Chapter 451

What happened in the eldest son county is very meaningful. It is one of the rare events in the central plains that can organize resistance to seize the city. It not only resists, but also persists until the arrival of the Han army. It can be used as a model to publicize to the territory of the state of Zhao in Shijie, and further encourage and strengthen the resistance of the Han and Miao people to the killing of the Hu people.

The arrival of the Han army was a narrow escape for the eldest son county. After all, they were besieged first. The prince of the Jie nationality also came in person. It must be that they were going to be finished. Unexpectedly, the approaching of the Han army could make the prince of the Jie nationality flee. It further shows that the Han country had the advantage in this war.

Shi Xuan's route to escape again is to go to Huguan. It's hard to tell what will happen next. Xie an had to send someone to keep an eye on Huguan to prevent Shijie and Zhao Jun from sending troops to fight back.

When the Han army arrived in the eldest son County, Yiying's help went on immediately, treated the injured people, took out food and fodder and gave them a full meal, so that the abandoned people realized the benefits of finding an organization for the first time. Moved, they hugged each other and cried loudly.

Xie'an specially asked who organized the resistance. He specially met Duan, Feiyan and others. This was a formal consolation and comfort, but there was an episode.

"Will master Wang stay in the city?" The degree was extremely uneasy. Without waiting for Xie an to respond, he said, "what should I do?"

Xie an did not get the relevant instructions from the center. Their original task was to pursue Shi Xuan, but later to help the Han and Miao people in Shangdang county. According to his assumption, since they knew that there were a large number of Shijie Zhao troops in Huguan, from a military point of view, they decided that they should be stationed locally, and the rear should also give strong support.

From the military point of view, the enemy should try every means to destroy what they want to accomplish. Moreover, the previous time the Han army went north and suddenly retreated, which was criticized, which greatly hit the enthusiasm of Shijie Zhao state to resist the brutality of the Hu people. However, last time it was forced, but this time it was not forced. What we considered was that the Han state did not have enough firm will.

Xie'an was unable to give a positive response to Du and others for the time being. He comforted them by saying a few words to switch the topic. Later, he seemed to say, "you can record your merit by killing Hu prisoners."

Degree and others knew that Wen Yan still showed great joy. He took the lead and said impatiently, "we intend to join Master Wang and work for the son of heaven!"

There was always only one son of heaven. Before Liu Yan challenged the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, it was no surprise that the son of heaven refers to the emperor of Sima family. Now the son of heaven is Liu Yan, which represents an epitome of the aspirations of the people in Shijie Zhao state.

Yes, when the suffering people need help, only Liu Yan reaches out. The small imperial court south of the Yangtze River has nothing to say about the outbreak of racial hatred and killing in the Central Plains. Compared with the two, there is no need to think about who the adherents of the Central Plains want.

There were relevant policies before the center of the Han state. One of them is to gather and reorganize local personnel, which is conducive to the rapid formation of the Han state's control over the local area, and the supplement of human resources and resources will also be rapid. The effectiveness of the degree and others does not need to be arranged by Xie an himself. It is the marching long history who should work.

Xie an soon received a document from the center. As he expected, he ordered their army to garrison on the spot, pay close attention to the movements of Zhao army in Shijie, Huguan, and further clean up the raging Hu prisoners.

The newly sent official documents are more targeted. Liu Yan directly issued instructions to Xie an, indicating that non-ethnic groups can be killed as much as possible, which is more direct and hard to deal with in the Han territory.

Some things are limited to the mutual understanding between the senior management. Xie an will not make Liu Yan's murderous words public. His orders to his subordinates are very direct, with only the word "kill as much as possible".

The entry and stationing of the Han army is a booster for all localities. All localities understand that with the support of the Han Army, it is time for revenge and complaint.

Don't underestimate the energy that has been suppressed for a long time. Especially when there is enough support behind them, the fast riding of the Han Army continues to spread warnings in all directions, and the people also have their own communication channels. The Han people hiding everywhere suddenly emerge again. Their goal is very clear, that is, to kill all the Hu people who can see.

"The countryside is killing Hu." Xie an was surprised at the development of the situation: "I thought there were not many people."

When they entered Shangdang County, their deepest impression was that there were ruins and burned mountains and forests everywhere. There must be no buried bodies or skeletons. Subconsciously, they would think that the Han and Miao people in Shangdang county must be seriously injured and there were not many living people. Unexpectedly, there would suddenly appear so many people.

