at least ten arrows all over.

When a group of people loyal to Li Shi, such as min Jian, died, it was unclear and unclear. History will not have records on how they died. In the historical records of the winners, they were well entertained and satisfied by Huanwen. After leaving the sword Pavilion, they disappeared forever. It is speculated that they were intercepted and killed by resentful barbarians. Huanwen felt their loyalty and sent troops to pay off the barbarians for revenge.

On Li Fu's side, after receiving a handwritten letter from history, his original intention was to accept Li Shi's order and surrender to the Han Army, but a group of people such as Chang Yu severely dissuaded him.

Chang Yu is still waiting for Gong Zhuang's good news. The news from Gong Zhuang is not available. The bad news of Cheng 1 Du being occupied by the Han Army and Li Shi's surrender came first, which is not much different from the shocking thunderbolt.

Li Fu hesitated when he heard the following different opinions. Whether they were defeated all the way from Dangqu county and could block the Han Army in Dianjiang or take advantage of the complex mountains and a new round of rainy season. To tell the truth, he was frightened by the combat effectiveness of the Han army. It is clear that once the rainy season is over, Dianjiang can't hold on. He still holds on. There is nothing more than relying on and luck in his heart.

Chang Yu and other Shu aristocratic families really don't want Shu to fall into the hands of the Han state. If Shu is really brought into the rule of the Han state, all families in the Central Plains should be their end. In some news they heard, the Han state issued an ultimatum everywhere. Either it cooperated with the registered population and donated land according to the instructions of the Han state, or the whole family, including every chicken and every dog, were destroyed. How can it be miserable if there are no chickens and dogs.

In fact, it's not so exaggerated. The state of Han gives some preferential treatment to some families where the Han Army did not come to take refuge or belong first. It's an iron and blood means for those groups who resist and resist the rule of the state of Han. However, good things don't go out, bad things spread thousands of miles. It's extremely scary to come to the Shu family to hear about some things about the state of Han.

In fact, even the aristocratic families in Shu did not necessarily hear the horror version. As long as the Han state insisted on registering all the population of each aristocratic family and left only part of the rest for ransom after measuring the land, they could not accept it.

Chang Yu and some other Shu family members did not give Li Fu much time to hesitate. They determined that Li Fu would surrender to the Han Army according to Li Shi's instructions. They directly set up a bureau to kill Li Fu and a group of uncooperative people. The next moment is to change the king's flag at the head of the city, take the flag of Li's Chenghan, put on the flag of the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, announce that the Jin army will soon come to rescue the suffering and difficulties, and call on the whole people to resist the brutal Han army.

Yin Hao and other Han troops were stunned when they saw that the enemy on the opposite side suddenly changed into the banners of the Jin army. First, they wondered how the Jin army would appear. After a while, they tested that the enemy was still the original enemy, but the banners were changed. At first, they didn't understand what the enemy was playing. They didn't know what happened until someone from the enemy surrendered.

After changing the Jin army's banners, they became the former Li's Chenghan army commanded by a group of Shu aristocratic families such as Chang Yu. They did not suddenly change into Superman because of the change of banners. On the contrary, the sudden change made the soldiers at the bottom feel overwhelmed and frightened. After the Han army attacked again, that is, the private soldiers of the aristocratic families were really desperate, It turned out that Li's soldiers who became Han Dynasty all became cherish their lives.

After a series of events that seemed to be jokes, the defenders of Dianjiang had no intention of fighting. They either broke down or surrendered immediately. The speed of Yan Hao's March suddenly accelerated. Seeing that things could not be done, Chang Yu and others did not choose to fight to the end. Many people chose to retreat back to their old nest, Some diehards, including Chang Yu, tried every means to go to the rule of the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

From February when the Han Army officially invaded Li's Chenghan to Li Shi's surrender, most of the counties and cities were changed to the flag of the Han state. Even if the cities were not controlled by the Han Army, they were also changed to the flag of the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Li's Chenghan was officially swept into the garbage dump. It lasted nearly six months, that is, from spring to autumn.

