Chapter 455

LV Yi saw Yu Yi in fenggao City, Taishan county. Before he met Yu Yi, Yu Yi traveled a lot of places. He went to many places of interest. He had to go to some towns and villages. It looked like traveling with his family without any political purpose.

The most prosperous place in the Han Dynasty is Qingzhou. The relatively prosperous place is not Qi County, which has the capital of Linzi, but Changguang County, which is located on the edge of the peninsula.

As the rising place of Liu Yan, Changguang county will have historical significance even if it had no history. Yu Yi's next stop was to go to Changguang County, mainly to the martyrs' Park. The problem is that some people accompanying him thought it was inappropriate, so they changed to Taishan county.

Lu Yi saw that Yu Yi was under the background of a large number of South transfer of the Han army. Ran min on the north line took two months to conquer Xiang, the former capital of Shijie Zhao state. Shijie Zhao state ceded Youzhou to Murong Yan state, which led to Lu Tai corps, which should have been transferred to the south, taking advantage of the situation.

"General Zhengbei has now rescued 30000 Han women in Yecheng and 20000 in Xiangguo." LV Yi, with grief and anger on his face, said, "they are the people left after being eaten. Shijie did more than that. When they moved north and were pursued, they drove our women into the river. The lower reaches of zhangshui were blocked by corpses!"

The same thing happened in history. During Shijie's withdrawal from Youzhou in the north, she took 100000 Han women. They were used as military food for "two legged sheep" and not only ate it at night * * * because they were chased by ran min army, Shijie transferred this group of women who hadn't eaten to Murong Xianbei in the south. Murong Xianbei disliked them as a drag, so nearly 10000 Han women were driven into the river and drowned.

"The latest of Hu Lu is countless!" Yu Yi was originally bent to blame, but suddenly he got up and was full of indignation: "pour the river, this hatred is difficult to wash away!"

"General Zhengbei wrote to the center and asked to kill all Capricorn people. My king has readily agreed." LV Yi said angrily, "Yecheng and Xiang killed 40000 people. After that, all Capricorn people will be killed without amnesty."

Not only did the Han Army kill the Jie people, but after Liu Yan's permission, ran min also offered a reward to all ethnic groups. The head of the Jie people can use the head of the Jie people to come to the Han country in exchange for not being killed, or even the head of the Jie people in exchange for materials.

In the context of racial hatred and killing, the Han state allowed Zhu Hu to use the heads of the Jie people to keep peace. However, all people with white skin or hooked nose were unlucky. Not only would they be chased and killed by the Han people, but also a large number of tribes hunting the heads of the Jie people appeared in all ethnic groups.

It is obvious that the new round of actions of the state of Han is specifically aimed at the Jie nationality. It is also an action of division and disintegration. First, completely destroy the group of people with white skin, green eyes and blond hair, and then take a closer step to clean up the group of Hu people who do not belong to naturalization.

If there are pure racists in the south of the Yangtze River, the Yu family must be one of them. When they were in the south of the Yangtze River, they worked very hard to clean up ZhuYue and Zhuman, and their claims to the north of the Yangtze River were also to liquidate Zhuhu, which was really a wonderful flower in front of a group of muddling aristocratic families.

Kipa is not a derogatory word now. When the Yu family as a Kipa was powerful, they united many equally radical people, but only this step. They can't do more for those non-standard families or people in the nine grade system. After all, radicalism is one thing. If they want to subvert the uniqueness of the nine grade system, they will be besieged.

The season has entered winter, and it has begun to snow in many places in the north. Recently, Taishan county has ushered in a continuous light rain. LV Yi and Yu Yi, who are silent, sit on the porch and watch the drizzle outside.

With the change of season, the wars in all parts of the northern line will enter a suspension period. The Northern Expedition regiment led by ran min will temporarily stop at the Qingzhang water line. Xie'an's headquarters is stationed in the closed field south of Huguan. Taking advantage of the handover between Shijie Zhao state and Murong Yan state, LV Tai's headquarters will set up a defense line on the Juma River line.

"Qingzhou, Xuzhou, Yanzhou and Jizhou have all been owned by Han." Yu Yi just depicted the territory of the state of Han in his mind. He said slowly: "most of Si Zhou is the territory of Han, and only the south of Yu Zhou is left..."

While LV Tai's headquarters conquered Zhangwu County, ran min's partial division easily conquered Julu County, Changle County and Wuyi County without troops. Later, LV Tai's headquarters transferred to the West and easily won Gaoyang County and Boling county. In just three months, a large area of the territory of the state of Han has been added.

"The Han family does have signs of regaining their ancestral land..." Yu Yi was both happy and complicated, and whispered, "it's really moving."