Indeed, there are killings all over the mountains and fields.

In the past, the Hu people were killing and killing the Han and Miao people. That's because the Hu people were very confident. The Han and Miao people had no backing behind them. Although they had resistance, they had no confidence.

When the Han army moved into the county, the Han Miao people tasted the sweetness of being supported for the first time. However, the Hu people were nearly depressed because of the arrival of the Han army. Under the reversal of the situation, the Han Miao people caught the Hu people and killed them.

The Hu people are a broad word. Except that the Jie people are easy to recognize with white skin and green eyes, the Qiang and Di people do not have much difference in appearance from the Han Miao people. For example, the Huns are also divided into white Huns and yellow Huns. Some miscellaneous Hu people from Western Regions and Central Asia have the characteristics of high nose bridge and Eagle nose.

Not only did Shangdang County receive a direct order from Liu Yan, it should be said that the Han Army on the north line got the order. Without exception, it was the sentence "kill all non-ethnic groups". Liu Yan in Linzi was angry after deeply understanding the tragic situation of Han and Miao people in Shijie Zhao state, but also reflected on whether the previous call was too gentle.

It is necessary to give a booster to the Han and Miao people who were occupied by the enemy under the rule of the Hu people. There is no targeted call to arms, which can not arouse the blood of the Han and Miao people in the enemy occupied area. Under a similar background, it is difficult for Liu Yan to worry about the complex situation of the Han country itself, and really can only give clear instructions across the board.

Liu Yan's will is the will of the state of Han. The fast riders everywhere called for and posted notices. When he promulgated it, he did not follow ran min's denunciations in history. The reason is that the historical background is different, and he really can't copy it.

In history, ran min was weak and invited any intentional forces to jointly kill Hu. For example, the sentence "those who can beg together can send troops". Ran min specifically referred to the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the cool state of Zhang. Liu Yan did not need to invite these two countries at all.

In addition, the sentence "after today, those who have one heart with the officials live, and those who do not have one heart are in their posts" also calls for the killing of Hu in the front, but later it shows that Hu people can stay with them, and the loophole is too direct.

It can be said that it is precisely because of many loopholes in ran min's Hu killing order, and many words are modern language, and there are many inconsistencies, indicating that it is an article written by later generations, not really from ran min's handwriting. It doesn't matter whether Liu Yan can remember the full text or copy an article full of loopholes.

A more targeted call to arms was issued by the state of Han, not to mention the movement of Han and Miao people in various places. The first few shocks were the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

These days, people pay attention to being honest, and a large-scale call needs to be famous. The small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty thought that it was the Communist Lord of the world from beginning to end. It was precisely because it recognized zhengshuo that it was angry at ran min's call to the whole people in history. Later, it not only ignored the great opportunity to go north, but also directly announced that ran min was rebellious.

Liu Yan's denunciation shocked the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty much more than ran min.

In the original history, the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty could ignore ran min because ran min's influence was small and his background was also disgraceful. The small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty directly announced that ran min was rebellious. The reason is that ran min worked for Shijie first or worked very hard. He killed more Jin people than some Hu people. Ran min was a minister of Shijie family and rebelled because his power demands were not met. Many people seem to be rebellious.

For the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Liu Yan has officially established the country, and the country name is still "Han". Although he did not claim the title of emperor, no one dared to despise the weight of the country name "Han". Then, Liu Yan has also laid a large area of rivers and mountains in the Central Plains. His national strength is strong. Needless to say, the military's combat strength can stand the test again and again. He really has the strength of the Central Plains.

If the Han state had not really scared the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty some time ago, the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty would have jumped up and down when Liu Yan issued the first call. At that time, the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was not too strong and obviously targeted because the call issued by Liu Yan was not too strong.

Liu Yan sent out the second targeted call to arms, and the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty responded, because Liu Yan clearly cut himself off from all the Hu in the world this time.

Nowadays, the Hu people in the world are powerful. Even if the Han state and Shijie Zhao state gained an advantage in the war, aren't there other Hu people established Murong Yan state, Tuoba Dai state and Li's Chenghan state? In addition, are Koguryo, Baiji, Xinluo and so on Hu people? The number of Hu people without the founding of the people's Republic of China is even greater.