Huan Wen and Yin Hao met in Cheng1 capital. Before the two armies met, Li Shi, including his family, set out for Yecheng under the protection of the Han army.

This time Huan Wen didn't dare to let Li Shi go missing. He not only didn't dare to let Li Shi go missing, but also ensured that Li Shi wouldn't lose a hair. Waiting for the end of the war against the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Li Shi would be a sign of his meritorious deeds. In the future, when Li Shi was dressed up for dancing, who didn't mention that Huan Wen led the army to destroy Li Chenghan?

It must be said that although he knew Li Kuang's task from the beginning, Huan Wen would still envy Li Kuang for doing what Deng AI had done.

After Huan Wen arrived in Cheng1 capital, his first order was to let Li Kuang lead his army out of Sichuan and rush to Jingzhou as a leading force to participate in the invasion of the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. He himself will stay in cheng1du for a period of time. He needs to wait for sang Yu to arrive. During this period, he should also deal with the Shu family.

"It's not easy." Yan Hao's face was sad. Now he was responsible for clearing the aristocratic families in Shu. He smiled bitterly and said, "there are many mountainous areas in Shu, but there is a plain here. The aristocratic families in the plain are easy to wipe out, and the aristocratic families in other mountainous areas..."

Huan Wen said "um" and his attitude was obvious. His stay in Shudi will not be long. No matter what trouble it is, it is not his own trouble.

Yin Hao will need to stay in Shu for a long time in the future. It is only one of the tasks to liquidate those aristocratic families that resist the rule of the Han state. There will be many things in a stable place, including various actions against Nanman.

In fact, the state of Han did not expect that most aristocratic families would resist in Shu. According to the original plan of the center of the state of Han, after killing Li's family and becoming Han, it did not want to deliberately target any aristocratic families, or even come up with a plan to let the aristocratic families fight Nanman in exchange for preferential treatment. It did not expect that Mingming had already made a public call, but the aristocratic families in Shu would be stronger than the resistance will of Hu people.

It seems that we can't blame those aristocratic families in Shu. After all, the call is often linked with Mongolian people, that is to say, but it is often better to say than sing. Waiting for the overall situation to be determined is another thing. It is often the opposite of what is said in the call.

"It's impossible to completely wipe out... As long as there are targets. In addition, several counties in the South still need to be attacked. We can't destroy Cheng country and make the city of Jin white." Yin Hao's way of thinking has not been "Han nationalized", but he thinks about things with the thinking of being an official in the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty: "should we ask the king for instructions, or suggest pulling one group to fight one group? In this way, there will be more spare power for those counties in the south, and it will also be faster and more stable in Shu."

Huan Wen "hum", he didn't care how unlucky the Shu family was, and he didn't care what Yin Hao was thinking or saying. What he wanted to think about was how to shine again in the war of invading the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and what kind of attitude it would be to catch his old friends if the war went well.

At the end of August in the fourth year of Yuanshuo, the right Prime Minister sang Yu arrived in Cheng1 capital. He brought the list of titles awarded by Liu Yan to those who participated in the invasion of Li Chenghan. The official promotion will not be officially announced until all the officers and men go back to report on their work.

Titles are very valuable in the Han Dynasty. People with low titles can hardly cross the thunder pool and have all kinds of honors, benefits and social status of high titles.

"A new batch of titles and awards have been finalized, and Yuanzi will be promoted to Hou in Guannei." Sang Yu didn't say who the other marquis in the pass were. He smiled at Huan Wen, who was respectful in front of him, and said a gossip in Huan Wen's expectant eyes: "the king has prepared a reward. If Yuanzi makes another great contribution in the war of the southern expedition, he will appoint the post of general of the western expedition."

In an instant, Huan Wen, who had become Hou in the pass, would look forward to such a day if his eyes could shine absolutely brightly