"Not a sign!" LV Yi said firmly, "the old land of the Han family will be recovered in an all-round way, so that the glory of the heavenly power of the Han family will bathe in the mountains and rivers again."

Yu Yi was silent again. The old land of the Han family was very wide, not just the Central Plains.

The territory of the western and Eastern Han Dynasties was terrible. It extended to the grassland in the north, the Mobei line in the south, the sea in the south, countries in the western regions in the West and extremely cold places in the East. Those were the two most brilliant imperial dynasties in Chinese history at the present stage.

"The Han army went south." LV Yi thought it was time to put the topic in the light. He thought Yu Yi's going north was probably for the future of the family, and said, "I don't know if Yu Gong is willing to participate in the prosperous times?"

Yu Yi was a little unprepared when he asked LV Yi directly about his identity as one of the Nine Emperors of the Han Dynasty. According to his idea, the two sides will meet formally for the first time. If there is anything, it should be done step by step. There are still many interest disputes to be discussed. Waiting for the Yu family to express their willingness to be included in the Han system, the two sides will discuss how to interact. It should not be a direct showdown without talking.

It is hard to hide the southward movement of the Han army.

Huanwen first appeared in Xuchang, followed by a total of 70000 troops, of which 30000 troops entered Guanzhong, and the other 40000 were led by Huanwen to the north of Jingzhou. The goal of the two armies is very obvious. One of them is to take the land in Guanzhong first and then enter Hanzhong. The road in the north of Jingzhou is from east to west, and the two roads go together to conquer Li's becoming Han.

With the action of Huan Wen, Xu Zheng appeared in Pengcheng.

Xu Zheng has been canonized as a general for the southern expedition. He has 200000 troops, 40000 Jiangdu on the North Bank of the Yangtze River in Xuzhou, 100000 Ruyin County in the direction of Yuzhou, and another 60000 in Nanyang County North of Jiangxia county.

The actions of the state of Han caused an earthquake of no less than magnitude 10 in the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. In particular, the fleet from the East China Sea to the Yangtze River can almost be described as an avalanche. Who knows whether the state of Han really wants to invade the south of the Yangtze River.

The navy of the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty suffered heavy losses in the three years of Yuanshuo. It was only a supplement for eight months and only a part of its strength was restored. They didn't dare to arrange the Navy directly along the Yangtze River. They brought the fleet to the Chaohu Lake in Yangzhou. They were afraid that they would be close to the burning water stronghold again without counting the loss of warships by the Han army.

On the premise that the number of naval forces between the two sides was too large, the natural danger of the Yangtze River did not bring much sense of security to the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Chu Li, the national abbot, took the lead in enlisting the governor Xie Shi, who took the lead in seconding, and a large number of aristocratic families from the same camp responded. When a large number of Han troops were found to go south, they were recruited extensively.

During the first World War in Yuzhou, Chu Li's Northern Expedition Corps dropped 40000, which means that the small imperial court in the Eastern Jin Dynasty had no one-fifth of the regular troops. Later, it was supplemented by various aristocratic families to form a scale of 200000 regular troops again.

Chu Li suggested that the Jin army should be expanded to 500000 when life and death were at stake. In order to play a leading role, the Chu family summarized all 20000 private soldiers of the family into the regular army system of the small imperial court, which is a bit like Xie Shi, the second general of hem ha, who also took out 20000 private soldiers, and the other families gathered 110000 in seven or eight.

Because the head of the Yu family, Yu Yi, went north without his nod, the Yu family had nothing to say in their vigorous transformation from private to public. Together with the political allies of the Yu family, they were silent, causing verbal and written criticism. I heard that Wang Xizhi also wrote poems to satirize the Yu family.

Looking at the formation of the state of Han, almost all the three armies are arranged on the inevitable road of the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Strangely, the Han Army that can directly threaten Jiankang is the least.

After Xie Shi took office to recruit the governor, he led the troops to Shouchun. On the one hand, he also built fortifications in Bagong mountain.

Shouchun was very important in the face of the invasion of the north. Countless wars in history began around Shouchun. Once the southern army could not hold Shouchun, the subsequent wars would basically be advanced along the Yangtze River.

At present, the territory of the small imperial court in the Eastern Jin Dynasty north of the Yangtze River is not much, especially after the fall of northern Jingzhou, there are only a few counties left in the prominent part, which can be used as military important places, that is, Shouchun and Jiangxia.