Chu Li, who had just been released some time ago, was the first thing that the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty could not bear. He regarded his capture as a great humiliation. He didn't think of revenge for a moment. First, he tested his daughter's attitude towards Chaozhong and learned that many people also had ideas before he stood in front of the stage.

Chu Li found Yu Yi for the second time and once again proposed the intention of working together.

Yu Yi is now an unofficial and light man. There is no one to cultivate in his nephew's generation, so he focuses on cultivating the generation of grandchildren in the family. When Chu Li came to him, he had made arrangements to personally take some selected grandchildren to the north of the Yangtze River for a trip based on observation.

Chu Li asks Yu Yi for Yu's strength. Without saying a few words, he talked about Liu Yan's independence from all Hu in the world. At the end, he said: "we can also unite with Zhao, Yan, Cheng and Dai, and Liangzhou Assassin's office. We can once again form a situation in which the whole world encircles and suppresses the puppet Han. This time, the puppet Han is looking for his own death, and all countries will be more united!"

At that time, Yu Yi was stunned. He was silent for a long time and erupted like a volcano: "Hu captives have ravaged the Central Plains for decades, killing our people and seizing our ancestral temple. Wolves are ambitious and take pleasure in looting and killing. You turn a blind eye to them and listen to them. At present, the king of Han preaches that the people all over the world rise up against Hu, but you not only don't care about the people, but want to help the Zhou to do evil!?"

Chu Li was roared by Yu Yi, stunned and inexplicable.

It should be said that the current national concept has been formed, and the national concept has also been formed. Otherwise, there would be no saying that "if it is not our race, its heart will be different". However, people from aristocratic families don't think about ethnic differences at all. They look at family interests and personal honor and disgrace. Otherwise, many so-called great Confucians and aristocratic families in the Central Plains will not compete to serve the Hu people, and more is to help the Hu people harm their peers.

Yu family is definitely a special family in the south of the Yangtze River. It is influenced by Yu Liang. Yu Bing and Yu Yi take Yu Liang's last wish as their goal. Yu Yi has met and chatted with Liu Yan many times. Compared with anyone in the south of the Yangtze River, he should know Liu Yan best. There are many overlaps in some thoughts and wills between the two sides, but the positions below their hips are different.

Yu Yi, who has no official position, doesn't need to decide his policy according to his ass. from his desire to take his family's children to the Han territory, we can see that it is a kind of implementation from thought to practical action. He doesn't need to meet some invisible people, so he can clearly show his will.

Chu Li was roared and could only choose to leave. He had to talk about Yu Yi's heart of approaching the Han state in front of some allies. Regardless of their views on the Yu family, it is certain that they can't move the Yu family for the time being. What they can do is to deliberately ignore them.

About half a month after Liu Yan issued a more targeted call to arms, the state of Han took more powerful measures. It sent people into the state of Zhao in Shijie to lead the local people's brutal resistance to the Hu people and effectively integrate more forces to compete with the Hu people.

The latter move was due to the fact that Shi Hu broke through from Yecheng again. After a large number of main forces followed Shi Hu to evacuate, ran min's Northern Expedition regiment surrounded Yecheng and cut off the traffic line between Yecheng and the rear.

Shi Hu fled without fighting again, which had a very bad impact on the Hu people of all ethnic groups and caused panic among the Hu people everywhere. What gave the Han and Miao people confidence and morale. When they fell together, the advantage was more inclined to the Han side.

The core executives of the Han Dynasty were not happy that Shi Hu gave up Yecheng. All kinds of signs showed that the focus of Shijie began to move to Bingzhou and Shuozhou, which meant to give up many other states and counties.

Liu Yan issued a clear order to kill Hu. There was no need for Shi Hu to mobilize. The number of Hu people moving to Bingzhou and Shuozhou reached one million in just one month.

"If the Hu people keep their roots firmly in Sizhou, even if it is hard, we can move forward slowly and gradually eliminate it." Ran min was in the battlefield of Yecheng and had a far-reaching impact on his subordinates when they talked about the northward movement of Shi Hu: "once the Hu people enter the grassland, I'm afraid it will evolve into the situation before the battle of Mayi again."

The battle of Mayi took place in the Western Han Dynasty. At that time, the strength of the Han empire far exceeded that of the Huns, but it was unable to destroy the Huns in one fell swoop. The war between the two sides lasted more than 130 years