"With a population of 4 million in the south, gathering 500000 is almost the limit." LV Yi knows the trend of the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin dynasty like the back of his hand. At present, the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty has 350000. If the Yu family is one with another family, it can add 150000, which shows the horror of the family. Seeing Yu Yi's long silence, he was puzzled and said, "there are a lot of 500000 troops, but the big man fought with hundreds of thousands of troops more than once, and each time he ended up winning."

Can the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty really gather 500000 troops? Yu Yi expressed extreme doubt about this. His previous status and official position predestined that he knew everything south of the Yangtze River like the back of his hand, and he could master seven or eight points. If he were united in the south of the Yangtze River, he could do it with an impressive combat capacity of 150000 on the basis of the original 200000 regular army.

"Soldiers are not many, but fine." Yu Yi was ambushed by LV Yi. It is impossible for him to express any attitude for a while. It can even be said that it is not entirely up to him how the Yu family should choose. He was silent again for a little while before he said, "the water network and mountains and forests in the south are very different from those in the Central Plains."

It should be said that cavalry is the main force in the north, and infantry is the main force in the war in the south. The water network and mountains and forests in the south are really too dense, and the cavalry are too limited by the terrain. With the terrain constraints and the dense cities and towns, if the Han Kingdom really invades the south of the Yangtze River, the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty will not fight any decisive battle in the wild, will strictly guard according to the terrain, and will also rely on cities and towns to consume the Han army.

Fighting against a country of the same ethnic group is really not the same thing as fighting against Hu people. The Han family's civil war is more cruel. That is, the city's offensive and defensive war will affect the civilians. After all, there are not only defenders in a city, but also the people in the city will be asked to go to the battlefield.

"The blood is flowing in the Central Plains. The king of Han Dynasty, who considers himself a guardian of Miao descent, will kill in the south like he did in the Central Plains?" Yu Yi slowly stood up, went to the edge of the eaves, stretched out his hand to pick up the falling rain, looked back at LV Yi, who was still kneeling, and said, "the Han country is strong, the northern line is at the end of war, the west is conquering the country, and he has to invade the south. He is a little arrogant."

This time, LV Yi was silent. The state of Han had been fighting on multiple lines from the beginning. I don't know how many people were worried about it. It happened that they didn't suffer any big losses for a long time.

"Not to mention taking the land of the three Qin Dynasties in Guanzhong again." Yu Yi didn't know whether he wanted to remind him or not. He said, "there is a scuffle between Liangzhou army and Fu Hong in the land of Sanqin. I'm afraid the Han army can't get out of the pass?"

Yu Yi guessed that the Han army could easily advance to Chang'an City when it re entered Guanzhong. However, when it wanted to advance to the north of Chang'an City, it encountered the resistance of the joint forces of Qiang and di nationalities, and the strict defense of Zhang Liangguo. It is indeed a trend to be involved in the war.

Once the Han Army entering the pass could not get away, Huanwen's troops would be removed by almost half. In recent years, Li Chenghan has been constantly seeking death, civil strife is not only, but also constantly using troops abroad. It can be said that Huan Wen can use 40000 troops to destroy Li Chenghan. Let alone Huan Wen, he can't guarantee to do it. Most people in the center of the Han country are absolutely skeptical, and only Liu Yan has confidence in Huan Wen.

"In a certain opinion, what the king of Han should do is to cultivate students and raise interest." Yu Yi said with a little sincerity, "even if you want to fight, it shouldn't be a multi-line battle."

LV Yi became more and more confused about Yu Yi and calmed down again.

There are many speculations about Yu Yi's going north in the Han Dynasty. First, the Yu family was suppressed in the south of the Yangtze River and thought that Yu Yi's going north meant entering the Han Dynasty. Then, it was nothing more than waiting for a price when the Han army went south.

At present, LV Yi contacts Yu Yi and finds that Yu Yi is much more complicated than expected. It seems that he has a more obvious attitude of getting out of the incident.

LV Yi was originally an outpost. Once Yu Yi had the intention to stand on the side of the state of Han, he would definitely be received by Liu Yan in person. The problem is that LV Yi's contact with Yu Yi has yielded little results, so the later things are unnecessary.

After an interview, Yu Yi continued to visit the mountains and rivers, and LV Yi returned to Linzi.

"So our guess is wrong?" Liu Yan met LV Yi in the harem garden. There were no flowers in the garden. There were all things dormant after winter. He walked slowly with his hands on his back. When he came to a pavilion, he stopped and said, "the aristocratic family... Has the interests of the aristocratic family, and we will not retain the interests of the aristocratic family."

LV Yi thought of this on his way back. The southward movement of the Han army will inevitably break the old pattern south of the Yangtze River. If the Han state does not guarantee the interests of aristocratic families, those aristocratic families will have to fight to death, even if families such as Yu family are no exception.